nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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when saix forces you off your ass and sends you to olympus with a kid
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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“I am in so much trouble.”
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
Xigbar didn’t retreat—but he also didn’t exactly reciprocate the warmth of the embrace. Right now, he was too caught up in processing his emotions over this entire event, as stunted as he was when it came to acknowledging that yes, he too was capable of experiencing feelings—that he had every right to do so.
…Well, within reason. And as long as it didn’t compromise a mission. Or caused him to lapse into depressive bouts of self-destructive behavior.
…Fuck. He really was a mess.
But at least once Demyx had parted from him, he was still capable of offering a chuckle to dispel the silence that had ensued after that last remark, loosening the stiffened posture he’d adopted during the heartfelt hug and reaching forward to pat the younger man on the shoulder, drawling, “C’mon, malysh, you know how I feel about that kinda stuff—it just takes too much effort to hate folks.”
Be passive aggressive towards them, yes—be petty at their expense, also yes. But hatred was a special sort of sentiment that meant one has cared enough about a person’s existence to merit a lasting impression. And Xigbar simply wasn’t the type to allow people that sort of satisfaction.
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“Now then, with all that drama outta the way,” he continued on, tone adopting an abrupt lightness, withdrawing his hand and clasping it to the other while twisting on his heel and heading towards the open doorway from whence Demyx had arrived, “I’m sure ya remember the layout well enough to make your way here—so feel free to take up space in your ol’ room. It’s basically just how ya left it.”
For he’d not had the heart to rearrange, or even touch, anything within those four walls, instead keeping the door firmly closed at all times. Best not to look in, so as to hazard stoking the ever-smoldering embers of his nostalgia.
    “I don’t know man for a second there I really thought you kinda did there...and honestly I was expecting it.” Demyx winced slightly at his own words only to scratch at the back of his head in thought. 
“I’m not use to...second chances with people. Especially those I care about.” He huffed and tried to ignore the slight warmth in his cheeks at such a statement before following along. “Wait you kept my room? Whoa th-thanks, but I’d rather spend a little more time with you, see how you’re doing of course. I um....I know its stupid to ask but how’ve you been? I....well I saw the bottle. I take it not so well...M’sorry for that...”
“I have a lot of making up to do and I want to do this right you know? I-....I’ve been a shithead but I’v grown a lot now. I can do better. Fight better. Maybe um...can be a better partner.” He explained with a shy shrug. “I won’t be a selfish prick and maybe I can do the worse jobs now for you?”
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“You can take a break! I can do all the work even if you want!” Demyx offered as he jogged to keep up, giving a little flail of his hands in excitement. “I’m a one man army now Xiggy! I can do whatever you need!”
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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for the anon
more on my instagram @matialonsor
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
@thefatalmarksman​ asked: ⚠ like a sack of potatoes uvu
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
send ⚠ to pick up/carry my muse
If a multimuse, specify which muse
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
protective starters!
the protector 
“Get behind me.”
“I’ll fight them off.”
“I won’t let them touch you.”
“They hurt you, didn’t they?”
“Hold onto me, it’s not safe here.”
“Stay there, I’m coming to get you.”
“If you want to live, you’ll let them go.”
“I’ll kill them if they lay a hand on you.”
“Here, grab onto me, I’ll carry you out.”
What were you thinking, running off like that?”
“I get it, you’re brave. But, don’t do that, again.”
“If they want to hurt you, they’ll have to go through me.”
“What made you think you could protect yourself here?”
the protected 
“You… you saved me.”
“I didn’t need protection.”
“You were hurt… saving me.”
“They’re trying to kill me, help!”
“You could have been killed saving me.”
“I could’ve handled it myself, you know.”
“I don’t like it here. Can I stay behind you?”
“Oh my god… I didn’t think you would come.”
“They want to hurt me. Please, don’t let them!”
“Please, just leave me behind. They only want me.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed rushing in for me like that.”
“They were going to kill you! Why would you risk your life like that?”
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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Demyx and Braigory deserve more love ♡ their designs are so fun (not to mention their interactions in the days manga are adorable)
Demyx was for @axels-inbox Xigbar was for fun~
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
Xigbar had always been acutely meticulous about never letting his emotional guard down, even during the time the two of them had spent together, so allowing himself to be so exposed like this—when the reunion was still fresh, and old wounds had come unstitched—it was no simple task to abate the urge to shrink away from the gentle affection.
But the drink had softened his resolve—taken off the edge from the daylight frustration and left him with the sullen dullness of a darkening night. Helped him relinquish himself to the caress, wordlessly, even if the enjoyment from it was a distant sort—the ghost of fondness.
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It was still something, though—something other than sadness. 
    “Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you. That I didn’t dream of your face.” Demyx’s hand was soft, his palm warm to the touch. For all the shit they gave one another and the fighting and the bickering...He felt safest here close to him. Braig was a stubborn fool but it was moments like this that reminded him how human he was deep down inside. 
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“I won’t leave you again.” The Noctune vowed.
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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Demyx Day — literally drew this before we found out is norted, RIP
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
In KH’s you’re either all a spiky haired teenager or all a crusty old man. 
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Guess which you are this time...
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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“I-I hugged him!”
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
Admittedly, much to Xigbar’s chagrin, Demyx’s sincerity actually made him… internally deflate. That while there had been a tough conviction behind his words, there also came with it an apology. And even though there was a part of Xigbar that wanted his scorn to flare up to take advantage of that vulnerability, to admonish him for playing the victim—the genuine display made his pettiness waver. Caused yet another twinge in his visage, a downturn in his mouth that could possibly indicate guilt.
Then the whiskey bottle glimmered on the corner table, catching his eye, the temptation to evade his problems by drowning them out mounting—as it always did when the emotional pressure was on, and his back was to the wall—but, steeling away the thrum of his id’s demands, he managed to stave it. Knowing it would only make things worse than the situation at hand.
No, not right now, at least. Let the soberness aid him in sorting out his thoughts, rather than a blackout abate the issue just a little while longer. The the next morning would only brew more trouble.
He knew there would be no point to physical violence—even further verbal violence would solve nothing. Ultimately, he was wise enough to know that it would only make him feel worse. That the answer to this was so much more complex than he wanted to handle right now. He wasn’t equipped to deal with these situations—had spent so much of his time running full-speed ahead to take a moment to remember what it was like to care about someone other than himself.
And even then, “taking care of himself” was quite the loose term for how he treated his own being.
His posture slackened, every nasty word dropping along with the stiffness of his shoulders. Always so clever was he—so articulate, so crafty and witty. But here, he found his tongue had run dry of ornate words, and he was merely left with this weary response:
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“Look, instead a’ getting’ all dramatic, soap opera-y, let’s just agree that shit went down, and it sucked. But if you are up for stickin’ around with my tired ol’ ass—maybe we could just see where things go from here.”
And that was as much as Xigbar was willing to yield in that moment.
   Demyx waited for the yelling, the hiss of spite on his lips..but they never came and when Xigbar did finally speak would the younger turn bright sea colored orbs on the sharpshooter with a stunned expression. 
He....He still wanted him to stay? 
Was this what it felt like to have someone who cared about him? All his life he knew the brittle vile of punishment and yet-....even after their tainted last meeting, he-...the blond looked away and timidly brushed at his eyes, hoping the elder didn’t notice the tears of relief threatening to shimmer behind his lashes.
 “Of course. I-....I won’t fail you again, Xiggy. I promise.” It was more of a vow for them both than just the marksmen. 
After a moment he stepped closer, rounding the desk to stand toe to toe with the one man he’d give his all for, the guilt still floating in soft teal orbs. With a light bottom lip wobble did the Nocturne finally give in and pressed passed the gap between them to coil his slender arms around the other in a tight hug. Demyx hid his face against his chest and refused to let him go no matter how corny it must have been. He really did miss him.
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“It’s good to have you back.” Dem whispered sheepishly. With those murmured words he let him go, shyly rubbing at the back of his neck as he did so. “Sorry, sorry. I just-....i’m glad you don’t y’know....hate me or whatever.”
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nocturne-sitar · 3 years
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like/reblog if you save
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