tonylafazanis · 2 years
Toronto disability lawyer
Tony is a professional personal injury lawyer in Toronto,  Toronto disability lawyer who gives prompt and personal attention to his clients. He makes the client his primary focus and ensures his full commitment to obtaining the compensation his clients deserve.
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tonylafazanis · 3 years
Increasingly Common Cause of Cycling Accidents: Pedestrians
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Original Source URL: https://tonylafazanis.com/2021/08/25/increasingly-common-cause-of-cycling-accidents-pedestrians/
Despite the several COVID lockdowns and restrictions in Ontario which led to fewer cars being on the road, cyclist accidents did not decrease. In Toronto alone, 22 pedestrians and cyclists were killed in the city this year. Cyclist deaths remain consistent within the last four years despite a significant increase in biking lanes implemented by the city.
Toronto has a vibrant cyclist scene, with over 1.4 million Torontonians who ride bicycles. As a result, Toronto has three times the injury rate of cyclists compared to the North American average. Some of the most common causes of cycling injuries include:
A motorist ‘doors’ a cyclist by opening their door into an approaching cyclist.
A motorist makes a left-hand turn in front of an oncoming cyclist.
A motorist making a right-hand turn cuts off a cyclist riding parallel to the motor vehicle.
A motorist at a stop sign on a side street pulls out in front of a cyclist entering the intersection.
A cyclist is hit from behind by an overtaking motorist. This most commonly occurs at night in rural areas. It’s often contributed to by insufficient lights and reflectors on the bicycle.
A motorist pulls out from a driveway in front of a cyclist.
A scenario that is becoming increasingly more common is pedestrians stepping onto designated city bike lanes resulting in an accident with a cyclist. With this in mind, it is crucial for cyclists to try and make themselves visible and practice defensive cycling at all times.
As a cyclist, it is crucial to follow these safety tips when cycling to avoid injury:
Wear a helmet
Clearly signal during turns
At night, turn on your bicycle light
At night, wear light-colored clothing or reflective fabric that glows in the dark to remain visible
Ring a bell when passing or approaching a pedestrian or vehicle
Always ride in designated bike lanes if available, and make sure to ring the bell if a pedestrian is approaching the lane
Continuously shoulder check to ensure you are aware of your surroundings
Ride in a predictable straight line
Following these safety steps will decrease the chances of bike accidents with pedestrians and minimize injuries.
What to do if you are involved in a collision?
While bicycle accidents are traumatic, and you may have other pressing matters on your mind, it is crucial to follow these recommendations to positively affect the outcome of any lawsuit related to the accident:
Do not hesitate to call the police
Gather evidence including pedestrian and witness information at the scene
Take lots of pictures and video of the scene
Seek medial attention and document your condition
Consult an experienced personal injury lawyer to assess your claim
Bicycle Accident Lawyer Cabbagetown
If you or a loved one has been in a cycling accident, you can trust Tony Lafazanis to fight for you. Even if you are at fault, you may still be eligible for compensation. Tony is a cyclist himself and he understands the intricate details involved in this type of claim. He is a member of Cycle Toronto, a registered charity that is focused on making Toronto a better cycling city. With decades of experience in both cycling and personal injury law, Tony is the perfect advocate for a cyclist claim and will fight for your compensation.
Please take a moment to watch the webinar Tony presented to Cycle Toronto members,  “Compensating Cyclists – Where there’s a will, there’s a way“
Contact Tony for a FREE case evaluation.
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tonylafazanis · 3 years
The Most Common Causes of Cycling Accidents
Original Source URL:  https://tonylafazanis.com/2021/03/21/the-most-common-causes-of-cycling-accidents/
As a cyclist, you are routinely bombarded with information on your route that demands your attention. Giving some forethought to the most common traffic scenarios that give rise to cycling accidents can help you more easily spot them should they arise. This list is not intended to diminish the responsibility of motorists, but you need to protect yourself, to ride defensively.
A motorist ‘doors’ a cyclist by opening their door into an approaching cyclist.
A motorist makes a left-hand turn in front of an oncoming cyclist.
A motorist making a right-hand turn cuts off a cyclist riding parallel to the motor vehicle.
A motorist at a stop sign on a side street pulls out in front of a cyclist entering the intersection.
A cyclist is hit from behind by an overtaking motorist. This most commonly occurs at night in rural areas. It’s often contributed to by insufficient lights and reflectors on the bicycle.
A motorist pulls out from a driveway in front of a cyclist.
With these scenarios in mind, you are well on your way to better protecting yourself as a cyclist.
Bicycle Accident Lawyer Cabbagetown
If you or a loved one has been in a bicycle accident, you can trust Tony Lafazanis to help you in your time of need and to obtain the maximum compensation to which you are entitled. Contact Tony for a free case evaluation.
Please take a moment to watch the webinar Tony presented to Cycle Toronto members, “Compensating Cyclists — Where there’s a will, there’s a way“
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tonylafazanis · 3 years
Should You Apply For Both LongTerm Disability (LTD) Benefits and Canadian Pension Plan Disability (CPPD) Benefits?
Source URL: https://tonylafazanis.com/2021/05/12/should-you-apply-for-both-long-term-disability-ltd-canadian-pension-plan-disability-cppd-benefits/
Many people are confused about the differences between LTD benefits and CPPD benefits and how it applies to their particular situation. You may even be instructed by your LTD insurer to apply for CPPD and be left wondering whether you should, or must, apply.
What are the Differences?
LTD insurance is either provided to an employee in their group benefits plan or purchased privately by an individual. The insurance protects an employee from loss of income in the event they are unable to work due to injury, illness, or accident for a period of time beyond Short Term Disability (STD) or Employment Insurance Sick Benefits. There is a 2-year time limit to sue the LTD insurer from the date benefits should have been paid.
CPPD is the largest long term disability insurance program in Canada administered by the Federal Government.  CPPD benefits provide partial income replacement to people who have made enough contributions to the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and who are disabled and cannot work at any job on a regular basis. Benefits may also be available to their dependent children. To qualify for a disability benefit under the CPPD, a disability must be both “severe” and “prolonged”, and it must prevent you from being able to work at any job on a regular basis.
LTD and CPPD both are intended to protect or replace your earnings when a disability prevents you from working. A disability can be caused by anything. Included are an accident, illness, sickness, physical or mental health symptoms.
How to Do CPPD and LTD Work Together?
LTD insurers often require you to also apply for CPPD, to try to reduce or eliminate the amount they must payout. This is because LTD providers generally create their contracts, such that an injured worker's benefits are decreased by any amount paid by CPPD. For example, if your LTD claim is approved for $2,000 a month, and you are also approved for CPPD for $1,000 a month, you will not receive a total of $3,000.  Your actual total monthly benefits will remain at $2,000 - your monthly LTD obligation amount would decrease according to a mathematical formula.
Should I apply for CCPD in addition to LTD?
Yes. You may wonder whether there is a point in applying for CCPD if their LTD benefit is just going to be reduced. However, there are a few reasons why you should apply for both:
If you do not apply for CPPD, the LTD provider may reduce your LTD benefit by a notional estimated CPPD.
An LTD provider may argue that a claimant has breached their contractual obligation by not applying for CPPD and stop the LTD benefit.
Having a successful CPPD application means you have proven to the government that your injury is severe and prolonged. Thus, it would be harder for the LTD provider to argue that your disability is not serious enough to prevent you from working.
If you have a successful CPPD application, you will at least get these benefits if your LTD benefits are denied.
If you are struggling with the applications for your LTD and/or CPPD, an experienced disability lawyer will be able to assist in interpreting the terms of your policy, assist with the application process and put you in a better position to collect benefits.
What can I do if my CPPD application is denied?
If you disagree with the decision, you can request a review. This must be done in writing within 90 days of receiving your decision letter. If your CPPD application is denied, an LTD provider cannot reduce the LTD benefit by an estimated CPPD because you did not receive it.
Contact An Experienced Disability Lawyer
If your LTD or CPPD application was denied, or your benefits were cut off, you should contact an experienced disability lawyer. This could lead to a significant claim if the provider denied a legitimate benefit application. Alternatively, the involvement of a knowledgeable lawyer could cause the provider to reinstate your benefit.
If you feel that you or a loved one has been wrongfully denied an LTD or CPPD claim, please contact Tony Lafazanis. Don't take risks with the insurer or the Court system.  Time limits apply.  Let Tony fight for you!
Hiring Tony Lafazanis is risk-free. There is no legal bill to pay if there is no settlement.
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tonylafazanis · 3 years
Spring Season: Motorcycle Safety
Original Source URL: https://perosnal-injury-lawyer-toronto.blogspot.com/2021/05/spring-season-motorcycle-safety.html
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As the spring weather continues to improve, it signals the start of the motorcycle season.  In 2020, OPP saw a spike in fatalities of 60% compared to last year involving motorcycles and most of these fatalities involved men aged 45 to 54.
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month in Canada. Whether you are an experienced rider or a new motorcycle driver, it is important to review safety tips before you go for a ride.
Always Be Alert
Driving a motorcycle requires concentration and physical strength to be safe and maintain control – riders need to be physically and mentally prepared.
Since 2000, it is reported in Ontario that deaths have doubled due to collisions caused by distracted driving.  It is important to know that while you are driving your motorcycle, or stopped at a red light or traffic light, it is illegal to do the following:
Program your GPS device
Use a phone to dial or text
View a screen unrelated to driving
Use a hand-held electronic entertainment device
Always Be Visible
Ensuring that you are clearly seen is very important to your safety while driving a motorcycle.  All riders must have a white headlight and a red rear/tail light and ensure the headlight is on at all times. It is recommended to add reflective tape to your helmet, motorcycle, and clothing. Wearing bright coloured and reflective clothing will help you become more visible to vehicles on the road.
Share the Road
Vehicles and especially large vehicles have several blind spots. It is important to be extra cautious when passing them, not to follow too closely and when driving behind them, to leave plenty of room when you need to stop.
Toronto Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact Tony Lafazanis for a free case evaluation. Tony is an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who knows about the unique issues facing injuries from a motorcycle accident and will work to ensure you're given proper compensation.
Hiring Tony Lafazanis is risk-free. There is no legal bill to pay, if there is no settlement.
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tonylafazanis · 4 years
Winter Slip and Fall Accidents On Private Property – Changes to Ontario Laws
Source URL: https://tonylafazanis.com/2021/03/07/winter-slip-fall-accidents-on-private-property-changes-to-ontario-laws/
Slip and falls due to snow and ice are common accidents for Canadians in the winter. They can cause serious injuries and can limit someone’s ability to work, live their lives as they normally would, and cause significant pain.
The property owner, tenant or employed snow removal contractor who failed to properly clear the snow or ice may be "at fault". If you are someone who was injured, you have the right to bring a claim to be compensated. However, a new law may throw a wrench in many injured person's plans.
A recent amendment to the Occupier's Liability Act came into effect on January 29, 2021 for a fall on private property:
potential claimants have only 60 days to serve the property owner, tenant and/or snow removal contractor with written notice of a slip and fall due to snow or ice. This written notice preserves the injured persons right to file the claim in court at a later date, before the two-year limitation period.
previously, no such notice was required for private property
there are limited situations where late notice is excusable, for example:
if the injury is so severe that it was not reasonably possible to give notice, and the owner/tenant/contractor is not prejudiced by the late notice
If the person dies as a result of the accident, no notice is required, but is still important to do
There are also several requirements for the content of the notice to be served:
date, time and location of the accident
the notice must be delivered in person or sent by registered mail.
For individuals who have suffered this type of injury on public/municipal property, the written notice period is shorter, 10 days to serve the Clerk of the municipality.
 What Is the Impact Of These Changes?
The new time frame to deliver notice of the claim, while beneficial to landowners, tenants and snow removers, has the potential to bar legitimate personal injury claimants.
People are often unaware of the details of laws, so many would not understand the strict time restraints on this type of suit.
It can be difficult to find the appropriate parties to be served within the short time frame.
It also often takes some time for an injured person to realize the extent of their injury, or to recognize the need to seek legal advice.
 What Is Needed After A Slip and Fall Accident?
For these reasons, and for the claim more generally, it is important to:
document the incident as quickly as possible - take pictures of the area and cause of the fall
gather witness contact information if any are available
seek medical attention following the fall
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tonylafazanis · 4 years
How Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and COVID-19 Pandemic Could Lead to a Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability Claim
Original URL: https://tonylafazanis.com/2021/02/23/how-seasonal-affective-disorder-sad-and-covid-19-pandemic-could-lead-to-a-short-term-disability-or-long-term-disability-claim/
Every year, people across the country are affected by SAD. Since March 2020, Canadians have also had to cope with the additional stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health has an incredible impact on one's ability to work and could cause an employee to make a short term disability claim or long term disability claim.
 What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
 SAD is a type of depression related to seasonal changes which typically occurs in the fall and winter months when the days are shorter and there is less daylight. Although the exact cause remains unknown, it is believed that this decrease in natural light may cause a disruption in a person’s “biological clock” (controls sleep-wake patterns) and disturbs neurotransmitters such as serotonin, known for its impact on mood.
 What Are the Symptoms and Risk Factors for Developing SAD?
 SAD ranges in severity and can be incredibly draining to an individual. According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), approximately one-third of the population develop a worsening mood in the fall/winter, and between 3 to 5% of Canadians suffer from SAD.  
 Although SAD often goes undiagnosed and depression symptoms range, some common symptoms may include: 
Feeling of anxiety, depression, sadness, hopelessness, and guilt lasting most of the day or for long periods of time
Losing interest in activities that bring you joy
Oversleeping or trouble sleeping
Low energy, feeling fatigued, irritable
Changes in appetite and weight
 How does COVID-19 impact SAD?
 Considering the combination of the lack of light during this time of year, and the COVID-19 pandemic still raging around the globe, there are concerns that there will be a culmination of mental health issues. Canadians are inside more this year due to all the restrictions and are less likely to wake up on time in the morning, factors which may increase SAD. Many people have also lost the structure and routine in their daily lives, which can increase depressive symptoms. A recent study from CAMH found significantly higher rates of anxiety in women and individuals with children as a result of the pandemic.
 Mental health professionals are concerned about how hard seasonal depression could hit during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We may see an increase in more severe symptoms for those that suffer from SAD and an increase in people experiencing SAD for the first time.
 Has Your Disability Claim Been Denied?
 SAD and poor mental health in general has the potential to become yet another challenge for employers and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health issues can impact your ability to work, including energy levels, and your ability to sleep and concentrate. As with other types of psychological illnesses, employees with SAD and are unable to work may apply for short term or long-term disability benefits. This assumes you have those benefits available to you.
 Your short term disability (STD) or long term disability (LTD) claim could be denied at any point in the application process. Although some people appeal a denial, these appeals are often rejected. Beginning a legal claim is the better alternative as it creates more pressure on the insurance company. It is very important to seek experienced legal advice if your STD or LTD claim has been denied.  
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tonylafazanis · 4 years
Winter Season: I Had A Snowmobile Accident, Now What Do I Do?
As we navigate through Ontario’s COVID-19 Stay at Home Order, one of the winter activities that is allowed is snowmobiling. Even though this winter sport is considered low risk for contracting COVID-19, OPP is urging the public to take caution amid recent snowmobile accidents.
 According to Statistics Canada Snowmobile Fatalities Report (2013-2019), 20% of fatal events involved multiple vehicles. Also, in the Public Health Ontario report, The Epidemiology of All-Terrain Vehicle and Snowmobile-Related Injuries In Ontario, there were 13, 590 people brought to the ER and 1,2888 hospitalizations during 2014-2015 due to injuries from ATVs and snowmobiles.
 What do I do If I’m In a Snowmobile Accident?
Fast action is necessary for Ontario insurance laws - It is important to know that if you are in a snowmobile accident, you are required to report the accident and injuries to your insurer within 7 days of the accident.
Seek prompt medical attention
Quickly collect and preserve evidence
Contact an experienced Snowmobile Accident Lawyer
 Experienced Snowmobile Accident Lawyer
 If you are in need of a Snowmobile Accident Lawyer GTA, contact Tony Lafazanis. Tony has over 35 years experience as a personal injury lawyer and will guide you through every step of the legal process to ensure you receive the compensation to which you are entitled.
 Contact Tony for a FREE consultation.
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tonylafazanis · 4 years
If you suffer from any Disability and have concerns about whether you are getting the financial support you are entitled to, get in touch with our disability insurance lawyers immediately. We can provide you with the assistance and guidance required to file initial claims, as well as pursue appeals when claims are denied. Find more information on our website. 
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tonylafazanis · 4 years
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New workplace procedures and the challenges of working from home are two major changes, and many people have been temporarily laid-off or lost their jobs entirely. A claim for Disability insurance benefits may be appropriate in certain circumstances. If you have been infected with COVID-19 and have disability insurance, you should be able to submit a claim for STD benefits. Learn more about 'How can COVID-19 impact Disabilities and Disability Insurance Benefits?"
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tonylafazanis · 4 years
You should understand the benefits of hiring a lawyer to represent you before making your decision.  Hiring a personal injury lawyer provides peace of mind by obtaining a professional with knowledge of the laws and procedures applicable to injury claims. Learn more.
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tonylafazanis · 5 years
If you or your family has been affected by an airplane injury, contact Tony Lafazanis. He will guide and support you through a complex process to ensure you get the compensation you deserve for any injury sustained.
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tonylafazanis · 5 years
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If you or your family has been affected by an airplane injury contact Tony Lafazanis. He will guide and support you through a complex process to ensure you get the compensation you deserve for any injury sustained.
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tonylafazanis · 5 years
If you are a victim of a violent crime, and in need of a criminal injury lawyer in Toronto, then no need to worry. Tony Lafazanis is always here to help you. Get a free consultation today! 
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tonylafazanis · 5 years
If you are bitten by a dog that belongs to another person, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. Contact Tony Lafazanis if you are looking to hire a dog bite lawyer in Toronto.
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tonylafazanis · 5 years
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Dog bite Lawyer Toronto
If you are bitten by a dog that belongs to another person, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. Contact Tony Lafazanis if you are looking to hire a dog bite lawyer in Toronto.
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tonylafazanis · 5 years
Birth injuries have a devastating effecting on everyone involved.  If there is an indication of negligence on the part of the doctors and other professionals involved, it is important that the family of the injured child consult with a lawyer to consider legal remedies. Contact Tony Lafazanis and get a free consultation today. 
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