noellrobertsart · 5 years
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Python!
T. Roberts
Hey there, budding Pythonistas(those who code, use, and/or love Python)! The biggest challenge with getting into tech that I’ve found so far is that there is just SO MUCH of it, and it’s easy to get lost! Not to worry, though. I’m here to help. (“And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide.”) Bonus points if you know where that’s from. Anyway, if you’re interested in learning Python, I’ve compiled a list of resources that might help you on your Python journey. Python is a great language. It’s versatile, it’s powerful, and it’s widely used. (And it’s named after Monty Python, how awesome is that???) If you’re as excited as I am to delve into this language, read on!
The Docs(https://www.python.org/doc/):
When it comes to new languages, sometimes the best place to start is with the language itself. Python has rather extensive documentation which you can either download or review on your own. There are two main versions of Python, Python 2(older) and Python 3(newer). Pay attention to which version you download or use because there are some significant differences between the two. For example, in Python 2 you use “raw input” to retrieve information from your site users, and you use “input” in Python 3. The versions are not wholly compatible with each other so you want to be sure not to mix syntax or documentation.
An OG, Udemy has been around for a while, and it’s actually where I got my start in programming. I found a free course on HTML/CSS, jumped in, and was immediately hooked. From there I took a few front-end courses, including JavaScript (temporarily the bane of my existence.) But one day I was poking around and found a course on Python, and well, here we are! Udemy has tons of sales so if the course you want looks a little pricey ($200???) then just park it in your cart and wait for a sale. I’ve never paid more than twenty dollars for a course. Pro Tip: I’ve been advised that if you’re going to learn frameworks, start with Flask. It’s a little easier to grasp, Django might take you some time.
 General Python:
This one ^ gets stars from me, good course, teaches you the basics.
 For Data:
 Machine learning:
FreeCodeCamp does not have a specific Python curriculum but what they do have is a forum, and there is a ton of great information on there about things you can do with Python. Below I’ve listed a link for building your own web scraper, and the third link is a list someone complied of other Python resources. It might be a bit dated, (I think it’s from 2016) but you may find something of use there.
I took the beginning and intermediate Python tracks on Treehouse and they were a great supplement to the Udemy course I took on Python. The courses are extremely thorough and cover some stuff that wasn’t in the Udemy bootcamp I took. I wasn’t the hugest fan of the Flask course, as I felt the teacher went very quickly and didn’t fully elaborate on what he was doing, especially when building the project, but it’s great if you just want to get your feet wet and get some basic concepts under your belt. Pro Tip: my local library gives me free access to Treehouse (for six weeks). You might want to check and see if your library does the same, or see if your company has an account. In addition to their tracks they also have “techdegrees” which have quizzes and projects as well as lessons, so you’ll have a portfolio when you’re all done! The tracks appear to start at about $25 per month but the techdegrees can be as much as $200 per month. And yes, there is a techdegree for Python development.
Born out of LinkedIn, Lynda is their online learning platform. I haven’t used Lynda as much, but it does have a wide range of material. I attached a link to a Raspberry Pi course because I thought that was interesting, I’ve always wanted to play around with those little guys! (Raspberry Pis are basically mini computers you can use for a wide variety of projects!) Lynda ranges from about $25 per month to around $40 for a premium membership. I get Lynda free through my library, so you might want to check with yours. I also pinned a few other courses you might find interesting.
(I actually thought about doing network engineering for a hot second…)
 Testing and Automation:
edX.org features a lot of courses from universities, including some heavy hitters like Harvard and Stanford. The classes are free to take but you can upgrade for about $99 to get a certificate. Should you pay for the certificate? That’s up to you, honestly. I’ve heard arguments both ways. A certificate might look better on your resume, and the fee will definitely help edX maintain this awesome platform. However, I don’t know if the certs from edX really carry the same wait as some other certs, like Network+ or SEC+, you might want to consult a recruiter or someone who already works in tech. Just from a precursory glance, it looks like there are a ton of data science courses, so if that’s your boat, edX has definitely got you covered!
                 General Python:
 Data Science:
 Machine Learning:
Ah YouTube, home of crazy cat videos and…Python. Yes, you can use YouTube to learn, and the best thing of all, it’s free. I’ve dropped a few tutorials below to give you an idea of the types of things you can find on the Tube, check them out!
Some folks are old fashioned, I get it. Nothing compares to having a physical copy of something you can flip through, highlight, and dog-ear to your heart’s content. If you’re a book kind of person, I’ve got some of those too! I tried to limit this list to things that were either highly rated or that had come out fairly recently. Tech changes so fast, the problem with books is sometimes they can’t keep up.
Want to stand out from the crowd? Certs are a good way to do this, and I have found a site that helps you do just that. Not only do they have certification exams but they have FREE study material. Even if you don’t want to take the exams, you can still check out their study resources to expand your knowledge of Python. Just in case, though, I’ve posted the links to all four certification pages. There is a fee to take the exams, but again, the study material is free and is run through Cisco Networking Academy. Might be time for me to hop on one of these!
In addition to certs, a great way to test your prowess and build your confidence is through projects. I’ve included a few links to help you get started. In addition some of the course I’ve posted on here come with their own projects. If you really want to challenge yourself, try to build the projects before watching the code-along or solutions videos. Also, try to figure out how you can improve or add complexity to the projects in your courses. For example, in one of my bootcamps I had to build a game where you try to guess a random color shown on the screen. The game originally came with two levels, but I used my knowledge from the course to build a third, harder level. Pro Tip: Consider contributing to open source projects on GitHub as you build your knowledge. The last link in this section is a list of open source projects using Python.
Hopefully after going through these resources, you are as excited about Python as I am! And guess what? There are tons of other Pythonistas out there, just like you and me. While conferences can be a great place to meet up and hobnob with your fellow wiza-, I mean Pythonistas, consider using something like Meetup to find the local Python groups in your area. There are quite a few tech meet-ups in my city, including one for Python, and there are groups for other languages and for programming as well. Also check to see if there are any Hackathons in your area. Some of my first programming experiences were with Hackathons, I got to learn and practice code, and work with other developers and programmers to create ideas, build working projects and network…wait a minute. Those sound an awful lot like things that would help in finding a tech job! Brilliant!
Remember in Lord of the Rings, when Frodo is on the slopes of Mount Doom and feels he can’t go on? And Sam says, “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”  *Sobs.* That’s real friendship right there. My point is you don’t have to go on this wonderful Python journey alone. A lot of people have started where you are, and have gone on to do awesome things. You can too! But, if you get a little stuck, it doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of help.
 First resource: Google! And no, I’m not kidding. Google is your friend here, and it will help you a lot when you get stuck. If you’re getting quirky error messages or something isn’t quite clicking, use Google to find the light. There’s also Stack Overflow. If you have a question, chances are someone else has had that same question, and someone has already answered it. Don’t beat your head against a brick wall. I mentioned the Python documentation earlier, use it! That’s why it’s there. Udemy, Treehouse, and FreeCodeCamp all have forums where you can post questions if you happen to get stuck.
 I mention Youtube again, because if you are not sure where to go career wise there are breakdowns of a lot of different fields, from everything to network engineering to Python development and IoT (Internet of Things.) I actually posted a video from a “self-taught” developer, for reference.
 And for the youth J :
  I hope you found this helpful. It can be pretty daunting tackling a new language, especially if you’ve never coded before, and sometimes even if you have. But just remember, you’re not alone! Use your resources, set aside time to study, practice your skills, and you’ll get it! Now get out there and be awesome!
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