nohydro · 3 years
        ❝ apparently so, ❞ the sheer horror in this kid’s face is humorous and they dare to let a chuckle slip quietly. the entirety of the situation is rather strange from start to finish, to be wholly honest, but kaeya has dealt with stranger and the expression is somewhat familiar to him. they do spend a good deal of time around the younger population of mondstadt ——— by sheer coincidence, though he can admit that his tendency to skip out on work leads him to running into groups of children and being pulled into their games. and, given their own tendency to say absurd and increasingly wild things for sheer amusement and little else, this harkens back easily to those familiar pieces of memory.
        but : took a wrong turn somewhere ——— and collective unconscious ——— and psychonaut. this child seems to be something else entirely !!
        ❝ the coolest people around, hmm? ❞ they certainly sound interesting, and he thinks briefly of mona. something similar, related, mere steps apart? or something as of yet unknown to them? “you’ve certainly piqued my interest, raz. i would like to know more… you mentioned a magazine?” this may not be useful to them whatsoever in the long run but : he has always prized the acquisition of knowledge / even if it didn’t seem to be applicable. the curse of curiosity, and so on.
        and it seems that he has a CURIOUS ONE on his hands, as well / they have always appreciated the boundless curiosity of children / and this one is lost besides. ❝ you’re in mondstadt, city of freedom, and yes, i am a knight and this sword is as real as your helmet, ❞ they place their hand on the hilt and tilts it, perhaps a touch ostentatiously, showing off the scabbard / even unsheathing it a touch to show a glint of metal. kaeya has, as ever, a great showman. ❝ favonius is our order ——— it’s said that the name is in honor of our venerated archon of the winds, barbatos. ❞
It’s not very often that Raz gets to show off how much he knows about the Psychonauts and he might as well have stars in his eyes with how brightly they’re shining at Kaeya’s perceived interest in him and his new co-workers.  “Yeah! Just hold on a sec!”  He swings the strap of his bag so the heavy leather tote is hanging on his chest and rummages around in it for that familiar feeling of crinkled paper. A moment later, he pulls it out of the bag and offers it to Kaeya, the familiar faces of Sasha and Milla staring up at the blue-haired person.  “The one on the left is Sasha Nein, scientist and expert PSI-Blaster, and the one on the right is Milla Vodello, the Levitation Queen!”  He swings the tote back around to his back where it rests more comfortably against his shoulder blades.
It’s nice to have a name to the place -- Mondstadt -- Raz mouths the word after Kaeya speaks it as if getting a feel for it -- and comes to the conclusion that no, Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore. Overall there’s a lot of new words, and Raz likes learning, but he feels a bit small suddenly.  “Huh. Barbatos? Archon? Is that like...a god?”  But the question gets overshadowed by that glint of metal Kaeya flashes from their sword, and the stars come back into Raz’s irises.  “Oh, cool!”  It occurs to him that he hasn’t seen a sword in real life. Mental swords were neat and all, but they didn’t hold a candle to the real thing.
“So, I’m not really sure what happened or how I ended up here, but your world and my world definitely aren’t the same.”  As far as Raz was concerned, the only gods he knew were the Psychic Seven.
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nohydro · 3 years
@rathalascendant  //  from HERE 
He pulls the goggles up off of his eyes, squinting to readjust to the overly blue tint of the world. Mari’s mental world had been a bit of a doozy, to put it lightly, and Raz was feeling a bit like his own brain had gotten knocked around with a sledgehammer -- he’d have to pick up a PSI Pop if the opportunity arrived.
To hear his hard work has potentially been for nothing makes Raz sad and he frowns intently at the rider, arms crossing in front of his chest. He cast a scrutinizing gaze up at her, as if trying to peer past that skull and into the world she held locked beneath her cranium, the one swimming with figments and more than a few Bad Ideas.  “You don’t feel a massive weight off your chest? No renewed energy reserves? Nothing? Really?” 
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nohydro · 3 years
shakes my brain energy cage let me out
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nohydro · 3 years
Ruggie only half - listens; he’s got an eye for what can be turned into madol, and that hadn’t been anything he could have sold, which makes it less than interesting.  But something about ‘incredibly powerful something - reactive mineral’ does pique his interest.  If something like that could make a mage more powerful, he could probably get a decent price on it…damn, he shouldn’t have given it back.  (  well, there’s still some in his back pocket  never give back all of what you steal — it’s an old habit.  )
“Lucky I’m tougher than that, huh?” he replies evenly, brow cocking.  “So this pretty rock of yours…any effect on magic use?  Do I gotta hold off on using magic for a while or something, since I handled it?”  A decent excuse to ask about its power, if nothing else — Ruggie shrugs, head tilting and eyes closing, as though he’s totally helpless.
Raz’s nose wrinkles as he thinks, a gloved finger coming up to rub at his lip.  “I dunno,”  he finally says, but he’s certainly curious about it, and he knows Sasha would be curious about it, and a chance to discover something before Sasha is extremely exciting. It seemed that psychic powers, or at least how they worked back home, and this world’s incarnation of magic, had some similarities. Although Raz wasn’t entirely sure if he thought that because he’d grown up with psychic abilities constantly getting compared to a form of black magic. 
“Could you like...try?”  Raz gestures vaguely to the pocket he presumes Ruggie stores his magic pen.  “Now I wanna know.”
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nohydro · 3 years
so i said i was back a lil too early, the water at my apartment is gonna be shut off tomorrow so im heading back to my parents’ place tonight to avoid dealing w all that. i work though so i’ll have my laptop! just wont really do any writing after work or anything most likely
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nohydro · 3 years
Norma: You shouldn’t insult people who are bigger than you.
Raz: Then I’d never get to insult anyone.
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nohydro · 3 years
Long ears droop in response to his question. Glendale doesn’t give an answer despite knowing he’s referring to her portal tummy. While she’s fine with showing it off, talking about it was a different story. Revealing how it worked usually meant talking about what it was exactly. Most people couldn’t handle the answer.
“Ah y’know, it’s just…it’s just a thing I can do.”
The gerenuktaur shrugs in response. She’s more than happy with the change in subject as he gestures towards the open area. Let’s see here. There’s a part on the tip that you have to touch and…
Beep beep beep…beep beep beeeeep!
“Oh, I forgot how short the beeps were! NEH!” A solid throw and then BOOM! The surrounding area is lit ablaze in a profound fiery explosion. The lasting fire was so pretty to watch.
Raz frowns -- or pouts, really -- at the extremely nondescript answer, his brows bunching up in the center. But before he gets a chance to pester Glendale about it more, she throws the ‘stick’ and sets the surrounding area ablaze.
“Oooooo--,”  Raz’s comment is a mixture of awe and fear, mostly awe, but a little concern. He’d been subject to more than a handful of Psychic Fire Safety videos at this point, and this violated almost every single one of those rules, but he can’t deny that this is a pretty cool trick!
Raz figures this might be worth a handful of psitanium, so he shrugs his bag so the pouch rests on his chest and flips open the leather top, scrounging around for a few more shards of the mineral. He offers them out to Glendale.  “As promised, some psitanium for a ‘boom boom stick’.”
There’s a pause before Raz asks another question. “So you just...reach into your tummy and grab things? Does that hurt?”  
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nohydro · 3 years
wheeeeeeeee i’m home *spins shirt above my head* back to your regularly scheduled raz
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nohydro · 3 years
parappa and raz should be besties
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nohydro · 3 years
minor mini hiatus for the next day or so; i make a point not to install tumblr on my mobile devices so i’m not obsessively checking for replies and like a lot of people i’ll be at my parent’s place for the next day or so and since i have an ipad that i use to draw on i won’t even be bringing my lappytop w me! might queue some stuff up while im gone but its more realistic that replies are just on hold for a lil bit
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nohydro · 3 years
Tumblr media
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nohydro · 3 years
Ima start saying shit like “im retiring for the evening”
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nohydro · 3 years
@peachrote said: "it was a little uncommon where i'm from, but my brother and i continued to celebrate christmas, because we grew up celebrating it ... i would always write letters to santa, and he would take them and pretend to be santa getting me gifts. he doesn't know i knew it was him, though ... eheh." - akane!
That’s sweet, and Raz grins at Akane, rotating his mug of hot chocolate in his hands, the heat seeping through his gloves and into his fingers. Being the middle child, he can understand both Akane and her brother’s positions easily, of wanting to take care of the younger siblings / and of wanting to appeal to the older ones so they could nurture their prides. ‘Santa’ never existed in the Aquato household though, partially because Nona wanted to carry on some old Grulovian traditions, and partially because everyone in the family wore their hearts on their sleeve and sucked at lying or keeping their stories straight.
“That’s a lot nicer than our Christmas tradition. According to some old Grulovian stories, our version of Santa would bring along a devil and an angel to judge the kids. Good kids would get candy and cookies and stuff and the devil would threaten to drag the bad kids to hell! So my mom and dad dress up as this angel and devil and she gets to be Santa.”  His nose wrinkles a bit at the memory. Even though he’d known they were his parents ( his dad would break character to console a crying child faster than you could blink ), it was still frightening to hear that sound of chains dragging on the floor outside their caravan.  “It was pretty scary when I was little.”  He thinks this year he won’t be so scared / assuming Nona even stayed with the family now that she knew who she really was.
“One year when I was really little, my older sister Frazie got so scared she ran off into the woods and we had to go looking for her. My brother Dion still holds it over her head.”  Now he’s smiling, in that fond sort of way he does when it comes to the Aquato family. Though they could be embarrassing, as all families were, he loves them a lot.
Raz draws a sip from his mug, taking a moment to relish in the sweet chocolatey flavor. Mm. “Your brother sounds nice!” 
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nohydro · 3 years
do we think raz pre-whispering rock listened to creep by radiohead and creep by radiohead only. i think so. more in the tags
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nohydro · 3 years
raz vc: romance isnt dead just compared my gf to an air heater
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nohydro · 3 years
@sunhalf said: ❛  we’ll get through this together.  ❜ from lili!
Raz is tired of this stupid hand messing things up for him, tired of the ‘exposure therapy’ route, wanting to just get it done and over with -- and so he had the brilliant idea of making himself try to learn how to swim. Just jump in, hope for the best, paddle a little bit. How hard could it be!?! He’d ventured out to the lakeside without telling anyone, of course. It was too embarrassing to ask for help with this.
And it had gone well! For about thirty seconds, until the Hand wormed its way out of his subconscious and started batting him around underwater like he was the ball in a game of polo, and for a moment there Raz had thought maybe the curse WAS actually real and then he got it together and wrestled the panic down and then -- well, then he got spat back onto the lake shore right in front of Lili, because of course he would.
Before Lili can say anything, Raz quickly demands: “Can you please not tell anyone else about this?” His gloves scrabble at the pebbles of the lake shore while he scrambles back to his feet, clothes sticking to his skin uncomfortably.  “It’s really embarrassing.”  Raz wriggles his way out of his coat (still on loan from Sasha) and wrings it out, once, twice, over and over again, watching as the excess water drips onto the pebbles below, looking wryly at it while he does so. His thumb goes to lift the lip of his goggles, watching as water pours out of them.
Back still turned to Lili, he starts explaining himself. “I just thought, y’know -- ‘how hard can it be?’ I mean, if I could learn how to shoot things with my mind in one day, maybe I could do that with the water thing.”  Coat sufficiently wrung out, he turns to face Lili, hesitant to look her in the eye. With a toss, he throws the coat over his shoulder like a towel, then pops his helmet off of his head -- only to shake his head like a dog, droplets flying every which way, hair going to stick on end.
Lili encouragingly clasps his hand between hers, and while she looks grave as ever, says, “We’ll get through this together, Raz,”  and Raz feels his face heat up as usual -- something else he needs to work on -- but he smiles at the notion anyways, trying not to look as awkward as he feels.
“I appreciate it! But...I mean -- you’re not the one with a deep subconscious fear of water because some old guy convinced your fake grandma your entire family line was going to drown.”  Even while he speaks he can tell by the look on her face that he’s messing up and saying the wrong thing and that she’s just trying to help while of course knowing it wasn’t actually her problem. Oops!  “I mean! Not that your help is unwanted! Obviously! I just. Well. Uh! Thanks. Is what I’m trying to say. I think. It’s just difficult.”  He squeezes her hand back as best he can, then shivers, the air biting at his skin beneath the layer of thermal knit.
“Hey, could you do that air heater thing you do? I’m...brrr... pretty cold.” 
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nohydro · 3 years
“ a very dear friend of mine is cursed as well — it’s a scary thing, i understand. it’s amazing you were able to overcome even a perceived one that way. ” perhaps a psychosomatic curse is a concept she should present to bennett, then ?? 
“ i can only control it because of this, ” barbara says, tapping her vision’s smooth surface with one perfectly - manicured nail, “ and it took many years of practicing before i became any good at all. you know … you’re much than i was when i first started out; that means you’ll be an expert in no time at all !! ” alright, perhaps she is laying it on a bit thick, but lost and possibly frightened children are a wheelhouse she’s familiar with. “ the majority of people can’t manipulate an element without a vision, so you’re already a prodigy !! ”
She’s so nice! It’s a little refreshing to not have to fight tooth and nail to prove he’s just as capable as others for once. Raz beams over at Barbara, ego sufficiently nurtured enough to push him through the next week or so. Lost or not! His chest puffs up just a bit, especially at that word -- prodigy -- somewhere, dimly, he’s aware that Barbara is trying to psych him up. But hey -- he’ll take it! A compliment’s a compliment!
The talk of ‘visions’ has Raz curious again and he squints at the reflective surface. Another difference between his world and this one! Although, perhaps this ‘vision’ wasn’t so different from psitanium in some way, at least as far as its amplifying capabilities went? Psychic abilities he could use at Whispering Rock felt lost to him now, or were at least a little harder for him to reach underneath that bubble of typical brain activity.  “So if someone takes this from you, you lose your power? What if you put it down on a table or something? Can you use your powers then? That’s kinda impractical. No offense.”
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