Final Project/Thesis
One goal that I wanted to achieve from this course was to hone my professionalism. This course was great in the sense that the instructor provided many resources about how to be a public relations professional. Whether it is creating bios or adding finishing touches to a website, it is crucial to understand how small nuances can make much difference. Public relations, like many industries, require successful first impressions.
Another goal that I presented for this course was to apply everything that I learned from previous courses. Throughout the online program, there were many assignments that were completed in preparation for the thesis. This is something that I greatly appreciated. Due to the distribution of assignments throughout the months, the workload was more achievable.
One final goal that was created was to establish and expand my personal portfolio in order to solidify professionalism. Due to the feedback received from my peers and professor, I was able to gain a better understanding of what is required and expected from a portfolio. As with most professions, it is essential to have a portfolio where employers or clients can view completed works. This gives employers or clients the opportunity to easily assess the skill level or experience of an individual.
Additionally, this course allowed for a proper assessment of the social media campaign created for my client GMIS Travel. In addition to composing the final assignment, this was a great opportunity to understand what worked for the client and what needed to be reevaluated. This is something that can be used in the future with any social media campaign that I partake in or create.
Summarily, this course was the culmination of everything learned. Whether it is networking, content creation, or reputation management, everything must be presented in a professional manner. It is important to be mindful of deadlines and to utilize constructive criticism for brand growth and development.
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The Online Media Room
One goal that I stated that I wanted to achieve from this course was to “build a brand that has a steadily growing presence within an organization”. While I originally created this goal with my personal brand in mind, I believe I was able to shift the focus to my capstone client. Due to my client’s lack of experience in the industry, it is important to understand how to utilize certain media practices in order to assist them by creating a solid foundation for public relations. Over the course of the program, I have gained knowledge that will assist them with their goal as well as mine.
One thing that this course focused on was how to create and present content in a way that is not overwhelming for the audience. This included condensing key elements and stories that directly represents a brand into one, specific location. This is something that will be useful when attempting to quickly appeal to an audience. This method gives the audience the opportunity to immediately establish an idea of what a brand is about while accessing pertinent information. With the creation of things such as a media page, snapshots, etc.; customers, stakeholders, and media personnel may gather what they need efficiently and effectively. Elements such as those just mentioned can be comparable to first impressions for a brand. With the press/media room pages that were reviewed in this course. I was able to gain a better understanding of how theme, tone, and layouts can affect how the audience perceives a brand.
Another goal that I had for this course was to establish relationships with those that give feedback and maintain correspondence with my peers. This was possible by the peer reviews that were conducted. I appreciate all the feedback that I received and was able to make adjustments to my content based on suggestions. Additionally, I had the chance to see others’ work and share my ideas on what I believed worked for them or what did not. Peer review is an important aspect of relations and I am grateful that I received the opportunity to consult with those enrolled in this course.
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Reputation Management Strategies
The three goals that were originally set for this class did not directly relate to the content that was reviewed. One goal was to examine my personality and how it effects my work. Though this is something that is important, it does not directly correlate to the idea of major crisis management. Instead of focusing on personal traits, it is essential to look at the company as a whole and all the components that comprise the reputation. Another goal that I set was to develop a positive persona. Though the original goal was set from a personal perspective, it can be translated for a company’s reputation.
One thing that was helpful in this course was first defining what reputation is and the different components that makes it a tangible aspect of management. It is essential to first understand something in order to effectively promote business. Another thing that was helpful the breakdown of crisis management and communication. It was good to learn the importance of having a plan in order for a company or team to be proactive. Before an emergency or crisis emerges, a team must be prepared to combat situations in order to create positive customer experiences. One final thing that was helpful is understanding the importance of communication assessments. Though a company may implement a plan, it is not useful if it does not effectively reach the audience or communicate goals. Assessments are useful for this specific purpose. They give companies the opportunity to create a bridge between them and their customers.
In conclusion, all information provided in this course will be useful as a public relations professional. Whether it is a personal brand or a major company, reputation is something that should be closely monitored. It is how a brand is seen with its staff, community, and stakeholders.
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Events Marketing & Production
One of goal that I had for this course was to “learn the importance of specific events when promoting something”. I believe this goal was something that was achieved. One thing that can be used for promotional tools for events are webinars and presentations. This course aided with the understanding of how to effectively host a webinar to support a purpose or a topic. Additionally, the importance of tools such as flyers was discussed. It was presented that certain tools are crucial when trying to promote an event.
Furthermore, one assignment that supported the idea of promotion was the event proposal assignment. This assignment gave the steps to planning an event which were broken down into categories. This categorization helped with understanding what aspects are needed to make an event successful. Personally, I struggle with planning so this break down is something that will prove useful in the future. It is good to understand things such as a budget, promotion, venue, etc. I enjoyed how, though this was a hefty assignment, it was divided by weeks which allowed the workload to be spread. This alleviated any stress that such a long assignment could cause.
Another topic that will be beneficial to a public relations professional was the importance of crowdfunding. As with anything, it cost to host events. This lesson was great with highlighting what is needed when creating a crowdfunding campaign. One thing that stood out was that you must also have an audience that actually cares about your topic or event. It is possible to have a great campaign or presentation but if you do not have people that care your campaign will be irrelevant. This course will be beneficial for this industry. The information provided will assist me with getting out of my comfort zone in reference to event promotion and planning.
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Media Relations
One goal that I had for this course was to “learn how to positively combat negativity and accept constructive criticism with a profession demeanor”. Throughout the weeks, I have been equipped with lessons which allowed that goal to be realized. One topic we covered was how to handle crisis management. Whether it is for an individual, brand, or company, it is crucial to understand how to obtain positive results during unfavorable circumstances. It was discussed that someone should be proactive rather than reactive when dealing with situations. This is something that will be useful for any PR professional.
Another goal that I set for this course was to establish proper networking habits. The assignment that assisted with this was during week one when we had to create a media list. Personally, networking has always been my weakest point. This is mainly because I am not comfortable with it and I also did not know where to start. This assignment gave me the proper foundation for establishing connections and it is something that will be useful in the future. Though I still feel out of my comfort zone, I feel more confident with the networking process in reference to researching and making connections.
An additional aspect that will be useful for PR Professionals is writing personal pitches. Once networks and connections are made, it is essential to cater pitches to individuals rather than making generic content. This will assist with creating personal connections that will benefit a brand or company. Also, writing a press release contributed to the ideal of making proper connections. Though we have learned how to write press releases in previous courses, it is always good practice to gain more experience with releases. Summarily, though I was thoroughly challenged, this course is one which provides a solid foundation for any PR professional.
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Market and Consumer Research Analysis
One goal that I wanted to achieve with this course was to learn how to effectively research and utilize data in order to reach a desired audience. With the lessons provided, this was something that was easily accomplished. One lesson that contributed to this accomplishment was the case study in the week two discussion. This was an effective way to understand how data should be gathered and compiled into analytical results. This study gave an example of different methods that could be used, such as surveys, and different systems that could be created for analyzing. Also, it highlighted the fact that not every method is effective if the correct individuals are not surveyed. It is for this reason buyer persona is crucial to research.
Though it is desirable to know what many people would want from a business, it is best to begin with targeting a specific audience. This is extremely useful if the client is a niche business. For example, the case study that was discussed was about airline complaints of disabled individuals and how employees respond. However, employees with disabilities were never surveyed to provide effective insight. Therefore, this aided with supporting the concept that it is best to understand the audience and cater to what they may want or need.  This concept was useful in the development of the primary research for the consumer analysis.
One thing that was admirable about this course was the method of completion for the market and consumer research analysis. At first glance, this was an assignment that could seem overwhelming. However, each segment was to be completed throughout the course, which made the workload achievable. Also, because it was divided into segments, it allowed for the information to be retained thoroughly before continuing onward.
While research and analytics have never been a personal strength, this course aided with providing confidence to understand a market and consumer. This course created a research foundation and will be beneficial for any public relations professional.
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Social Media Metrics
One goal that I had wanted to achieve in this course was to master gathering quantitative and qualitative data while using it to my advantage. I believe this course allowed me to gain a better understanding of media metrics. In addition to gathering data, this course also specifically focused on the planning aspect of using collected data to produce measurable results. This is so crucial for branding and marketing because it condenses goals to achievable portions. Rather than setting vague goals, I understand the importance of setting up small, specific goals the can be placed on a timeline. Personally, I have always struggled with goal setting and planning. This course provided tools necessary in order to make goals achievable and underwhelming.
Another aspect of this course that I believe is useful to relations professionals is using social media for promotion of personal websites. This is how social media is used in order to get traffic onto a company’s website to sell or promote. This, essentially, is what ROI is all about; how to get people to invest in your product or brand. Something that stood out which will be extremely useful was the lesson on Multi-function funnels. This is how site developers can monitor the traffic within their websites in order to get potential customers to invest. It is important to have a good understanding of this concept in order to optimize a site to generate sales.
An additional topic that will prove useful in the near future was the segment on keyword research and SEO. Much like setting goals, it is important to be very specific while creating keywords for searches. This allows a brand to remain competitive as well as establish a niche. Often times, the keywords we may choose are not the keywords we should be using while setting up our websites. It is essential that we understand the importance of researching and choosing the right keywords for our brand. This process will also aid with producing measurable analytical results.
Though there are some terms that I may not be comfortable with, I feel as if I gained the knowledge necessary to create successful social media campaigns as well as optimize my website and brand. If I had to summarize this course in one word it would be “specify”. While I may think I have a good concept or word, it is a good practice to try to reduce something into even smaller parts. Once broken down, whether it is demographics, keywords, or goals, things can be achieved more efficiently.
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Innovative Tools of Public Relations
Originally, while completing my mastery timeline, I set specific goals I wanted to accomplish in this course. One goal was to learn how different media platforms effect the content produced. This was exemplified in week two when we discussed how all content is not created equal. The purpose of having different platforms is to appeal to different audiences with various creative content. We also discussed the importance of creating content catering to individual talents. For example, if I am a writer, I should not be creating video content or vice versa. This was an important realization because, personally, I am still searching and developing my talents.
Another goal I set was to understand the importance of utilizing reliable sources and the importance of research. This is something that we did not necessarily cover in this course. This was a goal that would have been addressed in legal aspects or perhaps another class that I have yet to take. However, something that I did find useful was the suggestion of utilizing social media influencers to build a brand. It is also equally important to be constantly active on social media with commenting, private messaging, and using hashtags. These practices will aid with the growth of the brand and give exposure.
Out of the many topics covered in the course, I believe the most important is critical thinking and developing new thinking patterns. This was highlighted during weeks three and four when we learned about COMM organizers and avoiding global social issues. Planning is crucial in public relations and it is pertinent that organizers and professionals consider many aspects of the content produced before it is released. One must consider how it is going to be received, if their message is clear and easily understood, etc. I believe this is the most relatable lesson because we have to constantly think about others and try to understand different perspectives that will help our brands grow.  
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Legal Aspects of Media
      One goal that I wished to achieve from Legal Aspects of Media was to gain an understanding of legalities within media. I believe I was able to achieve that goal by learning about the privacy act, defamation laws, copyright laws, commercial speech, etc. This course allowed me to gain a better understanding of each topic presented, by not only providing examples, but also by giving necessary tools in order to implement what was taught.
     During this course, my favorite assignment was the keynote presentation during week two. This was my favorite because I enjoyed the research and learning about the two cases, as well as composing the presentation itself. I enjoyed presenting my research and narrating the presentation. It provided me with a better understanding of private v. public individuals and how they are dealt with in defamation cases.
     Personally, I believe that the assignments and readings about defamation will be detrimental to my growth as a communications professional. Because of these assignments I have learned how to protect myself in order to avoid potential liability. Also, the lesson about copyright laws will prove to be useful. With the internet and social media, it could be easy to be involved with copyright infringement. However, since I know what copyright law is comprised of, I can protect myself against infringement.  
     Another goal I set for this course was to hone my problem-solving skills. Though I sometimes struggled with reviewing the legal cases, I feel as if I was able to gain an understanding for term usage. Also, I was able to utilize critical thinking skills to understand why certain decisions were reached. My final goal was to create and maintain my personal ethical objective. I feel as if this is extremely important when dealing with legal aspects of media. A communications professional should always speak truthfully, ethically, and unbiased. Not only do I wish to uphold these standards, I was given exact reason which supports my ethical beliefs.
     With the conclusion of this course I feel as if I have a decent grasp on how the law has conformed to present day media. First and foremost, I must make sure that I protect myself and the content that I produce. I want to avoid any cases in which I could be held liable. I understand the importance of fact-checking and making sure information presented is factual. Though I can be emotional about certain topics, I understand that media professionals should make extensive effort to not let their emotions effect their content. Now that all of the coursework is learned and completed, I feel as though I have gained the legal confidence necessary to provide great content.
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Writing for Interactive Media
One goal that I wanted to achieve in the Writing for Interactive Media Course was to strengthen my own voice and personal style. While I do enjoy writing, I often find it difficult to write from my point of view and personalize my pieces. I want readers to read something and automatically know that it is my work. Though I do not feel I gain complete confidence in with this, I do believe this course challenged me to attempt many things that will aid with my growth.
                 In addition to the writing challenges I enjoyed the aspect of further creating and perfecting our personal brands. With assignments such as the creation of the “About Me” page, we learned the importance of presenting ourselves professionally through text along with design elements that keep audiences interested. How we present ourselves can lead to how people perceive our work.
                 Something that I appreciated from this course was the extensive feedback I received from the professor. It was always constructive and she also constantly provided suggestions for improvements. This gave me insight on professionalism with my writing style and I was also able to apply the things stated to the development of my “voice”.
            Also, though I am aware that all stories must have a focal point, she helped me realize that many stories could be broken down further. This is something that I will use whenever I am doing coverage. I will constantly concern myself with specificity and strive to focus on essentials when storytelling. This will aid with writing for targeted audiences and promote well written content. Once I can efficiently write with these things in mind, I will have effectively achieved my third goal which is to realize the importance of different styles for different audiences. I believe that I am constantly aware of this fact, however, now I must use what was learned with developing and branding
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Public Relations in a Digital World
I thoroughly enjoyed the Public Relations in a Digital World course for various reasons. The first is that I believe it gave me new insight on what to expect as far as content development and structure is concerned. It is important to have the correct basic structure when dealing with various aspects such as PSAs and press releases. Though I am not overly comfortable with structure just yet, I feel that this course provided necessarily knowledge that will help me hone media skills.
In addition to PSAs and releases, this course also emphasized the importance of building a brand. This is a weakness of mine and something that intimidates me. I like to believe that the intimidation originates from the fact that I did not necessarily know where to begin with personal branding. The assignments completed provided better insight and allowed me to have a central starting point so that I did not feel lost.
I honestly do not think any topics covered in this class are more relevant than another. Each thing covered was essential to the introduction of how media effects public relations. Because we focused on structure, I feel this will aid in how we, as developing individuals, present ourselves and our work within the relations industry. This is such an important aspect because structure is needed to provide a sense of professionalism.  
My favorite assignment that I completed was the PSA. Originally, I was pursuing my degree in film and television and production still interests me. Also, I enjoy editing, even if it was a short project. Though I did it within a few days, I feel as if I had more time in my daily schedule I could have even improved on that assignment. Also, I enjoyed the fact that we had the opportunity to choose our content.
One of my favorite discussion boards was the first week when we had to research PR websites. I enjoyed this assignment because, once again, it gave me insight on what to expect in reference to company branding. Many of the sites my classmates provided were interactive and vivid and allowed me to understand that content development does not have to be conservative. It also highlighted the fact that information must always be accurate, relevant, and constant posting is necessary. This is relevant in the industry because news and occurrences are always changing and updating, and it is important to understand change is inevitable and fundamental for advancement and we must be comfortable with that fact.
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I chose this post as my inspirational post because lately I haven been becoming discouraged with my time management. I know that I have to make sacrifices to achieve what I want yet it is easier said than done; especially working two jobs. I know the material and courses are just going to become more challenging so I must combat this issue now before it is too late. 
How to Manage your Time Better
1. Have a realistic plan for your day. Don’t just work on impulse, and don’t do try to do more than you can handle.
2. Prioritize your work, and do the most important things first
3. Know what your distractions are, and take steps to control them (for example, switch off your phone)
4. Start early, and keep on going, even when you feel discouraged or fed up
5. Know what’s irrelevant, and don’t waste your time on unproductive, or pointless things
6. Switch between focused work and lots of short breaks
7. Be flexible if you meet with obstacles, or things don’t turn out the way you’d planned.
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Let yourself be strangely drawn by the quiet pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
Rumi (via purplebuddhaquotes)
I chose this quote in reference to the video from this weeks lesson. In the video Kelly (2010) basically sums that we must balance what we love, what we are good at, at what we can make a profit from.
Kelly, T. [StartupWin]. (2010, October 28). Tom Kelly (Founder - Ideo) - Do What You Love. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/nPRW9q-0unc 
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