nokarmaunique Β· 8 months
for chillicheff
Hello chillcheff! I have some feedback for you regarding lulu/support. It’s up to you whether you want to read it or to improve. You can ask me a question at any time, and if you disagree with something, you can also let me know and we can go through it together.
your itemisation seemed off during the game. rushing shurelya's might not be ideal for every matchup. Moonstone would have been better in our game together. you can consider dreamweaver and ardent censer instead, especially when you're already following me closely. redemption is good but not always a second item. larger heals/shields from moonstone could have really helped in fights(, but the delay from redemption makes it undesirable). redemption functions better when you have a champ that has multiple hard cc. repositioning with shurelyas is only great in certain scenarios and, again the bonus hp/heal is superior. It is a very matchup dependent item. I understand taking the crown for games against a lot of assassins/burst or strong snowballers. But if you need crown every single game, maybe you are not positioning correctly, and should remember to use q, wards and sweeper to help you clear, and to improve your macro so you can predict enemy movement/positioning.Β 
you also took guardian, and take that into every matchup. that is not good, because you need to incentivise yourself to poke in lane using aery, as well as the bonus dmg comes from when pix attacks through E. again, this should be matchup based as some champs are obviously inherently stronger in lane e.g. tristana, or versing a super all in jg like jarvan jg and leona supp and thats where you're certain you'd need guardian. The upside to guardian is that as long as you're in range, it procs on 2 champions.Β 
In that game, i think that aery wouldve been 2x better than guardian, considering. you also took ignite into jhin and lux which are champs that both outrange and out mobilise you, which is terrible because you should never be in range to cast it. The best thing you can do is to take heal/exhaust or even barrier depending on the enemy team comp. ignite kinda sometimes beats those if enemy supp is melee, as well as killable, or versus a soraka. but after the laning phase, it becomes useless and you don't want to take it anyways unless you are certain that in your game, you cannot buy grievous wounds.Β 
Regarding stats and damage output, enchanters have extremely high damage in the early game. maybe you should consider leveling q first to poke + add pressure/damage for level 2 fight. you can use it to hit the enemy and to hit the wave so that you and your adc can guarantee the lvl 2 first. i think in all scenarios, q works better over e first (obviously, still max E first though).
As I mentioned earlier, enchanters have really high damage in the lane. I would prefer if you would consider tethering a bit more forward. the way you position is useful in the late game where you need to be wary, but in the early game you can really use your damage, e.g. lvl 3, im lulu and i fight the enemy adc, i aa e(them) q, and that's 1/3 of their hp bar which is really good poke, and since they're slowed at 325 with q, you're free to run away.
your roam timer is also off, i'm assuming that you are not familiar with how waves push? because everytime i needed you, you were in another lane when you shouldn't have been. but if you keep an eye on how the wave is, and its general flow, push and pull, you can leave lane safely without sacrificing your lane. theres a lot of videos online on how you can roam as support. it just looks like a bit of weak macro.
also you cast perpetually when your abilities are up, which is not necessarily the worst thing i've seen, but you should be casting on me when i'm starting to poke or already poking them, or trying to clear the wave. i'd prefer you save mana. in a way, because you w/e me, it can enable me to go in, however you should try to focus on when i'm starting the fight, as i will have my cds/hp/mana/summs/wave all in a better spot, and just perpetually spamming them can be detrimental. It can be hard to punish longer ranged adcs. this might be due to a weak reaction time? although i disagree, i think your reaction time is strong, but i'm not sure of the mindset behind spamming. also it's hard to want to poke with aa when you e/w me, as we will do less damage cause you take guardian instead of aery (which again, procs on pix e).
if i were to run lulu in a ranked game, i would go:
Aery: mfb, transcendence, scorch/gs. inspo: boots/biscuits. cosmic
moonstone, lucidity boots, ardent/sfw, locket/redemption/mikaels/shurelyas, situational/wardstone.Β 
(theres a lot of flexibility on support, so this is not rigid, and again very match up based, and its important to pay attention to the pace/speed of the game as well as everyone's wincons). i feel like, with your playstyle, you will enjoy moonstone/sfw a lot.
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