nokogiron · 1 year
oh btw arlong has been moved over to my mutli here @poneglph
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nokogiron · 1 year
listen listen listen. arlong literally grew up in the fishman district where people were literally being trafficked. he's tough, he doesn't trust people, he does shit for himself. money is what makes the world turn and it's the only thing you can trust.
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nokogiron · 1 year
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the way he still greets nami pleasantly even when he knows its her fault his entire crew got beat up.
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nokogiron · 1 year
Rewatched the arlong fight with some buddies. Love that silly little guy.
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nokogiron · 1 year
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rewatching one piece with my buddy who has never seen it & seeing arlong again ...... my little guy
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nokogiron · 1 year
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it's not the first time he's been out of prison ― more accurately , not the first time he's been out of impel down ( never mind the nights he spent locked up back on fishman island. ) maybe it was something in his nature , an anger inside of him not so easily quelled. troubled , they called him. it was a nice word for what he was. & no matter how many times jinbe had tried to set him straight , he always seemed to fall off sooner or later. once again he'd chum the waters , human blood sharp on the seas , fallen victim to the saw.
there are new scars that litter his hide , though from where they came he will not say. his head bowed , hat pulled snug over that untamable mane of black hair , arlong watches his feet as he walks. back home , he's ventured. there's an exhaustion that makes his shoulders sag , as though a great weight were placed atop. he almost doesn't hear his name as it's spoken , but the familiar voice is enough to drag him from his thoughts.
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❝ ― hachi ... ? hachi ! ❞ it's strange , how he seems to perk up immediately. a life back in his eyes , as though he'd been dreaming until then. whatever his friend had been holding be damned , arlong practically knocks the other fishman over with the force by which he hugs him. arms hold tight , a loud , boisterous laugh escaping. ❝ it is you ! i was so worried somethin' had happened ― how did you get away ... ? ❞
@nokogiron — starter call !
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✘ — It'd been a productive day !  Camie had gone to visit some friends and Pappagu mentioned something about trouble with his brand  ( if only Hatchan could understand a thing about fashion so he could help )  so they'd both taken some time to go back at Fishman Island. He'd taken the time alone to close up shop in order to give his boat and equipment a good cleaning. An essential step in order to ensure the best quality !  After that, he’d deemed it necessary to go on a supply run before he’d open shop for the evening.
      The routine was pleasant and familiar, humming a cheerful tune as passed by Arlong while on his way to carry back ingredients to his ship from the port town he usually bought from.
…Arlong ?
“ A-Arlong ! ”   Hatchan stammered in shock, eyes widening drastically as he did a doubletake. There was no mistaking it. That was Arlong. He immediately started to move towards his friend— before stopping dead in his tracks, struck still by uncertainty.
     …Were they still friends ?  He… wasn’t sure, and it was an unsettling realization. After all, he'd renounced his actions as part of Arlong Pirates, and now he was friends with the Strawhats. Would Arlong be okay with that ?  Did it change anything if he wasn’t ? Would he be disappointed in Hachi ?  Hachi didn't want Arlong to be disappointed...
     They weren’t new thoughts, but he’d allowed himself to forget about them in favor of the present. But now, they were the present. Ah, he wished Camie were there, it'd be easier if he could have her help explaining what he'd been up to since he'd last saw the other.
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“ I thought you were imprisoned, ”   he managed to get out, the few hands unoccupied by bags or boxes either fidgeting or scratching the back of his neck, turning to look around them,   “ Nyuu, did Choo and Kuroobi escape with you ?  Are you alright ? ”
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nokogiron · 1 year
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vi try not to go on a multi paragraph ramble about arlong's anger in the simple rp reply challenge.
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nokogiron · 1 year
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fish tits ........
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nokogiron · 2 years
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If you’re gonna mess with our Captain, then I have no choice but to take you down right here! That’s my duty. And I’ll fight! As the Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates…!!
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nokogiron · 2 years
knowing that arlong misses his kid so much but he also knows she doesn’t want to see him & he doesn’t deserve to see her, but he still agonizes over that bc he really fucked everything up bc he was too blinded by his own hate & he hurt nami & now there’s nothing he can do to make that up 
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nokogiron · 2 years
Thesmile fades as quickly as it arrived, being replaced by oldmelancholia. “Nobody is asking you to like them,” Jinbesighs, feeling exhausted beyond his years as he looks off into thedistance, the red ink visible beneath his kinomo such a starkcontrast to the blue of his scales. “But we can all live beneaththe same sun.”
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Was he mad at him? Jinbe pauses, mulling over his answer. “I…have blamed myself for your actions, for a long time,” heeventually admits, not looking at Arlong. For a moment, he thinks hecan smell traces of citrus being carried on the salt breeze, and heknew that the anger and regret in his heart wasn’t his to carry. Noone had filled him in on the details of what Arlong had done to herand her home, but Jinbe knew that Arlong’s repentance wouldn’t bringback Bell-mèrefrom the dead. It wouldn’t heal those scars on his nakama’s and her sister’s hearts. “There are some things that cannot be undone. Ioften wondered why you did the things you did. If I could’vechanged anything about your views when both Tiger and Queen Otohime had failed to do so—had I just tried more.” 
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     arlong doesn’t speak for a moment.   simply watches the other fishman in silent reflection ,   the admission of guilt hanging heavily upon his shoulders.   he had some time to think while in prison ---   most of it spent mourning tiger ,   missing jinbe ,   & attempting to squash down the storm in his heart over nami.   he’d come to a realization ,   one he’d spent so long trying to deny.   as much as it pains him to admit ,   there’s no point in trying to say he feels no compassion for humans   /   that little girl has become his treasure. 
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     ❝     is nami ...   well ?   is she alright ?     ❞     he speaks finally ,   a look on his face not easy to place.   it’s hard to think it’s been years since he’s seen her ---   & he likely will never see her again.   she doesn’t wish to see him ,   & it’s something he can’t fault her for.   as much as it pains him ,   arlong understands.     ❝     will you promise to keep her safe ,   aniki ?     ❞
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nokogiron · 2 years
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something something arlong using yakuza terms when referring to jinbe & tiger bc of his background in crime.
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nokogiron · 2 years
She knew she wasn’t supposed to waste time on art. Things unrelated to cartography were of no use to the Arlong pirates. The sketch of her mother, that she’d drawn from memory, had been torn to shreds, and the threat against her village rang loudly in her mind. There was a childish hope within her, that if she drew something for Arlong, he would be nicer to her. Maybe even let her draw for fun, again.
It had been her first birthday without Bell-mère. No matter what they did, she was going to be a wreck. Her mother was dead, she had been a terrible daughter, and nothing would ever bring a smile back to her little face ever again.
Though the eleven year old had been lost in her grief, a sweet sketch laid in the captain’s throne. A depiction of the scene, only a few days ago. A saw-nosed fish man, a young Nami, and the crew, surrounding a table. There was a cake, and gifts meant to appease her, though the little girl didn’t seem happy. His scales were colored a realistic periwinkle, his smile, unmistakeable. Each member of the crew was identifiable, a fantastic feat, for a girl her age only using crayon and pencils.
Maybe he would like it. Maybe it would change things.
Maybe it was silly to hope.
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     humans were of no use to him.   though ,   if ever there was an exception ---   it was nami.   the girl was bright beyond her years ,   talented in ways he never thought a little human could be.   though he had attempted to deny ,   fought against his own instincts ,   it had become abundantly clear to him :   arlong had grown rather fond of her.   perhaps it was because she reminded him of his own sister so ,   sharp - tongued & witty ,   clever ,   stubborn.   & when he holds nami in his arms ,   the weight of her little body sparks old memories.   he wonders if shyarly is well ,   safe   /   a guilt prickling at the back of his neck for leaving.   but he did it for tiger ,   he has to remind himself.   (   it was always for tai ,   wasn’t it ?   )
     the drawing caught his eye as arlong lazily strode towards his throne ---   brows lifting in surprise ,   a webbed hand lifting the paper up to get a better look.   he recognized the scene ,   of course.   it had take place not long ago.   for the little girl’s birthday he’d sent some of the crew out to find gifts for her ,   gotten her whatever food she liked ,   & had spent the day making her feel as welcome among the fishmen as he could.   she was part of the crew now ,   after all   /   cruel as he may be ,   he wasn’t so callous as to not celebrate a child’s special day.
     arlong feels a bloom in his chest ,   & casts his gaze upwards toward nami’s room.   she had drawn this for him ?   it’s rather good ,   for a girl her age.   & the more he looks at it ,   the more he knows he could never throw such a gift away.   the drawing is tucked into the inside of his shirt   (   above his heart ,   above ink that branded him one of the sun pirates .   )   & without turning ,   he lifts his voice.
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     ❝     hachi ,     ❞     he calls out ,   & his officer responds.     ❝     go bring nami some of your takoyaki ,   would you ?   i’m sure she’s hungry .     ❞     he commands ,   & takes his seat once again in his usual spot.
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nokogiron · 2 years
His expression softened at his words. Jinbe placed another one of his hands on his shoulder and drew Arlong against himself, knocking their foreheads together in a familiar gesture while taking care not to poke himself on his nose.
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“Your hurt has caused your hate, and your hate has caused more hurt. It was too late for our brother to let go of his own demons… But it isn’t too late for you, Arlong.” Jinbe drew away, his lips pulling up into a small smile. “Tiger wouldn’t have wanted you to continue carrying this resentment within your heart.” 
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     the brim of his hat is pulled down & over his eyes the moment jinbe pulls away   (   perhaps to hide the welling of tears there .   )   he’s probably right ---   he usually is ,   that’s the infuriating part.   
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     ❝     i can’t promise i’ll ever like them .     ❞     arlong says ,   arms folded stubbornly across his chest.   maybe never like ,   but they can start out with tolerating.   he chances a glance up at the taller fishman ,   a nervous look in his eye.     ❝     ...   are you mad at me ?     ❞
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nokogiron · 2 years
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i understand that he is very evil and nasty but like........................look at him...
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nokogiron · 2 years
Crying over jinbe & arlong ngl
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nokogiron · 2 years
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arlong is so much more open & vulnerable with other fishmen i’m telling you
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