nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Since there is no requirement for bottled water to be labeled with its specific source location or treatment methods, it is difficult to find out what private companies do to the water, but tap water treatment methods must be easily accessible to the public.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Poland Spring (2009) water is cleaned when it “percolates through layers of fine sand and gravel.”
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Fiji (2004) tells consumers that “[o]ver thousands of years, countless tropical rainfalls soaked through… sedimentary strata.”
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Perrier is protected by layers of rock and clay which is what filters it.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Dasani (2012) is “filtered for purity using a state-of-the-art process called reverse osmosis.”
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Water makes up between 55-78% of a human’s body weight.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
If you drink your daily recommended 8 glasses of water per day from the tap, it will cost you about 50 cents per year. If you choose to drink it from water bottles, it can cost you up to $1,400 dollars
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Residents of sub-Saharan Africa use only 2-5 gallons of water per day
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
At 50 gallons per day, residential Europeans use about half of the water that residential Americans use
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
More than 25% of bottled water comes from a municipal water supply, the same place that tap water comes from.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
As New York City's ban on the sale of large cups of soda and other sugary drinks at some businesses starts on Tuesday, one thing is clear: soda's run as the nation's beverage of choice has fizzled. In its place? A favorite for much of history: Plain old H2O.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Some 2.7 million tons of petroleum-derived plastic are used to bottle water worldwide every year, and costs consumers up to 1,900 times more than tap water
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
The marketers can compete with free; it just has to be better. Look at bottled water if you don’t believe me. Jonathan Potter
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
New data shows that bottled water isn't so crystal clear after all. Learn more about skipping the bottle water.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
How Does the Water Get from A to B to You?
Bottled water:             It is driven or flown to a warehouse, and then it is driven to you at home or to your local supermarket where you buy it, and then drive it home.
Brockton Tap: The water is transported through pipes to easy access points.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
Health-conscious Americans consume 30 billion single-serving containers of bottled water a year. Supporters of new bottle bills are trying to figure out what to do with all the plastic.
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nomorebottledwater · 11 years
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