non-trauma-headspace · 8 months
out of curiosity, what would u think if someone with no social life created headmates as an alternative for social interaction?
We would say that headmates aren't a suitable replacement for external relationships and that headmates are likely going to want to forge their own external friendships.
~Mod Willows
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non-trauma-headspace · 8 months
(Anon because We're only out to a select few friends) We're a bit late to the system name thing but We're the Featherlight Collective, and we got our name from the vast majority (6/7 so far) of us having some kind of phantom wings! - 🪶
Awesome! That's such a nice name :)
Many of us have phantom limbs, including wings, and it's really pleasant to focus on the sensation of those additions to our physical form. It helps us feel more solid as ourselves in a body that's so different from our own. We can't literally give the body wings or antlers or tree root legs, but letting ourselves fully embrace the pale feeling of their form here and now is still a really nice sensation.
I know for some that sensation is unpleasant and causes dysphoria, and that's valid too. :)
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non-trauma-headspace · 9 months
Hello! So recently I have came across the term Soulbond and im now questioning a lot of things. I have been identifying as plural for about a year now and I have two headmates that are both fictives. I have been reading the definition(s) I have found for Soulbonding and stuff and it sounds like sorta what I experienced. The problem is that I have things more leaning on the plural side vs just soulbonding. Any advice is welcome <3
Soulbonding does count as plurality in an opt-in way - if you identify as being many in the same brain, even if some of those brainmates are from another universe, you're still able to belong under the plural umbrella if you want.
~Mod Willows
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Is there a type of alter/headmate that doesn't necessarily feel like a different person but also doesn't feel like you?
Recently I've been experiencing a weird form of dissociating, where I both forget everything in my own life, but remember the entire life of a different person, whenever this happens I feel like I am this person and anything I would normally be okay and comfortable with like names and other stuff, it suddenly feels wrong. Originally I thought this was just a kin, but I have other kins and this doesn't feel similar, it feels too different.
Sorry if I'm not explaining this good, I'm pretty bad at explanations /gen /lh
I’d look into median systems, they might be what you’re trying to describe. Medians are systems where the members manifest as different facets of you. I won’t try to define it further because I’m not median, but try looking that up, I hope it helps. Sorry I’m so late to answer!
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We Made A Server!
₊❏❜ `💫` ⋮ the LIMINAL PLURALITY CLUB! ⌒⌒
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> ⁞ ❏. a server geared towards those of us who experience liminal plurality! median systems, monoconscious systems, OSDD-1, plurals, our server is for anyone who doesn't fit the image of plurality as strictly multiple
> ⁞ ❏. many bots, including one to test out new names and pronouns
> ⁞ ❏. an active staff team, who are always willing to listen to suggestions
> ⁞ ❏. a space to ask and answer liminal plurality related questions
> ⁞ ❏. a flexible and evolving server, with staff who are willing to modify it to suit its members needs
> ⁞ ❏. a manual verification system to safeguard against trolls
> ⁞ ❏. and, most of all, a place to find friends and community!
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> come join the LIMINAL PLURALITY CLUB today
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Is there a way to know for sure you're a system? I'm really confused rn.
If your sysmates are switching with you and leaving you notes saying "Hey I'm a real person too, you know" that's probably a good sign lol
Other than that, no not really, I don't think. Most things in life are a matter of "this framework helps me, so that's what I use" anyway. If it helps you understand what's going on in your head and with your life better, then go for it. If it doesn't, there's no shame in setting it down.
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we are
The Paint Water Sys🍂 :3 (dunno if you wanted it in asks or not but we thought we would share)
We chose it because we artistic but a little weird and we all like that emoji!! It also feels very disconnected from gender (Idk why it just... does more so than others?) and that made us feel extra comfortable with it!
I like that! I’ve always loved how paint water looks.
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Still sharing system names? If you are, we named our subsystem "The Fedoration" (a portmanteau of "Fedora" and "Federation") because a lot of us like wearing hats. [|:D (the emoticon is wearing a hat, yes)
That is absolutely adorable thank you for sharing !
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Heya, i really corious if i can't remember what i have been doing, does it mean i have DID?
It doesn’t necessarily no.
There are a lot of disorders that cause memory loss, and it could easily be one of them as well. I would bring it up with a mental health professional though, they’ll be able to help you figure out what’s happening!
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Plural Pride Flag
Ok, I know there’s tons of plural pride flags out there already - but none of them suit our personal tastes so figured we might as well give it a go! 
*** Free to use without credit, including for commercial use ***
This is an inclusive, general pride flag for all those who consider themselves plural, part of a system, have DID / OSDD, etc. 
Along with all the color meanings, the white heartbeat line represents the experience of sharing a body. 
[Image ID: Four different variations on the plural pride flag. Each has the same colors - indigo, blue, aqua, yellow-green, orange, red, and brown. There are different arrangements, the first two having these colors as vertical stripes, and the second two having them as horizontal stripes. The first flag has a white heartbeat line across it. The final image has the color meanings listed, which are as follows. 
Brown - Systems and Plurals of Color
Red - Self Love and Love Within Systems
Orange - Healing and Recovery
Yellow-green - Unity of Systems and Plurals
Aqua - Acceptance of all Origins
Blue - Healthy Multiplicity 
Indigo - Courage and Perseverance. End image ID].
More variations below the cut!
Keep reading
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I don't always feel real. I'm not DID and I'm regularly harassed online for being an endogenic system. I keep feeling like I'm responding in place of my headmates and I'm not sure whether or not I'm a system. My intrusive thoughts keep telling me I'm not and I just want some stability
Well the thing is, everyone’s system is different.
For example, mine actually runs a lot like you’re describing. I’m co-conscious with my co-host Shiro, and often it feels as if we’re “thinking together”. Sometimes I’m the one typing out what he thinks, or because I’m watching it it seems like I’m typing for him.
Being self-aware is a blessing and a curse, my friend. On the bright side, I don’t lose much time or memory. On the downside, I don’t always know who I am. I imagine you feel similarly.
Just know that people who fake it know that they’re faking it. You can’t fake it by accident.
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hi! so it's kinda late as i write this so please forgive me if this ask doesn't make much sense, but there's this voice in my head sometimes. it doesn't really talk to me ever except for saying really random things and once insulting my outfit - that i liked - in a game. basically i'm not sure if it's just intrusive thoughts (someone told me it was) or an alter, since i know i'm not thinking the things that it says
what do you think?
Usually intrusive thoughts are directed at real life, and generally they’re situational. I have a few repeated ones but say like, the car ones don’t repeat when I’m not driving. It could still be, but it doesn’t seem like the vibe, you know? Especially if you firmly liked what you dressed your character with.
I cannot and will not diagnose you, but doing some reading up may help. It sounds close to a facet or maybe a soulbond, so those terms may be more helpful to look up.
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traumagenic system passing through briefly- to all endogenic and non-traumagenic systems out here today: you're more than just valid. youre a key part of the plural community and it wouldn't be whole without you ♡
That’s lovely of you to say 💜
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i have question. i just discovered the existence of non-traumagenic systems Today and have seen a lot of discourse, but whether or not endo/parogenics are "real" systems there's a phenomenon or experience there that i relate to and i wanted to just... share it with someone who has more information about the phenomenon or experience than me.
i have someone in my head who i call my imaginary friend, because i made him up, but not on purpose. he's some kind of manifestation of my intrusive thoughts or something like that because he says things that i don't think on my own and that i hate sometimes. i've never associated or compared this experience with systems and i do not have DID/OSDD.
i do have an issue with, like... i really don't feel like a Person, much more like a ghost possessing a body, kind of like a hermit crab or something, so if my body is in Reality, I'm (my mind is) one level removed from reality, and my imaginary friend is two levels removed from reality. then sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations are three levels removed, and dreams or night terrors are four levels, but there it becomes tangential.
a white guy with a very surface-level understanding of eastern religion and spiritualism and a very deep obsession with hippie culture told me that my imaginary friend is a tulpa, but i really don't think he fits the criteria for several reasons. there's more information i can give, but that's all i can think of to say. i don't know what my question is, actually. i'd appreciate anything you have to tell me based on all that
– a&v
Frankly, it’s up to you to decide what kind of terminology you use to describe him. Or, if he has an opinion on it.
That “ghost in a body” feeling is probably disassociation, though. That’s usually how it feels when I disassociate. Like I’m watching my body move from some sort of control room, or floating outside my body.
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If you could replace the term “system” with anything, what would you choose?
I’m partial to “two idiots in a trenchcoat”
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can you please explain the difference between a fictive and a walk-in? like. I have headmates that we've been calling fictives because they're "introjects" (not sure if we fit DID/OSDD but idk what other word works) of fictional characters. but they remember their own memories and exotraumas and stuff. it's like they were in one universe and got plucked and moved to our brain. since they remember a time before we shared a body would that make them walk-ins?
A walk in is a headmate that enters and leaves the system at will; as in they suddenly appear, stay for a time, and then disappear. They might come back, they might not.
A fictive is a headmate that forms who either Is or Is Based On a fictional character. Fictives Can Be walk-ins, but they can also appear and then hang around indefinitely.
So a walk-in describes the behavior of a headmate - and can be just about anything. Human, fictive, animal, little, etc.
A fictive is a subtype of headmates as a whole, they’re specifically headmates who are fictional characters.
I hope that helps!
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Hi! I’m currently thinking I’m in a median system (We like to call it group) and I’ve been struggling finding terminology. Only one person comes to the front decently often, but even then its pretty much co-con. Plus, we’re very interconnected and a lot of times know what we’re each thinking. Theres 5 others (i think) but they all mostly stay in the headspace, and I go there a lot at night and in the morning, when I’m tired, or zoned out. Maybe you guys know if thats the right terminology? -Aqua
We’ve got a whole glossary page in our about! Maybe those will help?
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