nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Can someone be yours
They aren’t mine I’m not sure you can really  belong to someone anymore I’m not sure if you should I would never wish to own them Their free spirit is what I admire most about them I do want them to be mine  in the way that my body is mine I do not own it but it exists as an extension of myself  A part of me both physical and spiritual  But if they were mine I know I would love them…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
My Pollution
In my eyes they are perfection in its purest form A beautiful stream of crystal waters and abounding life With every lustful gaze and longing touch I fear I am polluting this beautiful stream  A dream of calm harmony and innocent love  Tainted by physical desire  My mind made an intrusive pollutant Of their clear waters I have been graced to rest in But to them I am no such thing I am…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
The Unspoken Rule of “I Love You”
I love you means nothing without action. I could speak any three words and they would mean just as much. Yet that phrase has been given  So much power. A power I have seen And felt many times. But I cannot say That it’s ever the words that meant something.  If I were to say I love you too soon, I would be called insane. Because it’s obscene To think I would express to you in words What I…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Weighing Your Worth
The chains of the past weigh on your soul And if you don’t shed those shackles You may find Yourself tied to places and people  That weren’t meant to be When that weight has walked with you for so long It can become a blinding vale of comfort A feeling of normalcy and security That envelops and holds you in a half hearted romance That you believe is everything love can be Til one…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Arcana of Love
I am the fool on a journey of self discovery. Learning new things about life and about myself. I have fallen faithful to the journey. You are the Empress a presence of divine femininity love and humanity in abundance. Your presence has brought me assurance assurance that I am on the right journey. A journey full of love, self, and wealth in happiness. -m.c. Support me here
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Words of the Day
Again and again my words seem to fail me. Behind those words I am seeking a meaning that simply  cannot be found sifting through the English language.  Daunting, is the task of finding words to paste together in  elaborate poems and pieces hoping to  figure a way to say something that  gratifies at least some small part of the love I feel for you. How could I ever express to you  In such…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Duality of the Sun
Duality of the Sun
I was unsuspecting. All I can remember up until then was how beautiful the weather was. It was the peak of February so there was no reason for it to be as warm and sunny as it was, no better day for track practice than that. As my mom drove through the suburbs of our small South Dakota town I could feel the sun warming my face and the cool wind blew through my long hair. I had waited my whole…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Foraging For Answers
I find that emotions are a lot like mushrooms. Some are born by being picked up from others, just to be dropped in a new home. Some are carried through the atmosphere like spores in the wind-destined to find their home eventually. Mushrooms spend their whole lives thriving off the release of energy from other organisms. In that same way our emotions are most present to us when we ourselves are…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Chain Breaker, Division Maker
Chain Breaker, Division Maker
I grew up in the Tennessee Valley on the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. A place known for its deep southern roots and conservative values. From the time I was born the world around me told me who had a right to life and who did not. The KJV was truth and anything else was heresy.  As I grew older I strived to fit in every way I could. It wasn’t till highschool when I found out why my efforts…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Queer Theory
In every lifetime I hope I get to find myself  my own way And experience queerness In a way that is unique to me Now that I have grown And begun my exploration  I would never  Wish away my queerness The community I have found  And the vast spectrums  I get to explore I hope to see in every lifetime -m.c. Go Fund Me for my top surgery
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Bodies of Water
Smooth river rock lines the bank The bank we lay above tonight tree roots tangled beneath Two bodies wrapped around each other mimicking them in that way Cold water rushing and turning down the carved out path Contrasted by our warm bodies surrounded in the nylon hammock The skies dark and full of stars The sparkle of those constellations reflected in her deep brown eyes Three bodies all…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Holy Leaves
Southern livin’ comes with Southern learnin’ one lesson I’ll never forget lends itself to the dogwood a tree full of lovely little white flowers stained with light red lines on every one long before I had learned much about life I asked my mom about the” leaves” of the tree I didn’t know what petals were but I loved those little white leaves My mom told me the white petals meant purity…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Growing Up Queer In Communities With Strong Gender Roles
A big part of southern culture that I remember growing up was the emphasis on gender roles in the home and in the community in general. My mom always raised me to know how to take care of myself, but I watched how she did everything for my dad and it definitely left an impression on me. While many other places have grown away from the idea that women are the homemakers of the family, a lot of…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Fleeing the South
I saw a tik tok come across my for you page by Caroline Caldwell where she talks about what progressive southern culture means for her. Caldwell mentions that she ran away from the south in attempts to find a more accepting community in New York City just to discover that they had the same systemic problems seen in the south. Caldwell decided the best way for her to contribute to her community…
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nonametimmy20 · 2 years
Queer and Religious Panel Review
Recently I had the opportunity to attend the Queer and Religous Panel hosted by Spectrum and the Religion club at UTC. Rachel Lesler, an elder for Northminster Presbyterian Church, Rev. April Berends from Grace Episcopal and Rev. Tricia Dillon Thomas from Renaissance Presbyterian Church all spoke on what role the Queer community played in their communities. Lesler is a queer woman herself and…
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nonametimmy20 · 3 years
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