nonbunary-does-arts · 2 months
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Dimentio is my favorite bastard but also *thrashes him around like a chew toy thrashes him around like a chew toy thrashes him around like a chew toy thra*
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nonbunary-does-arts · 5 months
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Updated Anthro designs! Still not too sure about Saint... but the rest, I'm very proud of! Details about them, and a full line-up will be under the cut!
Also I see some of you, curious about what's up with Monk: and here's your answer: Monk is also Nightcat here! I made these designs before the Watcher was revealed. Also, I promised myself I'd hold back on making a Watcher design until we see their powers.
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MONK - He/They
16 years old
Little Brother to Survivor, of course. Gourmand is their Auntie!
Transes this little guy's gender.
Aside from being quiet, they're just a sweet lil guy.
They have some pet lizards... one of which is a red lizard named Jewel.
The bag contains snacks!
SURVIVOR - They/them
22 years old
Older sibling to Monk, of course.
Panromantic asexual
Sees a lot of themself in Big Sister Moon... often just sits with her to vibe.
Dating a scavenger named Blue! Only Blue is allowed to use she/her with them.
Found two slugpups while wandering with Blue, and is taking care of them, with Auntie Gourmand's help.
HUNTER - She/it
24 years old
After making it back to No Significant Harassment, Sig realized that Hunter was so fast that they could remove the rot before it became too late.
Why are its legs plantigrade? Well, she was a test tube baby!
Can't really talk, an unlucky strike from a scavenger cut her throat.
It knows sign language though, and have lengthy conversations with Spearmaster, who's like family to her.
Wants to help Five Pebbles out.
GOURMAND - She/her
38 years old
Aunt to Monk and Survivor
INCREDIBLY good at cooking. Can turn basically anything into a meal that can fill you for a while.
Dating Artificer, helping her heal from her deeply broken heart with kindness.
That and she will just hold Arti until she calms down from seeing red.
35 years old
Mother to Bubble and Seafoam, both are deceased.
Gourmand found her about to kill a scavenger. She hadn't even noticed the large slugcat until she was lifted in the air, arms pinned to her sides. Gourmand held on despite all the struggling, giving the scavenger time to escape... but it was only when Arti finally stopped struggling was she set down and talked to.
Under the long clothes, she's underweight.
Nobody really sees her eye underneath her hat... but Gourmand has. It always flusters her when Gourmand compliments her.
She's... hesitant towards slugpups. Her terror of losing her own still sticks with her.
Gourmand helps her a lot... she hopes one day she can repay the kindness she feels as though she does not deserve.
31 years old
Like Hunter, because it was a test tube baby, its legs are plantigrade!
Most messengers have their iterator's insignia on their person. In Spear's case, the amulet on their choker is the symbol of who their creator is.
Working with Hunter and Seven Red Suns to try and help fix Pebbles, or at least get him out of his superstructure before it collapses.... even if it itself is reluctant.
Pretty chatty actually! They and Hunter's conversations can go on for hours.
27 years old
Polyamorous Pansexual
This little guy has been many places, though their favorite places to visit is the region that surrounds the iterator Chasing Wind.
They never stay in one place too long, but they always make sure to visit whenever possible.
Though you see him less than Saint, she's still always willing to tell the latest gossip... Very popular with the Scavenger King's group in the Outer Expanse to learn what scavenger politics are going on.
The only one who knows what Saint is capable of and takes it incredibly seriously.
SAINT - They/them
26 years old...?
Quiet. Not mute, just... very quiet. Prefers listening over talking.
Very rarely do they ever show up. But it feels as though they're more... waiting for something.
Really only ever talks to Monk.
Some iterator logs think they saw Saint leaving Sliver of Straw's can... but that's not possible. Saint is still young. Sliver's death happened so many cycles ago....
ENOT/INV/??? - Any
What is even going on with this guy.
Never front facing... somehow.
Hurts for Moon to look at her for too long... other iterators get a malfunction in their systems.
Often found in deep in the Subterranean... most likely getting snatched by Train Lizards.
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Here's the link to the blank version of the meme!
Getting INCREDIBLY attached to the Ottoman after making the askblog, @ask-thomassaggs for him. This was mostly for practice to get more used to drawing him in my own style :3c
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An eye for an eye.
A life for a life.
I'll see you in hell on the other side.
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So, My Speary has a neat little quirk.
Basically, they're a vampire. Sometimes, straw spears are NOT enough so they just straight up maul prey just to feel SOMETHING.
They get a little scary when like that. The fangs on their upper jaw act just like the strawspears, allowing blood to flow through.
You may be wondering, what do Rivulet and Gourmand think of this fact? And my answer is simply:
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They into it.
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BEHOLD!! The Opinions my anthro scuggies have on each other! I'll leave a MUCH more detailed explanation under the cut hehe.
Monk + Survivor are the classic siblings
Gourmand is their mother's sibling! Monk and Surv often call him "Baba"
Spearmaster is Hunter's adoptive father. Spear taught Hunter everything it knows.
Monk admires Hunter's capablities, however doesn't find himself wanting to try it out.
Monk gets put on babysitting duties with Rivulet sometimes, and all those times was it fun!
Monk is the only one that actively gets along with Saint. Saint appreciates the young one's quiet nature. They both spend quite a lot of time meditating together.
Survivor likes Rivulet's excitable nature. They find their energy is great for tiring their own slugpups out.
Surv also appreciates Hunter and Spear's fighting prowess! They train to be just like the two of them to protect their own growing family.
Hunter appreciates Gourmand's family so much. Gourmand makes meals that are to DIE for. Hunter will KILL for Gourmand's meals.
Hunter and Survivor get along great! A mentor and their apprentice. They get nostalgic sometimes, remembering when she and Spear used to do training like this when she was little.
Hunter has not had... the BEST chances to get to know Monk. It likes the little squirt, but tends to find it better to keep its distance.
Hunter managed to face off against a red slugcat it just... couldn't help but admire. The slugcat was RIPPED and just as if not stronger than them. She barely outran the bomb the stranger threw though. Hunter wants... to find and meet them again. To get to know this strange slugcat.
Hunter finds Rivulet absolutely HILARIOUS. Sometimes Rivulet has to stop midway because it hurts Hunter's throat to laugh so hard. Absolute bffs.
Gourmand absolutely loves cooking, so finding out Hunter has an appetite like her, oh you bet your ass he's going full on chef. Aside from that, Gourmand appreciates Hunter for being a defender.
Gourmand has met a mysterious loner once. She wishes to meet and get to know her.
Gourmand was heartbroken to find Spear could not eat like other slugcats, however, rolled up her sleeves and got to making delicious broths and nutrient rich dishes that Spear could consume through their siphon spears. They can't help but admire the purple slugcat.
Gourmand will crush Rivulet in a hug and that is a threat <3
Gourmand never says no to a challenge, and meeting Saint definitely is proving to be a challenge. Life was created to live it... she just needs some extra convincing to help set Saint straight!
Arti saw her pups in the eyes of the terrified yellow slugcat.
Spearmaster could never be more thankful that Gourmand is so understanding and kind. Upon being met with meals they could actually eat, things so it can feel included... Oh to say they were a sobbing mess would be an understatement.
Spearmaster finds Rivulet's speed something to be reckoned with. They can find an appreciation for doing things incredibly fast... and the beauty of seeing that shimmering pink and blue dancing in the water and air as they bolt around.
Spearmaster finds it adorable how Survivor acted just like Hunter when she was younger.
Spear appreciates the quiet Monk brings. While having not gotten to know them yet, they can appreciate the young slugcat.
Rivulet is a very sociable slugcat. They like Monk's willingness to open up and try new things, and Survivor's patience with them and trust to care for their slugpups. They couldn't hate anyone, not even the prickly old Saint!
Rivulet finds Gourmand so so so pretty. And his food oh so so delicious. And Gourmand is just so so nice... you get the picture.
Rivulet once crashed and got his ass whooped by a strange red loner. Rivulet likes someone that could literally just kick their ass.
Rivulet can tell when Spear stares... and honestly, she loves the attention. She'll put on a show, just for them. He finds their flustered reactions cute too.
Saint appreciates Monk's willingness to seek attunement. It will take years, but Saint is a patient Slugcat.
Enot is Enot. He crushes on literally everyone. Even Saint. Yes he has called Saint a Gilf before. Yes, Saint used his jesus powers to kill him instantly.
Monk doesn't know Spearmaster all that well. Is terrified and does not know at all about the mysterious red stranger that almost attacked them one day. Doesn't think too much about Enot.
Survivor has never met the mysterious stranger yet... and honestly, they don't want to. They don't really care about Saint.
Hunter also doesn't really care about Saint.
Gourmand finds Enot just... the slightest bit irritating but doesn't really care about him.
It may not have looked like it, but Arti DEFINITELY has seen Survivor around. She feels slightest bit betrayed but ultimately doesn't care. She doesn't know this slugcat, so why should she care if they're dating a scavenger?
Spearmaster has heard of this stranger from the scavs they visit. They don't have much of an opinion.
Spear also doesn't really care about Saint tbh. Also finds Enot annoying.
Rivulet's kind of meh about Enot.
Saint does not bind himself to connections. He dislikes those who chained themselves to the living, through wrath and through life itself.
Survivor and Hunter do NOT like Enot. Mostly because he's Monk's bully.
Arti is Arti. She hates everyone. Including herself. She especially hates Enot. Specifically when he told her, "Just forgetta bout em and make more! :D"
The only one Saint could describe as despising is that god-cursed, horrible luck bearing inverted slugcat freak.
Enot don't like Monk bc he thinks Monk is a dweeb.
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So you guys know the little notes I left in this post of mine?
Well, here they are!! Survivor's Scavenger Partner... and Slugpups!
His name is Blue! She's genderfluid, any and all pronouns work with it. When he initially met Surv, they were part of a nomadic group searching for new places to settle into. The group took in Survivor for quite a few cycles of travel, before the group wanted to split off in another direction. Upon noticing Surv's very weak leg, Blue notified the rest of her traveling group that it'll be staying behind to help Survivor out.
The two found a little pink slugpup while wandering and took her in. The wandering was taking a toll on Surv's leg though. So, Blue offered to take them back to their main land to see what they could do to help.
It was after the amputation and creation of the leg did the two finally get together. They were lovesick, pining idiots oblivious to the other's affections. When they found another slugpup they took him in too almost immediately. They're both really dorky parents hehe.
(The Pup's titles will be the Gardener (Pink) and the Burrower (Brown))
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It was a task. Hale breathed in the salty air of the boatyard. The glow of the lighthouse being the one thing they could see through the dense fog. They kept their ears perked up. They had been caught by surprise by a manager that wandered the streets, large and smelled of fish. They recall her diving into the depths below, where no gag of theirs could reach her. They had to play smart that time. Now, however, they could not see their opponent. Hale did not know who they were going to fight, only knowing small glimpses of this cog's power. Though nothing but the crash of the waves against the dock was all they heard until a voice rang from the fog. Their hackles stood on end, and they stopped in their tracks. The opponent was ahead… singing? They tilted their head curiously. They stepped lightly, getting closer. As they did, the song became easier to hear.
"Ip dip dip, my blue ship, sails on the water..."
Hale never heard this rhyme before. Before long, they could see a figure seated at the edge of the docks, gently moving side to side. This close, the hare could hear her humming before she began to sing again.
"Like a cup or a saucer..."
The cog's swaying stopped.
"But you are not in it..."
Hale didn't move. They had the element of surprise, carefully reaching behind them to draw out a pie gag. But they froze when they caught the sound of a sniffle. And then another. Her sigh was shaky, as though trying to hold back her own tears.
The hare felt… odd. Hale's paw pulled away from their gag supply, as they were hit with the memories of themself crying alone, nobody around to even hear them.
Before they could even register it, they were reaching out towards the cog.
They stepped forward, and the dock groaned under their weight, making the robot jump with a startled yelp. The cog suddenly turned to look at Hale, eyes full of tears and stained cheeks staring at the blue rabbit.
Hehe Toontown go BRRR.
I feel really sympathetic towards Misty, and I wanted to give her a friend.
Hale there is a mute hare, and uses a chalkboard to talk.
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My anthro Scugs!! + Enot/Inv/???
I'll leave design and personality notesnotes under the read more!! :D Hope ya'll like my takes on the scuggies hehe.
MONK - (He/They)
Monk is known for being kind and willing to jump after their loved ones, so I decided to sort of make it look like they're the last scug that would do that. He's very family-oriented.
His more closed-off appearance is purposeful, I view Monk as a scug that takes a bit to come out of his shell.
He's very cute and gets very flustered pretty easily when someone compliments him.
His clothes were made by Gourmand.
SURVIVOR - (They/Them)
The glaringly obvious prosthetic leg is also on purpose. Survivor's fall was very bad, and it resulted in their leg becoming infected to the point it needed to be amputated, from the ankle down.
They're actually dating a scavenger, and that scavenger is the one who was there for them through the procedure, and even had a hand in crafting the new leg. It's modeled after a scavenger leg.
Their folded ear is due to a bite from a lizard that tore off a good chunk, leaving it floppy.
HUNTER - (It/They/She)
The scar on their throat has left them a selective mute. It doesn't mind all that much.
Its clothes were made by No Significant Harassment, for ease of letting other Iterator Messengers, if they were to ever happen upon her, to know who she was created by.
It's very no-nonsense, and takes its job very seriously. When not assigned a task, they're often seen pacing back and forth, or hunting.
GOURMAND - (He/They/She)
I knew from the get go I wanted him to be BIG.
The pearls around his neck were gifts from scavengers. They wear them with pride and have in fact made pearl necklaces and bracelets for the scavengers as well.
She's the motherly matriarch of the scug population in the outer expanse, and teaches them all what she knows.
She's SO fucking pissed off it's not even funny.
She refuses to leave the metropolis, even after chasing out the scavengers. She was unlucky in her attempt to kill the scavenger chief, as he ran off as soon as she started trying to kill him.
It's been so long she doesn't even recognize her own species anymore, killing with no remorse.
No bottom jaw, and only their upper canines developed.
Often seen exploring around, often with Hunter when it's time to hunt.
RIVULET - (Anything)
This scug wears nothing but a swimming suit and not even he knows why. It just likes it.
It's actually almost as tall as spearmaster, lanky legs are good for running after all.
They talk FAST, often needing to be reminded to slow down a bit so the others can hear her.
Somehow always wet regardless of the environment.
SAINT - (He/Him)
I knew I wanted him to look extremely fuzzy.
His coat was crafted using a raindeer's wool, and it's helped keep him warm in the event of a blizzard.
I also wanted to make it look like he has many old man secrets under that coat. Tell us your secrets old man.
The beard was a must. I needed to give him a beard.
ENOT/INV/??? - (He/Him)
Yeah this dude it just a being that the gods want dead.
No matter what way anyone faces, his snout will never be front-facing.
He speaks in 2000's scene, and can somehow say emojis as well.
Will often attempt to match the hobby of a scug of the day he's crushing on.
Kind of a dick to Monk tbh. Surv has kicked his ass about it.
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In the Past...
I named the little Green Slugpup 'Foam', and the Blue Slugpup 'Bubble'. They both love their mama a lot :3
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I got struck with an idea so meet my Anthro Artificer.
She's rootin, tootin, and ready to fucking kill.
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"My Count, my loyalty to you will never waiver but… are you absolutely positive you want to go through with this? …You know nothing will survive if the prophecy prevails. It hurts lying to the others…" "…We will continue as usual. …But let us make precautions to avoid any of them learning the truth."
Listen I am a sucker for the idea that Dimentio at first never really intended to betray Count Bleck. And I'm also a sucker for the idea that Bleck never planned on giving his minions their new universes. So this is a mix of the two.
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nonbunary-does-arts · 2 years
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Hot diddly dang its been a hot moment since i last posted anyway have some of my content that i've been stewin up.
Meet Lepri and Silv! More content with them may come in the future.
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nonbunary-does-arts · 2 years
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hello everyone! i think i have finally lost my fucking mind
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nonbunary-does-arts · 2 years
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I’m a sucker for Solar Lunacy, so have my own take on Y/N!
Name: Jay
Pronouns: They/he/it
Age: 19
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nonbunary-does-arts · 2 years
Howdy Hey!
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I’m Buck, and this is where I post my art from time to time.
Here is my main tumblr if you want to see my reblogs!
Here is my twitter!
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Please Reblog my art!
I know you read it a lot, but it’s genuinely true that simply clicking ‘like’ here on Tumblr does nothing for you or the artist! Yes, it’s nice gesture, but reblogging is so much more because it reaches more people!
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nonbunary-does-arts · 2 years
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And before I forget, I updated my designs of Sun and Moon and they look much nicer imo <3
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