#rw scavenger
scav-gifs-daily · 2 days
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I caught this lad mid spear-throw. I can’t figure out how to get ids and it’s so grainy, but they’re so pretty. Teal antler tips and teal eyes!
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ID : 10090
i can't remember the ID but they have a very similar sibling too :) its definitely this one going off the eartlers
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s4ndg3m · 5 hours
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thanks for the free life BOOYAHH
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churrobellart · 2 days
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They're too sweet for you✋😔
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soaricarus · 22 hours
Can you show me the breed standard scavenger? Interpret that how you mean.
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mushroominaforest · 19 hours
I was wondering, do you have any specific depictions for Scavengers by any chance? Maybe some lore or headcanon for them? (just really love those spiky googly-eye guys)
You know, I’ve actually never drawn living Scavengers before (only dead ones in Artificer drawings lol), so I don’t have many headcannons yet! Anyways, behold, the first proper Scavenger I’ve ever drawn:
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They’re literally just guys
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sometimes I wonder if scavengers think slugcats are related to oysters
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talia8pie · 3 months
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Nothing much, just scavenger at a Mcdonalds (ID:7639)
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funky-dealer · 8 days
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first time drawing scavs i kind of hated it
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wildpaw281 · 6 months
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drew my lil scav fam
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kirpichq · 3 months
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scavcat and.. slugenger?
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salsaface1 · 2 months
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somewhat unshaded scavenger model I made as a test to see if I could use it in customizable player models
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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IDs - 348003 (red), -367088 (orange), -273518 (white), -295218 (light pink), -428862 (dark pink)
since i'm the one doing stuff here for a bit whole bagels is busy, here's a lesbian scav flag for you all
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alexander-norkat · 10 months
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Funky this was supposed to be a doodle how did it end up like this anyway I got a lot of the funny scavs here on tumblr because everyone either kills them or loves them.
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kalivasquezart · 2 months
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(banners for @ask-the-pioneer)
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soaricarus · 4 months
a rainbow of scavengers!
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[edit: please look in the reblogs before asking for ids [ids as in the unique numerical identifiers rain world uses to generate creatures, because apparently i have to clarify that].]
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cowblep · 3 months
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