I can't find the story on AO3, can I have a link?
The story's orphaned as I didn't want it attached to my original name. Not sure where it is honestly but it's here and a part two hasn't been published
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Snippet from No One Escapes the NoWhere King way later in the story 💀
"You were a poet?" You ask curiously. He tilts his skull down staring at you before looking away making a soft hiss noise. Snorting you have a feeling he didn't mean too admit that.
"I..." The Nowhere King paused as the fire in his eyes die down. He wasn't avoiding the question like with other ones he genuinely seemed lost in how to answer. As if he'd forgotten.
"Can I hear one?" You question scooting closer. The NoWhere King stares at you and chuffs looking away instead of answering you. "Please?" You beg.
"Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I'd kill anyone who'd ever hurt you." He says as he stares into your eyes.
"... Maybe another one." You suggest hoping he could muster something a little less creepy. The sentiment was there but the nature behind his words left you a bit uncomfortable.
"Your eyes are so pretty.
Your smell so sweet.
It's comforting to watch you sleep."
Giving him an odd look the NoWhere King doesn't seem to understand how wrong either of those sentences are. "That was... Special." You compliment making him chuff.
"Fine you try." He responds annoyed as he nudges you. Smiling softly you hum thinking. While you wouldn't say you were a poet you had dabbled in art way before the war and your nurse studies. Turning towards him you tilt your head observing him curious. His green eyes stare back and you smile.
"... Your horns stretch to the sky touching the stars as you fly by. Your blackness fills my eyes and your body binds, I am trapped in the murk and all you touch surley is cursed.
Yet theres a light in the emeralds that make up your stare. To your lonliness no one can compare. You have feelings, who would've thought? And here we are. You slowly creeping into my heart." Blushing as you look away embarassed at the hidden confession the NoWhere King clicks his jaw and stares at you before scooting closer.
"Creeping into your heart?" He murmers surprised.
"..." Pushing his skull away he makes a clicking chuckling sound as he settles comfortably next to you.
"Not the worst place to be." He admits before shifting his skull to lay in your lap. Adjusting so he can comfortably settle your hand goes to his skull gently going over the smooth bone.
Not the worst place to be indeed.
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Angst fuel/W.I.P I'm working on: Being a type of Taur and your forcibly seperated from your other half (I think the General would do this but not the Elktaur or Elk) Just the human and animal side being forcibly split apart with no way to reconnect them.
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The HunchBack of Notre Dame A.U? RunAway Royalty A.U? Who knows! Here have a snippet :)
You were as mysterious as you were beautiful. Alluring as your were intoxicating.
 You were everything and he loved to watch you.
 He'd never spoken too you but he knew of you. You danced around the center of the peirs square, the space between both rifts. Magic buzzing at your finger tips as you passed around a hat for people to put money in and they did entertained by your little show. Both humans and centaurs. Silks were flying around you and beads jangled as he admired the hand sewn embroidery on your clothes. Music weaved in and out of the stalls and he hummed in quiet delight as he observed you. His feet tapping to the beat.
He'd never talked to you but he watched. Watched you sing, dance, and play music. Watched you live with wild abandon. 
 You were so graceful. So free and fun. 
 And good the Elk must admit. Pulling in people to join your dance and doing an amazing job at making the people who watched laugh and smile. Engaging your large audience. Humans and centaurs alike adored you and that was no easy task.
 As the sweet smells of fresh baked buns and flowers filled the air he hummed taking in the sunny sweet smelling day. You pulled in a small child bending down to be at her height. Spinning with her causing your fabrics to fly around you like wings everyone claps to the beat as the music fills their ears. As the girl pulls away doing her own dance you see an older centaur and smile. Pulling him in inviting people to join everyone was having fun.
 Until guards came. The music became muffled as their loud thunking boots replaced your once sweet sound. And grabbing your hat in an almost too practiced motion you smiled at everyone as they stared on in confusion. The music stops playing as your magic pauses. As the guards come closer you make a move to grab your instruments but you don't have time. Elktaur and onlookers stare in horror as they get smashed and you turn and run, your fabrics no longer flying around you as you keep them close to flee. 
 As he walked forward once the crowd was gone he held your abandoned instruments. His fingers tracing your carefully painted pictures on elegantly carved wood. Frowning, he knew he could repair them but it would take time. Seeing no one had stayed long leaving when the guards came he held them close he hoped one day he'd hear you play again. 
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Aaaaaaah I love your writing, it's soo good! I'm so happy to find someone who is writing for centaurworld! Can't wait to read more from you! :)
Also, will there be a continuation of yandere Nowhere King fic or something similar?
Yeah it says in my Bio it's an ongoing series
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You can use anon on asks now. Please ask away. :)
If you want to make a story suggestion I'll listen. I really only write for The NoWhere King, Elktaur, The Woman, the Elk, and the General though.
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When I say I've listened to this song a 1,000 times and watched this edit a million more I'm not aggerating.
A feminine urge to create edits about sad deer man
“Fairytale”- Alexander Rybak
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Hey I just wanted to say that I really love your nowhere king fic. I'm just glad I found the author of that fic so I could say how much I enjoyed it
I'm really glad you like it!!! I'm not usually one for horror and gore but lately I've wanted to expand my writing skills and try something new. I'm writing Chapter Two right now and having a lot of fun with it. When I orphan the next chapter on ao3 I'll include a link to this Tumblr so people can find it :)
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The Elk X Reader 
A/N: Same author as NoOne Escapes the NoWhere King
 Summary: Elktaur and Pain are an Easy Pair. So please enjoy this
  The Elk often awaited your visits. It was the only thing that made life bearable in these dark and awful days. A prisoner in the False Kings castle you knew the feeling of being trapped, of starving because your captors were unkind or because they forgot you were there. You knew what it meant to suffer and to stay kind despite your suffering. 
 Even after being freed you came back... you always came back to him. He wasn't sure why but if you were his gift for staying in this terrible place he would take it.
 Your touch was soft today as you scratched his horns and carefully fed him with shaky and beaten hands. Knuckles scratched from fights and arms scarred from taking powerful blows. You smelled of sunlight and fresh air and wet grass, things he wishes he could share with you. As your hands tremored against his head your scratches sweet but shaky you tried not to show him how injured you were from a recent scuffle in the street but he knew, he always knew. Yet he stayed silent as you never liked speaking of your bad time in the streets or forest. You always focused on the good. 
 Occupant of NoWhere you called yourself. For you much like him you fit in NoWhere.
 He liked the title. It made you seem more real. Honest. You deserved a place of your own more than anyone and yet you were content in your life. After all he had you, and you him. 
  You were a theif. Though not entirely by choice. An orphan of the kingdom with no viable skills and no way to get a real job you rotted away in the streets. However, despite your rough life you were smooth as a stone with a kind heart. You were intelligent and crafty though apparently not crafty enough. You got caught more than you'd like to admit. 
  Stealing just wasn't where your heart was. 
 It was because of your unofficial occupation you met so he couldn't fault you for your past decisions. You'd met in these cells and although you often tried to free him whenever you were here you could not so you did your best to make him as comfortable as you could visiting as often was possible. You brought him gray pillows that blended in with the stones for his knees, kind and gentle touches one would give to soothe an old friend,  fresh food he never received from the guards, and hope. You brought him a hope he didn't have before.
 You had a way with words. The way you explained things were simple and yet extraordinary. He could listen to your stories all day. You were a charmer in your own way, though shy to show off. And street smart, you were very street smart always planning out your day around where it was safest to be when you weren't in the cells with him. Where you could get a quick meal without being chased.
  You spent a lot of time in Centaur world for their hospitality and your interest in magic but you didn't fit in there so you did a lot of back and forth between the world's trying to find a place for yourself, trying to make a name. You showed him some tricks you'd learned, and he watched. He enjoyed. You reminded him so much of his past love, of the woman who'd put him here. But you stayed.
 You could leave him. You could move on with your life. And yet you never did. 
 You were his only true friend. 
 He remembers the first time he met you. 
 "The Kingdom wasn't like this before! The princess wouldn't agree with this! I didn't even get a summons! A court proceeding! Let me speak my case!" The Elk couldn't bring himself to look up as he heard distant voices but as they got closer he tilted his head in his cell. His chains creaked as the dimly lit torches flickered. He watched shadows danced across the floor as the yelling got louder and you slowly descended down the stairs with guards forcing you forwards. Getting thrown into a cell the person goes still curling in on themselves. Something is thrown inside with them, something hitting them but they don't move as the doors lock. 
 The guards laugh and you're left alone. He can see you curled up in a ball, your knees touching your head as you slowly just breathe and try not to cry. He wants to comfort you. Too say something but his throat is dry and he hasn't spoken in so long. Shifting to get closer, to see you better, his chains rattle loudly in the empty space and you pause jolting up. 
 He stops and all is silent. 
 "Who's there?" He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He lays down the chains shifting again. Your eyes lock on his cell and you seem to calm down realizing your not alone. 
 "What's your name?" You question curious. The Elk looked towards you his chains shifting as he pauses at your voice. It was curious... kind. Things he hadn't felt or heard in ages. You could not see him with the torches too dim on his side of the room but from his hunched and pinned angle he could barely make you out. Torch light flickered across your face as you stared out into the darkness.
 He was enamored with you since day one. 
 He swallowed trying to speak again but his throat was beyond dry. When was the last time he spoke? The last time someone talked to him like a person and not a thing or a simple animal. The last time anyone thought anything of him? 
 "Did they give you anything interesting?" You try to make small talk, you must be as lonely as he is.
 He swallowed again. He wanted to speak, to acknowledge you like you did him, but he couldn't. He hadn't in so long. Did he have a voice anymore? Does one keep their voice in this maddening darkness that is all quiet cept for the occasional drip of water? Would you to lose your voice? He hopes not... it's beautiful and it leaves his head spinning. 
 "They gave me cold soup." You continue on fiddling with something in front of you. The silver shine of a spoon catches his eye. He hears metal against another object before a sort of sloshing sound fills the space between them. It's the soup or slop he supposed since he can really only see your face in the terrible lighting. You wait for an answer and he makes a low noise in his throat. Swallowing again, harder he hums as loud as he can trying to make an audible sound. You smile in his direction catching it. He chuffs slightly shifting in the cage. He chuffs again making a soft sound and your smile catches in the light in a way he likes. You shake your head laughing and his heart thrums. When was the last time he heard laughter? It bounced around his skull and although it was louder, louder than anything he'd heard in some time he loved it. He wanted more. "Oh and a bruised apple they threw at my head. Stupid guards." Putting the soup down grabbing the Apple you turned back towards him. "Got anything to trade?" Moldy straw. That's all they fed him. That and slop. Just enough to keep him alive. Just enough to keep him in this misery. 
  He'd do anything for that Apple you mentioned. A fresh juicy one would be heaven but a bruised one was better than nothing. When was the last time he had fresh fruit? Fresh anything? 
 "Not the chatty type? That's okay." You said softly. Sticking your hand out of the bars you very carefully roll the fruit across you to him in his cell. He watches in shock and almost cries as it lands perfectly in front of him right through his bars.  
 "My name's (Y/N)." You greet before he hears a click and sees you begin to eat your soup. You make a face that makes him chuckle but you don't complain.
  He stares at the apple you rolled and slowly he reaches his mouth out and takes a bite. Swallowing the juice drips down his chin. He licks it away desperate to not let any flavor escape and swallowing again his throat feels a bit better. Taking a deep breath he hums. 
 "... My… my name is Elk." His voice was hoarse. So very hoarse and quiet. When had he last used it? Not in a long time. Closing his eyes he couldn't remember and right now he didn't care. All he cared about was this little kindness and getting through this terrible time in his life. 
 "Nice to meet you Elk." Taking another bite his heart felt a little less heavy as he tilted his head to get a better look at you.
 It was nice to meet you as well. 
 Red. He stared at the Red. It was warm. Thick. And it was all over his face. The first color other than gray and brown he'd seen in years. He hated this color.
 He felt the tears come as he realized what had happened as he stared at your body, your bloody body twisted at an odd angle. Your mouth, forever stuck in a surprised look. Your eyes glassy. You were his only friend, his only comfort. And he was denied even this. You were taken from him. Bashed against the cold stone as if you were the criminal instead of the society that pushed you away and rejected you time and time again. That rejected him too.
 Your shining eyes he so admired were dull. Your chest was still. And in your hands was... a slice of cake. 
 His favorite food.
 His fault. This was his fault. 
 "You... You killed them..." He murmurs voice shaking as he tries to remain composed. It's silent in the dungeons cept for the Generals harsh breathing and the soft dripping. Elk wished it was water. His other half stands on the stairs gripping them tightly as he looks down at the body. Looks down at the first of many murders he'll commit as his time as King.
  "They couldn't be left alive." The General states. "Unless you want them to rot with you." He sneers. Elk gets up violently pulling at his chains. They rattle loudly filling the quiet space as his ragged and angry breaths sound like an animals. He wished he could tear the General apart. He wished you'd open your eyes. He wished for a lot of things. 
 He wished for hope. 
 Calming down he fell back to his knees on the cold cobblestone. Desire twisted in his gut. Desire for you to stay. Desire for you to wake up. Desire for you to be free.
 "Leave them..." He barely whispers. He begs. You are his only friend, his only comfort in this place. He can't bear the thought of never seeing you again. Of going insane down here all alone without you. 
 But you deserve more. So much more. So when they take you away he remains silent simply watching. Refusing to blink until you're long gone. He could only watch as they carried off your bloody body to be buried somewhere. Red forever staining the cobblestone.
 Closing his eyes after you're gone he shakes before feeling tears build up. Curling into himself as much as his restraints allowed they dripped down his face. He let out shaky breaths. 
  A copper smell filled the air but he tried to remember your smell instead. You always smelled of sunlight and fresh air and grass. He only hopes you're buried somewhere just as nice. Somewhere you'd described to him in your stories. By a glistening lake. A flower filled meadow. A beautiful forest. 
 "I'm sorry..." He whispers. And truly he was. For this was the curse of knowing him. Of being his friend. 
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If you want to ask questions you can. Please ask away :)
I'm curentully working on the next couple of chapters and an overall arc for the story. Anon will be turned on soon but I'm on mobile and not desktop so I can't activate it yet.
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No One Can Escape the NoWhere King
The Nowhere King had such an interesting and sad backstory. He clearly didn't want to be evil but all that time trapped and alone in the dark? Having gone insane from being in that space alone so long?
The General and Nowhere Kings bond really got me thinking though and I wanted to expand on how they could feel the others pain and maybe even their emotions? Anyways slight spoilers for season two please enjoy! :)
Yandere Nowhere King. Hes your problem now.
Staring at the Nowhere King eyes wide in terror you slowly back up depsite knowing it's futile. Back pressing against a machine, it's terrible machine that made all the minotaur troops that were killing your people. You shiver, feeling tears slowly come to your eyes. Feeling the cool metal under your fingertips searching for a button to get you out of this situation you swallow as your hand tremors. The General had told you stories of this monster and the castle that had endless horrors within its walls. Of his old memories and all the lost dreams for his Kingdom that died here. His wife who'd been lost. Backing yourself further into the machine scratching your arm against a sharp piece, you knew you could never escape and yet every fiber in your being told you to run. The minotaurs and vile creatures around you surrounded you. They lowly growled and hissed, making awful noises as you covered your bleeding arm.
Closing your eyes listening as thunder boomed outside before a bright flash leaked through your closed eyelids you tilted your head back knowing your end would be painful. That you may be devoured by the darkness of the NoWhere King or be torn apart by his troops. Yet all you hear is silence other than the rain patterning against stone outside.
The evil noises had stopped and you were left in a deafening quiet. A suffocating silence. Opening your eyes slowly, confused on if you were dead or not you stiffened as the Nowhere King Floated before you. Your hands once again gripped at the cold metal behind you. Desperately you searched for something to pull loose and use as a weapon as you kept eye contact with the Nowhere King but there was nothing. Heart pounding in your ears and tears pricking your eyes as white puffs of air left your mouth, you trembled before him. He tilted his skull head leaning in close as quiet clicks escaped his jaw. Flinching back as far as you could go he threw his horns back as his eyes glowed a menacing emerald. Putting up your arms ready to die the next words surprise you.
"Leave us." Shifting away from the machine edging away from him you tighten the grip on your bleeding arm watching the soldiers and false King closely. Blank helmets and yellow reptilian stares greet your eyes as low hisses escape the troop that had cornered you. Metal creaks and weapons clank as the soldiers bow. They slowly move in a mechanical fashion, a cacophony of metal scraping and shifting noises as they back away in a controlled fashion before exiting the bleak room.
A loud creak is the last thing you hear from them as an ancient and rusted metal door swings closed, trapping and locking you with the Nowhere King. As the sound echoes around the mossy stone cavern you stare at the door. You will your legs to move, to run, but you're frozen in place. Your eyes dart between him and the door. His glowing emerald fire casts light over your trembling form in the dark room as he softly breathes. A whimper dies in your throat as the NoWhere King leans forward, his skull ridge brushing your nose.
His hand... if you could call it that, separated from his not body, dripping as it slowly moved towards you. Pausing as it looms over your face you blink in surprise as it caresses your cheek. Its touch was goopy and strange but not what you expected. You thought it'd feel like burning hot tar, but no. It was oddly warm, almost comforting. Not at all like the uncomfortable burning you had expected from the Generals story. It didn't sting or leave painful marks but if he kept it there too long you had the feeling your face would begin to tingle before it would hurt. Thinking it over as it moves away leaving some of itself on you, you swallow. Maybe not burning tar like you thought but it could be compared to hot wax.
"You do not remember me, my love?" He asks. His voice wraps around you and makes your very being ache. You begin shaking unsure of how to answer such a question as your hand lingers over your pulsing heart. His words pulled at you, you knew him and yet you didn't.
No you didn't remember whatever this was and you didn't want to either. However it knew you and that couldn't be good.
The General was always telling heroic tales, always explaining his war stories. Old soldiers beaten half to death who'd once sat at heavens gate warned you of this creature as you dabbed them free of blood and bandaged them as best you could. You guess you lied to yourself. Everyone knew it. They feared it.
And now it had YOU.
This abomination of shadows, and night, and everything evil in the world swirled into one being. You could feel him staring when you turned away from it racking your brain for unknown answers. Your fingernails dug into your skin as you tried to calm yourself down. Rapid breathing began to give you a headache as you searched his face for what it wanted but it was emotionless. How did you know this thing? You'd only heard stories... you'd never actually seen It. But it left you alive this long that had to mean something. What did it want? Your breathing comes out shaky as you feel very trapped as you slowly walk backwards on the uneven and slippery castle tile. If you said no, would it kill you? If you said yes would it do something worse?
"... I don't know you." There's a pause heavier than steel and titling your head to see if the thing would respond if he'd hurt you, you jump as he had leaned in close on your other side, twirling around the machine and you like a snake. You hadn't heard him do that. You couldn't believe something so large could be so quiet. It just reminded you how deadly the NoWhere King was.
Watching quietly as the black mass dripped, as it leered over you. You felt some of him ooze onto you. Shivering at the sensation listening to it snort and take in deep heavy breaths his skull hovered just above your head as his magic eyes peered into your soul.
"You will." Stiffening in fear clenching your eyes closed it shushed you softly. Mocking noises escaping its maw. Hands or whatever you could call it's hands grabbing you before pulling you close. Struggling against him as tears begin spilling down your face it whispers soft reassurances trapping you in its arms. Struggling harder, its hold gets stronger and eventually as you begin to sink into the warm tar of his abysmal form you just go limp, unable to do anything else.
"Sleep." He states and closing your eyes you plan on doing just that.
The NoWhere King stares at the person he had taken. A smidge of his goo remained on them and he wished he could wipe it away. Keep them clean from the vile parts of himself but all it would do is add more. Huffing and getting closer he lays on the tower's floor watching them closely. He takes in every detail as they sleep, obsessively focusing on their chest as it rises and falls showing their breathing and that their heart is beating.
He'd dismissed his guards and after being alone with you, he'd knocked you out slowly, suffocating you against his darkness. He had then brought them here. Here where she once brought him. Their astronomy and library tower where they would read books and tell stories and laugh and stare at the stars...
His jaw shifts and clicks in an uncomfortable sort of way as he stared at them lying peacefully in a pile of soft things he'd acquired for them. Their comfort. Their needs. He felt hard to explain things for them. Much like he had her.
As his black goo shifted and dripped off him he stayed back to keep it from getting all over them. He tilts his skull, jaw still clicking in odd ways as he hummed low and deep in his throat. He observed the things he'd collected for them and wondered why. Why was he doing this? Things he hadn't had in what felt like centurie. Blankets. Pillows. Books. And still even more supplies all for you. Things he himself couldn't enjoy. And yet as he watched them peacefully rest against what he'd gathered them he knew why.
That General got in his head. His other half... that wretched part of him that looked enticing but was poison. He loved you. And now so did the NoWhere King. The General couldn't have you though, you were his now. He could love just as much. Provide more. You would never want for anything because he'd burn the world to give you everything. He was poison on the outside, dripping delicious death. He was indeed a cruel and malicious fate but only because the general had made him so. He had once been sweet, once been soft. He felt these things for her and now he felt them for you.
"My love..." He murmurs as you soundfully sleep in the nest he made. Snuggling deeper into the pillows and softness you were so unaware of the world around you. Of his presence right next to you. "My love you make me whole." He would never give you up. Never. You truly did complete him. He'd destroy anything that tried to take or hurt you. He'd give his very unlife to keep you safe. The only thing he could never gift you was your freedom. No, you needed to stay with him. You needed to be his or at least be only with him.
Lovely precious fragile thing. That's what you were and the Nowhere King swore he'd protect you.
"If you love him you can also love me." He muses reaching out to touch a strand of your loose hair. Tucking it behind your ear your face shifts and he pauses as you reach for him. You probably mistake him for the General. That thought revulses him. Pulling away to not disturb you he simply watches in silent vigil waiting for you to wake.
You would scream and struggle like many before you but you would not befall their fates. He would take care of you. This he promised.
"... I love you." You do not respond in your sleeping state simply shifting and humming as you dream but he doesn't mind. He didn't need you too for the words to be any more or less true.
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