nootthereststop · 19 days
A theory about "In Trousers"
Why I think "the R--- of Ms.Goldberg" is a metaphor and marvin didn't actually do it
If your not familiar with "in trousers" the TLDR is it's an abstract one act musical written by Bill Finn to come before March of the falsettos/falsettoland, in a series called "The marvin trilogy". "In trousers" shows marvins development and sexual discoveries through flashbacks to his 14 year old self. One of the overarching metaphors in this musical is columbus' "discovery" of America, marvin saying "the thing about explorers is, they discover things that are already there. Columbus closed his book and went ashore", this "discovery" of things that already exist relates to his sexual awakening. arvin asks his teacher, Ms.Goldberg to have sex with him to "explore" himself, as since he's newly 14 and sees it as he's entitled to her. Of course, ms.goldberg declines and to this Marvin jumps her. And this on stage is represented by him removing her glasses, after saying he "loves her eyes" which she's never actually revealed to him or else, as she's always wearing a pair of dark sunglasses.
There's a term, "undressing someone with your eyes" and it's do to with the fantasy of the unseen, and also is showing how lust is an act performed in the mind before being a physical act. I believe the specific removal of her glasses is to reference this, and that the entire idea is his fantasy, and that he wants to bed her, as opposed to litterally doing so. As this is all through marvins POV, his own bias always plays into the flashbacks.
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nootthereststop · 1 month
This is honestly like so much better than any of my observations, thankyou sm for clarifying/cleaeing up what i said wrong haha so yuh ppl just listen to @catboymoses as they very mich have proved they know more than me on judaisim and its relation to trinas character
Pt. 3 pookies sorry it i cant spell even thoigh english is my first language my typing is AWFUL.
Falsettos commentary: Trina edition
So i think its really understated the impact of religion on all the characters not just jason?
I would like to preface this post by saying this isnt a post about the flaws of religion, i have no problem with religion and i believe that it can be a lovely thing to be religious in some form if one is so inclined, scincere apologies if i mischaracterize any aspects of judaisim in this post, ive tried to educate myself on the little i do cover in this but i understand it would likely not be accurate, if i have said anything that doesnt seem right please let me know so i can fix it!
We see (especially in act two) how the cast is not very enamoured by the idea of religion in lines like "this is so much crap, throw a simple party, religions just a trap to ensnare the weak and the dumb" "(days like this) we ALMOST believe in god ect"
Trina is in my opinion most affected by a jewish upbringing. We see that in the expectations placed on her by her mother and father "i was sure growing up i would live the life my mother assumed id live, very jewish, very middleclass, and very straight" and of course her father indirectly forcing her into her first marraige which ended in divorce. A major aspect of the show is highlighting the glaring flaws in everyday people; how we manipulate and lie, "we are manipulating people and we need to know our worst sides arent ignored" . We see one of trinas "flaws" to be what she frames as some level of sexual frustration/ dependency, as alot of im breaking down explores her (lack of an) intimite relationship and the strain this puts on her, as her mind consistently defaults for sexual refrences and innuendos, sometimes to the point of objectifying herself, (something that we also see alot consistently throughout the show) "whos lusty and requires a fling with a female thing" "me im just a freak who needs it maybe every other week". As im not personally jewish I am very uneducated on jewish practices and belief systems HOWEVER many religions tend to have a very negative standing on sexual intimacy for the express purpouse of pleasure. This appears to cause trina to objectify herself as well as conform to the societal roles assigned to her, despite not really seeming to enforce them on others "he decides the role to assume". We see the pressure to conform to religious practices when jason doesnt want a bar mitzfah "not with g-ns but k-ll your mother rather than humiliate her" despite not really seeming to visit a synagouge or encourage aspects of religion such as prayer onto jason. I think this shows how her eeligion is so deeply engrained these practices are no more than habit and how disconnected she truly is from that religion
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nootthereststop · 1 month
Pt. 3 pookies sorry it i cant spell even thoigh english is my first language my typing is AWFUL.
Falsettos commentary: Trina edition
So i think its really understated the impact of religion on all the characters not just jason?
I would like to preface this post by saying this isnt a post about the flaws of religion, i have no problem with religion and i believe that it can be a lovely thing to be religious in some form if one is so inclined, scincere apologies if i mischaracterize any aspects of judaisim in this post, ive tried to educate myself on the little i do cover in this but i understand it would likely not be accurate, if i have said anything that doesnt seem right please let me know so i can fix it!
We see (especially in act two) how the cast is not very enamoured by the idea of religion in lines like "this is so much crap, throw a simple party, religions just a trap to ensnare the weak and the dumb" "(days like this) we ALMOST believe in god ect"
Trina is in my opinion most affected by a jewish upbringing. We see that in the expectations placed on her by her mother and father "i was sure growing up i would live the life my mother assumed id live, very jewish, very middleclass, and very straight" and of course her father indirectly forcing her into her first marraige which ended in divorce. A major aspect of the show is highlighting the glaring flaws in everyday people; how we manipulate and lie, "we are manipulating people and we need to know our worst sides arent ignored" . We see one of trinas "flaws" to be what she frames as some level of sexual frustration/ dependency, as alot of im breaking down explores her (lack of an) intimite relationship and the strain this puts on her, as her mind consistently defaults for sexual refrences and innuendos, sometimes to the point of objectifying herself, (something that we also see alot consistently throughout the show) "whos lusty and requires a fling with a female thing" "me im just a freak who needs it maybe every other week". As im not personally jewish I am very uneducated on jewish practices and belief systems HOWEVER many religions tend to have a very negative standing on sexual intimacy for the express purpouse of pleasure. This appears to cause trina to objectify herself as well as conform to the societal roles assigned to her, despite not really seeming to enforce them on others "he decides the role to assume". We see the pressure to conform to religious practices when jason doesnt want a bar mitzfah "not with g-ns but k-ll your mother rather than humiliate her" despite not really seeming to visit a synagouge or encourage aspects of religion such as prayer onto jason. I think this shows how her eeligion is so deeply engrained these practices are no more than habit and how disconnected she truly is from that religion
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nootthereststop · 1 month
I realized recently, in the first act of Falsettos (specifically the revival staging) the entire cast is on stage for every single song with the exception of Trina’s Song (and i think at the beginning of Jason’s therapy). Then in the second act, the cast is only on stage if they’re actively singing/participating in the number.
I feel like this is meant to show how much Marvin is trying to control everyone in the first act and keep them in his sight/grasp at all times. Trina’s Song is her finally allowing herself to step out from under Marvin’s shadow. In the second act, Marvin has finally matured enough to let everyone live their own lives and “sing for yourself” as it were.
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nootthereststop · 1 month
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literally have no idea how to caption this. just take it
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nootthereststop · 1 month
Wait haha ppk acc saw my post on falsettos
Falsettos yayy
Okk so as well once again, the Cube!
It represents the full casts lives and how they all fit together, but at the end ofc whizzers headstone is a piece of the cube, so the gap represents the missing piece of their lives
In "what would i do" whizzer sings short phrases, and repeated lines of marvin in a higher pitch, this shows how this version of whizzer is just hpw marvin sees him; as obedient. The higher harmony symbolises how he also brought happiness and uplifted marvins life
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nootthereststop · 1 month
Falsettos...observations? Theories? Idk other bits of info I've found out
First is my favourite theory no one ever talks about, so we all know the falsettos set, the cube. We all love the cube. This is an abstract but effective way to allude to a world around them in many ways, much as of course building tables and chairs. The fact they're these minimalist blocks also allude to marvin (and honestly all three of the mens) immature child like view of everything
The main thing with the set is that as the story progresses we get more reality based probs and sets, of course begining with the chessboard (highlighting how important manipulation aka "gameplaying" is to them all) but then later becoming beds, books, bowls, chairs ect. I think this represents how the harsh reality of the world they live in tears down this idealised surreal living, and that breakdown is represented in the movement toward realistic sets
Help I can't delete the poll you don't need to answer it but I can't figure out how to get rid of it
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nootthereststop · 1 month
I NEVER post here hayayahha I need to add tumblr tp my home pg so I look at it ncus I love my tumblr excursions as none of my irl friends have access to my shenanigans
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nootthereststop · 10 months
random good omens observation
so like I'm sure people have talked about this before but I wanna rant and I'm only in the good omens fandom for like a week
Body language is a big thing in the good omens show like obviously first, the way crowley splays out on chairs vs aziraphels very poised and polite way of sitting. Other than the obvious of crowley being more laid back because of the more freeing system he's under as a demon, I think it also shows a self stability, example being that a wider stance provides more stability, vs standing with your feet together, it also suggests offence, due to the "open" nature, as if egging someone to provoke them. Is stark contrast, aziraphel sits very structurally, with good posture, almost in right angles, with his feet together, which suggests someone more closed off, but his very proper posture reflects that he isn't timid just very structured, which is evident from heavens system that is strictly professional from what the series shows. His feet being together of course mean he only has one point of balance, which implies instability or dependency, which again is a trait nurtured by heaven. The idea that whenever your in doubt or when you feel alone "God is always there"
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