nordichealthnut · 4 years
How people can mistakenly think or just subconsciously feel food works: there are “unhealthy” foods like pizza or fried chicken and “healthy” foods like fruit salad or steamed vegetables. Every time you eat an “unhealthy” food you’ve harmed yourself in some way.
How food actually works: foods contain carbs, proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, minerals, fiber and/or other nutrients. Your body needs and uses all of them but it would like to have a little of everything every day. If you ate pizza or fried chicken for lunch then that’s probably your fat and protein for the day with extra that your body will make use of in time, so it’s a good idea to make your next meal something different like that fruit salad or steamed veggies. You can have that fatty lunch every single day if you just maintain balance and stay active enough to actually use what you’re stocking up on because foods aren’t “good or bad;” they just either fit into the rest of your diet and lifestyle or they don’t.
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
As a 31 year old woman, who just got diagnosed and am now on ritalin... Yeah... How did no one notice this?
Common phrases said to you before you realise you have Adhd
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
sad to learn one of the youtubers that helped me become vegetarian is supporting homophobic, racist, and sexist remarks from That Vegan Teacher.
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
I live here. It is difficult to get people to do "shitty" jobs like flipping burgers, when your citizens have options. Therefore McDonald's have had to make it very attractive to work there. The pay is good, it's fairly easy to get manager training and move up in the company and for many years, McDonald's have been chosen as the best workplace in the country. Because people who work there have great security and job satisfaction.
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
The secret is finding someone who ALSO has chronic pain😅 I suffer from chronic migraines and my SO has chronic back pain. I don't love the fact that he suffers daily pain, but being with someone who knows, just KNOWS what it's like to be in so much pain that you can't get out of bed, is a weirdly bonding experience
Dating while living with chronic conditions and chronic pain is exhausting. You're telling me I have to keep up with all of my body's bullshit AND reply to someone asking me about my shit day??? Okay 🙄
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
People who think there are two fixed distinct genders are going to have a bad time when they find out that not only is that specifically not true but literally every single category is artificially constructed and imposed on a fundamentally non dualist world.
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
I don't think people point this out often enough but think about every single fucker that stormed the Capitol:
- An adjunct professor
- A lawyer
- A real estate agent
- A state legislator
- A CEO of a company
A LOT of these people, thorough their occupations, family connections, what-have-you, all had varying degrees of institutional power to inflict their menacing politics on people and harm them. Do you think a MAGA real estate agent is gonna help a black family looking for a good home at a fair price without regards to whatever the neighborhood is? Do you think that MAGA teacher or that MAGA university adjunct professor is treating his non-white students fairly? Are you sure that MAGA CEO gives a single fuck about creating a safe working environment or not discriminating against employees that aren't white? We all know the power of a racist legislator, but even a single racist, with the backing of the white supremacy system, can ruin a life pretty effortlessly.
White supremacy is a cancer. It infests and infects every aspect of a person's life. It is truly insidious.
I don't know how to wrap this up conclusively but maybe this tweet thread will sum it up better
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
weight loss plans promise that if you do this hard thing at first, you’ll eventually find freedom and health. like you’ll get used to eating that way and maintaining that workout schedule, you’ll break your “junk food addiction��, and retrain your habits, etc etc. that’s bullshit. diets progressively strip you of control, causing increasingly intense backlashes against the restrictions, like binge eating and despair. the people who “successfully” chronically restrict what they eat and maintain a rigorous exercise schedule? they have eating disorders.
but any non-diet approach - intuitive eating, eating competence, or for eating disorder patients, full refeeding - is what’s really going to deliver on that promise. these are very hard at first. terrifying, even. they require huge amounts of energy, concentration, and commitment. but then, when you get the hang of them and let them have their full effect, you will increasingly experience a relationship with food and your body characterized by freedom and health, with compounding benefits 
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
Fat does not necessarily equal unhealthy and even if it did, not everything has to be about health when we talk about fat bodies! Health is very rarely brought up for anyone else, just fat people. Let people be beautiful, happy and active while fat in peace!
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More of this “I’m not a bigot but-“ nonsense
“I’m all for body positivity, except for fat bodies”
“It’s great that she’s confident in herself, but let me take a moments to turn people complimenting her into a conversation about how unhealthy and problematic I think her body is”
Just say you don’t like looking at fat people and go about your business. Stop trying to hide it behind disingenuous twitter declarations.
( side note) This fake body positivity is the absolute fault of the PopSugar fitspo world appropriating it sell their “this brave instagram fitness model who works out 15 days a week shares her inspiring story of how body positivity caused her to embrace the 3 lbs she gained after having twins” stories.
You skinny obsessed fake feminists think you own the term and that fat women are tarnishing body positivity from the *deserving* bodies
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
Diet companies will be hitting hard this year. Be prepared to hear repeated sentiments of "It's time to get rid of that Quarantine 15" and "In these hard times, commit to taking care of yourself with healthy living and weight loss."
This rhetoric is going to be everywhere. And due to the nature of modern advertising, the vast majority of it will be coming from people online who just look like they're trying to share some good advice with the followers that they love so much. You'll barely be able to see the money getting thrown at them from the weight loss industry.
Don't reward them for using these manipulation techniques - Buying their products and losing weight isn't going to make your year any better, or erase the stress of the pandemic, or be the first step in self-care.
Please please please see these ads for what they are - A way of preying on your insecurity and trauma in order to make money.
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
Amen to the comment about doctors! Why are they considered experts in nutrition, when a lot of them never even do one semester of nutrition classes!? Your nurse is more likely to know about nutrition than your doctor and they are only required to do one or two classes on nutrition. And even then is usually just in the context of what contributes to "lifestyle diseases".
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
My twin sister got diagnosed with autism two years ago and I am in the process of figuring out (with the help of a psychiatrist) whether I am autistic as well. And learning that a lot of things I thought was "normal", like a rigid sense of justice and "extreme feelings" towards injustice, is apparently "not normal", and is now also considered bad cause autistic?
That's just sad. How is being kind bad?! "kindness is good, unless you're too kind and also autistic!"
Allistic researchers really went out of their way to find out that autistic people are less likely to lie or be immoral for personal gain and said that’s somehow BAD and a sign of pathology from AUTISTIC people? You can’t make this shit up.
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Twitter thread by user @felixmooreactor (Felix Moore)
The pretzel you have to contort yourself into to frame ‘autistic people act more morally than neurotypical people’ as a bad thing is truly mind-boggling.
[Title of the linked article: “Autistic People Care Too Much, Research Says”, the picture attached is of a hot pink knitted stuffed rabbit with a tiny donations jar  and text next to it that reads “Breaking news: Autistic people are too generous”.]
This kind of thinking is only possible if you start from a mindset of ‘if autistic people do it, it must be wrong’, which somehow gets you to the absolutely galaxy-brain take that it is…bad…to make moral choices at the expense of your own interests?? #ActuallyAutistic
Screenshot on the 2nd tweet of the thread:
Pathologizing Positive Human Traits “Because Autism”
The authors pathologize autistic participants for refusing to support a bad cause, essentially for not being as selfish as the non-autistic group:
“Here, we show that ASD individuals are more inflexible when following a moral rule even though an immoral action can benefit themselves, and suffer an undue concern about their ill-gotten gains and the moral cost.
- Hu et al. 2020″
Truly a shame that I, an autistic, am so tragically morally inflexible, unlike whoever wrote this study, who possesses such remarkable moral flexibility that they have contorted themselves into ‘doing good things is bad, but only when the autistics do it’
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
Marie Kondo is full of anecdotes about the weird ass shit that she not only lets people keep but encourages them to elevate in their lives. She says one of her clients ended the process with a bedroom full of vintage pinball machines because what sparks joy in that particular woman was basically sleeping in the middle of an arcade.
Marie Kondo would never make you throw away your weird shit! She wants you to pare down to just your weird shit.
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
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New milestone. I quite enjoy running, it's so weird!
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
I love how tumblr does this when you search "anorexia":
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But has ads like this all over my fucking dashboard:
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@staff You're a part of the problem. No amount of performative bullshit you do means a damn thing when you still allow predatory ads like this. Get your shit together!
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nordichealthnut · 4 years
Went bouldering, killed it and now I am eating crisps and drinking beer
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