nordrascavern · 3 years
Need a senzu bean for that
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nordrascavern · 4 years
...You kinda need actual hair first, Hordikins. Just saying.
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RE: @oldventgremlin‘s art.
Vintage Hordikins is jealous of those lustrous locks. Snort.
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Well, they are clearly being made for it
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It seems Entrapta likes to pull Hordaks with her hair.
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Katso Skyrim theme misheard lyrics YouTubessa
I'm a little late but since Skyrim had ninth anniversary November 11th, here's a link to video that still makes me laugh!
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Ok Drac, be honest:
Are those hips and waist authentic or are you pulling some vampire bs here? Because goddamn!😍🤤
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Happy Halloween kids, have Dracula and Lisa as Morticia and Gomez.
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Weird thought involving SPOP and Pokemon:
If the Horde clones were Pokemons, wouldn't that make Hordak... a shiny?
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nordrascavern · 4 years
The only reason I got the account myself was Castlevania 😂 It is good, beautiful, amazing!
... But you'd need a tissue box, so be warned
When you have two ships about nerdy bat boys and their science wives...
It does tell something about person when TWO different series that I’m currently enjoying of have that same fucking dynamic between two characters.
I’m talking about Dracula and Lisa from Castlevania along with Hordak and Entrapta from She-ra.
No wonder I fell in love with entrapdak; I already went through the same with Dracula and Lisa!
Let’s see here…
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Evil overlords
Reclusive science nerd hermits (seriously, did either them leave the goddamn house for years?)
Absolutely no social skills with mere mortals
Things go boom when you take their wives away from them
Sad bat boys
I’m starting to question my taste in men
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Science Ladies
Can walk up to the monstes’ lairs and say “I’m living here now, let’s do science!”
Both totally dom their husbands
Beautiful hair
And finally:
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Both have a yellow-eyed, fanged gremlin-child (parentage may be questionable)
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Guys. Guys. Guys!!
I was just casually thinking about DadHordak with Adora when I fucking remembered:
And it hit me
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nordrascavern · 4 years
One of the princesses once made a mistake during a meeting and asked Entrapta the ultimate question:
“What do you like about Hordak?”
They really regretted that question after six-hour lecture along with graphs, charts and photographs. With occasional video or two.
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Tall bat boys with tiny wives
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@nordrascavern ;3
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nordrascavern · 4 years
When you have two ships about nerdy bat boys and their science wives...
It does tell something about person when TWO different series that I’m currently enjoying of have that same fucking dynamic between two characters.
I’m talking about Dracula and Lisa from Castlevania along with Hordak and Entrapta from She-ra.
No wonder I fell in love with entrapdak; I already went through the same with Dracula and Lisa!
Let’s see here...
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Evil overlords
Reclusive science nerd hermits (seriously, did either them leave the goddamn house for years?)
Absolutely no social skills with mere mortals
Things go boom when you take their wives away from them
Sad bat boys
I’m starting to question my taste in men
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Science Ladies
Can walk up to the monstes’ lairs and say “I’m living here now, let’s do science!”
Both totally dom their husbands
Beautiful hair
And finally:
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Both have a yellow-eyed, fanged gremlin-child (parentage may be questionable)
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Dryl's going to turn into a spacebat clone rescue center! Where do I volunteer?!
Imagine: rescued clones wrapped in blankets
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クローンちゃん達のお迎え~ベルベットグローブにて~ Retrieving the Clones at The Velvet Glove
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Poor babies...
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Retrieve the clones in the cave. ( I thought the clones were in a state of mental instability, hiding in various parts of Etheria. )
tumblrは日本語版はいらんやろと思ったので英語版のみです。 需要あるよって方はコメントかなにかください。 あるいはTwitterにあるのでそれを見てください。
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nordrascavern · 4 years
I can not describe the noise I just made. Damn, Entrapta got booty!
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Extra for “Lab partners”
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nordrascavern · 4 years
That was a good episode
Watching classic She-Ra with my lab partner. Here are some of the comments I’ve gotten:
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“They blew all the animation budget on the hand, didn’t they?”
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“The other Hordak never took this much pleasure in his job. It was always ‘Get out of my office!’ this and ‘Don’t look at me!’ that.”
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“Did two toys just melt together when they were making prototypes or...?”
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“Interesting staff position.”
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“‘Think with your heart Adora, not the mushy brain stuff in your head!’ said the dumb gay jock to his dumb gay jock sister.”
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“Where were you keeping that grappling hook?”
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“This is like on SpongeBob when they remember they’re underwater.”
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“‘She-Ra always... ugghhhh, keep it together Swift Wind... always knows what she’s doing.’”
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“‘See boss, we’ll just reuse the old animation frames! The kids won’t notice, they’ll be half dead of sugar cereal by now!’”
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“There is no heterosexual explanation for this.”
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Yay, more stupidness from that sleep-deprived Prime welcomes Hordak back with Entrapta and I don’t even know what the hell is happening with the war anymore - AU
...I need a better name for this.
Also, get Prime some help; he’s been inhaling a way too much genocide jello and mountain dew.
Horde Prime: *towers over Entrapta, hands behind his back* So, princess. Consider your words carefully. For the fate of your little world, and your life, depends on it. *leans down*  What are your intentions towards my little brother?
Entrapta: Oh, I wish to continue our professional relationship considering scientific endeavours, naturally. *pauses for a moment* And to see if we can advance from our current social status to more physical and amorous one. *Cue the eyebrows*
Horde Prime: I see.
Hordak: *is having an heart attack at the background*
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nordrascavern · 4 years
Shows my brain lacks sleep when an idea of scenario comes to mind:
Horde Prime arrives to Etheria but instead being the usual asshole he is, he is actually happy to find Hordak.
And look! His baby bro even got himself a girlfriend!
So Prime does what every evil, galactic conqueror-big brother does: embarrasses the living crap out of Hordak. By showing his baby pictures to Entrapta.
Prime: - and here's he fresh out of the pod; we had to extract him a bit earlier since the little tyke did not stop gnawing at the cables.
Entrapta: Aaw!
Hordak: Lord Prime, please -!
Entrapta: Wait, what's with his ear in this one?
Prime: Oh that. Yes, his right ear hung like that for years. Don't actually know why. I honestly thought he'd go half floppy-eared for the rest of his function -
Hordak: Brother -!
Prime: Did I already show the one where he rode a robot through the hallways buck naked?
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