If you don't mind me asking, what are the fees and dues like (in general) for being in a sorority at Northeastern? I really want to join but have been considering the financial commitment
Dues vary from sorority to sorority but generally range between $200-$400 per semester. Your first semester dues will be higher than any of the following semesters because of one-time fees and new member fees. For my sorority specifically, our dues include all fees for the semester, so this means that we pay for everything all at once, including entrance to our formal or semi-formal. Most sororities will offer payment plans which allow you to pay in increments throughout the semester if that works better for you. There are also sometimes scholarships available to the Panhellenic community that you can apply for. I hope this allows you to make a more informed decision! Feel free to attend any of the recruitment information sessions in the fall for more details.
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During recruitment, what do people normally wear for those nights? My friends that go to other schools have said some days are dressier than others
The way it typically works at Northeastern is that the outfits will get a little bit dressier each night of recruitment. So the first night you will be asked to wear jeans and a simple top, the next night will be a little bit more dressed up than that, the third night is more "business casual," and the last night is a bit more formal than that. It's somewhat vague, but you will get more information from your Rho Gammas (your recruitment group leaders) about the specifics of what to wear. The most important thing is to just be yourself. You should absolutely not feel pressured to go out and buy a bunch of new clothes just for recruitment! 
Also, in case you didn't already know, registration for Fall Recruitment is now open. To register, click here.
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Does Boston feel safe to you? I feel like if I'm in a city, I'll feel scared to go off campus. Do you feel that way? Thanks :)
This is how I usually express my thoughts about campus safety: I personally have never felt threatened or in danger in Boston. BUT it is important to keep in mind that Boston is an urban environment, and you should always be aware of your surroundings. Northeastern has a lot of measures in place to ensure the safety of our students. We have our own police department, and the headquarters of the Boston Police Department is located directly next to our campus. We have a shuttle service from our library that operates from dusk until dawn and will take students anywhere within a one-mile radius if they get caught at the library late at night and don't feel safe walking home. All residence halls are monitored by a proctor and cannot be accessed unless you are a resident of the building (or if you are a guest accompanied by a resident). Northeastern also sends email and text alerts to inform students of any dangerous activities occurring near campus in order to keep students out of danger. Just make sure to use the resources that the school provides and to use your street smarts. It should in no way keep you from exploring the wonderful city of Boston!
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What’s new with me, you ask? Well, two weeks ago I began my co-op in the process improvement department at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. I think they’ll have me working on some pretty cool projects over the next six months. I am currently working on a project that involves piloting a new method of workflow and scheduling in the Lab Services department of the institute where patients get bloodwork done and IVs placed. This requires me to perform time studies to collect data that will eventually also be used to create a simulation of the processes going on in this department. One of the coolest things about my job is that it isn’t based on profit, but it is almost entirely based on improving the satisfaction of Dana-Farber’s patients and staff members. It feels really good to know that my work is set out to make people’s days just a little bit better. Plenty more to come on this topic!
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Hi! I'm a transfer student for the fall and as an engineering major, how is it being in a sorority in terms of time commitment and still having time for an engineering course load, which is certainly much rigorous than most other majors due to multiple labs! It's obviously possible but is it super stressful? Also how are sororities towards transfers? Thank you!
Welcome to Northeastern! My chapter has a lot of engineering majors, actually. You are right about the curriculum being somewhat rigorous, but I would say the most important thing is to just focus on time management and good study habits. I find that a lot of women in engineering majors actually really enjoy being a part of a sisterhood because their classes generally have a higher ratio of males. When it all comes down to it, stress can really only be measured on a personal basis, but your sisters would be there to help you manage it all. Most sororities have study hours every week as well as a chairperson devoted to Academic Excellence who can connect you to tutors and other on-campus resources to help you with your workload. 
As far as transfers go...you're not treated differently than anyone else going through recruitment. There are typically a good amount of transfer students interested in joining Fraternity and Sorority Life because it is a quick way to connect with people who share your values and who can show you what Northeastern is all about. For more information about 2014 Panhellenic Recruitment, click here!
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Hi all. Summer has gotten the better of me, and I have been slacking off a bit on my blog updates. But I'm back in action! I wanted to start by sharing this awesome video that my sorority made this summer (you may recognize it from Northeastern's admissions homepage!). Our Public Relations chair dreams of landing on the Ellen show, so help us make it go viral! And as always, if you ever have any questions about Fraternity and Sorority Life or any other Northeastern-related thing, send them my way! 
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Hi :) So I'm a senior in high school and getting ready to start applications, but I'm still really unsure what I want to major in. However for when I do decide, do you happen to know which majors are considered to be the strongest at Northeastern?
It's somewhat subjective, but from my experience, some of the most popular majors at Northeastern are business, engineering, and health sciences. For a complete list of the majors we offer and further information, click here.
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Hey, um how do you manage for axing and threading when living on campus??
Do you mean waxing and threading? I can't speak from personal experience on that one, but I know there are a lot of salons in the area that probably offer those services.
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Hi Sam! This fall I will be a junior in high school, and I have questions regarding the Northeastern life. I live in Mass so there won't be any inquires about the weather, but I had a question regarding sororities and other programs. What is the rushing process like? Is the attire exactly the "preppy" stereotype seen all over social media? Also, does NEU offer Air Force ROTC? What are your opinions on joining the program? I am considering it but I don't want to over schedule myself. Thanks!
Hello! As far as the recruitment process goes, check out this post of mine. Northeastern sorority life is quite unique in that we don't have houses. It's slightly different from sorority life in the South, but it's essentially whatever you make it! There are a lot of different personalities in each of the chapters, and I am sure you would find your fit if you did choose to go through recruitment. Also, make sure to check out the 2014 Formal Recruitment Facebook page, found here.
Fortunately, I do know quite a bit about the ROTC Air Force program because my freshman year roommate was a part of it. Northeastern itself does not have its own ROTC Air Force detachment. HOWEVER, Northeastern students may apply to the ROTC Air Force program at Boston University. It is a great program, but I would be deceiving you if I told you it wasn't a huge time commitment. Because the program is held on BU's campus, you would be spending a lot of time traveling back and forth (it is usually required of you a couple of times per week). One nice bonus to being a part of the program, though, is that you could receive a pretty sizable scholarship. Hope this helps, but if you have more questions, feel free to refer to BU's ROTC website.
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Hey! This is probably a silly question..but what would you recommend as things to bring for orientation? Thanks!
Hi! Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I don't remember needing anything particular for orientation other than an open mind! Have fun meeting your classmates. :)
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I'm off on a grand adventure to the other side of the world for the next 10 days. See you when I return from Israel! I'm sure I'll come back with a lot of stories to share.
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Hi, so I'm an incoming freshman this year and I'm planning on majoring pharmacy. I heard that the curriculum is really tough but I really want to join greek life, do you think or know if its easy to handle? Also, does greek life require you to use a lot of money?
Congratulations! I've also heard that the pharmacy program is rigorous, but with enough time management, fraternity and sorority life is definitely doable. There are a few pharmacy majors in my sorority, in fact. Another great thing about our sororities and fraternities is that they all place a lot of emphasis on academics. Most sororities that I know of hold study hours every week where sisters can go to study together. Fraternities and sororities also strive to maintain a certain chapter-wide GPA, so there are many resources within to help you do just that. My chapter has a Vice President of Academic Excellence who helps us set goals for ourselves, pairs us with other sisters in our majors when we need study buddies, and even finds us tutors if we need. As far as the financial side goes, there are dues each semester which include membership fees and costs for certain events throughout the semester. They vary by chapter, but they usually only include mandatory fees. Other fees may be optional such as apparel purchases and certain events. Hope this helps!
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do you have pictures of the neu dorms? im just really curious as to what they look like ty!!
I'll be on the look out for something like that for you! In the meantime, explore our campus using our super awesome VIRTUAL TOUR which can be found here. There might even be pictures of the residence halls on that website as well.
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Ahh...I forgot what it felt like to get a full night's sleep. While my lazy butt was in bed Friday morning, 3,500 Northeastern seniors received their degrees at the university's 112th commencement ceremony. Click here to see student tweets from the event. Congratulations, Class of 2014!! #NU2014
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hey do you know if it is possible to get into the honors program after your first year? like if i get my gpa up or something can i join in?
It is possible to apply into the program once you arrive at Northeastern. Check out this link for more information: http://www.northeastern.edu/honors/prospective-students/joining-once-you-are-here/ 
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how do I rush freshman year? like i know what the rush process is, but where/how do i sign up and when is it?
Formal recruitment usually takes place toward the end of September. The registration process is all online or you are able to go to the office of the Center for Student Involvement and register in person. There are usually flyers around campus and a Facebook page to let you know important dates and information as recruitment approaches.
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What's the co-op that you're doing? And is it your first? :)
I actually just got done with a semester of classes, but I have been on co-op once and will be going out on co-op again beginning in July. I previously worked for the MBTA, which is the transportation authority in Boston. It was awesome to get a behind-the-scenes look at a massive city subway network. Next cycle I will be working for Dana Farber Cancer Institute's process improvement department. I'm really looking forward to doing something different!
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