northernglorie · 4 months
touch is warm against the nape of her neck, a welcomed contrast from his cold and aloof demeanor as of late. the embrace brings the same fluttering feeling she felt when they first came into contact, surrounded by a shared love of ramblings bound in leather. its a rarity with the responsibilties they each carry, so she relishes in the way his lips lay such a careful kiss against soft skin, and it serves as a reminder that unlike so many that came before them, and the current space that seems to linger between them, that love is blooming.
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"spring is nearing its end, darling. thats a very important time for the people of the dreadfort and as their ruling family, we have a firm hand in matters of culture." she begins, trying to contain the excitement that bubbles in her throat. a cool, collected facade is something she maintains around most, but she feels that this is something she can allow to break it. for as drab as it typically is, the start of summer is sacred to those associated with the boltons . "i'd like for you to join me in the festivities this season. there are babes and marriages to bless, delicious harvest to indulge in... the experience is ours to partake in now, together." her own hand finds a path to his cheek and her thumb traces his skin idly. "you will join me, right?"
( tw: mention of drug use & addiction )
The conversation he had with his sister continued to echo in his mind. The war's over. Why do you still have this? she'd asked after he showed her the pouch of dark powder. He became addicted to the substance, that was why. He'd not fought against the impulse to keep consuming it, however. Somewhere along the line, he'd simply kept the habit of taking it to quiet down the anxious feeling at night that denied him any sleep, especially when he felt the jarring tugging in his mind as a foreshadowing of another episode. Sometimes the xiangliao quieted them down, sometimes it enhanced them. It was a cruel toss of a coin, really. Yet, he continued to take it.
His haggard appearance and usual gloom were easily noticed, yet dismissed without much question by most. His wife had seen it all, though, witnessed nearly every effect the substance had on him, for it was she who held him through the aftermath of his worst episodes. He was in good shape today, all things considered, which was fortunate timing. The cultural festivities in the Dreadfort had started, events that Glorie had spoken about with eagerness. He'd travelled with her to her land, wishing to support his princess as she conducted the events that were to take place in her home.
Querido, she called him, and the Northern prince never took for granted that lovely term of endearment. Gods, she was so incredibly dear to him as well and he'd failed time and time again to be a truly worthy husband. “My love,” he said, his hand slipping to the back of her neck, fingers threading through her hair as he embraced her in return. Adam kissed her temple as they pulled away, somewhat weary-eyed, but the love that had grown for his wife was clearly present in his gaze.
Glorie was a solemn woman and he was fortunate enough to witness so closely when her face brightened from time to time as it did just now. “Tell me,” he said, his lips tugging up into a brief smile, his hand lifting to her upper arm.
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northernglorie · 4 months
retort earns a genuine chuckle from the brunette. she mutters a quick, 'good thinking' towards her sister-in-law, but in truth, she needn't bring a thing but herself. the company is coveted above anything else she provided. this time of year has her homesick and she missed the blooms of strange flora that her people had managed to keep growing strong each year since they settled there. thinking about it between scribbled reports did little good for her mental state, so having dacey to chat with seems a good way to quell the burning desire to load up a carriage at that very moment.
"unfortunately, dear sister, this will likely be where i sleep for the night. i've a lot to settle before your brother and i depart for the dreadfort. i wish to leave as little loose ends tied as possible." there's a certain exhaustion tainting each word. shes still finding balance between each duty that falls under her belt, and its more difficult when she feels the heaviness that weighs in her eyes. "but you've given me all i need to survive the night, and for that i'm thankful."
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it didnt take the sharpest mind to interpret the body language of the princess before she has the chance to answer. the shift in demeanor is akin to the change shes seen in her sweet husband, though his is much more physically visible to glorie. "that is where you're wrong," doesnt mean for it to come out as stern as it does so she softens her tone when she continues, "not that i wish to see you grieve, but i do hope you know that i am here. i've lost plenty, and the starks pain will be my own until my last breath. we are family, and i am very sorry for any chance i've missed to provide comfort." her own sore hand extends, as if asking permission to take that of her newest kin; a show of familial solidarity that she thought passed with her own bloodsister. "if you've anything to get off of your chest, you have my word that it stays within these walls."
the last thing that dacey had expected to find when glorie had wed her brother was a sister. the best she had hoped for was a friend, but glorie had become more than that to her. now, she was as much family as her own blood siblings, and for that, dacey was endlessly grateful. it would have been easy for the mistress of coin to ignore dacey, the direwolf who had never found her howl, but she hadn't. in their sisterhood, dacey found solace, and that was what she sought now, in her own way. the tea and offer of a sympathetic ear was for glorie, because it was in the act of giving that dacey took her comfort.
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"it was nothing." it truly had not caused her any trouble - if anything, it was a welcome distraction for them both. a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "an excuse to come and badger you, in truth. i thought it might go over better if i didn't show up empty-handed." it was typical of dacey's sense of humour, a wry sort of self-deprecation. she moved a little further into the room, settling in an empty chair and glancing at the pile of work glorie still had to sift through, with only a small pang of guilt. "i hope you don't expect to be here too much longer?"
the question was a tricky one to answer. dacey's gaze dropped to her hands - still, for a change, but her fingers raw and painful from the toll that everything going on had taken on her over the last few weeks. "just grief and worry," she answered truthfully. "something we have seen more than enough of. nothing you'd be sorry to miss."
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northernglorie · 5 months
if ever there were time for glorie to listen to her body and take a slight reprieve, it was now. her exhausted frame begged to be released from its upright position at her workspace to lean against the comforting cushion lining her chair. she would have allowed slumber to whisk her sway right then and there if it weren't for the light suddenly cast from the firelit hallway. she half expected to see adam emerge from the other side, but he'd been distant as of late, and she was reluctant to interfere with the way grieving had seemingly overtaken him. instead she's greeted by a friendly and familiar face. one that earns a warm grin from the princess consort.
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"you didn't have to do that," there's a certain appreciation in the way she spoke. she hadn't a thought of such things until they were presented to her, but the realization that she was, in fact, in dire need of both only makes her that much more grateful. "thank you, your highness." always such formalities. would she ever learn to lighten her essence when others were near? she couldn't seem to unwind no matter how comfortable her kinship with someone is.
"of course, please join me. it seems i haven't seen the spring sun rise or set as of late. is there anything special i've missed?" the company of her family and peers, perhaps.
closed starter for @northernglorie
the hour was late, and dacey's quiet footsteps echoed against the stone walls, reverberating through the silence. there was once a time when she could count on being the only one awake when night fell over the keep, but now, it was more and more common to find that she was not alone in it.
more often then not, one who could be counted on to remain awake was glorie. and on nights where solitude was too much for her, dacey found herself here, approaching glorie's door with a warm drink and the hope that the night would end a little less lonely.
"i brought you something to drink," she placed the cup carefully on a clear spot on the table, careful not to interfere with glorie's work. there was a quiet admiration for her good-sister, and she liked to think that glorie knew it was there, that it showed in these small gestures. "and some candles. i wasn't sure if you had enough."
"and my company, if you'll have it."
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northernglorie · 5 months
starter for @adam-stark !! with her duties as mistress of coin, glorie must assure that her obligations as ruling lady are met as well. the princess consort sends for her husband to discuss their roles and presence during the season of cultural festivities at the dreadfort.
glorie might have thought her fingers numbed if not for the sharp pain radiating through their tips. the crimson droplets staining weather-worn parchment only smear when she tries clearing them and her frustration with the matters written upon grows. she pushes them away to focus on the throbbing that she covers with a handkerchief sitting idly upon her desk. adam would be arriving any moment and she wants to be in high spirits when he does.
this time of the year brings excitement and happiness to the particularly solemn lady. springtime at the dreadfort saw the blessing of new paths of life, from the births of long-awaited babes to the joining of two souls and the gift of bestowing blessings upon them fell into the already overflowing lap of glorie stark and her husband.
as if the two were in sync, glorie rises from her chair at the sound of creaking wood. "querido," grin begins to surface in lieu of her previously pained features at the sight of him. he looks tired, surely from the war fought and loss hes faced within the last year. she understands his pain and instead of questioning, she simply rounds the corner of the desk to greet him with an embrace. "thank you for coming so quickly. i have some exciting things to share with you." she hopes the prospect of involvement within the customs of her people might bring him a sense of happiness if only for its brief duration.
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northernglorie · 6 months
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a girl of fear, a woman of anger— look how we've grown
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northernglorie · 7 months
starter for @rememberences !! after witnessing the falcon kings injury, glorie pays her old friend a visit to assure that he's holding up well.
a full moon has passed since the spectacle witnessed by the princess consort. 'it happened so quickly.' shes heard from some, 'in the blink of an eye.' from others, but not for glorie. time slowed when the king was thrown so violently from his steed. his impact with the uneven and hardened earth rung so loudly through the gasps and shouts of onlookers that she can feel the reverberation deep in her tightened chest as she approaches his chambers.
glorie expects the resistance shes met with from his guards. it takes a few moments to assure them of the sincere concern behind her visit. for this wasnt just royalty to the brunette, but an integral part of her adolescence. a not-so-gentle reminder of the days when the heaviest burden on her delicate shoulders was whether or not he'd take notice of the subtle effort she'd gone through for the laziest of grins. it was easier then, when their heads were crownless and her own was full of foolish hope.
"your grace," fights past a constricted throat once shes laid eyes upon him. shes all too familiar with the scene in front of her and it brings back feelings of seeing ryon in a similar fashion. ones that have her taking in jagged, quiet breaths. "i would have requested audience earlier.. but i thought it best your loved ones bring you comfort before that of an old acquaintance."
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northernglorie · 7 months
starter for @moonhillsunsets !! during glories visit to the vale to discuss repayment, mariela egens husband is named as a conspirator and she demands to know the extent of her involvement.
deepset brows and pursed lips are far from abnormal traits to exhibit from the princess consort as of late. aside from an adventageous marriage, glorie finds herself constantly gasping for a breath with every obstacle the gods place in front of her. not today, though. today she's taking in deep breaths as she traverses the halls of the eyrie. not a soul could mistake her quick stride for that of a leisurely walk. the woman has a a purpose, a target that she can finally allow months of frustration and ire out on.
egen. the name is prickly against her tongue, uncomfortable and highly unpleasant. the name is that of the family that caused the north strife during a time where it was already in bountiful supply. their partiarch and perpetrator had already met his fate. pity, she thinks to herself, his head might have looked nice sitting on a pike along the walls of winterfell. or upon a manderly dock as a reminder of their power and influence within their borders. he isnt the last member of the family, though. he had a wife to inherit all that belonged to him, including the venomous words that begged to be released from the confines of tightly clenched teeth.
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"eres una mujer bastante esquiva, señora egen... es común que los de tu casa se muevan tan... furtivamente?" (you're a rather elusive woman, lady egen. is it common for those in your house to move so... furtively?)
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northernglorie · 7 months
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northernglorie · 7 months
"just one and i'll be back to it."
a promise only fools think will play out in their favor. as hard as she tries, glorie can't remember a time where she'd pressed full lips to a goblet of wine long enough to actually enjoy it until now. she's in the company of a few nobles she cant quite recall, chuckling at jokes shes not sure she fully comprehends due to the thickness of their accents. its not a matter to the princess consort, shes content with being a part of the jovial conversation. they hadnt turned their noses up or narrowed their eyes at the sight of her as some of her northern brethren were inclined to do. not that she could place blame on them. consequences belonging to the men that shared at least part of her bloodline have been nipping at her heels since her ascent began, but tonight they've been locked away in her apartments to fester on their own until she decides to retire for the evening.
theres only so much fun that the brunettes mind will allot to her, though, and she see the empty goblet in front of her as a sign that time has run its course. she excuses herself, leaving behind genuine gratitude towards the company that welcomed her with little qualm and no talk of trade or politics. she figures it might have been different if she'd been ushered in by nobles she knew more of such as her cousin maggie, who shes only managed to spot in the crowded room just now or the lord omer, who passes her quickly, and with purpose on her path towards the doorway. she's learned better than to lend anymore of her alread thin-stretched attention to the business of others. no, she has several letters to look over in her correspondence with the vale and she feels regretful that she took the opportunity to do anything but resolve it.
another distraction presents itself almost as quickly as she escaped the last, only this one required a formal acknowledgement at the very least. masculine voice that catches her ear belongs to that of royaltly, and shes quick to show her respect. "your grace," response can be heard once she come out of her curtsy. she knows what her features must convey, for she'd felt her once upturned lips and rested brows revert to their natural, pointed state the very moment she passed the threshold. "i might share that intention if more pressing matters weren’t so demanding of my attention." and she hoped he might spare the inquiry of what matters beckoned her back to her quarters. body language exhibited by the king gave way to that, and shes prepared to exchange farewells before parting in their respective ways. wave of relief is replaced by utter intrigue at the unexpected statement. what business could the reach's king have to discuss with her that hasn't already been spoken?
"i suppose now is as good a time as any." reluctance is evident in her tone but she turns her body, once angled in line with the route to her quarters now facing him. arms are folded loosely in front on her, only somewhat defensive. had her brothers mistakes found home within his borders as well? "you have my attention, your grace. what is it that you wish to discuss?"
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who: @northernglorie when and where: the path directly before the open doors leading into the grand feasting hall; lord omer florent had just departed from his king's side, having received some news that would not bother him as much as it would upset his wife. cedric remained, if only to take a moment of respite - gods knew he felt as though his head were spinning.
the smell of the smoke within the air that had been smoked just moments prior by the high commander of the reach continued to fill the air around him, despite the fact cedric tyrell remained against the same set of winding stairs leading back up to the main entrance into the feasting hall alone - omer florent had begun to make his way back into the crowds, no doubt seeking out his wife to be the barer of bad news. he would have accompanied the man back into the hall at least, though the conversation which was hinted with a sense of disbelief had now return that familiar feeling of anger deep within him.
and cedric tyrell did not appreciate feeling anger, whether it was the light sort that remained on the tongue, or the ancient reawakening of some feeling of resentment that remained deep within his gut.
because once he walked back into the grand feasting hall, he would once again need to continue with the mask he had worn since t he moment he had heard the news; the mask that had only slipped in his tense conversation with lord gael hightower, where he had asked the young lord openly whether he intended to push forward his own claim to oldtown. when he was scanning for an understanding of whether gael hightower was telling the truth; and he could only truly confirm this was not some larger scheme when he noted the way in which the man's hands shook in shock and numbness. numbness that would transfer to pain, considering a mother too had found her end of days arriving far sooner than any could have expected.
he would need to maintain that composure, as the other reach councillors were informed one by one; and truly, cedric felt a sense of responsibility weighing on his shoulders. should he have been more present in the goings on of the hightower?
should he have somehow found a way to know? how could he have, unless he had some reason to enforce tyrell guards searching the hightower - and there had been no reason. and still, one of his council members who had risked and done so much would once again feel a sweeping loss. it were like standing in that council chamber again as tirius rowan announced the news. a sense of dread flowered in the pit of his stomach, knowing it were just recently mathis rowan had returned to court - how he would find it just the same. how he would find it ever worse. the man rested against the garden stairwell, made of white stone for a moment; a hand running over his dark curls as it always did when he was feeling stressed.
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and then his back straightened, and his senses focused on the sounds of the fountains and the sound of approaching footsteps. when his ocean hues looked upward, he found himself looking upon a member of winter itself; he knew prominent members of other courts, and it was the princess glorie, the lady of the dreadfort that had come across him this moment. he exhaled slightly, knowing the last thing they needed were some rumours to begin to spread from this chance meeting.
"your highness." cedric greeted, bowing his head as his tone displayed the epitome of southern civility - a contrast to the atmosphere coming from the woman of the north. as far as he knew and understood, she was a woman wrapped up in duties of her own: including securing a payment that was lost to the iron bank at the hands of valemen. "i do not intend to remain from the festivities for much longer." she would have seen omer walking by her - and he wondered if she had heard anything. no. cedric had spoken quietly for a reason.
but princess glorie was concerned with a debt that was to repaid, for the sake of dealing with the manderlys as well as paying back the iron bank for their loans. another realm, that could find themselves in contentious waters with the iron bank - for the north too, had a debt to repay. a debt cedric would not mind aiding in should the situation come to the lowest of points, in exchange for lesser interest and a longer repayment plan - that was only if the vale was not able to cough up the money sooner. or, the reach could provide the gold to pay the tides over. and then he stepped up the steps, making it clear he was not to stay; but passing closer by her regardless.
if it were possible the sea lord would find issue with cedric's stance regarding the infant heir to oldtown, he knew what he would need to do to maintain an advantage on this side of the narrow sea. cedric had no master of coin - he, in this moment, was his master of coin. for his master of coin was dead, bottled by his mad aunt; the blood of his mother on his hands. "though, i admit to having intention to speak with you - whether it is done now, or on the morning, is your choice. sooner would work better than later, considering travel plans have shifted."
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northernglorie · 8 months
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Mayans MC + Gato/Mis (1.06)
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northernglorie · 9 months
its not often the lady of the dreadfort finds genuine comfort. shroud of chaos that looms over her every move seems to dissipate the further into the gardens she roams with margaret at her side. she seems to be one of few that is genuinely happy for all that had fallen into her lap as of late and the only to ask her her true feelings on the matter. it came in waves, the excitement and anxiety that rattled her to her core. to marry again, this time to a myth of a manbrings her back to girlhood, when she'd sit with her elder sister talking of potential nuptials. its silly to equate such a light-hearted stamp in time to what she's experiencing now. she is to be a part of the royal family and her children by blood. no longer did she imagine a ryswell brood, but a pack of stark children as fierce as the wolves that represented them. what else could come of the joining of their formidable houses?
"its strange, to be truthful. i suppose i should be thoroughly grateful for the path laid out at my feet. its something my father would have dreamed of.. but i'm finding it difficult to cope with what its taken to get me here." cadence lowers slightly, cloaking her feelings from curious or wandering ears. "i'm afraid of what may come once i've taken the stark name. it was different with ryon. peoples lives and way of living never hung in the balance." and that became the true worry for glorie. though she doubted any attempt to change the course of the way the boltons and their people lived, she still felt fear that thousands of years of tradition and heritage could be at risk if things were to sour. "there is much work to do in changing how people see me, how they see whats left of my family and in this.. i feel so utterly alone." she nearly regrets the confession. not because of the truth behind it, but because shes held it in so long that it all seems to flow out into what was meant to be a light-hearted conversation.
tears are blinked away with such force they dare not touch dimpled cheeks. she'd rather not burden someone she sees on a rare basis with such sadness. she'd save it for the leatherbound journal her father passed down to her for that very reason. 'never let them see you cry, even family.'
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"that's enough of my troubles, though. tell me of the happenings in my beloved raventree hall. i've missed far too much for my liking."
margaret could not hide the look of shock on her face at glorie's admission to what was occurring with the bolton's, a wave of dread washing over her as yet again her cousin's house was brought to whispers of shame and disdain. she could only hope that glorie would not suffer the consequences of her brother's actions. maggie had never quite cared for her other cousins like she did glorie, the very thought of domeric sent a chill down her spine, but she did not say as much to the lady whose arm she took, margaret knew better than to speak ill of a brother to a sister, despite the circumstances. more than anything, she cared for glorie's safety in the midst of it all.
however, the next words that fell upon her ears brought a subtle smile to her lips, for she wholly agreed with this decision, though it was clear glorie found hesitation in reveling in her newfound lands and title, given it came with a great cost. "gods, glorie." she gave the other's arm a reassuring squeeze as she retained all that was said to her. "you will do wonderfully in all of your endeavor's, or the king would not have made it so." she insisted. "you know i will continue to write as before, perhaps even more now so you cannot forget your favorite cousin in the midst of all the new friends a princess shall have." margaret only said so in jest, but part of her felt a sadness in wondering if a distance would grow between her and someone she considered to be close. "how are you feeling about all of this?"
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northernglorie · 10 months
sealed and secured parchment is taken via courier to the last known location of king @owenstark and his army with urgency.
your grace,
i pray to the gods that this letter finds you safe during these dangerous times. rest assured that winterfell remains a safe haven for not only your family, but those in need as well. our queen has taken great measures to keep your hold in tact and your people free from harms way.
with this being said, i find it necessary that i depart the haven of winterfell in pursuit of the vale and what the sisters have stolen from manderly vessels. my efforts to reach out to those capable of authorizing such repayment have been futile and as mistress of coin in your court, i find myself responsible for the recovery of said coin and retribution for lives lost. you will recieve word of the recovery as i make progress.
may the gods see you and your forces thriugh to the victory your loyal subjects know is on the horizon.
- glorie stark, mistress of coin
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northernglorie · 10 months
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I'm in love
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northernglorie · 11 months
                                   Don’t underestimate the lengths I’d go to
                                -                                                                             -                                
                                        Just to proтecт those I care about                         
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northernglorie · 1 year
stride fell in sync with the others, as if they'd never left each other's side to begin with. the bond shared with margaret put any she'd formed with her siblings to shame. she felt free to tell her of her plans, or more like the norths plans for her. "my brother has taken it upon himself to shame our house yet again, as if he didn't just lose his bloody mind over the whole domeric disaster, and join some sort of rebellion flaunting our name." free hand illustrates the frustration she feels at the decisions made on her families behalf, but glories next steps have given them a chance to rise from the ashes inacio had smothered them in.
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"in light of his most recent failures to keep word on his fealty, all lands and title have been stripped from him... and given to me." the first she's spoken of it out loud to another and she has difficulty hiding the elation in her words. "not only am i to be ruling lady, my dear cousin... but i shall do so as princess consort of the north." this is the part that gets caught in her throat, the part she can't quite bring herself to say without it feeling too real. she'd always thought her future to be within the rills, a simple lady with nothing but love to wake her in the morning. now she held power, the kind that she never thought was obtainable in her lifetime right at her fingertips. and every choice was her own. "your cousin will soon be a princess, so feel free to write at the slightest inconvenience." last part is said with levity, masking the insecurity deeply embedded in her being.
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northernglorie · 1 year
biggest surprise and biggest disappointment about becoming a stark by marriage?
"i've been the most surprised by my husband," glorie begins, hints of a grin threatening to expose itself, "he has been far more kind and thoughtful than i thought to expected of him. i have found disappointment in my obligations to remain in winterfell for the time being, though. it may not be comforting to most, but the dreadfort is my home and i adore my people, our culture. as ruling lady, it is my job to stand beside them in times of crisis and i feel that i am failing them."
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northernglorie · 1 year
glorie / xia-li / xavari / marasol
Send any of the following to my muse and they'll be forced to answer truthfully: — Would you rather... — Fuck, kill or marry — This or that — Personal questions — Random questions — Ask for advice — What they love/hate — Anonymous secrets — Anything you want!
Send to:
anya — dastan — rhea — seffora — calla — adam — deimos
gael — iona — ren — daeron — garrick — percival — lucius
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