nortymortyeye · 3 years
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The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) Tales from Earthsea (2006) Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) Spirited Away (2001) When Marnie Was There (2014) The Cat Returns (2002)
[ part 1 ] [ part 2 ] [ part 3 ] [ part 4 ]
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nortymortyeye · 3 years
sometimes I wonder what the point of living is. Sometimes i wonder why I'm here. But then I think about the time I decided to talk to this girl at camp. She was from my church, and we had just gotten there. I went up to and asked how she was doing. She said she was fine, but I felt like I needed to dig deeper. Before I process what I was saying, "how are things at home," came spilling out of my mouth.
She started sobbing. She ended up talking to one of the counselors, and then I didn't see her the rest of the week. I felt really bad.
Then about a month later, she came up to me and thanked me for talking to her at camp. I literally had only ever said 2 sentences to this girl, and I made an impact on her.
I think back to fifth grade. We were on the playground for recess, and I notice this group of kids messing with a girl a few grades below me, because she had a walker. No one around them were doing anything, so I walked up and told them to stop. One of the kids tried pushing me, but I grabbed his arms and restrained him. Told him to leave her alone. They never messed with her again, and whenever the girl saw me she'd smile and wave at me.
I think about a literature class I took where there was a lot of whole class discussion. I'd talk about what my experiences were, and about what I got from the books, and about what my other classmates said. I've always been self conscious about speaking in front of people on account of me being autistic. But the topics that came up were important to me, so I spoke anyway. One day after class, one of my fellow autistic classmates, who was easily 15 years older than me, came up to me and asked "How did you get so good at speaking?" which took me by surprise. I told her how I've never really been comfortable speaking, but I have a unique experience, and sharing things from my point of view can help others gain knowledge, and that it can let others add to your knowledge. From that point on, she started speaking up more in class.
I think about the discord server I made as a joke, that has evolved into a place where people who didn't have anyone to talk to, now have a safe community of people. A server that allowed me to connect with people all over the world.
I think about my brother's sibling who never really felt like they belonged anywhere, and how when they started coming over, they immediately felt welcomed, and loved. And about how I have a unique connection with them because I'm the only queer one in this house, and they too are queer.
I've come to realize we're not here for ourselves. We're here for others, whether we know it or not. No matter how insignificant you might feel, someone needs you. Someone looks up to you. Every interaction you have has the potential to leave a mark on someone. Try to make that mark a good one
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nortymortyeye · 3 years
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the simple joys of life are its meaning
“leaves” lloyd schwartz // ilya kaminsky // good will hunting (1997) // unknown // @flowerais // kedi (2016) // unknown
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nortymortyeye · 3 years
i know that “don’t harass people for being weird, they might be autistic!” is a fairly popular take on here. but as a Certified Autist, i’d like to add that harassing allistic and/or neurotypical people for being weird is also bad, and should not be done
and before you come in with “yeah, you never know who is and isn’t autistic, and you shouldn’t force people to out themselves!” i want to say two things: one, i agree. and two, even if you could magically avoid ever harassing a single autistic person, it still wouldn’t be okay to go after NTs for being weird. they’re people, janice. they’re allowed to be really invested in naruto
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nortymortyeye · 3 years
Quotes that I think really fit c!Tommy:
“What’s making you so angry or were you just born that way?” -idk
“So, where do we go when we die?” “Home.” -me
“Only now, do I realize that you ended and you are never going to begin again. You are not coming back.” -me
“The world doesn’t end just because a life does.” -me
“I hope there comes a day where you don’t feel so hopeless and I don’t feel so angry at you for feeling that way.” -me
“You’re different now because you’re dead and I’m different now because you’re dead.” -me
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nortymortyeye · 3 years
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
things to live for
the people you have yet to meet and love 
sunsets and sunrises
stray dogs 
cats who fall asleep in your lap
lava lamps
the shitty cookies they sell in the cafeteria 
getting to know a happier you
cutting your own bangs
dyeing your hair
empty libraries
seeing movies with your friends
rereading your favorite books
meeting the love of your life
riding home while the rain pours
nighttime car rides
learning to love yourself
dogs who pull at their leashes to say hi
the smell of freshly baked pastries
ferris wheels
getting your eyeliner right
staying up with your best friend
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
*shakes you gently*
Eat. Food was not made for you to turn it down. The human race didn’t perfect the invention of milkshakes for them to go ignored due to diet culture. We didn’t make hundreds and thousands of combinations of bread, vegetables, spices, and meat for all of that hard work to go to waste.
We made spaghetti. We made ice cream and chocolate and coffee and rice and pickles. We saw chickens making eggs and we discovered how to make them scrambled. We saw wheat and turned it into cakes and pies. Food was not created as an accident, it wasn’t perfected just to hurt you. We are living in a time where you can drink a strawberry milkshake with a silly straw shaped like a cat. Embrace it.
The future is infinite and made up of infinite moments from “now”. You can’t be happy in the future if you won’t allow yourself to be happy now. You might regret it later, or you might not. You don’t know that. All you’ll know is you’ll regret it now. Stop that.
Eat the goddamn meal. You have permission, you’re not a bad person for it, eating won’t make you a bad person. Eat. Drink. Enjoy yourself. Treat yourself. You have one body, stop neglecting it to fit your ED’s ideal. It wants you dead. It wants you hurting. It wants you to isolate yourself.
You won’t be “skinny enough” until you’re dead. The “ultimate ideal” of eating disorders will always result in being a cadaver six feet under. Saying “I’ll only skip this one meal” will end up turning into two, then three, then fasting. Your eating disorder wants you dead. Don’t let it succeed.
[if you leave negative comments on this post I will fucking GUT YOU and will I report every single thinspo blog that touches this]
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
im bored,,, tag the album/music that was important to you as a kid. not like middle school like what were you obsessed with when you were 9
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
“This is what I like about photographs. They’re proof that once, even if just for a heartbeat, everything was perfect.”
— Jodi Picoult
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
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| something about kitchens and holiness and food as a love language |
in a loose order, since some of the above is mixed:
1. Praise Song for the Kitchen Ghosts by Crystal Wilkinson & associated illustrations by Simone Martin-Newberry
2. Jennifer Diehl, Everything and the Kitchen Sink, 2019, Oil
3. @muslim-flint​ - “theres something inherently holy about kitchens” textpost
4. Even Without a Home, We Always Had a Family Meal by Misha Collins
5. @tallahasseemp3​ - “my friends laughing in the kitchen while I make dinner feels religious” textpost
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
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i have no idea if someone made this but. my take <3
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
Baker Dadza
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
Why is this little montage making me this sad. This shouldn’t be happening
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
bench trio fics [+ michael]
The Great Protector by r1nn1e
Nap Time by temporaryistemporary
For Michael by RyDyKG
BenchTrio One-Shots by Star_Crossed_Rafi
The Life and Times of Michael Underscore-Beloved by ImperialKatwala
Please Come Home by Marvelous_renegades
Just Michael in the attic by Phantomxlegend
Us by temporaryistemporary
Burnt lungs, sour taste by mellow_fellow
moving day by southwestwind
Michael's Bedtime Story by lattedi
Ikanaide by eneli
Uncle Tommyinnit by IkeaFries
Honourable mention: this cool ficlet
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nortymortyeye · 4 years
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i made this in an hour
some revivedbur for you
(if my handwriting is bad enough that i need to translate then i can do that lmao)
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