nospinesallowed · 5 years
Little snails are eating and growing so fast!
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Why you shouldn’t put goldfish in a bowl - WTF fun facts
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Blue Dream shrimp on mulberry leaf Neocaridina davidi
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Back from this summers trip to Thailand. Brought back a bunch of Danios and Rasboras, as well as a huge chunk of  some kind of plant that grows in large volumes in the side of the streams in Phuket. First I thought it was common waterweed, but Googeling it I found out there are a number of similar spices. It added a nice greenery to the tank, so I hope it can get by with the amount of light I provide. The fish handled the trip, as well as the adaptation to it’s new habitat very well.  
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Ive got paintings for sale! All payments will need to be made through google wallet. Send me a message if you’re interested! Fish: $60 Lillies (each): $42
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
Timelapse of my nano dutch-style(-ish) tank
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Some of my favorite blennies  ❤️🐟 ❤️
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Shrimp tank glow up, quite a big change in the amazon sword and the banana plant. Just did a trim on the red ones cause they are growing like weeds.
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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This is probably the cutest
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
i;m gonna show you a fish w/ a gentle face
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the australian lungfish, please observe.
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Up and running!
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Oil painted a shrimp :^) bkk shadow panda
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
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Everybody have a snack!
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nospinesallowed · 6 years
today i learned fish can be dicks
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