not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Hello! After reading your answer about the Happiny, I decided to drop in a question. Jude, my Purugly, is starting to lose the sight from an eye (probably caused by some battle against wild mons, he is uhh a fighter, let's say). The doc at the local PokéCenter just shrugged it off as "if he's fine, then you don't have to worry"...but I can't help myself and be worried. Do you have any tips for what I could do for him? Maybe something for when he'll be blind from that side? Thank you so much!
I can definitely understand why you’re worried, but I assure you that Jude will be able to live a perfectly happy, healthy life despite the loss of sight. I definitely recommend removing anything with sharp edges from your home, or at least shaving them down or covering them (you can buy little rubber or foam bumper things for table edges)
Jude will likely be a bit clumsier (you would be too if you only had one good eye), so you should probably put anything breakable somewhere he can’t accidentally bump into it. If he’s an outdoor Purugly, then you’ll probably want to restrict his range to somewhere you can keep an eye on him, I’d recommend a yard with a fence that he’s unable to jump or climb
Finally, and I know it may be hard to do, but you shouldn’t coddle Jude any more than you did pre-vision loss. He’ll need time to get accustomed to his new normal and, though it may seem like you’d be helping him, babying him or acting like he’s helpless will only delay his progress and may even damage his self-confidence
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
How are you?
Hi! I’m okay? Kinda? Mostly tired, I had a lot to do lately and I ended up a bit burned out but I’m mostly okay now :D
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
me explaining to the other trainers that apricorns are unknown outside of Johto because of deliberate suppression by the Silph and Devon corporations to present artificial pokeballs as the only means of capturing pokemon and establish regional monopolies after they eliminate renewable sources
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
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If Kota gets offended by people getting angry because he chose to be a “feminine shaped Pokémon,” who’s I to stop him
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Shirts (Preview)
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But this time chibi cuz I burned myself out with full body sketches
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
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>>Magnus: Kota... I know you want to help Moki feel more comfortable in his body but did you have to rip the shirt signed by Piers
<<yeah I read the description of Moki. I like seeing how people describe their team>>
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
I'm just curious; to fellow Pokemon trainers that didn't get a traditional starter, who was your first Pokemon? What d'you think you would've picked?
Mine was my Unfezant Dovepi; she hung around the house when I was a little kid as a Pidove and I fed her for a couple years. She stuck around until I got a Trainer Licence (9, a week before my birthday) and caught her.
If I had to pick a usual starter, I think I'd go with a... Tepig, maybe? I didn't really think about it, actually.
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Is Piplup fluffy?
Uh- kind of?
To be honest, I never had one and is not a species from my Region. But I saw some back when I was in Sinnoh and I remember them being fluffy but in a...feathered way? Not sure how to explain. Like, chubby balls of fluffy feathers especially the younger ones... also because with time - from what I remember of my studies - their plumage change to become more adapt to a more acquatic life.
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Just got back from the shitty little poképark in town. Piper didn't get to play because the Boltund there was too obsessed with playing fetch with a ball, the very friendly Arcanine scared her bc she was big and also bc Piper is still grumpy for having a paw bandaged.
Me & Moki got bored trying to make Piper befriend one of the two other mons.
Lucky Jude & Colossus that are spending the week at my parents' in the countryside.
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Important Headcanons to Consider — Can they use chopsticks? He still remembers how to use them, learnt it when he lived in Sinnoh. What would they impulse buy at the grocery store? Chocolates. He likes dark chocolate, but also likes to try out chocolate bars with spices and other flavours. What’s their coffee order? His standard is plain black coffee. What order do they wash things in the shower? "Hair first then the rest? Never paid attention to that" What sort of apps would they have on their smartphone? A couple of games not opened since ages, the basic apps already pre-installed, browser web and nothing else. How do they act around children? Markus is really awkward around kids and never knows how to deal with them. Better keeping him away before he accidentally makes someone cry. What would they watch on TV when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on? Mh...probably Forged in Fire or some pokémon documentary or something about other regions. *How do they sleep in bed? Under the covers, hoping that his pokémons won't try to take all the space and push him onto the floor again. — Tagged by: @galar-ranger-magnus Tagging: @professor-vanad , @nacrene-archaeologist (if ya want to ofc) and...whoever wants to do this, I guess? — * = Random question added by Magnus
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Have you ever had a Pokémon use the move helping hand on yourself and for what?
"Uh... Nope. None of my pokémons know or use that move. And if I needed help with something like... Dunno working in the country or idk they'd try to be of help anyway."
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
I heard from my father that a few days ago there was a Lycanroc sighting in the area. That's kind of cool, imho.
I already knew that there was a pack roaming around the nearby mountains but knowing that one was seen on the road a few hundred of meters from my parents' house? Awesome.
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Sometimes I wonder if there is a “nice way” to put on my resume that I used to be in Team Galactic without actually saying that. Y’know, to put something useful to searching a proper job instead of some days here and there or nothing at all.
“Worked in a big corporation overseas as an intern and then employed as a basic clerk”? Could it work? Mh. Maybe they’ll ask for the names. Nope.
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
In the last months I started being a poké-sitter to earn something for rent, bills and stuff... but I'm still hoping to find the famous "proper job".
But gh- not easy... if only I kept studying to become Pokémon Professor instead of dropping off after some failed exams!
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Every time I think that I could add another pokémon in my team, I have to remind myself that my apt in town is SMALL (so that sometimes I leave my pokes at my parents’ in the countryside so they can roam freely for a few days) and that I had to partially give up to the pokésitting gig in favor of going back to job hunting because sadly pokésitting can do only so much for covering bills…so no time, much stress, also Piper is getting more energetic now that the weather is getting better while Jude is getting cranky-er because his right eye is getting worse sooner than the local PokéCenter doc esteemed.
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
How was your Christmas and New Year?
Uh...quite plain, to be honest.
Had a Christmas lunch with my family back in the countryside, spent there a couple of days but it was kinda rainy so neither me or my mons were able to enjoy some proper walk in the woods and we had to settle for wandering a bit in the neighbourood when the weather was allowing so.
Returned there for the New Years, because in town there were going to be fireworks and I was worried that the mons would be nervous...well, Piper is the one that could be a bit more jumpy. Colossus and Jude don’t really care about that, they are used to loud noises and the likes after the battles back in Sinnoh. Moki is not really fond of the loud bangs of the fireworks but loves the colors, so we simply chilled together in the backyard for a bit with those sparklers.
It was nice, tho. Relaxing. Lately I’ve been busy with the pokésitting thing and also helped family to prepare the gardens for the winter and such, also I’m continuing to search for a job...and I ended up not having much time to spend on here LOL
And you? How your Christmas and New Year went? :D
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not-a-grunt-anymore · 2 years
Welp, today poké-sitting will be harder than expected: my bad leg is cramping and aching again.
Sigh, let’s see if I have something around that I could take…
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