notanoble · 9 years
((My computer is broken, hence the lack of activity. Sorry, and I hope to be back in the game soon!))
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notanoble · 9 years
((I’m looking for new threads! Anyone want to start something?))
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notanoble · 9 years
A comfortable smile settling on his face, Ike nodded. “Alright, then three percent.” At the jam comment, he made a face, wrinkling his nose up; “Tell that to Boyd, not me.”
Shaking his head, Ike’s smile returned, fondness softening his expression; what would he ever do with those brothers? Well, Oscar was usually alright, but still. “Rolf works just as hard as the rest of us. And if anything, he’s probably more mature than Shinon. 
At last returning to the matter of the badgers, Ike listened intently as Soren listed the necessary precautions, making small noises of affirmation throughout; Soren’s ability to endlessly produce lists, information, and statistics amazed him. He had no idea how the mage kept it all in his head. Thank the goddess for Soren, Ike thought, his smile widening slightly as he nodded his agreement.
“Excellent. I’ll get everyone ready. When would you advise we leave?”
Name || Soren v. Ike
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notanoble · 9 years
With a groan, Ike snatched the pen from Soren, crossing the job out. “We’ll only take actual mercenary jobs, then. Although I’m sure some of our troops would enjoy being painted and sung to,” he said, rolling his eyes and thinking of Shinon. “As for the pay raise, three percent, if we can afford it. If not, I suppose it’ll have to wait until after our next expedition.”
At Soren’s remark about the youngest of the green-haired brothers, Ike couldn’t help but let out a short bark of laughter. “Don’t let Boyd or Oscar hear you saying that. They’re very proud of him-- and rightfully so, considering his age. And anyways, didn’t you say the badgers were anything but small?”
Name || Soren v. Ike
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notanoble · 9 years
Struggling to swallow his smile and laughing internally at his tactician’s ever-present practicality, Ike replied.
“You’re right about saving, but even if we do take the longer way, with the money we would make from this job alone,” he pointed to a red dot with a large sum written next to it, “we should have more than enough to compensate our soldiers. Even if we don’t take that route, I’ll probably pay them the extra anyways; they deserve something after how long the war lasted.” Ike paused a moment, weighing whether or not his next remark would earn a scoff or a smile from Soren.
“However, I do see one flaw in your plan. Badgers aren’t rodents.”
Name || Soren v. Ike
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notanoble · 9 years
Head swimming as he tried to take in all the information that Soren was providing him with, Ike stared down at the map. It was only after a moment of silence that he realized the tactician had stopped talking, and was now looking to Ike for an answer. 
“This route should be fine, yes.” He traced the red line from their fort, around the border, and back down to the place where the line split into two; he paused a moment there, his brows wrinkling in concentration. “We should take the forest route. Money isn’t exactly an issue right now, and...” The corners of his lips twitched up, and he put a hand to his mouth to hide it, though his amusement was still visible in the way the corners of his eyes crinkled ever so slightly. “I shouldn’t find it funny. But dealing with badgers will probably be a welcome change from the events of late.”
Name || Soren v. Ike
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notanoble · 10 years
Oblivious to the morbid thoughts cycling through Soren’s head, Ike snorted at the sage’s words, squinting to try and make out the tiny, scribbled letters.
“Why don’t we start in Crimea? I’m sure no one wants to go too far out of the way.” As he read down the list, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Anyways, I think I recognize a few of these names. Maybe we’ll see a familiar face or two.”
Ike looked back up at Soren, his smile widening at the prospect of real work again; as nice as it was to not worry about money for once, it was hard for Ike to sit still for very long, and there was only so much training one could do. “Although, I must ask for your recommendation before taking any action, honored tactician.” His eyes glinted with a silent laugh as he waited for Soren’s response.
Name || Soren v. Ike
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notanoble · 10 years
Coming to a halt at Shinon’s words, Ike looked to where the man was standing a few paces behind him; Shinon was right. There was no way they would make it by nightfall; the two of them would have to find shelter, or at least someplace to keep out of the harsh weather.
With a surveying glance at their surroundings, Ike spoke. “You may be correct. There’s a patch of forest to the north, we should make for the trees. At least they’ll keep the snow off us.”
"It's gonna be a cold day." Shinon mumbled silently as he looked up at the sky, his bow in his hand. Not really looking forwards to what was to come. The sky showed signs that it was surely going to snow later on, which meant that the long march back to the fort could prove some difficulties. He looked over at his commander with a visible distaste in his eyes.
Surveying the long stretch of land ahead of them, Ike concurred: a fine layer of frost already covered the ground, and a biting wind blew through the long valley. Grimacing in response and pulling his cloak tighter around him, Ike shrugged.
“We have no choice. We’ve been away from home far too long.” The fort was only six or seven hours away, but the weather was growing worse; they could only hope that they wouldn’t be delayed and have to seek shelter.
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notanoble · 10 years
Ike happily went along with Soren, allowing the sage to guide him to his tent. Entering the dimly lit space, he plonked his posterior on the ground with a dull thud, greedily accepting the offered water and downing it without a second thought. Hazily following Soren’s instructions as he felt himself growing drowsy, Ike lay down on his bedroll and quickly fell into a deep, alcohol-fueled slumber.
Slurred words: Describe me, Drunk!Ike.
Ike was surprisingly steady on his feet, even as he stumbled over his words and smiled goofily up at the mage. Placing both of his hands on Soren’s cheeks to steady his swimming visage, the blue-haired man laughed once, and then again as Soren glared down at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, chuckles interrupting his words. “It’s just— I can’t take you seriously like this. You look so angry. You’re never angry at me, even when you pretend to be.”
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notanoble · 10 years
Ike was, of course, training; would he ever do anything else, if given the chance? He was finishing up a particularly intense set of maneuvers when the dark sheen of Soren’s hair caught his eye, and he turned, breathing heavily as he approached the sage.
“Soren, hey.” Ike gestured towards a bench on the sidelines of the clearing and sat down on it, patting the bench beside him. “Is something wrong? You seem tense.” At last his eyes alighted on the stack of papers in the mage’s hands. “Are these the job offers?” His voice was highlighted by a touch of disbelief at the sheer number. “I didn’t think they would be quite so numerous.”
Name || Soren v. Ike
The name of the Greil Mercenaries, and particularly the name of their commander, seemed to have spread across the land most thoroughly. If there was one thing that seemed to come out of the Goddess’ War, it was the enormous influx of jobs that came their way.
Of course, it fell to their tactician-accountant to organize these jobs. He’d charted them neatly, a page for each of the Beorc countries and one more for the Laguz, sorted according to offer of pay. It would be up to Ike to choose which ones they’d take— though Soren glared down a  t “Begnion; Baroness Oenona; false fiancee needed for two weeks; pay: 3000 g + room & board.” 
He desperately hoped Ike had no intention of accepting that one; it would be an utter waste of his skills, even if it was extraordinary pay. But of course, it was hardly Soren’s place to decide.
With a note of derision, he snorted. Of course, they’d receive these job offers hardly a fortnight back at their old fort. Soren skulked around their headquarters, keeping his eyes open for his commander. Where would he be at this time of day?
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notanoble · 10 years
((Magic anon is ON until 11:00pm PST!))
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notanoble · 10 years
Ike’s face contorted into a grimace at the sniper’s words. “I know, I know. But we can’t help that now. Let’s get going while we can.” At that, he set off down the hill they were atop, the wind subsiding almost immediately as land rose on all sides. It was still cold as death; It was only the thought of seeing his friends and sleeping in his own bed that kept him from turning back. He knew Mist at the very least would be worried by now.
"It's gonna be a cold day." Shinon mumbled silently as he looked up at the sky, his bow in his hand. Not really looking forwards to what was to come. The sky showed signs that it was surely going to snow later on, which meant that the long march back to the fort could prove some difficulties. He looked over at his commander with a visible distaste in his eyes.
Surveying the long stretch of land ahead of them, Ike concurred: a fine layer of frost already covered the ground, and a biting wind blew through the long valley. Grimacing in response and pulling his cloak tighter around him, Ike shrugged.
“We have no choice. We’ve been away from home far too long.” The fort was only six or seven hours away, but the weather was growing worse; they could only hope that they wouldn’t be delayed and have to seek shelter.
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notanoble · 10 years
The taller man pouted from his position seated at the planning table. “C’mon, s’not my fault. It was Shinon’s idea anyways.” He pointed towards the archer, who was passed out in the corner of the tent.
With one last futile sigh of complaint, Ike got to his feet, now dwarfing the tactician. A cheeky grin was still plastered across his face, and he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes off of Soren, even as his frown deepened.
Slurred words: Describe me, Drunk!Ike.
Ike was surprisingly steady on his feet, even as he stumbled over his words and smiled goofily up at the mage. Placing both of his hands on Soren’s cheeks to steady his swimming visage, the blue-haired man laughed once, and then again as Soren glared down at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, chuckles interrupting his words. “It’s just— I can’t take you seriously like this. You look so angry. You’re never angry at me, even when you pretend to be.”
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notanoble · 10 years
"It's gonna be a cold day." Shinon mumbled silently as he looked up at the sky, his bow in his hand. Not really looking forwards to what was to come. The sky showed signs that it was surely going to snow later on, which meant that the long march back to the fort could prove some difficulties. He looked over at his commander with a visible distaste in his eyes.
Surveying the long stretch of land ahead of them, Ike concurred: a fine layer of frost already covered the ground, and a biting wind blew through the long valley. Grimacing in response and pulling his cloak tighter around him, Ike shrugged.
“We have no choice. We’ve been away from home far too long.” The fort was only six or seven hours away, but the weather was growing worse; they could only hope that they wouldn’t be delayed and have to seek shelter.
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notanoble · 10 years
Slurred words: Describe me, Drunk!Ike.
Ike was surprisingly steady on his feet, even as he stumbled over his words and smiled goofily up at the mage. Placing both of his hands on Soren’s cheeks to steady his swimming visage, the blue-haired man laughed once, and then again as Soren glared down at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, chuckles interrupting his words. “It’s just— I can’t take you seriously like this. You look so angry. You’re never angry at me, even when you pretend to be.”
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notanoble · 10 years
Send "Midnight Kiss" for My Muse's Reaction to Your's crawling into their bed at Night and Kissing them..
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notanoble · 10 years
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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