do you ever have a ship that you obsess over for a couple of weeks/ months /whatever and then slowly a new ship takes over and soon it becomes a year or 2 and many ships have come and gone, where each time you just enter a stage of intense dedication and obsession until one day, some new fandom material comes out from one of your old ships and you find yourself nostalgic so you just sweep Ao3 for a few fics and next minute you are in so deep through the ship’s Tumblr tag that you realise you are exactly where you were, 2 years ago, obsessing over the same ship, looking through the same tag, scrolling through the new fics and you think
some things never change
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[FanArt] 镇魂 Guardian Créditos correspondientes en cada imagen
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Guardian (Zhen Hun)
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So I just binge watched the web-drama Guardian (based on a BL novel).The two main actors; Johnny Bai Yu and Zhu Yi Long  ARE LITERALLY THE FUCKING BEST. These two carry the entire show on their backs. 
Even though they’re not supposed to portray their characters as lovers (censorship issues made them have an intense bromance instead) it’s ALL THEY DO FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW. And its absolutely freaking beautiful. They do such a fantastic job of bringing the characters to life and portray the love between them without it explicitly being stated. They were ordered to make it as no homo as possible but everyone on the show just went ‘catch these hands homophobes’ and made it MO HOMO instead. Like, the homo-est. Look at this cute shit guys, like HOW DARE
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The story is about the Special Investigation Department, a department that deals with special cases that threatens the peace between the Haixings (humans), the Yashous and the Dixings (the supernaturals). Zhao Yun Lan (Bai Yu), the unruly head of the SID is in the midst of investigating a murder on campus when he crosses paths with the reserved Shen Wei (Zhu Yi Long), a Professor of Bioengineering at the Uni. Zhao Yun Lan constantly has a feeling of deja-vu around Shen Wei. Unbeknownst to him, they have known each other from10 000 years ago, a past that only Shen Wei remembers. 
They have AMAZING and PERFECT chemistry. I’m not kidding. Their scenes, touches, gazes, dialogues and all their micro-expressions (Zhu Yi Long especially) are done in a way that leaves no room for anyone to have any doubt about their relationship. I mean look:
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(The worried boyfriend)
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(The compulsory ‘can I trust you’ angst)
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(The actually we’re a married couple fluff) 
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(The flirting, oh my god the flirting. Most of it by Zhao Yun Lan I assure you, because he’s basically a shameless hussy. I love it.)
The crew also did their best in putting in as many easter eggs and details as they can to reflect their real relationship as lovers. For example, Yun Lan’s hairstyle changes halfway through the show to reflect the traditional Chinese culture of having a woman change her hairstyle after getting married implying that Yun Lan has found his husband. ( In the novel, it’s established that Shen Wei is the top and Yun Lan is the bottom. I absolutely love this because first of all hello? role reversal of where the quiet, soft and pretty one tops the hot roguish bad boy? Hell yeah!) 
Back to the plot. So the main plot is for them to find the person who’s looking to break the peace between the 3 tribes by using the Four Holy Artefacts that created the peace between them in the first place a long time ago while trying not to jump each other’s bones on the nearest flat surface. 
Seriously guys, the thirst is real. You can see the 10000 YEARS OF SEXUAL AND ROMANTIC FRUSTRATION between them. There are several scenes where you’d think they’re just going slam the other onto the nearest flat surface and just go at it! 
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(Zhao Yun Lan, pls control yourself you self proclaimed horndog)
The mild mannered Professor is also secretly the Black Cloaked Envoy (the show never settles on a proper translation for his name), one of the most powerful and revered people from Dixing. He helps out Zhao Yun Lan as Shen Wei with his knowledge about the supernatural (a flimsy excuse from the pervy Yun Lan who’s mesmerised by his gorgeousness and sweet and kind personality) as well as the completely badass Black Cloaked Envoy (in a black robe and mask obviously) who keeps bailing Yun Lan’s dumb ass out of trouble (while also thirsting for the completely flirty and shameless idiot like nobody’s business). 
The immediate supporting casts are pretty good even though their characterisation has been shot to hell (some are completely different from their novel counterparts) and have too many inconsistencies. They’re doing their best in working with the material that they were given. Bonus point is that they’re all so freaking gorgeous, so be prepared to have a sexual awakening (I’m just saying, there’s something for everyone). The music’s good as well.
Also, get ready for the ANGST. Like so much angst. Even the straight and minor relationships didn’t escape. Fair warning that it doesn’t have a happy ending, Though I personally think it was a bittersweet ending, a LOT of people hate the ending with a fiery passion. So much so that the author actually wrote a short chapter for the novel after the show to ‘fix’ the shitty ending. Hit me up if you want the spoiler for the ending of the show so that you can decide to watch it or not. 
I’ll just like to let you know that it’s not a good show as a whole at all.The CGI is absolute fucking crap and the plot unveils like someone decided to write down several ideas, stuck them on board, mounted the board on a wall and decided to write next scenes based on which storyline they hit with their darts. The pacing is all over the place. There are some parts where the characters are talking and there are added dialogues that they don’t even TRY to match the tone of the original recording.
This could have legitimately been a fantastic show but because of financial issues and censorship problems they had to scrape by with what they had (which clearly wasn’t a lot). The entire plot from the novel had to go through a major overhaul because it deals with Gods, ghosts/spirits and gay characters which all fall under censored topics. Basically, all the core premises of the novel had to be changed in order to make this show happen. 
It’s such a shame because I read the translated version of the novel and its not only hilarious but the supernatural aspect of it is way scarier and more intense than anything on the show. They found the absolutely perfect actors to play the leads as well.
Seriously, the wasted potential of this show makes me wail in despair. Remember Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (also known as Goblin) the Korean show? They basically have the same premise of meeting your long lost soulmate and I can only imagine on how this show would have been if it had been done in just the same way as Goblin. 
IN CONCLUSION, even though its labelled as ‘bromance’, this show proves that you don’t have to kiss or declare I love you’s to show your love for someone. 
Also everything is garbage except for the main leads and their chemistry. So watch it, get a new OTP, marvel at how good the acting is and find yourself having 2 more brilliant actors for you to obsess over and appreciate. After the show, read the novel (it’s still being translated). It’s absolutely hilarious. Also, listen to the damn love song they recorder together.Come flail with me about them.
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From head to toe, the only thing on me that’s probably worth a dime is my heart. You want it? Take it.
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“I would love Peggy to become some kind of superhero with powers, and be the biggest badass she can be. It’s difficult because she’s in the ‘40s, so to have her be with the Avengers, she’d be in her ‘90s. She wouldn’t really be in her prime. [Laughs.] But what would be really sweet is, since she’s so close to Howard Stark, it would be lovely to see her relationship with the baby Tony Stark, the toddler Tony Stark. She would probably have a huge influence on him at the time. I’d love to see Peggy babysitting the future Iron Man.”
— Hayley Atwell, when asked what Marvel movie or show she would want Agent Carter to connect with next (via dailyagentcarter)
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Peggy Carter is Tony Stark’s godmother AU - Part Five
Even when young Tony couldn’t be what his father Howard wanted, he always knew his Godmother Peggy would love him regardless.
All the other parts of the Godmother Peggy AU
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Peggy as Tony’s Godmother AU - Part Six
Steve and Tony talk after Peggy’s funeral (and Civil War never happens dammit because Peggy’s ghost would kick their asses)
All the other parts of the Godmother Peggy AU
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Peggy as Tony’s Godmother AU - Part Two 
After his godmother’s death, Tony starts drinking again. While watching old reels of her to deal with the grief, he stumbles upon a video she left for him when he was a baby (because Howard isn’t the only one to leave hidden messages)
All the other parts of the Godmother Peggy AU
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Peggy as Tony’s Godmother AU - Part Four 
(Because Tony needed to be at her funeral damn it)
All the other parts of the Godmother Peggy AU 
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soulmate marks where the first thing your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your body, but its something that happens when you MEET them
so you aren’t born with it, it just shows up the first time they speak directly to you, and you may not realize it happened until days after the fact
or maybe you’re at the beach or something and you get to watch as your casual exchange with a stranger LITERALLY SHOWS UP ON THEIR BODY TWO SECONDS AFTER IT LEAVES YOUR MOUTH
idk soulmate marks are so silly I love them
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Why you should try to write for the Captain America/Iron Man Big Bang 2018!
All fanworks are created out of love. Love is why as readers we seek out fic that gives us more of the things we love and love for Steve/Tony is why we sit down and explore them through stories.
But writing is still hard sometimes and writing something 25,000 words long and finishing it can be intimidating. Coming up with an idea that carries you through the writing process is key.
So let us remind you of why we love this ship so much! The inspiring and dramatic moments, the different dynamics that marked their relationship over the years and across the multiverse are what you can draw from!
Over the years Captain America and Iron Man were perfect team mates. Mutual admiration was always part of it - even when things were tough.
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Their feelings for each other run deep.
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Steve and Tony gaze into each other’s eyes,…
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…admire each other’s outfits,…
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…support each other,…
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…worry about each other,…
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…truust and…
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…save each other…
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…know each other well enough to finish each other’s sentences…
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…and know exactly why the other is acting a certain way…
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…and what the other needs even when they don’t admit it.
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The worst thing about feeling the pain of betrayal, of course, is that it can never come from an enemy. It hurts the most when it comes from the person we love and admire most.
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But everything comes back to that one person, doesn’t it? And nothing can stand between them for long.
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So while they are the ones who can hurt each other the worst…
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they still believe in each other. 
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They are best when they stand together,…
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…teasing each other,…
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…training together,…
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…working in sync,…
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…always running off towards new adventures,…
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… and fun basektball dates.
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There are so many aspects to their relationship, so many angles to be explored. Give us your Steve/Tony stories fully, sad, full of love and angst, canon compliant or AU - we’re looking forward to everything you write!
Running since 2011, the Cap-IronMan Big Bang challenges the community’s writers to create Steve/Tony-focused fic with a minimum of 25,000 words. Artists are then invited to create accompanying art! To sign up as a writer you need to send us your draft and summary by September 26th.
Full Rules and Information for writers and artists.
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Nicknames Tony Stark gives people
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Avengers AU
If Steve and Tony went to couple’s therapy after Civil War
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If Thor ran into the wrong containment cage (Avengers/Star Trek Crossover)
Other Avengers AUs here
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