notesofapastor · 1 year
They saw Him conquer Satan and the demons...
Living heroes, I have a few.
But I wouldn't die for them.
The Apostles did. Because they saw Him conquer Satan, and He proved to them that He was the Messiah.
He was the lone man of Galilee whose journey ended on a cross at Calvary. They left their jobs, kissed away all comforts and told every one what He did.
They saw it with their own eyes. And they would die for the pleasure of recounting it.
--Pastor Dean
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Blab it out to Him!
Talk to God. Tell Him what’s on your heart. If you are an atheist, call out to Him and He will answer.
In fact, many atheists won’t accept this suggestion, and I think it’s out of fear that He just might get back to you.
I was just studying 1 Samuel in the Old Testament and Hannah went to the temple and let loose with her emotions, her fears, her concerns to God and He answered--BIG TIME.
God will find a way to answer your prayer, and it might be through another person, something that happens on Television, a coincidence, He will find a way.
Just be open to a response, and know it will come.
Love you all.
--Pastor Dean
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notesofapastor · 1 year
umm...didn't understand your answer I guess. its ok
What was the question?
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notesofapastor · 1 year
We'e looking for a 1 bedroom place to rent. We have a cat, most places don’t accept pets & my boyfriend is on a low income so we can’t afford much without help of housing benefits/Local Housing Allowance. I’ve found a one bedroom house that seems perfect for us and it is going to become available at a great time too. It’s a private landlord, so I phoned and asked if they will accept Local Housing Allowance and a cat and they said they will get back to me. Please pray they accept us. God Bless.
I agree with your petition to God, in the powerful Name of Jesus.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Pastor I'm 18 yrs old I just dedicated this to God. I want us to praise and build friendship for God, even we didn't know each other but through this group God will be glad if we are all christian Bloggers praise him and blog him together. Please support us Pastor thank you so much.
I will support you in any way possible. Sorry for the delay in answering.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Hello. I was wondering how someone would go about getting back into church. I used to be an avid church goer through middle/and early high school, but the church I used to go changed so much (one of my beloved friends passed away and all the youth stopped going because of that) and I really want to go back to church, but I don't really know anyone I could go with. I'd feel more comfortable if I atleast knew someone, but majority of my friends are drug addicts or don't believe in God. What can I
Find a "Full Gospel" church and call the Pastor for an appointment. Sit down with him and have a good talk about your experiences.
If you feel comfortable after the visit, give it a try. You can always keep looking until you find the right match.
Keep in touch.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Also we have a baby on the way, which is why it's so important to us that we all stay together, including the cat. I know it may seem silly to want to keep him so badly but we do, he's already had 3 owners before us and he's only four months old.
In the Name of Jesus, I agree with your supplication to the Lord.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Merry Christmas Pastor Dean! May God smile down on you and your family today. (:
Wow....this is an old message, and I just opened it. I have not been on Tumblr in ages and didn't know these messages were waiting for me. Blessings!
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notesofapastor · 1 year
hey...your a pastor right? Got a lot of questions and no answers
Ask one.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
You have no right to insist people will become wealthy if they pray.
Then pray for poverty and see how much you have left to help the poor.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Hi, wish you had a question.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
What are your views on women in ministry?
They are needed! They should be encouraged.
Other than religious tradition, which I don't understand nor endorse, they have every right and responsibility to be leaders in Christ's church.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
Miraculous Healing is the best advertising in the world. That's why we continue the Ministry of Jesus.
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notesofapastor · 1 year
A Healing Minister Who Doesn’t Do It For The Money!
For those who don’t know me, I am the founder of a ministry called Healing Hands of Jesus. I have been in the healing ministry not for the bucks, but to be obedient to a distinct message God gave me over 20 years ago. I was healed of a disease that no medical expert could ever cure, only God.
Since that day I have been laying hands on the sick and they are healed, not all of them all of the time, but a substantial number of them. Through word of mouth, it seems Healing Hands of Jesus grew over night, necessitating a move from my living room to a local church building.
I have retired from the day to day active ministry, but all the while keeping a job to support my wife and me and to sustain the expenses of operating this adventure. The “church-meetings” are back in the living room of our home and there are moments when we fill the place to overflowing. 
I have no plans of acquiring another building, We are staying in the Living Room, and if added space is needed we will increase the number of services even if it means 7 days a week.
God promises in His Word, the Bible, that He is the Lord that heals you ,(Exodus 15:26). I hate to use such a lame expression but In this case He puts his money where his mouth is. On Thursday Nights, we pray and God heals. And that is the most effective advertising there is.
Jesus is smiling, and He’s looking at you!
--Pastor Dean
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notesofapastor · 2 years
The Contradictions of the Bible
I used to say it myself. “The Bible is full of contradictions!”
The only problem with that statement is I never read it. I took someone’s word for it that the Bible was full of fables and full of “you-know-what.” It sounded like a beautiful retort to someone who would start quoting a passage or two. But the only one who was full of “you-know-what” was me--ignorant ol’ me.
While in Catholic School, I was taught religion, but we never, ever referred to a Bible Text. Nor did we have possession of any kind of a real, physical book that said Bible on its cover.  No, we had a catechism that was put together by someone in Baltimore and no doubt contained some spiritual truth. 
But that truth was mixed-up with so much of the Roman Catholic Sacred Tradition, that yes, there were big contradictions. And just one quick example is the teaching concerning Purgatory and the Cross.
I have no intentions of bashing the Catholic Church. If you are a practicing Catholic, be a good one. Any error in their doctrines? Yes.
Check-out what they teach and do the same thing here.
Read the Bible for yourself--all 66 Books.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.--2 Timothy 3:16
--Pastor Dean
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notesofapastor · 2 years
The Bible
Eventually, you will have to take someone’s word for it.
God did not want man to walk in darkness. So He chose to speak to certain individuals who would later become known as prophets. Thus, the books of Genesis, Jeremiah, Isaiah and 15 others comprise the prophetic books of the Old Testament.
Which leads to a very important question.
How did people know whether or not God spoke through a particular prophet? Moses reacted to that question with a rather “no sweat answer.” Did what the prophet say that God revealed take place? If it didn’t then what would happen to the “fake prophet?”
He would be killed.
--Pastor Dean
But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in my name or who speaks in the name of another god must die.’--Deuteronomy 18:20
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notesofapastor · 2 years
Mothers and Fathers Sending Their Children To Hell
—For a good amount of Christians, the reality of hell is not thought of as something to be concerned about.
—Children are not being schooled in the Bible these days. Political Correctness, whose originator is the devil himself has convinced society that the Scripture is full of old wive’s tales and gross exaggerations. The people subscribing to this view can offer no factual evidence supporting their claims. And 90 per cent of the claimants have never REALLY studied the Bible even in a casual sense.
—No big deal, right? Wrong. Your children are going to hell in a hand basket and you will be held responsible. By not bringing the kids to church, by not sitting down with them and discussing the moral teachings of the Bible, not only have you handicapped your offspring for life, you have sealed their eternity.
—They will live in an endless pit of darkness and torment because without the presence of God, the rules of demonic tyrants will prevail, and your child will be powerless.
—And trust me, in hell, God cannot be found.
—Decisions cannot be reconsidered.
—Friends and family will not be found for it will be so pitch dark, you wouldn’t see them if they were right in front of your face.
—As a former skeptic, and after investigating for myself the authenticity of the Holy Bible, I thank God my bad decisions concerning my children have been corrected.
How about you?
—Pastor Dean
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