notevenjupiter · 4 years
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‘Sup, guys. It’s been a few months since I’ve been here, and I’m just popping in to say that I’m quietly retiring from Tumblr RP. Didn’t wanna bounce without a proper goodbye, y’know? Been here since 2013, been on this particular blog since 2017, and it’d be a shame to not let people know.
I’m doing other things these days, but you can still find me on Discord, or on my personal, @rettoujoutoubringiton​. Catch y’all later!
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Just a heads up that this blog’s going on a hiatus.
The writing juices have been a bit stagnant in May; the more I think about it, they really haven’t recovered since I did close to 30 pages of writing in the last two weeks of school this semester. My energy for other stuff is fine, but prose just ain’t flowing like it used to.
So I’m still around, both here and on @iwontdie​, but I’m probably doing a reply or two a week, at most. My personal’s at @rettoujoutoubringiton​, if anyone’s interested.
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
Promo Post !
✰ danganronpa / multi-verse OC
✰ mature themed blog / nonselective ( for the most part )
✰ low activity / semi hiatus warning / still w.i.p.
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    ⤳ please like/reblog if you would be interested in interacting! ⬿
                             『 rules 』 『 about 』 『 verses 』
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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    “ That was a cat-astrophe.”
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“Indeed, an unparalleled cat-aclysm. I’m glad we’ve lived to tell the tail.”
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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no real reason for this… i just wanted to draw cute clothes, haha. :^)
I’ll put the dress ref in the replies~ :0
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
well, that was going to give them plenty of time, depending on how stubborn sigma was. that phone thing definitely wasn’t going anywhere, after all. especially if he kept dialing in nonsense numbers…
she followed after phi, leaving sigma to deal with the phone situation.
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“we should compile what we know,” chiaki stated plainly. “if this is a puzzle game, then the best way to solve it is to take notes. i can draw up a map of the area as we know it…i should have something in my bag for that.”
she pulled her bag off her back. it was a little worn now, and it had been patched up several times, but it had been with her as long as she could remember. something about it seemed a little off, though. she didn’t realize what it was until she reached in to fish out her notepad and pen and found something smooth and solid in place of her usual game cases and portable consoles.
“wh…” her face paled. “what is…?”
she dropped the bag, and it hit the floor like a sack of rocks. and as she tipped it over, it turned out it was a sack of rocks. they cascaded out in a line, until the only thing left was air. chiaki stared in shock at the pile, her brain stuttering to a stop as she tried to process this.
then she fell to her knees in front of the pile, and began searching frantically.
“my games…” one would think she’d lost a loved one or something. “where are my games!?” on the one hand, she could understand why he’d take them. on the other hand, what was she going to do if he left them, drop the AB game entirely and just start playing mario!? not even she was that crazy!
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Phi stared in shock as the literal, physical rocks scattered across the floor.
This, at least, cleared up one question she had - how in the world was Chiaki able to keep a whole bag, when everyone else had their personal possessions removed? No phones, no smart watches, nothing. And this answered it. Whoever Zero was, he’d removed everything in her bag and replaced it with enough stones that any shifts in weight would be negligible.
There were no answers to how Zero would be able to pull this off, or how Chiaki could get this far into the Nonary Game without noticing it, but... this, at least, made it a little easier to trust her. It was now far less likely she was Zero.
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Letting out a deep breath, Phi hit the buttons on the side of her watch. They still had a while before the next set of Chromatic Doors opened, but... sorting through stones didn’t seem like the most optimal use of their time. She’d say something comforting, but... empathy wasn’t really her strong suit. All she could really think to ask were the productive questions.
“What was in the bag originally? Anything important? Anything that Zero Sr. could want, or could use against us?” 
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
By the time they make it to the house, Malcolm’s starting to feel tired again. The couch looks inviting. He’s honestly ready to pass out any second now.
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“Don’t worry about it, man. It’s…fine,” he says with a yawn as he takes his boots off by the door. He isn’t too out of it to have some manners, at least.
Once Sigma is out of the room, Malcolm heads straight for the couch and, after dropping down onto it, flops over. His legs dangle over the edge while the rest of him is half-curled up on the soft furniture. He asleep in seconds.
He likely won’t wake up until someone checks on him in the morning.
It’s around 8:35 in the morning when someone does indeed check on him. It’s not Sigma, though. He’d taken a nightcap and crashed into dreamland, and, barring some emergency, wouldn’t probably see the sunlight before at least 11. Instead...
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“Oh, um...” 
Diana had been going about her morning routine as usual - eggs, black coffee, and a quick plop on the couch to check her Facebook and be depressed. Except... the couch was occupied. She’d barely even registered what Sigma said last night - it was only coming back to her now.
“It’s... it’s Mal, right?” She was a little nervous, but she’d try to be as much of a gracious host as she could. “Did you sleep all right?”
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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     do you like– selectively mute chameleons?      okay, that’s very specific. ANYWAY, i just added my      sonic oc to this multimuse and i would love some sonic      muses to follow/interact with!! her bio is up and i’m dying      to use her! so!                              like or reblog if you wanna interact!
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
*likes your post* a great interaction, we are truly bonding
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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Redraw of my first post of my tumblr profile, WIP. Also keeping my promise of painting all the VLR bois
➤ instagram
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
gentle reminder
you care so much, please try and care for yourself as well
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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    𝒲𝒽𝓎, 𝐼'𝓂 𝒶 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 ?                                                          𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝓊𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝓎 𝑒𝓎𝑒.
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
hey! if ur ever looking for information on my character (whether i haven’t finished/uploaded my stats or bio pages or it’s just information you’d like to know) you can always 100% shoot me a message asking about anything! if you need something cleared up about my muse, ask me. if you wanna learn more about my muse, ask me. if something is confusing you or you just want to know more - ask me! i’m always available to answer questions about my muse because the odds are i’m probably still figuring them out. no matter how long i’ve had them for, there’s always room for character development and finding out more about them. there are some things even i haven’t figured out about my muse, so always feel free to ask me if you wanna know anything.
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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h-hella moe…
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
…Now Morgana’s fur was even more puffed up with aggression. This man would not quit it with the cat puns. It’s even worse than Ryuji and Futaba’s antics fused together! …Okay maybe not that much, but this was irritating.
The feline-like creature reared up with his haunches in the air. It was like he was ready to pounce…
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“Meww….(Don’t try me mister…I’m not a cat! But I got claws like one!)”
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The angry stance was met with a grin from Sigma. Even if it was about to claw his arm off... it didn’t stop it from being cute, did it?
“Heh. Heh heh. What do you mean, you’re nya-t a cat? You’re clearly a c-”
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He stopped, suddenly, all the merriment gone from his face, replaced by a deeply worried frown.
“Wait... what do I mean, what do you mean...”
He eyed the cat with suspicion.
“Hey. Say something else.”
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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Would you like to interact with a peppy, wannabe artiste who can travel through time and space for kicks? She’s also from the future but that’s kind of a secret.
Follows come from writtenbybrie!
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notevenjupiter · 4 years
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ze dump
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