notspeechlcss · 5 years
“The bubbles that’ll follow may be criminal
.” she added, biting the inside of her cheek. “But how can they know it was us? It’s not like the fountain has cameras!” Andrina thought aloud. “Plus, imagine how good everything is going to smell - we’re really doing this town a service.” 
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andrina wasn’t wrong. technically speaking, putting bubbles in a public fountain was considered vandalism in every form. she purses her lips and hums softly, trying to imagine the consequences were they actually caught. “i think we can get away with this ...”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
He didn’t mean to startle her. Though he didn’t have to sneak up on her. So that slap on the chest was well deserved. For a moment he might have thought he was in the clear with her. That maybe she had forgiven him. Hearing the bitterness in her voice when she called him Ali, proved him wrong. “Sorry. I didn’t think I’d startle you.” He sighed, looking down at what she was browsing. He mouth went into a flat line, “Just browsing. Like you.” He picked up a random piece from the table. “You’re still mad at me, huh?”
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you still mad at me, huh ? the hurt and rage in jasmine’s chest begins to bubble and she sucks in a breath, taking a side step away from him. “well, apparently you do a lot of things you don’t mean, so ...” she turns to level her gaze at him, onyx eyes full to the brim with something like skepticism. almost as if she were waiting for him to prove her wrong. and maybe part of her was. maybe part of her wants him to show her that she can trust him, rely on him. but for now, she’ll remain angry. “i am still upset with you, yes. and rightfully so.”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
Have you ever wished you weren't you?
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
Text --> mer bear
Merida: So the pizza place by my house just launched a garlic cauliflower pizza crust so I'm going to be at your place in like 15 minutes.
Merida: Be prepared to have your life changed.
jasmine: hey u can't just drop a bomb like this while im in public, my stomach just rumbled so loud that the person next to me heard it!
jasmine: but so no more, i'm on my way. do i need to bring anything?
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
“You’re telling me.  I can barely stand being on my phone for too long.” He shakes his head, eyeing her when she mentions making a living off technology.
“I haven’t introduced myself.” He holds his hand out with a crooked smile, “Hades.  Hades Woods, undertaker of the cemetery.  Hi, how ya doin’?  You mentioned tech?  What are you in?”
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jasmine hesitantly reaches out, gently gripping his hand with her own in greeting. “pleasure to make your acquaintance, hades. i’m jasmine.” she introduces, giving his hand a light shake before letting go. “undertaker of the cemetery, hm ? interesting profession. why’d you decide to pursue it ?” her curiosity gets the better of her, and a gleam of interest lights her eyes. “i work via social media. i make my living off of those apps i just mentioned needing a break from,” she chuckles at the irony, shrugging her shoulders. “but it’s fun, and i get to make my own schedule, so ...”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
There was no doubt in his mind that the woman across the way was Jasmine. What was the chance that they would both be here shopping during this street market? How long had it been they last spoke? He knew she was avoiding him. And she had all the right to. He lied to her. Well, she caught him in one of his lies. It was the voice of his friend Genie in his head that pushed him to make his way to her. Quietly he slipped next to her. “I never thought you were into antiques?” @notspeechlcss
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fingertips graze over the cool metal of the copper vase sitting on the vendor cart, a look of interest gracing jasmine’s features. she’s so enchanted by the hammered designs that she doesn’t even notice aladdin casually step up beside her ... which is precisely why she lets out a loud gasp, hand flying out to smack against his chest. “don’t do that !” she whisper yells, bringing her hand back to clutch at her heart as if that could soothe its newfound thundering pace. “what do you want, ali ?” she emphasizes his fake name, any and all amusement nowhere to be found. 
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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BROWN  EYES  MOVE to  the  crossword  puzzle  ,  her  brows  furrowed  .   ❝  No  clue  .  Sorry  .  It  looks  like  you’re  doing  pretty  well  with  the  others  though  .   I  can’t  even  remember  the  last  time  I  tried  to  do  one  of  these  things  ,  if  I’ve  ever  done  one  that  wasn’t  required  from  school  .  ❞ 
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“nah, don’t apologize. this hint is damn near impossible, so i really can’t blame you.” she sets the crossword book down, bringing her knees up to her chest. “i like to do them when i’m stressed. usually they calm me down, but ...” she shrugs her shoulders, casting a distasteful look at the ink-ridden page. 
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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     jack took a deep breath before he was following her into the shop. there was a decent crowd but the line wasn’t that long. he took a deep breath and nodded,“ right.” he was hoping that he would be able to gather his bearings. he was pretty sure that he had a meeting with the mayor later on in the day. together they were joining the rather short line,“ thanks,” he told her after a moment,“ i only ever just have coffee.” he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to wait too long for his usual caffeine fix.“
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“just plain, black coffee ?” she asks, only to make sure she doesn’t end up ordering the wrong thing for him. there was something about being given the wrong coffee order that seemed to drive people insane, and that’s truly the last thing that jasmine wants to witness on this oh so fine morning. “i like a little something extra with my coffee. i’m a big caramel macchiato gal, but i usually get an extra shot added to it just for some more ... oomph.” 
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
“It is.” Hades chuckles, “It doesn’t make much sense, whoever made this one seems to be a right ol’ schmuck.”
To her questioning, Hades simply shrugs.  “Eh, tech is all the rage these days.  Just don’t really see much of anything that’s paper it feels like.  Never said it’s bad to see one.”  If anything, it tells him that’s she’s decently smart.  Properly smart about words, instead of the streets like he usually sees with the youth these days.  But, hell, he doesn’t know her.  Maybe she’s both, similar to sweet old Nutmeg.
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jasmine has to bring a hand to her mouth to stop herself from properly snorting in amusement. a right ol’ schmuck ? that wasn’t something you heard everyday. “can’t argue with that. hell, i make my living via technology. but it’s nice to sit back with something ... authentic, every now and then. use a map instead of a gps, or read a book once in a while. just little reminders that we don’t have to spend every waking second scrolling through instagram or twitter.”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
“Would it be stupid?” she wondered aloud, thinking back on the plan they were creating. “I mean, it’d obviously be a little stupid
. but is it so stupid that even we shouldn’t do it?” Andrina asked, looking over at her friend. “It’s not like we could get arrested.” 
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full lips purse and groomed eyebrows scrunch together, depicting a convincing expression of contemplation. “hmm ...” she hums, tapping her finger to her chin as if she were some detective pondering a case. “i mean ... i don’t think we’ll get arrested ? we’re just climbing into the fountain, nothing super criminal about that, right ?”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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    "that is a very good point,“ said jack with a slightly nervous smile. he was reaching to pull at the hem of his shirt after standing up. he noticed the somewhat surprised expression on her face when he did. he nodded as she agreed to coffee fixing everything,” thank god someone understands that.“ he laughed a little as she told him what day of the week it was,” well thanks for letting me know.“ he was surprised when she was turning to grab the door handle. he had been thinking of going home until he heard her question,” oh, uh, sure.“ he found himself scratching the back of his neck,” i swear i’m not this scatter brained normally.“
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skeptical brown eyes look him up and down for a moment before she simply shrugs, gesturing for him to follow her into the coffee shop. “everyone has their days,” she answers back breezily. she knew what it was like, feeling as though nothing made sense. this was definitely a different circumstance to her own though, but either way. being scatter brained and a bit off kilter wasn’t something totally foreign to her. “but, as you said, it’s nothing that coffee can’t fix. order whatever you want, it’s on me.”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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request. like or reblog if you save/use.
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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“I don’t know what your problem is,” Marie stepped out of the door with her bags getting caught slightly. She huffed and snatched it off the handle it was caught on. Why does that only happen when a person is agitated? Forcing a smile she knew was fake Marie nodded. “Well princess the doorway is all yours. I hope you don’t mind people standing in line before you.” 
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the barest hint of a smirk plays at jasmine’s lips whilst marie struggles to detangle herself from the door handle. had she not been so rude, jasmine may have offered her a bit of help, but there was something ... poetic, almost, about this small dose of karma that seemed to strike the blonde. “princess ? gee, such an original insult. a tad bit hypocritical, but oh well ... c’est la vie,” she waves a hand in the air as if to brush away the subject, though there’s a bitter feeling rising from the pit of her stomach. jasmine is many things, but she’s not pompous. “the last thing i’d care about is waiting in a check out line. but, when someone opens a shop door and starts off with a ‘can i help you’ as if opening the door to a house, i’m going to remind you that you’re taking up the doorway. this entire altercation would have easily been avoided if you’d just ... oh, moved quicker ? or perhaps even not taken what i’d said so personally ? i hadn’t even insulted you. i’d just asked if you were going to move or if you were holding the door open.” she shrugs her shoulders and practically prances over the shop’s threshold, casting a bright smile over her shoulders. “quit assuming things about other people and maybe you’ll have someone that’ll want to shop with you !” if there’s one thing jasmine hates the most, it’s assumptions being made about her. of course she was going to retaliate when that happened.
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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tinka was never one to have a way with words, so when the other handed her a random crossword her eyebrows shot up. she eyed the crossword, trying to stall before telling the other she had no clue. she never played word games like crosswords or word hunts. she always felt there were more exciting things to do. besides, if she ever tried to do any boring activity like that, peter would quickly pull her away. let’s go do something fun, he’d say. “ sorry, i don’t know enough about crosswords to help. ”
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jasmine’s shoulders cave forward and she tosses the unfinished puzzle beside her on the edge of the fountain she was perched on. she heaves a sigh and clicks her pen, tucking it behind her ear for safe keeping. “it’s alright -- today’s clues are just ridiculous. no need to apologize, though.” she purses her lips and they fall back into silence again, only the slightest hint of awkward hanging in the air. “they’re not usually that hard, though.”
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
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my endless list of favorite female characters ♄ Princess Jasmine ⇝ Aladdin (1992)
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notspeechlcss · 5 years
“Discourage.” He says the moment she asks her, having been watching for a bit now.  Accidental, having initially sat down to simply send an email on his phone when he noticed her.  At first, he didn’t really care, simply going back to his message, before he had glanced over again and saw she was doing a crossword and stuck on one of them.  He, of course, cheated and looked up the hints and had gotten the answer.
But he won’t tell her that.  Instead Hades just glances at the crossword again.  “Ya know, it’s shocking to see anyone doing those these days.”
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the word is uttered so quickly from his lips that for a moment, jasmine is positive she imagines it. did he really just guess the word that fast ?  “i- ..” she pulls the pad back to test the word, letting out an outraged gasp when it did, indeed, fit. jasmine was no idiot -- in fact, she was quite possibly one of the smartest people that she knew ( though she didn’t know many ) -- and she couldn’t guess a word like discourage ? of all the words ? “that was a stupid hint for that word,” she grumbles haughtily, curls bouncing as she shakes her head in annoyance. it’s then that the stranger speaks again, and jasmine finds herself intrigued by what he’s said. “really ? i like crosswords. a good way to keep your vocabulary in check and get a daily dose of brain exercise. it’s usually more fun when the hints aren’t so wildly obscure, though.”
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