nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
All threads with any member of the Thénardier family or the Patron Minette Heads are getting moved to @essayerdesurvivre
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
You get an A for effort lmao
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
I want people to send me hate just bc I have so much fight-y energy in me at all times
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
Gonna try and get some sleep now because I’m hella fucking tired, but my plans for tomorrow are to make two new blogs. One is going to be for the Thénardier family and the Patron Minette heads, and the other for all of Les Amis.
If you got a problem with that you can meet me in the fuckin pit, good night 😘
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
I will stop listening to electropop music once my life turns into a cool indie movie
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“Perfect idea! And we definitely should,” Bossuet agreed, keeping Joly’s hand in his as he slid to the side— not trusting his coordination enough for him to slide backwards. He added lightheartedly, “We can print out a bunch of posters and make a huge announcement... Maybe even get a banner that reads ‘Basically Skating Party’.”
With a small pause, he thought about Joly’s suggestion before saying, “Sure, let’s do it.“ He looked over at Grantaire. “Up for a little trip to the bubble wrap store?”
Grantaire nodded. “Of course. Our safety is number one anyways.” The last part was added with a bit of a lazy grin as he pulled back on his sneakers and took a small flask out from his jacket pocket. “Not to be that guy, I’m just... not ready to leave this part of the ‘basically skating party’ yet.” His grin turn even more bright while he took a swig and put his fist up in the air. “Let’s go, mes amis!”
“That sounds good, we could wrap up everything in bubblewrap?” Bossuet suggested before getting up as well and using the last of the wine to fill all their cups once more. “And it’s skating but with socks instead of rollerblades or ice skates, we can call it basically skating though if that helps.” He held out a hand to Joly. “Let’s get this party started!”
Grantaire smiled at that and took a long sip of wine, placing it down on the coffee table before announcing, “Let’s get this basically skating party started!”
“Oh that’s a wonderful idea, then we can pop it when we’re done!” He agreed with a grin spread from ear to ear. Reaching out, Joly took Bossuet’s hand with a breathy laugh, nodding as he got to his feet. “Basically skating party, I like it. We should make fliers and bring them to the next meeting.” He joked.
He was a bit worried still, although he was on his feet. Joly couldn’t picture a reality where he didn’t fall the moment he started sliding around in his socks. “M-maybe we should actually get some bubblewrap now before we start? We can hire a cab!”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“Wanna spin in circles until we’re too dizzy to stand?” ~ Eponine from Azelma
Éponine couldn’t help but chuckle at Azelma’s question. Normally when she was in a bad mood, which seemed to be every other day lately, she didn’t want anyone talking to her about anything— but that suggestion made her smile so all she did was stand up and look at her little sister.
“Sure, why not.”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“You know me better than I know me. What should I do?” [to whoever from barricadedfreedom]
Jehan placed his elbows down on the table and rested his chin on his hands thoughtfully. After a brief pause, he gave his answer with a kind smile, “I think you should do whatever your heart is telling you to do. Deep down I think you know what you want to do already.”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“Well if you think I can do it then obviously I cannot” [vagueambitiontobe to courfeyrac]
A laugh escaped Courfeyrac and he shook his head, refusing to believe that statement. And not even just out of sheer confidence of himself, as well as his opinions, this time. He just truly believed his friend could do it. “No, I’m definitely right about this.” He took a small sip of his drink before adding, “And, also, life is too short for you to just not anyways.”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
Random sentence starters.  
“Don’t make me laugh,  I’m trying to be mad at you”
“I’m not stalking you,  I’m following you without your knowledge. It’s completely different”  
“I guess I’ll go alone then, without you. Alone.  By myself.  Like a friendless loser.”
“Let me see that pretty smile”  
“It’s you and me against the world”
“Don’t worry, everyone makes mistakes.  Like me I was my parents greatest mistake”
“When I look at you all I feel is rage”
“Are you always this happy go lucky? Don’t you ever feel UNHAPPY?”
“I will dance anywhere I please”
“What’s it like being brighter than the sun?”
“C’mon, we’re too cool for this”
“Would it be weird if we held hands.  Not like a couple, just as a friends or maybe as a couple. I just want to hold your hand”  
“I need you to do me a favor,  hit me as hard as you can” 
“It’s okay,  I know it’s difficult being short so I’ll just lift you whenever you’re trying to reach something up high”
“I’m sorry if I hugged you for an unreasonable amount of time”
“Hurry,  HOP on my back. There’s no time for explanation”
“You know me better than I know me. What should I do?”
“I wouldn’t be staring at you if you weren’t so pretty. I’m not to blame for this”
“We’re friends even if you disagree”
“Now listen here, I love you but you suck”
“I couldn’t think of a way to end my story so I just made annoying noises” 
“Look into my eyes. Do they look infected to you?”
“That’s it. I give up on life”
“I’m friendship breaking up with you.  Don’t worry,  I’ll find someone better”
“No, I wasn’t thinking of kissing you. How awkward would that be. I mean unless you wanted to?”
“Believe in the me that believes in you”
“You’re too tall. It frightens me”
“Wanna spin in circles until we’re too dizzy to stand?”
“We make the perfect duo. Me, the smart one and you the dumb one.”
“Your destiny is to hangout with me. No one else,  ever.  I get jealous”  
“Well if you think I can do it then obviously I cannot”
“I’d say listen to your heart but I highly doubt you have one”
“I’m crying because your face is cute”
“Why are you so hideous?”  
“Oh look it’s you,  the embodiment of an actual angel here to bless me”
“You kissed my face,  I can die happy now”
“You look huggable,  may I confirm?” 
“I think I’m having a fake heart attack”
“Don’t touch me with your weird fingers”
“I had a dream about you,  you died”
“I’m gonna snowplow your whole family”
“You were the one that got away but I’ll get you next time. Oh yes I will”
“I’m gonna keep you forever”
“Don’t look at me with those big sad eyes. I can’t take it”
“You think I’ll do it, but I’ll tell you right now there’s no way- okay I’ll do it”
“I saw a baby deer and it reminded me of you”
“I didn’t miss you,  I REALLY missed you there’s a difference”
“Did you know you’re fantastic?”  
“You disgust me in the best kinds of ways”
“If I had to pick a friend to marry, I’d pick you”
“And they all lived happily ever after or I hope they did. I didn’t even read the book.”
“My life would be boring without you. Very peaceful and stress free but boring”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
Okay so I might be having to switch around some things because I got kicked out of this account on my laptop
I logged out of this account on my laptop and can’t remember my password to get back in... To make things worse I deleted the gmail account I signed up with a while back, so I’m beyond screwed :)
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“That sounds good, we could wrap up everything in bubblewrap?” Bossuet suggested before getting up as well and using the last of the wine to fill all their cups once more. “And it’s skating but with socks instead of rollerblades or ice skates, we can call it basically skating though if that helps.” He held out a hand to Joly. “Let’s get this party started!”
Grantaire smiled at that and took a long sip of wine, placing it down on the coffee table before announcing, “Let’s get this basically skating party started!”
“Yay! We’ve succeeded!” Bossuet finished most of his cup and patted Joly’s head. “I love you so much, you and your smart head— we absolutely do need a helmet and some pads next time.” He took a final sip before saying, “Next time we need to invite everyone over though.”
“I support that, we can make a whole fucking party out of it.” With a drunken grin, Grantaire stood up again, this time skating backwards a little bit. “Are you tipsy enough yet to skate?”
Joly playfully shoved Bossuet with a laugh and nodded. “That is a good idea! I’ll stay sober for it just in case there are any accidents… Maybe we should child-proof the counters and other things that could potentially injure someone? That way if someone falls they’ll just get knocked by something soft?” He suggested, always thinking one step ahead for any accidents. 
Joly watched Grantaire stand and slide back on his socks. Raising his index finger as he finished off his glass, he nodded with a laugh. “Oui, but I think you’re being too liberal with the word skate.”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“Yay! We’ve succeeded!” Bossuet finished most of his cup and patted Joly’s head. “I love you so much, you and your smart head— we absolutely do need a helmet and some pads next time.” He took a final sip before saying, “Next time we need to invite everyone over though.”
“I support that, we can make a whole fucking party out of it.” With a drunken grin, Grantaire stood up again, this time skating backwards a little bit. “Are you tipsy enough yet to skate?”
“I won’t let you get hurt, I’ve already let one man fall,” Grantaire reassured Joly before Bossuet could say anything else along with his betrayed look. He smiled as he clinked his glass against the other two’s and chugged the rest of his cup. “Also with my dancing skills, my grace is always there.”
“Even with your leg and my luck, I wouldn’t either.” Bossuet grinned, taking a sip of his wine before pecking Joly on the cheek again. The alcohol in his system was making him even more outwardly loving. “Next time we make the floors slippery though, you’ll have to be there when we put the polish down– that was half the fun!”
Joly smiled and tilted his head several ways, considering it. He did want to but that didn’t make him any less nervous. He pursed his lips and then nodded his head. “Okay, I’ll do it – but you both have to make sure I don’t fall! And you both have to make sure you don’t fall either because I’d feel terrible if you did.”
He gulped down half of his wine and snorted at what Bossuet said next, looking up and shaking his head. “Next time?” He grinned and rolled his eyes. “Here I thought this was a one-time thing, how foolish I am! Next time, we’re getting you a helmet and some knee and elbow pads first.”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
He brought the glass of wine to his lips and finished off what was left. With a grin, he kissed Bossuet on the cheek again before resting back on his shoulder. Joly was incredibly comfortable. Bossuet’s body temperature was often a bit warmer than his own and cuddling up to him like this was like being wrapped in a blanket that was Lesgle. “How should I know that, you let yourself fall,” he teased, “and with my leg, I don’t think my odds are too great.”
With a smile as Bossuet refilled their cups, he raised his own. “À la vôtre!” He exclaimed as he clinked his glass against theirs and then took another healthy few gulps.
“I won’t let you get hurt, I’ve already let one man fall,” Grantaire reassured Joly before Bossuet could say anything else along with his betrayed look. He smiled as he clinked his glass against the other two’s and chugged the rest of his cup. “Also with my dancing skills, my grace is always there.”
“Even with your leg and my luck, I wouldn’t either.” Bossuet grinned, taking a sip of his wine before pecking Joly on the cheek again. The alcohol in his system was making him even more outwardly loving. “Next time we make the floors slippery though, you’ll have to be there when we put the polish down-- that was half the fun!”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“I love you for lots of things too,” Bossuet responded as Grantaire slid into the kitchen to get their bottle of wine. “And I won’t let you fall, I promise!” He did an x motion over his heart, gesticulating the promise with a bright smile. “Cross my heart— you won’t even need a helmet.”
Once Grantaire returned to his spot on the couch, Bossuet grabbed the bottle from him and filled up all of their cups. “Cheers!”
“Yes, but you love me for it.” Bossuet kissed him on the cheek before looking at Grantaire. “Exactly, you didn’t know! I could have broken all of my ribs for all you knew!”
“Ah, alcohol is the most fun of idea providers.” The other man laughed and finished off his cup of wine, standing up after to get the rest of the bottle— figuring that they might as well keep the party going. “And I knew you weren’t hurt that much, is that alright for you? Don’t entrap me. You’re a lawyer, you know that’s not a cool thing to do.”
Bossuet chuckled at that and rested his head onto Joly’s shoulder. “Not what entrapment is, but okay.” With that, he nodded gleefully. “I would love to slide around with you once we’ve finished up, you haven’t ever known true fun until you’ve done it.”
Joly smiled and cuddled up closer to Bossuet after his cheek was kissed, slouching down slightly so that his head was on the chest of the other. “Oui,” he agreed, “I love you for lots of things.” Clearly, he was feeling quite affectionate that evening. 
Laughing at the banter that continued between his boyfriend and Grantaire, the physician shook his head. “Well, now I’m worried I’ll be laughed at when I fall!” He joked, clearly anticipating already that he would, indeed, fall. He wasn’t as unlucky as Bossuet but Joly worried and expected the worst outcome in many situations. “And I don’t have a helmet, either.”
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
“You wash your hair with shampoo first, then rinse it out and wash it with conditioner. And you just use the body wash to wash all of you.” It was weird for him to explain the uses of the bottles, since it was common knowledge for everyone in their current time.
He was still confused but wasn’t sure what question to ask, so he simply followed to the bathroom. “Is the well far?” He asked, noticing that the tub was empty.
“There isn’t a well,” He responded, before walking over to the tub and turning the water on. “You move the lever to change the temperature- towards the red to make it hotter and the blue to make it colder.” 
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nousauronsmal-blog · 5 years
I say “they’re like 80” when talking about anyone over the age of 25
So just
Sorry anyone over the age of 25 who follows me I’m just like that
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