nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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can’t i be strong and go to prom?
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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"You are probably right. I also have to unpack everything, sorry once more to almost hit you, hm" She stopped, she had only realized in that moment that she had no idea of her fellow shadowhunter's name.
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       “ I am NOT going to cry about it. We have to look forward now, focus to figure out what is going on so let’s see how good you are with that “ Jace was busy with is own personal task, hidden from curious eyes. “ I need to approach to a training now. “
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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7 months ago I made Allison as originally silverxarcher and now here we are as wetpuppyargent with 500+ followers which has been a long time coming. You have no idea how happy I am to have finally reaching 500+  because it’s been a struggle to reach this number. So the first time in a while I’m going to do a bias list
The Baes (People whom I adore)
@sweetscreamer @thxlittlxbirds @imworthfivedollars @hellomoonbrother @were-coyote-cutie @scarletwiitchisms @dalphahale @darkensavior @sweet-singinglittleredbird @fleethelight @trueaxpha @trustsnxbody @forgedbysilver @redheadarcher @pupbar @wolfcloned @hungryderekhale @houndofhcll @fifityshadesofplaid @littlebrokensurvivor @arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark @voidxd @prodxgaliron @nouxprotegeons @hvntressargxnt @biittered @alphahalew0lf @coyoteunderneath @darkdynxsty @the0netruealpha @lostinthefiire @houndofhcll @hereisthelie @fiirstchimera @mostlyusingred
Please? (people I want to rp with or need to rp with more)
@olympixnqueen @newselfconfidence @ofrenegade @ncgitsne @amelicrate @ashborntriskel @gevaxdan @akatharton @greatirresponsibility @doseofdelirium @killercourser @aliphisalpha @eyeinthedhark @wasabeliever @paintingflcwcrs @shriekinglydias @thecapitoldarling @theoneswithoutpacks @thetwistedargent @@redemptiionseeker  @ipromiseilldobetter @neitherequal @strawberryblonde-bxnshee @notxaxtate @hookedpirate @justkirayukimura @ofbansheecries @hcrleyquinnzel @armanicuddles @argentyougladimnotahunter
To anyone else I might have forgotten. Thank you for the follows. 
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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I can’t believe this blog has so many great followers! Thank you all so much for writing with me and interacting with my Derek. I really appreciate it and ALL OF YOU!!! <3
That being said, I’m doing a giveaway for all of you. The rules are simple.
You must be following me, if that wasn’t obvious. Also, please don’t unfollow me right after this. I will be sending out these prizes a little after the giveaway is done.
You must reblog this post, liking this post does not count. Honestly, you can reblog it however many times you want if you feel it will up your chances.
Each prize has Derek Hale stickers. The first prize winner will get to choose the four they like best, the second prize winner will pick the two they like best, and the third prize winner will get the remainder stickers. Here is a close up of them.
You have to be comfortable with giving me your address if you win so you can get one of these great prizes!!
Prizes include:
1st Grand Prize-
Derek Hale XL t-shirt, Derek Hale stickers, Zombie pin, and Homer Simpson budha.
2nd Grand Prize-
Deadpool XL t-shirt, Derek Hale stickers, comic book, and Princess Bridge cards.
3rd Grand Prize-
Lootcrate XL t-shirt, Derek Hale stickers, and a Hearthstone stress ball.
This giveaway will end on April 18th, 2016. Any questions, feel free to ask me! Under the cut is a shout out to some of my favorite people. Thank you again for getting me this far!! <3
Continuar lendo
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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mcmargentski + parental parallels
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
"We really can, maybe one day after class? But I am not sure if the school would let us borrow the pool, maybe if we explained to the coach?" She suggested smiling. Then it was settled. She was going to return to the swimming team, and this time she was sure it would be better since Liam would be there with her.
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“You’re welcome” He answered with a soft smile. He liked Allison. She was funny and friendly. Strangely she was the alone in the pack that he could like. They were friend after all. “We can train together if you want.” He proposed with a light frown. He was pretty sure it was a good idea to train by pair.
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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every flower is a soul blossoming in nature
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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" Yeah, I HEARD " Allison said, it was mainly the reason why she had come, to help them - be shadowhunters or downworlders - to fight demons. " And i believe that that was the only reason why the clave approved me changing institutes so fast, I am sorry about the old place "
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        She came here to the worst time. “ Well, I am kinda sorry for you. I guess you heard of the explosion of the old insitute? It is all still a mess and people try to figure out what is goe but then we can use any hand we can get. There are more demons than they ever have been before. ”
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
closed starter for @stuartwcmbly​
Allison is used to say that after finding out that werewolves are a real thing, that her family are werewolf's hunters, fighting Peter Hale, her crazy aunt, her grandfather going psycho and a Darach that she had faced plenty in her life and that she does not get surprised with anything anymore. She just tries to roll with it.
That is it, until this morning she woke up and realized that yes, INDEED the world is still able to surprise her. If they were counting scores it would have won. Because she was definitely surprised on waking up on a body that was not her own.
0 notes
nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
"Thank you very much" Allison said smiling and letting go of a breathe she didn't even knew she was holding. It would be so good to have her ladies with her, or even if not them all at least Lydia. This was much better than she had been told by her aunt and mother. "I will write and give it later for you then, since I don't have anything now here with me, if that's okay"
She listened close what he said about everything, he would be her husband after all, and tried really hard not to blush on the informality of calling him by his first name. "Only if you call me Allison then" Allison said still smiling. From what she had heard, the Hales were not nice, and yet, she had not seen on bit of rudeness of his part, maybe her family was biased, maybe this war had been going for so long that all they had were hatred memories, but she was incredible glad that they were probably wrong on his behalf.
Derek smiled at Allison reaction. “Not at all. And I am thinking it can help you to have a few person that you know with you” He commented and he nodded slowly. He knew it would be difficult for her. He saw how much difficult it was for Laura to leave alone without one of her maid. He didn’t want to see her lost and sad when they would be back at his home. He wanted to have a pleased and smiling wife who was happy. And he really tried to be a good husband for her. “Write a list of name and I’ll see who can come with your father.” He added because he knew too that for the woman who would follow her it would be a big change. Derek frowned and he sighed. “Well I suppose when they will have finish with their political meeting. I’m not sure when we will leave. We have a few thing to do before.” He added and he passed one hand in his hair. “Call me Derek. You’ll be my wife in a few minutes.” He proposed softly with a light smile. He really tried to make her comfortable and he wanted that she felt in family with him and the other Hale.
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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" Probably as many as I told you to stay clear from the Argent path " Allison said, it wasn't the first time she and Lydia had crossed paths like this, and she DOUBTED it would be the last, but if Lydia insisted on going into Argent territory sooner or later Allison would have to handle the strawberry blonde, and not in a GOOD way.
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                                      ❛ how many times have i told you to leave me alone? ❜ lydia SNAPPED, glaring daggers at the woman that had once been her BEST FRIEND,  ❛ you have two choices: you can either get out of my way or get hurt. ❜
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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"The rules make it also incredible clear to not to it on public places last time I checked" Allison said back, it was late night and the last thing she wanted was to fight, but if the vampire insisted she would.
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█ ▓ ┈ ☾ℰ.ℛ
Erica didn’t care what this woman was. “The rules are not to kill them, which I’m not planning on doing. So why don’t you waddle on back to Idris and stop bothering me.” She’d had a bad day and all she wanted was to feed in peace.
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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So, it’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally hit 1300 followers and honestly, I have no idea why! Those who know me well, will know that I am very much so a neurotic so-and-so who has no faith in her ability to write. So I am so thankful for everyone who has stuck around and actually dealt with me.              // The Pack // (People I talk to every day) @sarcasticallystiles - Hey there my beautiful flower! I love you to pieces and you know this so much. You are my lobster and always will be (duh!). You have stuck by me through thick and thin and put up with all my crap. I love RPing with you, I love talking to you, I love you.  @wolvesandadderall / @iaimtxmisbehave - I had been a big fan of you for months before we started rping. Then we would occasionally rp but you would have school etc. Then you came back with full force and holy. shit. What happened? We went from talking occasionally to talking everyday and planning to go to a con together…you know that involves dealing with me for 4 days (good luck!) Anywho, I love you loads and you know it! @there-is-blood-on-my-hands​ - My little baby! I love you so much. You are such a loving and caring person and I love you so much. I can’t imagine a time without you. I know I’m distant sometimes, but even you put up with that.  @iinfractxs​ - YOU! I always miss you when you are gone and so does Derek! We love you loads and loads. I love rping with you and you have a really well-thought out and brilliant character.             // The Hunters // (People I RP and Admire from a far) @stilinskitriplebros @littlebrokensurvivor @keepingwatch @sarkystilinski @thegoldenpxp @fiirstbeta @pupbar @imworthfivedollars @mostlyusingred @rxcklesshearts @nouxprotegeons @heartveined @thxrunawaybeta @fragilebanshee @krasikcva @stiledsarcasm @theaxmerlyn @isaac-lahey-14 @hmnals @screamsofbanshee @elevenmccall @halethekingbeta​ @vulncrxble @badassbetaerica @hcwliing @deputypvrrish @invisiblechimera @codexargentum @wolfspirals @aduroxrabidus @alphasshole @shriekinglydias @kristafreyteenwolf @dcvoid @sohomobeaconhills @redemptiionseeker @valiantmccall @jordanthesheriffsdeputy @olivierperrier @ask-thesourwolf @imxnlyhuman @hellhoundinheels @jedicollins @sayyoubelieveme @littlehcntress @sarcasticallystiles @boywiththebluejeep @dcntsassme @fcurmillion @nerdisums @underachiievers @blindalphc @stillwiththem @raisedamundane @thebansheeofthepack @kickedhim @smoakinoverwxtch
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
"Thanks Liam" Allison said smiling and staring at her friend "I was last time I practiced checking my time, but that was a while ago. I might be a little rust on it, if we're being honest". Maybe coming back to a team would be good, it's not like she could put hunting werewolves when applying to college.
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“Anytime Allison” He answered with a smile. She was his friend after all. He liked her and passing time with her was always funny and great. “We need more good girl in the team. And I’m pretty sure you’re fast in the water.” He commented with a nod.
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nouxprotegeons-blog · 9 years
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"I am Allison" She said and realized that it would probably mean nothing "I am the new girl from the Paris Institute?"
At least she was glad she didn't ended up actually bumping against him, that would make things even more awkward if it was possible. Specially because this was a crappy way to start a life in a new place, hitting someone and maybe even making he fall down.
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        Everyone was BUSY. They all were just settling into the new Institute after the old was blowed up by some idiot of a warlock. Jace did not really look out, used that people did not get into his way when he just saw the girl. The blond was going to open his mouth for a quick mean remark but stopped himself as soon as he realised that it was a new face.
    “ Who are you? ”
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