soulmateprinciple · 2 years
even more injury memes.
@alphadelameutedelycan sent: [ SUCCEED ] for receiver to rescue sender from a dangerous situation but reveals they’re injured afterwards. ( Stiles & Jade )
You could never trust a wolf. They were dangerous, impulsive creatures, incapable of controlling themselves when it came to their desires. At least that was what she had been taught back when she lived on the Redfern Island. They weren’t particularly fond of werewolves. It was a vampire island, after all.
Yet, it seemed like in this case, she had been right. They wanted to harm her friend, and Jade wasn’t having any of that.
“Stiles!!” she called out.
Taking them out one by one, she grabbed hold of his arm, tugging him so harshly with her at the speed of lightning, possibly making him think that she was inhumanely strong and fast.
When she deemed that they were at safety, her eyes shone with relief, glad to know that she had protected him, to know that he was all right.. Until —
That smell.
She knew it too well.
Jade could feel her face start to curl up, how her emerald eyes started to twinkle, red slowly starting to color them. Cursing herself, she turned away from him, hand covering her mouth as she looked at the snow beneath her feet, wondering just how it would feel to stain the purity of it with blood.
“Stiles?” she breathed out, doing everything in her might to ensure that she didn’t face him. Jade didn’t want to hurt him. He was a friend, a good person who had shown her mercy at a time where she needed it the most; they had celebrated Christmas together. Been there for each when no one else was there.
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“I need you to run,” she uttered, trying to speak calmly. To contain all the emotions that were threatening to bubble to the surface. She wanted to eat him, wanting to seek out what flavor that hid underneath that delicious scent of his.
“Now,” she bit out more harshly, feeling how her body was starting to shake from the resistance of acting on her instincts.
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bxdassbanshee · 3 years
[ @alphadelameutedelycan started following you ]
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“ that can’t be the best we can do. we have to be able to do more. you have banshees and werewolves and more. we have to be able to do something!”
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adsagsona · 2 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! ❤
Thank you, darling, right back at you! @alphadelameutedelycan
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☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! ❤
I love you! 😍😘
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neverwholelahey · 3 years
@alphadelameutedelycan​ liked for a starter and is getting one for Stiles
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“Tease me about my hair again, and I’ll leave.” Isaac was not in the mood to be messed with. He hadn’t get his hair cut in a while, so it was starting to curl and looked like a mess. He liked his curls, just not in the current state. Still a bit too short to curl properly and not look like a complete mess.
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thxrunawaybeta · 3 years
| A New Pack For Her |
@alphadelameutedelycan asked for an Alpha Erica plot
There was a restlessness when she moved around the woods. Someone was here, in her woods. Following the scent, going off her instincts, something she was using to do. She had lost her pack a few months ago, the alpha, her mother, transferring her power to Erica so their line would live on before making Erica run.
Erica ran, and ran until she felt tired, her legs giving out. That had been two weeks ago. It took her a week to return back to her pack home. She mourned and grieved her family & old packmates, buried them and vowed to rebuild them. That is what drove her to the boy in the woods. 
Pushing onto her legs, shifting into her wolf form, she tackled the boy down, before moving to bite roughly into his side, her red eyes glowing. 
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sanguinesinners · 3 years
<3 (peter and stiles?)
"So...You uh..." Peter stalled, his nerves getting the better of him again once he brought his hand up to card through his tousled fringe that hung over his ocean eyes.
"Look man, you're the only one I hang out with - Given the fact that we have somethin' in fucking common now, I thought maybe you'd wanna hang out more? y'know, swing by mine and stay over one day?" Rumancek's gaze drifted before he realised his cheeks were feeling as though they were on fucking fire - Heat was something he was used to, but boy this was too much.
"If you want. If not then I'm cool with that, man..."
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forsakenkitsune · 3 years
@alphadelameutedelycan liked for a one-liner starter.
"I swear you have two functions, Derbear. Every time I come over you’re either reading or working out. You know there’s more to life than that, right?”
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@alphadelameutedelycan​ liked for a starter. 
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“You know, I’ve been waiting for you to call but uh ... have you lost my number or something?” 
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for alphadelameutedelycan : I want to shout out @alphadelameutedelycan-ar (and their two other accounts). I’ve rp with them for so long, and the mun is such a pleasure to talk to out of character. Always there when I need and is just genuinely amazing. Also they write so well in English when their native language is French. Amazing amazing mun. Follow them ya’ll ❤️
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unsaintedfox-a · 3 years
@alphadelameutedelycan​ liked for a starter
“They wanna keep us down but they can’t hold us down anymore.”
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moonshinemuses · 3 years
Probably Angst starter for @alphadelameutedelycan​ for Derek
Laura avoids going near the busier parts of the town, a jacket covering her mostly as she feels the wounds on her stomach trying to re-heal itself. She’d have to find Deaton later to figure out what the hell that was about, but she was trying to find her family. She could pick up a scent of Derek, something lingering but not to old that it was from years ago. She’s not sure how long its been since she passed away. Her grave said something like 2011, but she wasn’t sure how to even feel or believe that. There was a second scent, a hale scent, that she picked up the closer she got to the home Derek now lives in. 
Laura was sure Derek wouldn’t know what to say, but she needed to see him. Despite not knowing if she was still an Alpha, she had the need to make sure he was okay, not just because of the pack bond that was barely there, but he was her little brother.She can hear his voice, hear a smaller voice. Did he marry? Are there more Hales now? Did some survive? She has no idea, but there is hope in her that surges her to the door and moves to knock on it, a bit frantic as she does. 
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bxdassbanshee · 3 years
"Nothing is wrong with you!" (Derek)
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"We have met three banshees. One - was tortured and drilled in the head. Two - was manipulated by your uncle and had a deadpool that could have killed us all. Three - made a version of her son and was the only one left standing after the hunt. I am ticking time bomb. There are only so many days before I end up crazy."
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adsagsona · 2 years
[ TRAINING ]:     during a sparring match, sender ends up pinning the receiver against the wall. (from derek)
Tommy loved it that Derek didn't hold back with him. Usually his brother was the only one who had it in him to spar with him like he was his equal even though he was an alpha and Tommy was not. He couldn't remember when he had let his guard down but a moment later he was pinned to the wall, breathing heavily.
"Nice work." Tommy complimented once he had caught his breath a little. He noticed that Derek had not let go of him yet. "Either let me go or kiss me, Derek, but do something."
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☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! ❤
You need to stop. This is too much love for one day!!!
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neverwholelahey · 3 years
"Happy Valentine day" Stiles murmured and he gave to Isaac a small red box.
"Thank you Stiles." Isaac said with a smile and kissed his cheek softly.
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