novasynth · 1 year
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A Knight Stranger in a nutshell
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novasynth · 1 year
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Welcome aboard, Otto Luocha!
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novasynth · 1 year
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welt has moved! you can find him on my multi now @lovesode !!!
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novasynth · 1 year
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sorry i haven't been around much guys! my welt muse is very strong i am just. old and eepy and working. gonna cleanse my askbox of some prompts and then hopefully get to some things throughout the week. I haven't abandoned this blog i promise. this guy is still my skrunkle.
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novasynth · 1 year
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ahhh what a treat to come home to!
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novasynth · 1 year
Happy Pride Month - I headcanon that Welt is very much gay and into men. I’d update my icon but I exist on fumes these days 🥲.
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novasynth · 1 year
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@daohuai: not knowing he is being watched , blade curls into his sheets , exhausted , stretching like a newborn before burrowing himself deeper into the blankets & inhaling welt's scent left behind in them .
𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙺   𝙴𝚈𝙴𝚂   𝙲𝙰𝙽𝚃   𝚄𝙿𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙳𝚂   𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼   the   desk   seated   by   his   bedside,   honey   hues   beholden   to   the   shifting   form   of   the   warrior   beneath   his   sheets.   fondness   lances   through   him   like   a   knife,   spearing   warmth   into   his   heart   with   near   violent   intensity   as   the   immortal   upon   his   bed   looks   finally   at   peace.   a   particularly   rough   session   has   bloomed   marks   upon   pale   skin   -   but   all   were   treated   with   welt's   familiar   gentle   intensity,   and   while   blade   rests   the   animator   does   not   go   far,   choosing   to   post   up   at   his   smaller,   roll   out   table   to   sketch   absently   at   blade's   side   while   the   space   hours   tick   by.   this   allows   welt   the   privilege   of   reaching   outwards,   sinking   fingertips   over   the   svelte   lines   of   that   strong   torso,   before   tugging   the   sheets   up   higher   over   his   partner's   naked   frame.   
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welt   dare   not   wake   him,   and   he   knows   his   next   gesture   probably   will   -   but   he   simply   cannot   resist,   setting   charcoal   down   long   enough   to   lean   inwards   and   flutter   a   soft   kiss   upon   the   hunter's   cheek,   briefly   adjusting   the   blankets   about   his   body   for   maximum   warmth.   a   long   finger,   ungloved,   smooths   a   bit   of   dark   hair   away   from   beautiful   features,   before   he   turns   back   to   his   drawing,   content   to   wile   away   the   hours   watching   over   the   sleeping   blade.   
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novasynth · 1 year
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@noblesanctity: waltzes!!! right up to him and kisses him on his mouth!!! right in front of everyone!!
" what are you- "
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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐔𝐌   𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒   𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌   𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒   in   a   matter   of   moments,   forgotten   as   he   is   advanced   upon   like   some   sort   of   prey.   welt's   body   quickly   becomes   a   livewire,   taught   in   every   muscle   as   green,   green,   green   fills   his   vision.   he   parts   his   lips   to   protest,   a   vague   noise   of   dissent   made   when   his   fingertips   sink   into   the   vestiges   of   the   'merchant's'   coat,   but   it   does   little   to   cease   the   coupling   of   soft   lips.   familiarity   lances   through   him   in   a   single   breath,   and   despite   the   knowledge   that   everyone   is   watching   -   that   this   is   just   another   one   of   his   infinite   little   powerplays,   welt   sighs   in   bliss.   it   is   familiarity   that   finds   him,   heady   warmth   a   burgeoned   blossom   in   his   blood   while   memories   of   the   blond   against   him   in   far   too   intimate   moments   singe   through   his   mind   like   wildfire.   yet   it   is   void   archives'   game,   he   supposes,   to   keep   welt   wrapped   firmly   around   his   little   finger   -   and   so   he   does,   welt   aware   of   as   much   when   they   slowly   part   with   a   soft,   wet   sound   of   kiss-stained   lips.   
dark   lashes   hood   honey   brown   hues,   and   only   when   he   hears   a   distant   cough   from   an   occupying   third   party   does   welt   jump   away   from   the   being   before   him   as   if   he's   been   burned,   a   string   of   curses   muttered   in   rather   violent   finnish.   he   looks   at   the   blond,   face   tinged   in   slight   reds,   before   whirling   with   a   tap   of   his   cane,   and   stalking   off   to   his   cabin   where   the   door   would,   invariably,   remain   unlocked...   just   in   case.   
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novasynth · 1 year
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@noblesanctity: blows this tired man several kisses from across the room
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turns   up   his   nose   as   if   he   does   NOT   see   them,   but   say   nothing   about   the   red   tint   to   his   cheeks.   
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novasynth · 1 year
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the knowledge that welt was probably stuck on a ship drifting through space with void archives for aeon's know how long is so fucking funny to me.
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novasynth · 1 year
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waiting for the day that welt rolls out herrscher remnant powers to save our asses like the cool sensei he is.
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novasynth · 1 year
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VoidWelt's that one barbie meme
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novasynth · 1 year
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welt's carrd is officially 100% fully done so if you need me i'll be like, sleeping. tomorrow, i can finally do replies in good conscious.
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novasynth · 1 year
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sneezes out some sinday thoughts under the cut.
welt   fucks,   yes.   82   years   of   age   does   not   slow   him   down   -   not   to   mention   his   longevity   is   increased   and   aging   slowed   anyway,   coupled   with   superb   physical   condition.   he   definitely   still   fucks.   
welt   prefers   a   dominant   role   in   the   bedroom   for   the   most   part,   though   he's   not   unwilling   to   relinquish   his   control   for   the   right   partner   -   he   is   simply   used   to   being   in   charge   and   it   translates   over   to   his   encounters.   
he   is,   what   we   would   call,   an   expert   brat   tamer   and   disciplinarian,   with   just   the   slightest   touch   of   sadism.   i   said   what   i   said.   
sometimes,   when   he's   really   into   it,   his   powers   will   go   on   the   fritz   and   he   will   cause   the   lights   to   flicker   or   random   (lightweight)   objects   to   start   floating.   
the   cane   has   alternative   uses   if   his   partner   wants.
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novasynth · 1 year
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@daohuai : ❛ you snore in your sleep. it’s adorable. ❜
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                                      "   i   -   mm,   huh,   what-   ?   "
𝙸𝚃'𝚂   𝙰   𝙹𝙴𝚁𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶   𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽   𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃   𝙷𝙰𝚂   𝙷𝙸𝙼   hurtling   back   to   consciousness   -   his   waking   neither   gentle   nor   slow.   in   the   darkness   of   his   cabin,   the   former   sovereign   finds   himself   squinting   -   blinking   a   few   times   in   an   effort   to   clear   away   exhaustion   from   his   blurred   vision.   the   room   is   dark,   illuminated   only   by   the   endless   sea   of   stars   on   the   other   side   of   the   window,   but   that   alone   is   enough   to   cast   light   about   the   long   frame   lounging   next   to   him.   welt   blinks   again   -   once,   twice,   &   a   third   time   -   before   he   gropes   for   his   glasses   to   fumble   them   (slightly   crookedly)   onto   sleep   lined   features.   
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"   blade?   "   he   becomes   clear   to   him   then,   cozied   up   on   mussed   sheets   &   looking   for   all   the   world   like   he   belonged   there   -   in   welt's   bed.   for   a   moment,   there   is   a   curl   of   satisfaction   in   his   gut,   but   he   squashes   it   with   iron   clad   self   control,   &      instead   offers   the   other   a   sleep   addled   smile.   "   mm,   sorry   you   had   to   hear   that.   "   the   animator   stretches   then,   groaning   as   muscle   and   joints   give   satisfying   pops   beneath   the   movement,      paying   no   mind   to   the   fact   his   sleep   shirt   had   ridden   up   to   high   heaven,   exposing   toned   lines   of   an   abdomen   that   would   not   exist   on   any   regular   82   year   old   human.   welt   was   far   from   regular   though.   
"   when   did   you   get   in?   "   a   snap   of   fingers,   the   bedside   lamp   flickering   to   life   &   allowing   him   to   better   view   the   being   next   to   him.   he   reaches   over,   a   calloused   hand   sinking   through   dark   tresses   to   cup   at   his   nape   &   pull   him   closer.   when   he   speaks,   it's   serious,   exhaustion   husked   tones   still   warm   but   unflinching   in   their   resolve:   "   are   you   hurt?   "
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novasynth · 1 year
👀 train dad
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hello   beloved   train   son.                                             *hands   u   a   werther's   caramel*
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novasynth · 1 year
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true and real. @daohuai.
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