novel101 · 10 years
Who would have thought...
that once the hard part is over, it would be so easy to continue again!? Wow, I am so relieved my muse is back! Awesome! Once I finish this chapter, which will be circa 6k more, I will have reached 80(!)k! Hussah! 100k was the goal for this year, and also, the book was supposed to be 100k... but I noticed it won't be enough, the story won't be told in 100k. Approximately, it will be 150k... depends =) I want to finish the story, but I also don't want to rush things...
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novel101 · 10 years
Fuck you, book <.< Fuck you, writer's block.
*aggressively struggles through rough phase and delivers considerable word count after hours*.
This is what my days look like recently... struggle until the fun returns. After hours of grumbling, I've managed to finish that tough part AND now I'm back to an aspect I like to write about. Hooray =)
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novel101 · 10 years
the struggle...
struggling through a chapter part you don't know how to fix / get through / make better... and you're just like "write write write... meh... staring out of the window... sigh... write... eat...reads stuff I wrote before... meh... meeeeh... groans...write"
This part is so annoying.
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novel101 · 10 years
Wow, uh, there is so much frustration and disappointment in my book regarding human interaction...
like, why the hell didn't you satisfy my expectations in you? or, why aren't you the person I thought you were? Why are your desires above mine? And so on and on... lol, as if anyone would read this crap. "Oh, well, here's this book, it's full of aggressions and rumination about life and morals and what you want to do with your life"... surely, people love glum books. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPIER, more positive *WHIMPERS*.
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novel101 · 10 years
Almost 60k!
Almost 60k! There is a lot to improve and a lot to edit, but ALMOST 60k! I am so happy O.O where did that come from! Phew! 
Yeah, I know the difference between quantity and quality. But damn! 
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novel101 · 10 years
I'm ill and bored, and therefore I write more than usual...
and I know the quality of it is... well, maybe not as perfect as I want it to be, but I just can't seem to stop! It's awful! I ruin the hard work of months with this... aaaah... but I just can't stop. 
Oh well, I can always edit it later ^^"
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novel101 · 10 years
awful embarrassing mistakes...
today I accidentally wrote that my characters were eating white loaves of SWEAT bread. Then I realized my mistake and grimaced, trying to imagine sweat suffused bread. Ew. 
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novel101 · 10 years
The worst thing about writing a scene you really like & are satisfied with?
The following scenes are even harder. Because you're pressured to write with the same niveau... and I, e.g, get really flustered when something like this happens. Urgh. 
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novel101 · 10 years
I just realized how many characters I am going to... kill.
Uhm. That wasn't my intention O.O Maybe things get a little too dramatic.
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novel101 · 10 years
You know what I'm afraid of... <.< ?
imagine sitting together with my future editor and hear him or her say... "naaah... delete that whole passage. That whole passage sucks. Doesn't fit into the total picture". And you're like "meep. but ... I thought it was creative. And I really liked it". Bleh blah bluh "but it won't sell the book" <.<
*ugly sobbing* O:)
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novel101 · 10 years
my two main characters meet for the first time after 37k! BOOM!
this is my subtle way of telling you I accomplished 37k so far for my novel attempt. Just a friendly reminder: Fahrenheit 451 wasn't even 50k long, okidoki?? =) I wrote 4400 this week, very proud of myself. Though I have to admit that a good part of that was re-used and translated and edited stuff from December but whateeeveeer. Progress is progress. It's my new parole. Hah, funny. I made such a rush, wanted to achieve 50k until June - but that won't really end nicely because it's already the 25th of May. Doesn't matter anymore. Realized it takes at least 6 months for someone to publish a book (when you don't do it yourself), so I won't get away with this anyhow, can't blame my "young" age then anymore... = I wanted to publish a book at the age of 25, not 27-ish or something. People will think I'm naive and dumb, but... oh well =) 
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novel101 · 10 years
Should I have a guilty conscience for re-using 5 months old stuff?
by translating it into English and editing it here and there??
Naaah. The answer is naaah. I just have to ensure the transition between old and new stuff is not noticeable... and that will be the rough part. Is that clever or is that dumb, we will see.
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novel101 · 10 years
Progress on chapter: Good! Mood: Appeased!
Phew. At long last I wrote a decent word count in a few days x)
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novel101 · 10 years
It makes me very proud, counting a precious handful of young, female debut writers to my friends / acquaintances
we all help each other with writer's blocks, give each other tipps / advice... and to know I'm not the only one struggling with my first novel attempt... and to know there are people like me out there... I'm so very proud of them, that they have these unique, fantastic ideas, and try to make a difference in the current literature world! 
Though standard romantic books are most often bestsellers, I think it's interesting as well to read something else once in a while, even if you run the risk that the book won't sell. 
I won't disclose the storylines of the novels my friends are working on, but I can say I've never read anything like this before. Hrmpf. What makes me angry is people always demand well-written, fantastic books - and yet they don't really support new authors. You really have to struggle through and work your ass off - and risk that no publisher wants to buy your book or sell it.
We'll see where me and my friends will be in a few years. I hope at least one of us gets published so that we can make each other famous lol! 
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novel101 · 10 years
Stupid shit I say all the time regarding writing
Me: I haven't written all week! This is so frustrating!
Me: No, I cannot "do it" today, I need time for this fucking chapter! It's too important!
Me: Oh, I hate writing. Why do I even bother?
Me: (bothering innocent, bored person) so, this XYZ is supposed to happen in this chapter. And then this, and then that... I only have to write it haha.
Me: I need to write x amount of words this month / this week / weekend!
Me: I haven't reached my goal.
Me: Woohooo I'm so happy I reached my goal! I rock!
People around me: Meh...
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novel101 · 10 years
Writing chapter notes and the skeleton for the next chapter on the train...
and seeing the man opposite to me looking at me and smiling knowingly. As if he knew what I was doing. Felt encouraging. Good feeling. Optimistic (until I start writing this important, monstrous chapter =D ).
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novel101 · 10 years
Not sure if it was the most brilliant or the dumbest idea I ever had...
to set me a daily alarm to remind myself how many words I wanted to write in a certain period of time. Bwuhahaha. Should I laugh or should I cry =) It's awesome, a daily SMS "10 000 words two weeks" meep x_x
the word count goal for this month is 20k. And it's already the 6th! Hrmpf.
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