novemberalice · 5 months
All I’m saying is, if y’all spent less time finding new Harmless Weirdos to hate on and spent more time learning to love yourself and embrace your truths unabashedly, you’d probably see where all us Harmless Weirdos are coming from
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novemberalice · 6 months
It makes me sad that most people around me are so unbelievably burnt out from work and life that they are just truly emotionally unavailable and don't even wanna use their energy for anything beside going out partying once a weekend
It's like watching friends who you've seen be silly and have deep talks work jobs to the point of stress where they are incoherent and respond to messages like legit 6 days later and not in a rude way but genuinely they don't have the mental capacity to do shit anymore
Working jobs and paying bills shouldn't take everything out of people to the extent it really does
Even when I'm off work and I had a shorter shift most of the time I truly have nothing left in the tank after the combo of emotions and physical labor
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novemberalice · 6 months
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novemberalice · 6 months
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novemberalice · 6 months
the other day a doctor told me that "the best way to make [something i should do but never want to do] routine is to put it on your calendar!" and i found myself completely buh-- hhuh?-- about how to respond. i was stupefied by the gulf between our worlds. i looked into her kind eyes and i thought "put it on my what?" shoot it into space? i did not know how to explain to this extremely functional woman that an obligation to myself, with no stronger enforcer than my own words on a calendar, is to me a tattered codex from a lost religion. like this text is maybe historically interesting but not useful as a structure around which to build a life. what am i now going to write that will (or indeed should!) have any authority over me later? WALK? i don't know her life! and in what world would i respect directives left to me by a complete stranger (me from two days ago) whomst i have every reason to distrust (ate all the entemann's and put our keys in the laundry)? put it on my calendar. ok, dr goodbrain. but in the moment i nodded like a grinning toy monkey and dutifully thumbed WALK! into my phone at 4 p.m. Repeat: Every Day like that would have any effect on my actual behavior. sometimes it takes an enormous amount of optimism to be a person and frankly i admire us all for trying to do it
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novemberalice · 6 months
the other day a doctor told me that "the best way to make [something i should do but never want to do] routine is to put it on your calendar!" and i found myself completely buh-- hhuh?-- about how to respond. i was stupefied by the gulf between our worlds. i looked into her kind eyes and i thought "put it on my what?" shoot it into space? i did not know how to explain to this extremely functional woman that an obligation to myself, with no stronger enforcer than my own words on a calendar, is to me a tattered codex from a lost religion. like this text is maybe historically interesting but not useful as a structure around which to build a life. what am i now going to write that will (or indeed should!) have any authority over me later? WALK? i don't know her life! and in what world would i respect directives left to me by a complete stranger (me from two days ago) whomst i have every reason to distrust (ate all the entemann's and put our keys in the laundry)? put it on my calendar. ok, dr goodbrain. but in the moment i nodded like a grinning toy monkey and dutifully thumbed WALK! into my phone at 4 p.m. Repeat: Every Day like that would have any effect on my actual behavior. sometimes it takes an enormous amount of optimism to be a person and frankly i admire us all for trying to do it
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novemberalice · 7 months
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silliest girl award
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novemberalice · 7 months
I know this audience skews young, so I wanna tell y'all something. Listen.
If it hasn't already, there'll come a day in your late teens or early 20s when you get disillusioned and relieved of a whole bunch of childhood notions at once, when you take a good look around at the life you're in or seem to be walking into and you ask yourself, "Is this it? Is this everything life is going to be? Am I really supposed to devote my life to making money for someone else day after day and year after year, with two days a week and one week a year left over to live, until I die? This is a helot's stake. This is the wrong side of the line between libertas and servitas. How can this be it?"
And when that happens, I want you to remember that you're right. It is bullshit, and it is a misery, and it doesn't have to continue. People are gonna tell you you're wrong, they're gonna say shit like "That's just how life is, kid, so grow up," and I want you to remember that those people deserve equal measures of pity and contempt.
If this makes you angry, that's good. It ought to.
And once you're good and angry, you can read up on this cool thing we got called a union.
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novemberalice · 7 months
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have some mercy my dude
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novemberalice · 7 months
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shoot you shot
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novemberalice · 7 months
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happy halloween 👻
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novemberalice · 7 months
The kids on TikTok think that just because he was a classic country singer, Johnny Cash was conservative??? My babies he covered a Nine Inch Nails song in his seventies.
Classic country singers (the majority of which came from poor roots) were always talking about how much The Man sucked because they were taking money from poor rural folk. You’re gonna tell me that’s conservative?? Get outta here.
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novemberalice · 7 months
I feel like this belongs on Tumblr…
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novemberalice · 8 months
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ghost dog
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novemberalice · 8 months
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Just out of Curiousity, is there any specific art of mine you'd want to physically wear?
I think I’d mostly go for cute simple stuff like this
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novemberalice · 8 months
tbh shoutout to the over 40s on tumblr, sorry the internet acts like yall belong in the retirement home when ur literally just regular adults with hobbies
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novemberalice · 8 months
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Crorzoi and Aziraphoyed
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