novorehere · 3 days
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novorehere · 10 days
The Studio Trigger cuts have claimed another victim, RIP to Laios’s magical digestive system diagram 🙏
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novorehere · 13 days
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Ask and you shall receive lol
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The angriest most delicious little man you ever did see
Follow-up to this post
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novorehere · 13 days
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Cursed Cravings, Chapter 7: Quest for Answers
In which Danny does her best to learn more about her new living situation from a smug giant and a cheery, possessed house. Contains: ~2.2k words | Chapter 1 | Read this story on A03!
Danny wasn’t disturbed the next morning as she expected to be—whether it be from Christopher coming to rectify Sam’s mistake and return her to her cage, or for her to learn what it meant for her “service” to be required. Instead, she was free to lie amongst the blankets that spanned a bed larger than anything she could have ever imagined before. She had no issues with her toes sticking out from under the covers, or rolling too far towards the edge of the bed in the middle of the night—and she certainly didn’t have any problems involving not having enough blankets to keep her warm. 
If it hadn’t been for the latent anxiety pestering her all night, she was sure she would have gotten the best sleep of her life.
She was content to lie there as the sun came up—not that she had much of a choice. She supposed she could call for Sam to help her down, but where would she go? What would she do? It was much more pleasant to submit to this small amount of comfort amidst a sea of uncertainty and fear.
As if he could sense this comfort of hers and absolutely could not let her have even this small moment of peace, she heard a set of giant footsteps approach her room, followed by a knock at the door. 
“May I come in?” 
Danny glared at the door. Asking for permission. Cute. “No.”
There was a pause, a silent moment of the giant possibly contemplating his next course of action, before the doorknob turned and the door opened ever so slightly. She rolled her eyes and flipped over in bed, facing away from Christopher as he entered. Of course he was just gonna come in anyways. Why did he even ask?
She half-expected to be picked up and dragged from under the sheets, but to her surprise, Christopher seemed to stop just before the bed, and she remained where she was.
“What do you want?” she growled, still stubbornly facing away from him.
“An apolog–ah!” Christopher’s sentence was cut off by a small yelp of pain, which intrigued Danny enough to turn around and give him an amused smirk. He seemed to be rubbing his ankle with a withering glare directed towards the rug.
He placed something down on the nightstand next to Danny—a human-sized tray of breakfast food. She looked slowly between it and the giant, narrowing her eyes in such a way that it suggested she was calculating the necessary velocity to toss it at him again.
Almost as if he could sense her intent, he took a courteous step backwards. “What I meant to say was, I brought you something to eat.” He spoke in the same stilted manner as someone who was mildly annoyed that they had a knife held to their neck.
She just glared at him silently, filling the dead air between them with the meager weight of her animosity. Silence, at least, would have the same impact on a giant as it would on a human. 
Christopher stared back at her with a much more dead-eyed expression, like she was boring him more than anything. He gave her a curt nod. “I’ll leave you be.”
He turned to exit the room, but as he did so, she found herself breaking the silence and calling out after him. “Hey!” 
He stopped in place, but didn’t turn to face her. 
She sat up in bed, crossing her arms. “Stay here for a minute. I’ve got a few questions for you, bastard.”
Sam said give him a chance, right? Fine. This is me, giving this fucker a chance.
Christopher turned around and met her eyes again, although this time, the seeming apathy was replaced with…surprise, and even a hint of amusement as a small grin crept up his face. He pulled a nearby chair up next to the bed, and sat down a respectable distance from Danny, folding his hands into his lap. “Well, I’ll try to answer as best as I can, doll.” 
“Danny,” she corrected him, already beginning to regret extending an olive branch. “First. I want to know what you did to Nathan yesterday, when he came here. He was terrified, and I’m still not buying your fucking story about him ‘trespassing.’ Did you hurt him?”
She kept her voice even, though there was enough deadly venom laced in her tone to drive an unspoken point home. 
Christopher blinked a few times, like this was an odd question somehow. “...no, I didn’t hurt him. A lot of people are…frightened of me simply due to my size, and I imagine your friend was one of them. Nathan is perfectly fine, I assure you.” 
Danny’s eyes flicked mercilessly over the giant’s face for any hint of deception, finding the inscrutable, seemingly sincere expression nearly impossible to read. She didn’t want to believe him, even if what he was suggesting was the best possible explanation in terms of Nathan’s wellbeing.
For now, she’d have to take his word on it. She could question Nathan when she got back home.
“...you say that, but you sent him off in the middle of winter, at night, alone. Not only that, but he’s having to take care of the whole house by himself for a month. How do I even know he made it back okay?” Her voice broke—speaking it aloud made her realize her fears even clearer, and it made her heart clench in fear. 
Christopher returned her worries with what appeared to be a genuinely sympathetic look. “I had someone make sure he arrived back home safely. And,” he grinned, “because I’m so generous, I’ve arranged for a small donation to be made that should tide your friend over through your absence. I’m not heartless, Danny.” 
She found the suggestion laughable. “Generous? You’re keeping me prisoner here. Why the fuck are you helping us? Isn’t this supposed to be some sort of punishment?” 
Christopher sat up a little straighter in his chair, although she caught what seemed to be a sort of weariness to his posture. “There are simply rules that must be followed. I don’t delight in torment. Only one person needs to repay the debt that is owed—there is no need to punish further than that.” 
She snarled back at him unkindly, loathing the impersonal, matter-of-fact way he spoke about punishment and rules in such a way that it almost seemed to make sense—when in fact, keeping her prisoner here for Nathan’s “trespassing” was actually insanity. 
But if what Christopher was saying was true, then she could at least put the thought of Nathan struggling on his own out of her head…somewhat. Surely, he would still be worried sick, frightened, and alone.
It’s just a month. That’s all. 
“So what am I expected to do here, exactly?” This was the real mystery to her—what, honestly, could a human even do in a place so large?
“Sam will be the one to direct you on what needs to be done. I expect they will be here shortly.” He stood up, and nodded towards her with a cordial bow of his head and a placid grin. “Until then, be well, and enjoy your breakfast.”
“Hey, wait!” 
Her protest didn’t stop him this time—Christopher turned and left the way he’d come, leaving her alone with the tray of food nearby. She regarded the door he closed behind him curiously, somehow more confused about the giant than when she’d first sat him down to ask her questions. 
* * * * * * * * * * 
She hoped that she’d finally get some answers from Sam, who rolled into the room a while later as the same cart from yesterday once she’d finished her tray of food. “Hey, Danny, good morning! How did you sleep?” 
“I’m…fine, thanks, Sam,” she grumbled. “So you’re gonna tell me what I’m supposed to be doing here, right?” 
“Well…look, Christopher’s just a little old-fashioned about that whole ‘working off your debt’ thing. It’s just a formality. My advice? Just ride it out for a month and then you can, y’know, be on your way and everything.” 
Irritation bristled across her skin. “So I’m not even supposed to do anything? Are you serious? Nathan’s going to be on his own for a month while I just sit here?” 
The rolling cart almost shrugged with the way its metal handle bent inward. “I mean, I guess I could have you clean something if you really wanted to, but I’ve kinda got things covered. We could do something fun instead.” 
“Fun?” she scoffed. “Yeah, sure. And what is there to do for fun around here, exactly?” 
“Well…” the cart moved a little back and forth, like someone rocking on the balls of their feet. “There’s all kinds of stuff in this house that the family’s collected over the years. Most of it’s just gathering dust now, but I’ve had plenty of time to familiarize myself with everything. I could show you around the place!” 
Danny wasn’t sure how something without a face or limbs could seem excited, but the cart seemed to give off such childish glee at the idea that she couldn’t stay irritated for long. She sighed. “I guess that wouldn’t be so bad. Sure, Sam.” 
Before she knew it, Danny was riding on top of the cart as it wheeled around the house, going down seemingly endless corridors as Sam gave Danny a personal, very detailed tour of every single painting, bust, and random piece of furniture they came across. Danny didn’t understand half of what Sam went on and on about, but she couldn’t find it in herself to interrupt their enthusiastic narration. There was something almost…calming about it, in a strange way.
Halfway through a monologue about a fancy fruit bowl’s significance in belonging to the ruler of a now-dead civilization, Sam stopped themselves. “Sorry,” they mumbled sheepishly. “I know I’m going on and on. I just haven’t had anyone to talk to like this in a while.”
Danny chuckled lightly. “No, you’re fine. I guess this beats cleaning floors.” She chewed idly on her bottom lip as she considered the rest of what Sam said. “Have you and Christopher…really been alone here? He doesn’t, like, invite people over or anything? No family?”
The cart began to roll down the hallway, although it moved at a much more somber pace than before. “Christopher’s parents died a long time ago. He doesn’t have any other family. And, well…you can imagine how hesitant most people are to visit the home of a giant.” 
The wind that whistled quietly outside sounded eerily like Sam sighing. “He’s been alone here for a long time.” 
“Sounds lonely as fuck,” Danny muttered. Sam didn't reply, but she could feel a silent weight to the air that felt like agreement. 
Her face scrunched up in confusion. “How did that even happen, anyways? Him being a giant? How does he like…get out and walk around?”
“Uh…somewhat complicated to answer, but the long and short of it is that Christopher can’t leave the house. It’s a…spell. The same one that makes it look small from the outside.”
Danny didn’t think she was going to get a better answer on why there was a giant living out in the middle of the woods. Her thoughts turned to something almost bordering sympathy—thinking of how miserable it must be to be stuck out here by yourself, not even able to leave your house. Even if your house was this massive and full of so many comforts most people could never dream of. From her perspective, already dwarfed by the smallest of things in it, the mansion started to seem…lonely. 
Her mind then turned to how such a thing would work on a practical level. “How does he get food, if he can’t leave the house? Do people, like, deliver stuff here?” 
Sam’s next pause somehow seemed a little more awkward than the ones before. “The kitchen is actually magically stocked. But, uh, giants don’t really need to eat food like most people do, so it’s a little useless unless we have guests. Like you!” 
So I’ve been eating…magical grapes? She shook her head, almost distracting herself from a stranger revelation. “He doesn’t need to eat at all?” 
“...huh.” Danny wasn’t exactly learned in science, but something about that notion didn’t make sense to her. “How is that even possible?” she asked the temporarily sentient trolley cart who she was riding on through the massive hallways of a magical, giant mansion. 
The cart shrugged as much as such a thing could. “Don’t ask me. That’s just how it works.”
After that, the conversation diverted to much more mundane things, and Sam became much more interested in explaining things not related to giants—like the identity of a heavily mustached man in a painting further down the hall, and the fabric that the rug beneath them was made of coming from some far-off land, and actually it was quite a funny story how the family came into possession of it, and it all started with a dispute over chicken ownership—
Danny listened along, even though she couldn’t help but feel as though there was something in the conversation earlier that Sam had tried to avoid—she just couldn’t figure out what. 
* * * * * * * * * * 
Sam's not done with the tour yet! Do you think they'd pass up an opportunity to force Christopher and Danny to interact? Just wait for next week's chapter 8, Judging by the Cover!
Thank you for reading!
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novorehere · 14 days
Vore is actually the pinnacle of comedy when you include a character acting as the “straight man” who’s wholly disgusted and appalled by the casualness of everyone around them. What do you mean you just got swallowed whole and alive. What do you mean it was “just a misunderstanding.” What do you mean the two of you are going out for brunch tomorrow. What the fuck.
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novorehere · 14 days
Sebastian vore next
Here you go! Just for you! 
Summary: Sebastian lets Beth spend the night after she’s had a hard time in the mines. (I wrote it with platonic intentions but eh. Feel free to interpret) 
Contains: Strong language and safe soft vore.
Wordcount: 1.7K
It was really late when Beth finally stumbled out of the mines. She was tired and sweaty and hurt. The cold night air made her feel a bit better as she started towards home, keeping her awake with its biting sting against her hastily bandaged wound. 
As she rounded the lake in the mountains, the smell of cigarette smoke made her nose crinkle. She checked her watch and cursed softly at the band of pale skin where her watch had been. The band of the watch had been damaged and she had ended up dropping it without noticing somewhere in the mines. Either way, it felt like it was way too late for Sebastian to be out smoking. 
Walking around a bend, she spotted Sebastian standing near the edge of the lake in the dark night by the glow of his cigarette and the lighter he kept lighting and extinguishing. 
Though, it seems he spotted her before she spotted him. The glow ring that Beth wore on her finger lit her up pretty well. 
“Hey.” Sebastian took a long drag of his cigarette. “Did the mines kick your ass?” 
“A little.” Beth gestured oddly to the bandages around her forearm. “I lost track of time down there and you know how it is… just one more floor, and then one more and well… then you run into a swarm of really aggressive bats.” 
He snorted and flicked the cigarette out into the lake. “Well, it’s past midnight. Awfully late for you to hike all the way to your farm.” 
Beth sighed softly. “Yeah, but I can’t sleep in the dirt.” 
Sebastian glanced back at the house, only one window glowing with light, and then looked back to Beth. “You don’t have to walk all that way. You look pretty banged up. You want to crash at my place?” 
She adjusted her bag on her shoulder. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“You aren’t gonna intrude. You’ll be in the basement with me. Nobody bothers to even come down there unless they need something from me. With any luck, nobody but me is even gonna know you’re there.” 
Beth hesitated, looking up to see just how far the moon had already trailed across the sky and sighed softly. “If it’s not any trouble.” 
“Nope. C’mon.” Sebastian gestured for her to follow him inside. 
Beth still had to squeeze in through the door to the house, and for a moment she regretted saying that she would come along with Sebastian when he directed her towards the narrow basement staircase and hallway. She could fit without having to hunch or get down on her hands and knees but she had to take off all her gear and carry it down with her. 
“Here, let me help.” Sebastian tried to lift the pickaxe she had set down for the moment, only to struggle to keep it held aloft. “Yoba, what is this thing made of?!” 
“Iron.” Beth reached out to take it from him, but Sebastian just struggled it down the stairs for her. She sighed and followed him down into the basement. 
Her bag and her equipment were piled in the bare corner of the room behind the Solarion Chronicles table he had set up. Beth turned to survey the room. Sebastian had a human sized, one-person bed in the corner of the room. There was that fairly plush looking couch against the wall near his computer desk but it was also made for humans. Neither option would fit Beth at all, and even be at risk of breaking under her weight. 
It seemed that Sebastian was undergoing the same train of thought as he looked between Beth and the furniture of the room. 
“Hmn.” He covered his mouth for a moment. “Well, as the lady, I’d offer you my bed and I’d sleep on the couch but, uh… well, I think between the two, the couch would be better. My Mom made it so it should probably not snap?” 
“I’ll pay for a replacement if it does.” Beth hesitantly sat on the couch, and it held firm under her. It wouldn’t be very comfortable, but the thought of walking all the way back to her farm right now made her want to cry. So. She would be staying here on this too-small couch for now. 
With how tired she was, the too-small couch wasn’t a bad way to spend the night. 
Beth closed her eyes and let her head rest back on the wall. She could hear Sebastian shuffling around his room for a bit. Fabric rustling. Footsteps. The creak of his mattress. Then more footsteps. 
She opened one eye and found Sebastian in his white undershirt and sweatpants, staring at Beth from the middle of the room. He noticed her open eye and immediately looked away. 
“You need something?” 
“Your, uh, glowy thing. It’s too bright.” 
Beth glanced down at the glow ring on her finger and blinked. There was, in fact, a large glowing ring around her body and it lit up the basement even though the overhead light was definitely off. She took it off and put it in her pocket. The glowing light extinguished instantly, plunging them both into darkness. 
There was a moment of stumbling around, and then a soft lamp light clicked on. 
“Thanks.” Sebastian cleared his throat and approached the couch. After a little hesitation he sat down on the couch next to her. “Is this okay?”
“I literally cannot lay on my back on this couch.” Beth shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve fallen asleep sitting up before. It’s, uh, like, the polite thing to do when you’ve swallowed someone to fall asleep upright. Makes them more comfortable in there.” 
He tilted his head slightly. “What’s it like?” 
“What’s what like?” 
Sebastian gestured to her stomach. “Being in there. What’s it like?” 
Beth shrugged. “Warm and dark?” 
He reached out, hesitated, and then leaned in a bit. “Can I see?” 
She blinked. “You want… in my stomach?” 
“If it’s not any trouble.” Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m just curious. Abby and Sam have both raved about what it’s like in your stomach. Any time we all hang out they always want to talk to you and I just… they’re not exactly good at describing stuff, you know? If I could just see it firsthand… ah, nevermind it’s weird.” He stood up. 
“Hey.” Beth grabbed his arm and pulled him back on the couch. “I can show you. It’s not weird. You are not the first, nor will be the last, who wants to be in my stomach.” 
Sebastian gave her a nervous grin. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Beth  stood up. “Gimme a minute to get ready.” 
After she took some digestion inhibitors and chewed a couple of breath mints, Beth was ready to swallow Sebastian. He was excitedly tapping on his leg as she walked back over to the couch. 
“So, how do you do it? Like. What way do I go down?” 
Beth shrugged. “Whichever way you like. Head first or feet first, or like.. Hands.” 
Beth pointed at his hands. “Hands go over your head, and I kinda just… tip you down into my gullet. It’s head first but with a couple extra steps.” 
“Sounds cool.” Sebastian held his hands out to Beth. “It’s gonna be safe if you fall asleep with me in there, right?”
“Mhm. I just took enough digestion inhibitors to last well into the morning.” Beth gently gripped Sebastian’s much smaller hands in her own. “Ready?” 
Gently, Beth raised his hands up and placed them on her tongue. A sweet and salty, delicious, meaty taste spread across her tongue. It made her hungry. She began to ease more of Sebastian’s arms into her mouth, and swallowed a little when she felt his hands getting very close to her throat. 
With a pause before her airways were blocked, she looked at Sebastian to make sure he was still fine. He had a goofy looking grin on his face and a dusting of a blush over his pale cheeks. When he caught her staring he sobered up his look, but the redness intensified. “I, uh, have a healthy respect for your fangs. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t gonna bite down.” 
Beth snorted softly and then widened her jaw more to ease his head, ducked down between his biceps, into her mouth. She had to lean down and take a deep swallow, feeling his hands caught in her throat. Now that he couldn’t comfortably sit beside her, since his arms and head was in her mouth, she had to grip his waist in her large hands. He squirmed a little, and she heard a soft gasp from where he was in her mouth. 
Without much effort, Beth lifted Sebastian off the couch and raised him up. Straightening him up to make the trip down much easier. 
One good swallow, and she couldn’t breathe. His arms were stretching her throat enough it was cutting off her airways. She couldn’t be slow about this, or she was risking both of their safety. 
Another good swallow and he was up to his hips in her mouth. His legs kicked a little bit, and Beth gently grabbed at his calves to stop him from twisting around too much. She tilted her head fully back, letting his weight assist in dragging him into her gullet. She closed her eyes and began to rapidly swallow. 
In just a few seconds, his feet vanished behind her lips and Beth could finally breathe. His weight pooled heavily in her lap and Beth had to quickly remove her belt and unbutton her pants to make room for her stomach. 
For just a moment she took deep breaths and rested a hand on her stomach, feeling Sebastian squirm around to get upright and comfortable. 
“You good?” Her voice felt oddly thick in her throat. 
“Yeah!” He pushed his hands into her stomach walls and Beth pushed back.
“Easy. My gut’s pretty sensitive.” 
He stopped pushing immediately. “Sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” Beth stretched and leaned back heavily on the couch. “Mn, night, Sebastian.” 
“What? You’re going to sleep already?” Beth responded with a yawn. “You underestimate how freaking exhausted I am.”
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novorehere · 19 days
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taking a big bite of him. btw
4K notes · View notes
novorehere · 20 days
naming g/t size ranges like how we name shrimp popcorn, small, medium, large, jumbo, colossal
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novorehere · 20 days
*consumes you uncritically*
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novorehere · 21 days
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HI YES. I did this a While ago and then I Forgot to post it. BUT UM. I drew a pile of some of the main characters from GID! Red: Beni Orange: Reese Yellow: Louis Green: Will GID is a story written by @peachnewt (also tagging @stomach-rental because they asked to be tagged when I posted it!)
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novorehere · 21 days
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I had to draw this after reading the most recent chapter of WIDFALI >:)
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novorehere · 22 days
MC letting Beel eat them with other food, expecting the usual cake, pudding, chocolate syrup, etc. Maybe even ramen soup because Mammon tends to like that.
But you have to understand. You need to be very careful allowing him to do this because he will hit you with the puppy dog eyes while holding a bottle of Mesquite BBQ sauce and you won’t be able to go back after that.
This man canonically likes humans PICKLED so you cannot tell me he wouldn’t ask to eat MC with the most random shit ever. Pastrami on rye? Yes please. He’d be so excited to try them in a hot dog bun with coleslaw and mustard after seeing it on a human world cooking show, bless his heart.
Licking spicy marinara off your cheek is just as romantic as whipped cream, right? He might have to taste test both to make sure, so please free up some time after class and meet him in the kitchen. (But be sure to hide the jar of pickle juice first, for your own sake.)
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novorehere · 24 days
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Mini giant Laios because I can’t be stopped hdkejdhsjs. He ate Chilchuk and Senshi got curious about what he tasted like so he had to ask. Laios isn’t sure, but he knows it was good lmao
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novorehere · 24 days
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Little notes page on Louis' size, since I'm inconsistent as of late sometimes. Stomachs are Smaller than I expect them to be!
Will and Louis belong to @peachnewt and her series, Getting in Deep!
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novorehere · 24 days
Pokémon go G/t event was not on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are
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novorehere · 24 days
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134 notes · View notes
novorehere · 24 days
(spoilers under the cut)
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