nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
“Does weed make you horny? I started to notice.. that. With me. And, I’m high. At the moment…”
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“Hmm... well I usually drink whilst getting high, so I’m not sure which it is that has that effect on me -- but yes.”
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
Lilith would normally grow defensive the moment Alice opened her mouth… but with everything shifting to Jones she couldn’t help feeling a bit comforted by her? If it weren’t for her, she wouldn’t even have any hope for escape. “Don’t worry about it, alright?” Lilith said calmly as her eyes narrowed. “I’m fine. I didn’t… do anything so don’t start talking to me like I’m some unstable teenager alright?”
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“I never said you had done anything,” Alice pointed out, her gaze never wavering. She was worried, even if she struggled to let it show. “I asked you what happened rather than assuming... so, what happened?” she repeated, taking a small step closer to lessen the distance between them.
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
[text]: I really don’t believe you… I would have told you if I thought you’d care Alice…
[text]: just forget it, i have.
Text: Adrien / Alice
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
On a completely unrelated note, Joey taking Rachel on a date was — still is, my favourite episode of Friends. He’s so sweet. I love that little hotdog man. Remember to love Joey.
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I’ll never stop loving Joey. Honestly I always shipped him with Rachel a lot more than Rachel with Ross. He was even there for more of the pregnancy than the actual father.
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
“Would you fuck off?” Lilith muttered as she yanked her sleeve down. The thin, shallow cuts from the night before had been visible… She’d never harm herself but she knew damn well what it looked like. “If you keep staring then you’re next.”
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Alice’s eyes had settled upon the wounds for only a handful of seconds before they were blocked from her sight, but she knew what she’d seen. Her gaze moved to Lilith’s face, and as much as she wanted to scream at her for being an idiot, she couldn’t. If they were what they looked like, then all Alice could do was stare at the girl with a heavy heart and a chest full of pain. “What happened?” 
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
[text]: Hey… [text]: Are you still mad?
[text]:  nope.
Text: Adrien / Alice
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
Do you still love Lily?
‘Lily’ how cute. If I did, do you think I’d be telling you? 
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
3, 7, 15, 18, 20
( 1-5 answered here ) ( 6-9 answered here ) ( 10-20 answered here )
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
( 3-5 answered here )
6: Is it possible to love someone if you don't love yourself?
Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? They aren’t me, so why would my feelings toward myself mean anything?
7:Do you believe mutual attraction based on mutual hatred is possible?
I’ve never experienced it, so I don’t know. I guess if you can separate emotions from sex then it’s possible.
8: Is it better to have something amazing and lose it or to never have had it to begin with?
Have something amazing and lose it. Never have had it to begin with.
9: Do you focus more on the past, the present, or the future?
The present. I can’t change the past and what’s the point in worrying about the future?
( 10-12 answered here )
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
10: Do you judge people for what they wear or how they express themselves?
Of course not. I mean, self expression is cool, but it’s not as though we’re loaded enough around here to really buy into all that bullshit.
11: Do you believe in individuals over generalisations?
Anyone who doesn’t needs to take a good long look in the mirror and see if they’re comfortable with who’s looking back at them. 
12: When you're very scared or worried, what do you think about or do to help you feel better?
I lash out and yell at people. It’s done me wonders so far.
13: How do you feel about what happens after death?
I believe we die and that’s it, curtains closed, no encores. Don’t we at least deserve to rest when we’re dead?
14: Would you rather live a hedonistic life full of good things that make you feel good even if they're bad for you, or a healthy life centered around treating your body like a sacred temple and watching your health as closely as possible? Or do you not care either way?
Does it look like I can afford to treat my body like a temple? What’s the point? None of us are going to survive long enough for it to count for anything. 
15: Do you think you can tell a lot about a person from the way they express themselves or answer questions like these?
Everyone is full of bullshit. If you want the truth, get them drunk and then ask them these questions.
16: Do you have any special or magical memories you'll always have with you?
My time with Lilith. I have some memories of me and Adrien growing up, and me and Cammy as kids. 
17: How would you define yourself, without saying your name or giving a physical description of yourself or your obvious personality?
Fucking fabulous. Next question please.
18: When do you feel truly at peace?
Apparently I’m quite the light weight, so it doesn’t take much.
19: Do you like having your worldview or opinions challenged or questioned?
Depends which fucker is questioning them and why. If my views aren’t hurting anyone, then why someone would feel the need to shove their noses in is beyond me.
20: Do you believe happiness can exist without sadness?
Do you believe any tears can be happy? I don’t think anyone is capable of such overwhelming emotion unless they’ve experienced both ends of the spectrum.
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
1: Close your eyes and think of five things that make you smile when you think about them. What are they?
Lilith, Lilith, Lilith, Lilith, Lilith. Long walks on the beach? Candle lit dinners for two? Fuck, I don’t know. The sea, I like thinking about the sea. 
2: If your house was on fire and you had sixty seconds to leave, what would you take with you?
I have a really small box of private possessions, just little trinkets from throughout my life. I took it with me when I ran away at sixteen, and I’ve kept it ever since. So I’d take that. 
3: When you're alone in the middle of the night and you can't quite get to sleep, what do you think about? "Going to sleep" doesn't count.
What’re you talking about? I love sleep. I could fall asleep right now. 
4: What is love to you?
What’s that cheesy quote? Damn, uh... never having to say ‘I’m sorry’.
5: What is the opposite of love?
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
Deep Questions
1: Close your eyes and think of five things that make you smile when you think about them. What are they?
2: If your house was on fire and you had sixty seconds to leave, what would you take with you?
3: When you're alone in the middle of the night and you can't quite get to sleep, what do you think about? "Going to sleep" doesn't count.
4: What is love to you?
5: What is the opposite of love?
6: Is it possible to love someone if you don't love yourself?
7: Do you believe mutual attraction based on mutual hatred is possible?
8: Is it better to have something amazing and lose it or to never have had it to begin with?
9: Do you focus more on the past, the present, or the future?
10: Do you judge people for what they wear or how they express themselves?
11: Do you believe in individuals over generalisations?
12: When you're very scared or worried, what do you think about or do to help you feel better?
13: How do you feel about what happens after death?
14: Would you rather live a hedonistic life full of good things that make you feel good even if they're bad for you, or a healthy life centered around treating your body like a sacred temple and watching your health as closely as possible? Or do you not care either way?
15: Do you think you can tell a lot about a person from the way they express themselves or answer questions like these?
16: Do you have any special or magical memories you'll always have with you?
17: How would you define yourself, without saying your name or giving a physical description of yourself or your obvious personality?
18: When do you feel truly at peace?
19: Do you like having your worldview or opinions challenged or questioned?
20: Do you believe happiness can exist without sadness?
21: Is there a reason for existence?
22: Do you think the world existed before you did?
23: Do you believe people need breaks from each other, even if they're deeply in love?
24: What do you find most beautiful in people?
25: Do you take questions like these literally or pick up on what they really mean?
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nsfwalice-blog · 9 years
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lilithxalice moodboard {2/☯}
              “  nothing ever lasts forever                                                in the end, you changed                     there is no reason, no sincerity                                                take away such a thing as love 
                                                                                                          tonight, I’ll be crooked “
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