nssyeongle · 4 years
Adorably odd 😜 
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nssyeongle · 4 years
精神分析师 Mario Jacoby 在著作中指出,人们倾向理想化曾经的「日常」,作为面对现实威胁的心理补偿。我们或者在乱世中感觉异常,只因为被迫脱离正常;但 Jacoby 则认为,我们对「正常」的想像,是面对现实焦虑的副产品。毕竟,重新创造一个理想的环境,实在比怀缅一种从未存在的理想困难太多。这也解释了为何在逆境中,大家都喜欢以「只要熬过去,一切就会跟以前一样」勉励自己:虽然不晓得明天长什么模样,我们还是喜欢以熟悉的旧日去想像将来的美好。
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nssyeongle · 9 years
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Well said :) Be caring! Be daring! Be proactive! ALL at the right time... If you are the Mr. Right You’ll get the right responses too ;)
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nssyeongle · 9 years
如果我是男生,去较落后的国家进行有意义,跟自己专长符合的工作,我不会多作考虑! 值得深思的文章! 哎,如果我是男生...
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nssyeongle · 10 years
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作者:丁稀在 1. 年轻时仿佛什么都没做的日子,其实正经历着自己看不见的浴血之战。世界每天向我挥动着拳头,甚至直击我的下巴。原来生活是一场和没有脸孔的怪兽奋斗、不向体制屈服的战争。
2. 正因为我不曾成为过什么,所以才具备任何可能性;手中不曾握住过什么,所以可以拥有更多梦想。
3. 正是在这个欲求(Must Have Item)逐渐增加的世道,才需要什么都不做、或是只做自己真正想做的事的权利。
4. 如果不曾度过无为的时间,那么,你将不懂得等待的方法。所有事情都有时机,我们只能把握当下的每个瞬间,以诚挚的心情活下去。
5. 庄子说,如果知道无法统治自己的是什么、知道如何追随不可避免的自然真理,以及知道如何安稳的活着,就已经很不容易了。为了渴望完美人生而训斥自己,这件事本身就违反宇宙调和的生命法则。
6. 经过无数个日子后我才明白,所谓真正的高手,都能清楚了解满分的人生不过是假象,而且对自己深信不疑。因为相信自己是一种才能,更是一种幸运。
7. 对于一百分考卷的渴望,从学校毕业后,自然而然就变成对一百分人生的渴望。读好大学,找好工作,与才貌双全的另一半结婚,住高级房子,尽情享受衣食无忧的富足生活,这正是一百分人身的要点。从小,在我们脑海中描绘的满分蓝图太根深蒂固,还没真正活过,我们便以被禁锢。简直就像还没打过仗便自败下阵的战士。
8. 但这并不是自谦,虽然有那种订定目标便热血往前冲的人,但也有人是走着走着便产生了方向,理好生命的枝桠后,才成长为一棵挺拔的大树。
9. 暂停是为了用崭新的方式和生命沟通。若无法在适当时机自我意识停下来的话,最后必定会造成后遗症。
10. 停下来,是对主流价值观提出[果真如此?]的疑问,让严肃虚假的权位聆听自己的声音。
11. 色彩斑斓的欲望,不断地挤压,汲取我们,直到灵魂消耗殆尽。
12. 就算没有为了被爱而拼命努力,也会有人爱着原本的自己。这给了我多么大的勇气啊。
13. 毅然决然地理解别人,并不是因为满意对方的所有,才决定去理解的;而是因为自己能够全然接受原本的对方,才能如此果断。
14. 但人在一生当中,爱人和被爱的总量,可能早已命定了吧。
15. 只要不渴求被爱,就可以活得自在。
16. 我不相信那些说自己[对未来从没有恐惧]的人。如果不曾恐惧未来,要怎么学会抱持深刻的怜悯,或者去理解他人呢?
17. 而是因为我的人生基准早已不是他人所定义的幸福,终于懂得如何把自己所感受到的幸福当作基准。
18. 多亏了眼泪,才让人了解,在这世上唯一能伤害自己的,只是自己。
19. 成功的神话成了一种集体催眠,甚至掌握了个人的内心。要随时提高警觉,如果稍微松懈了,就会被不安所包围,担心自己会被其他想当上成功故事主角的人挤开。
20. 适当的进取心,可以让个人和社会都朝更好的方向发展,但慢性的奋发意念经常会带领我们走向莫名的未来。
21. 奋发的意识形态,就是将缓慢视为失败、淘汰,把努力之外的观念,当成没有效率的绊脚石和借口。
22. 正好相反,没有人能百分之百避开失误,它是和命运一起陪伴我们到司的伙伴。
24. 万一只有财富才能称得上幸福,那么,我们就必须一生接受毫无幸福的试炼而活下去了。
25. 人们其实不太关心其他人的事,但总是担心别人会怎么想,不断算计,虚度人生。
26. [你们知道世界上最恐怖的人是谁吗?] [什么都不需要的人。]
27. 如果会悲伤,那时因为仍然还有用处。
28. 啊,也不需要强迫自己一定要成长或是变得更幸福,坚持到底的经验本身,就会成为耀眼的生命礼物。
29. "所谓的[低调],不是不求上进,苟延残喘的意思,不是得过且过,媚俗投降的意思,不是和光同尘,淈泥扬波的意思,甚至也不仅仅是韬光养晦、充实自身的意思。该否定的必须否定,做人必须有底线,就是所谓的低调原则。"
30. 所谓阅读经典的最好条件,并不是指完美的环境,而是指成熟的经验。为了让一本书和人生密切结合,就必须历经人生中一定会体验到的爱、悲伤、离别、欲望、怀疑、苦痛、背叛、绝望等各种感情的波涛。
31. 假如有一本书让你见了只想叹气,那就表示你还没有准备好和那本书相遇。
32. "我们定义的[成功],和年龄有很大的关系,人生是不断地回转的。一岁小孩的成功,是指可以大小便的顺畅;二十五岁时是性行为;五十岁是拥有财富才是成功;到了七十五岁,仍然是性行为;然后到了九十岁,大小便顺畅又再度成为一件成功的事。"
33. 人类如果没有食物,可以撑四十天;如果没有水,可以撑四天;如果没有空气,只能撑四分钟。而这个实验要传达的是,如果失去希望,连短短四分钟都无法支持下去。
34. 世界上就是因为有这些会批判性思考、愿意挑毛病的人,才能稍稍往好的方向前进。
35. 把财富和成功、财富和幸福联想在一起,是近代才有的一种思维;但也很难因此而断定近代以前的人们都对生活感到满足、敬畏大自然,或者过得非常充实。不过,和今日崇拜金钱的社会相比,他们的确是活在自由和浪漫之中。
36. 只要拥有温暖的心,不要丢弃端正的意志和希望,世界上就没有所谓无益的事。
37. ”[所谓没有钱,可以说是某人选择将自己的力气投注在别的活动,而非事业。过程中虽然得不到金钱,但他从别的地方开始变得富有。]"
38. 重要的不是作梦,而是经由梦想来培养能够毅然决然对抗不幸及命运的免疫力。
39. 一旦被思绪所限,就会开始去计较是非对错。一旦执著于自己的想法才是正确的,就会对不认同自己想法的人产生排挤,并且开始怪罪对方。
40. 换句话说,[什么都不去想的权利]就是清空思绪的权利。是将一直以来视为理所当然基准价值画上问号,从原点开始重新检视的权利。
41. 只要好好面对负面情绪,总有一天它会离去,并且为我们带来领悟和智慧,不容小觑。
42. 庄子说,我们之所以被赋予生命,是因为属于自己的时机到了,时机过了就必定会消逝。在我们身上发生的事,必定存在某种意义,而人的一生即是为了寻找意义的长途旅行。
43. [就算情况很糟也可以结下好的缘分,就算情况很好也会结下不好的缘分,全看人怎么做。]
44. 若能明白之所以活着,是因为其他生命的牺牲和援助,也就不会为人生中微不足道的损益感到耿耿于怀。
45. 学习不需要经他人之手,而必须仰赖自发性的参与才能实现。
46. 而我们脚下所踏的世界、所有领域,其实都是我们的大学,这个大学没有毕业的一天,我们永远都是学生。热爱生命,也爱他人,然后关注世界不合理和矛盾,这才是真正的人生大学。
47. "硬是要这个已经毫无力气和意志的病患以肉体撑下去,不过是一种强迫的行为而已。那种行为,看不见对快要死去的人应有的关怀,没有敬畏,也没有哀悼之心。"
48. 只要用心走完一生,每个人都是生命的斗士,即将离开躯壳的灵魂,拥有被肯定的权力,让他撂无遗憾地向这一切轻声说再见。
49. 假如说,二十至三十岁是天真浪漫、充满活力的时期,四十岁开始就只剩下惨澹的现实,然后六十岁之后便仅剩退休后茫然的老年生活的话,上天就不需要给我们这么多不同阶段的人生体验了;不同的人生时期,都分别藏着美丽而珍贵的礼物等待我们发现。
50. 在流逝的时光里,并不是每日如故地重复做着有意义的事,或让双腿狂奔后乏力的瞬间,才称得上是人生的精髓。
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nssyeongle · 10 years
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1. Ignorance allowed politicians to fool people and bad administrators to be elected.
2. Student politics was all about debating and charisma, but party politics required money.
3. He told me that Mahatma Gandhi said, "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.:
4. My friends and I couldn't understand why it was so wrong. “Why don't they want girls to go to school?" I asked my father.  " They are scared of the pen," he replied.
5. His friend Hidayatullah told him to stand firm. "Ziauddin, you have charisma; you can speak up and organize against them," he said. "Life isn't just about taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Youcan stay there accepting everything from the Taliban or you can make a stand against them".
6. My father would say to me, "Any organization which works for peace, I will join. If you want to resolve a dispute or come out from conflict, the very first thing is to speak the truth. If you have a headache and tell doctor you have a stomachache, how can the doctor help? You must speak the truth. The truth will abolish fear."
7. He hated the fact that most people would not speak up. In his pocket he kept a poem written by Martin Niemoller, who had lived in Nazi Germany. First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak out because I was not a Catholic. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
8. But I said, "Education is education. We should learn everything and then choose which path to follow." Education is neither Eastern nor Western, it is human.
9. I loved reading about Dorothy and how even though she was trying to get back home she stopped and helped those in need like the Cowardly Lion and the rusty Tin Man. She had to overcome a lot of obstacles to get where she was going, and I though if you want to achieve a goal, there will be hurdles in your way, but you must continue.
10. We human beings don't realize how great God is. He has given us an extraordinary brain and a sensitive loving heart. He has blessed us with two lips to talk and express our feelings, two eyes which see a world of colors and beauty, two feet which walk on the road of life, two hands to work for us, a nose which smells the beauty of fragrance, and two ears to hear the words of love. 
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nssyeongle · 10 years
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Another picture illustrating CYP450 inhibitors ;)
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nssyeongle · 10 years
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Extremely brilliant way to memorise CYP450 inducers ;)
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nssyeongle · 10 years
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1. 有的時候,做感情的背後靈並不是我們所願,沒有經歷過就不會知道那種擁有過卻失去的難受!
2. 真正的放下,不是避而不見。
3. 喜歡不是開關,一按就停止!
4. 每個人都有一把鎖,每把鎖都有一個鑰匙...
5. 人生一定要有這麼多的無奈嗎?
6. 失去後才會珍惜,會不會太晚?
7. 不要讓人生有遺憾,就算失敗了大哭一場,
8. 真正用心對妳好的人,
9. 當你開始喜歡一個人,就會想知道她的一切.....
10. 真正對妳好的人,不是把妳不愛的東西挑掉,
11. 喜歡一個人,除了一定要在一起之外,
12. 女人覺得,靠男人會跑、靠自己最好;
13. 世界上最現實的是愛情,時機過了就是過了......
14. 因為記憶,總會停留在最美的那一瞬間,
15. 如果結束是另一段愛情的開始,
16. 不再天真、不再單純,不代表有了心機,
17. 沒有過去的那些人事物,不會成就越來越完美的我們
18. 如果.....看著某個人難過、捨不得某個人失落......
19. 關於暗戀~我們總是很在意對方每個小細節
我們的眼裡只有他 連鼻子呼吸的每一口空氣都計算著他存在的成分有多少
他的一舉手一投足總會讓我們欣喜若狂 最讓人神昏顛倒的距離是略碰指尖 電流流竄的酥麻
20. 越來越想知道......妳在想什麼。
--- 《愛的生存之道》
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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1. Life isn't about having; It's about being.
2. When you look for happiness in more objects, they are never enough. Look around, look within.
3. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.
4. You don't need to have all the right answers, just the right questions. No one knows what the future holds.
5. Keep moving ahead, because action creates momentum, which in turn creates unanticipated opportunities.
6. We are all perfectly imperfect human beings-some maybe more than others-but we all have our flaws and shortcomings.
7. I love you just as you are. You are, beautiful to me.
8. We humans are a silly bunch. We spend half our time trying to fit in with the crowd and the other half trying to stand out from it. Why is that?
9. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength.
10. God does not waste His time, so He doesn't waste mine either.
11. Fear breeds fear, and worry builds upon worry.
12. He is waiting for you to let Him heal you. He doesn't have to heal you physically; He just has to heal your heart. He will give you peace, love, and joy. He hears your prayers, so keep praying. Remember that He may not answer your prayer the way you want or at the time you want, but His grace is always sufficient.
13. You and I should not live with the expectation that happiness will come some day when we accomplish some goal or acquire some thing. Happiness should be available to you in every moment, and the way to access it is to live in balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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The cardiac cycle is a term referring to all or any of the events related to the flow or blood pressure that occurs from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. The frequency of the cardiac cycle is described by the heart rate. Each beat of the heart involves five major stages. The first two stages, often considered together as the ventricular filling stage, involve the movement of blood from atria into ventricles. The next three stages involve the movement of blood from the ventricles to the pulmonary artery (in the case of the right ventricle) and the aorta (in the case of the left ventricle).
The first, “early diastole,” is when the semilunar valves close, the atrioventricular (AV) valves are open, and the whole heart is relaxed. The second, “atrial systole,” is when the atrium contracts, and blood flows from atrium to the ventricle. The third, “isovolumic ventricular contraction,” is when the ventricles begin to contract, the AV and semilunar valves close, and there is no change in volume. The fourth, “ventricular ejection,” is when the ventricles are empty and contracting, and the semilunar valves are open. During the fifth stage, “Isovolumic ventricular relaxation,” pressure decreases, no blood enters the ventricles, the ventricles stop contracting and begin to relax, and the semilunar valves close due to the pressure of blood in the aorta.
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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Me on my 25th birthday.
I turned 25 this year and I had a bit of a quarter life crisis. I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing and I was looking for advice on how to navigate this crazy adventure that is my 20’s. So for my birthday I asked my family to write a letter to themselves...
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nssyeongle · 11 years
A realistic insight into the world of motherhood. A movie about (small parts of) life. :) "I was dying to love him and to feel loved, but it was difficult.  My body had become callous. All I felt was a kind of embarrassment. Nurses, doctors, midwives, obstetricians,... so many people had touched me so mechanically, that from then on, I felt desecrated. My vagina was no longer sexual. It was just a... conduit, torn apart... stitched... unstitched... but never truly healed."
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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You are none of them, because you are all of them.
You are who I love. The girl in the pedestal, the fantasy, the make believe things that are actually true. 
You are what I love. The depth, the inside jokes, the best friend.
You are when I love. A new history is being started with you. We are the young lovers our older selves would someday reminisce about.
You are where I love. Because I’ll go anywhere, just to be with you. 
You are why I love. Because before you, I didn’t truly understand what I was looking for. Now that we found each other you gave my past and future a meaning.
—The Last
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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nssyeongle · 11 years
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“The mind and heart go to interesting places when under the influence of alcohol. Places you may not have expected, emotions you may usually ignore.”
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