pleaaaase, ask me something i want to write.
Stranger Things
Marvel (X-men and Spider-Verse included)
Gotham (series)
Criminal Minds
And probably other ! read the rules before asking. much love <33
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𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
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this blog is male! reader or gender neutral! only. FEMALE DNI or you will be blocked. (if any pronouns, i guess you're good)
I can write male! / gender neutral! reader x male! character or female! character. to be simple, it's no fem! reader.
I write fluff or angst (don't ask for it please, it makes me cry lol /hj), platonic or romantic, also family stuff because it makes my heart melt (no weird stuff tho).
Everyone in the fic must be 18 or older or it will be platonic. Every relationship with a canon lesbian character will be platonic.
I am not writing smut, sorry. i am not comfortable enough with it but i can write spicy stuff without going all the way.
S-word and non-con are a big NO on this blog. please respect that.
Incest is a big NO too.
If a request is making me uncomfortable, i have every rights to refuse it.
If you read the rules, leave a penguin emoji in your request ♡
Marvel (including X-men).
Gotham (series). (no to Jervis Tech, sorry I can't stand him.)
Criminal Minds.
Stranger Things.
I will probably add some overtime. Feel free to ask about any fandom, i'll do my best to write it if i can. Not anime fandoms tho, i know nothing about those, sorry.
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It’s cold outside || tasm! Peter Parker x male reader
hello there ! it’s me again :D
this was requested by @bigassbisaster (idk if I wrote you username right, sorry). i hope you like it ! :)
Warning : none, it’s only just fluff. friends to lovers disclaimer : gif is from Pinterest. the story is an original one. maybe something like this have already been made, if so, i don’t know about it. again, english is not my mother tongue ! i’m still learning it so, if u see any mistakes or misspelled sentences, pls tell me nicely in the comments or by private message. enjoy ! :)
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It has been snowing all day and the streets of New York we’re completely white. It was already dark outside, due to the winter and of course, the weather was very cold. (Y/N) was in his room, singing the song he was listening to while doing homework. Suddenly, there was a knock at his window which made him jumped and looked directly at it. He met eyes with Spiderman or as he had always knew him, Peter Parker, his best friend. As (Y/N) got up from his desk chair, he rolled his eyes at the superhero and opened the window.
"What are you doing here ? it’s bloody cold outside !"
"Yeah, you’re right, can I come in please ?"
"Of course you can, hurry before you start to transform into an iceberg."
Peter did not last any second and went inside the room, already feeling better and (Y/N) quickly closed the window. The hero sat on the bed as the smaller one took a bunch of blankets too put on his friend’s shoulder before sitting next to him.
"What were doing outside with this weather ?" (Y/N) asked, worrying about the spider.
"I wanted to see you, actually. I need to talk to you about something."
Peter looked at the ground for a moment and a silence fell between the two boys. The smaller one finally broke it by urgently standing up.
"Okay, I’m gonna cook us something to warm you up and then, we’ll talk. Deal ?"
Peter’s only answer was to nod and (Y/N) disappeared in the kitchen. His parents weren’t there tonight -actually, they took a weekend off together, knowing their son was responsible enough to stay alone.
He made noodles soup and put it into bowls for him and Peter before going back to the bedroom.
"Here you are !" he said, smiling, giving one bowl to Peter.
"Thank you.” he replied, gladly taking the hot thing is his hand, appreciating the warm coming from it.
Again, a silence fell between the two boys while they were eating. The spider was looking at everything, except his friend, worrying the younger man. When they finished their soup, Peter finally looked at (Y/N).
"So, about this thing I wanted to say to you…" he stopped, suddenly being very hesitant.
What if (Y/N) wasn’t sharing the same feelings ? Then, he felt him take his hand and he relaxed a bit.
"You can tell me anything, Pete. You know that."
Peter took a deep breath and nodded before he started to talk again.
"I think… no, i’m certain of it, actually. I’m in love with you, (Y/N)." he said, looking at his friend, waiting for his reaction.
(Y/N) stayed silent and the spider started to internally panic when the other one said nothing. And then, he suddenly smiled. An happy and warm smile, while he was staring in Peter’s eyes.
"I’m in love with you too, Peter."
For a second, he didn’t believe it, thinking he had dreamed that moment or that maybe it was a bad joke. But when he felt (Y/N)’s lips on his, he knew his new boyfriend was sincere.
After that, they laid together on the bed, sharing the tone of blankets and a warm hug. Then they both fell asleep not long after that.
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omg i finally found you
which sounded extremely creepy. sorry.
i meant, like, i read your tasm peter parker x male reader christmas angst/fluff fic and i loved it?? so much??? but my phone died and i lost it which was an absolute tragedy
then i find your account and youre the one that posted the fic and it was just a miracle
okay um. basically, i love your writing, and sorry if this came off weird? i might end up requesting some things if youre okay with it too? but only if youre okay with it. okay, bye^^
omg, hiiii !
i hope it’s okay if i answer to you like this :)
thank u so much, this is so cute omg T^T and don’t worry, it’s not weird at all xD
you can totally ask for a writing, i would be very happy to do it :)
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You + me = happy Christmas Eve || Peter Parker x male! reader
why hello there ! i wanted it, so i made it. enjoy !
Andrew Garfield ! Peter Parker x male ! reader (he/him)
warnings : bad parents, parents arguing, mention of divorce, but it’s mostly just fluff. disclaimer : gif is from Pinterest. the story is an original one. maybe something like this has already been made, if so, i don’t know about it. again, english is not my first language ! i’m still learning it so, if u see any mistakes or misspelled sentences, pls tell me nicely in the comments or by private message. enjoy ! :)
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(Y/N) heard them screaming, they were arguing in the living room, again. It was the third time today. His parents were on the edge of divorce and he did not understand at all why they were still together when they absolutely couldn’t stand each other more than three hours.
He took a deep breath, just after the entry door made a loud noise by closing. His dad probably just left and his mom was now surely going crazy by herself in the parents’ bedroom. Now it was clear that Christmas eve was cancelled. No family fun on this 24th of December, like so many before. Has it ever been good ? (Y/N) couldn’t even remember one happy family party were everyone was reunited. If by miracle it happened, the end was never good. It was always people screaming and embarrassed relatives around the dinner table.
But if it was only during this period, it would be fine. Of course, it’s all the time, since a while now. The last dinner he had with both his parents smiling and being happy to see each other happened when he just had ten years old, for his birthday night. And it’s only because they were at the restaurant.
Finally, when there were no more noises in the appartement, (Y/N) sent a message to his boyfriend, Peter Parker. Maybe it was too much, he was probably having dinner with his aunt and uncle, sharing a happy Christmas eve but, he needed comfort.
To : Pete <3
"My parents are arguing again. I guess Christmas is cancelled this year. At least for me. How’s yours ?"
From : Pete <3
"Owh, shit. I’m sorry (Y/N/N). Come at mine. Aunt May made food for too much people again. My folks will be happy to have you for dinner !"
To : Pete <3
"Are you sure ? I don’t want to bother them. It’s family reunion after all"
From : Pete <3
"Nah, it’s fine. Plus, I already told them. We’re waiting for you, hurry up !"
After sending at least a hundred thank you messages to Peter, he decided to wear something a bit nicer and went on his way to the Parker’s house.
When he arrived, there was some decorations in front of the house. The lights made (Y/N) smiles as he stepped in to the door before pushing the ring button. He heard Peter yelling something and only one second later, he opened the door with a big smile on his face. He pulled the smaller boy in for a hug before he had time to say anything. (Y/N) let himself go in his boyfriend arms, this contact being the exact thing he needed to feel better.
"I’m glad you came, it’s gonna be fun ! Come on, we’re eating in any minute now."
The boys went into the house, and sat at the table. The little group shared a happy dinner, laughing and talking about everything and anything. For the first time in a while, (Y/N) felt better and if he could, he would relive this moment for ever. He needed something like that after all those years with chaotic family dinners at his own house. The Parker family was like a breath of spring in the middle of a long and cold winter.
After dinner, Peter and his boyfriend helped to clean the table and went into the bedroom. They laid on the bed, listening to music by sharing earbuds, staying in the arms of each other.
"Are you okay ?" Peter asked when he saw the other boy take a deep breath.
"Yup, I’m perfectly fine. I feel… quiet. I only feel like that when I’m with you, away from all the chaos in my appartement."
The spider smiled and tightened his arms around (Y/N), feeling better too. Not long after that, they both fell asleep, without noticing the snow falling outside.
so, what did you think ? :)
update : +300 LIKES ??????? you guys are amazing thank u <3
up.update : it’s been a while since i wrote this… I can’t believe people are still reading and liking it, thank u so much 🫶🏻. i corrected some mistakes i had made two years that were making my eyes ball out (bail out ? ball out ? idk lol), now i feel better. i hope you guys still enjoy it. much love !
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I’m going to post a part II to "I don’t wanna miss a thing". It was requested once or twice and I have some ideas. Stay tuned ! :)
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🍄 Masterlist
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✧ 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧
“I just called to say I love you” | gn! reader, fluff. (wrote it on my other tumblr, but yes, it’s mine ! dw.)
✦ 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
"I don’t wanna miss a thing" | m! reader, fluff, small warning : internalized homophobia.
✧ 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰! 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫
"You + me = happy Christmas Eve" | m! reader, fluff, small warning : bad parents, parents arguing, mention of divorce.
"It’s cold outside" | m! reader, fluff, no warning, friends to lovers.
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I don’t wanna miss a thing || Bucky Barnes
40s! Bucky x male! reader
warnings : fluff, internalized homophobia (it’s the 40s, guys. don’t be mad at me pls)
This is the second time I’m posting on tumblr, omg. I’m a little stressed but that’s fine xD. Please, tell me nicely in the comments or by private messages if I made any mistakes in my english spelling. /!\ It’s not my first language.
Enjoy !
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It was already late in the evening when you heard a knock on the door of your small appartement in Brooklyn. When you opened, your friend and crush was standing there, wearing a military uniform. You immediately understood what that meant. James Bucky Barnes was officially engaged in the American Army. Before you could open your mouth, Bucky did.
"You’re now friend with the Sergeant James Barnes !"
You couldn’t help but smile at him, letting him in. As he stepped into your home, you closed the door and looked at him, still speechless. As yours and Bucky’s gazes caught each other, you finally talked.
"So… it’s official, then. I guess you’re leaving tomorrow morning ?"
He only shook his head, confirming your saying. In less than twelve hours, he would be gone without you saying to him what you wanted to tell him since months now. You were in love with Bucky Barnes and you disgusted yourself for that. You were taught that men couldn’t be with other men, but you couldn’t help it. Your friend was perfect and you fell hard.
"I wanted to say goodbye, but I’m not good at that. I hate goodbyes." he said, a hint of pain in his voice.
You hated those too, especially when there was a enormous chance you’d never see him again after he left. Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head on his shoulder. He did the same, his head rested on top of yours.
"I’m gonna miss you, (Y/N)."
"I’m gonna miss you too, Buck. Please don’t get killed, you punk."
"Don’t worry, doll. You’re not going to get rid of me so easily."
You felt butterflies at the nickname. Then, you heard him chuckle as you did too. Maybe now was a good time to tell him what you wanted to say for so long. If he didn’t return your feelings, he could always just leave and forget about it during the war. And you, you’d be alone with your thoughts and eventually get through the heartbreak with time.
You took a great breathe and chased Bucky’s deep blue eyes. He still got a tiny smile on his lips, looking at you.
"Bucky, there’s something I need to tell you…"
"Sure, tell me. You know you can talk to me about everything."
You were so disgusted by yourself for thinking about your best friend that way, but God you loved him so much. As your gaze fell to the ground, you finally had the courage to say it.
« I’m in love you, Buck. I- I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t… It’s unnatural but I can’t help it- »
You were shushed by soft lips crashing onto yours. It didn’t took you long to realize those were Bucky’s and that he was kissing you. You leaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as his found their way on your hips. In a instant, all the doubts you had about Bucky’s feelings toward you disappeared along with horrible fear of rejection. You just wanted to cherish this moment, and secretly hoped it would never end. When the kiss ended, you looked at each other, giggling and blushing like teenagers.
"I’m in love with you too, (Y/N)." he said softly. "I have been for a while."
That night, Bucky stayed with you. You slept while hugging, never wanting to let the other go. But when you woke up the next day, he was gone.
At that time of the morning, he probably already was on a boat, on his way to Europe. And you, you were now completely alone, only hopping that Bucky would soon enough come back to you.
So, huh, what did you think ? :)
update (after so long oh my) : hullo ! I made some corrections of this story, my grammar was very shitty back then (still is, but it’s a bit better let’s be honest). thank u all for reading this and liking it 🫶🏻 much love !
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Welcome on my blog !
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this blog is gender neutral and male! reader only. FEMALE OR SHE/THEY DNI.
you're free to leave a request or to navigate on the blog to see my recents writings.
just so you know, English is NOT my first language. and I am doing my best to correct my mistakes in my writings. be nice in the comments, thank you !
my masterlist (updated whenever i can or remember about it lol)
my rules (read before requesting or i'll bite you <:()
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