ntspl · 3 years
How do Responsive Web Design Benefits for SEO?
We are now in a mobile-first era, with a mobile-first index on the horizon. This is because consumers are addicted to their smartphones and tablets. This isn't going to change anytime soon. SEO-friendly web design is no longer an innovation in this environment. Instead, it has become an integral part of any SEO strategy, regardless of industry.
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What is the requirement of responsive web design?
Over the last year, the internet has advanced at a breakneck pace. Among the numerous changes, the unavoidable occurred. Mobile web browsing has surpassed desktop as the preferred device for internet users.
We also discovered that twice as many people use smartphones as desktop computers among those who only use one type of device.
Neither of these findings would have surprised web designers or marketers. However, the slowness with which business and the online industry have responded to the new state of the web is perplexing. Despite industry predictions and published statistics, many companies have yet to respond to a primary and apparent demand: mobile-friendly web design services.
According to some estimates, as many as 60% of those have failed to adapt to the demand for a responsive environment. This should be a source of concern for businesses and an inspiration for designers looking for work in a responsive web design company.
Google was created with users in mind – those who conduct web searches. Google is responding appropriately in a world where users access the internet via mobile devices. As a result, it stands to reason that they will favour sites that cater to Google users' needs.
In other words, Google will favour websites that are optimised for mobile and smartphone users. Those are usually the sites that have a mobile and SEO-friendly web design.
In the next section, we will find out some of the primary benefits of responsive web design.
What are the primary benefits of responsive web design?
Considerable Improvement of Traffic
The majority of Internet users are now on their mobile devices. Your traffic will increase due to catering to the majority with a web design that makes browsing websites easier on their preferred mobile device. This will eventually lead to an improvement in your SEO score.
Better Loading Time
Because Google has declared that page loading time is now a ranking factor, the speed at which your website's pages load can impact your SEO rankings. On mobile devices, responsive websites load extremely quickly, and this speed should entice users to enjoy their time browsing your site, something that Google will notice and reward with higher rankings.
More Developed UX
Any benefit derived from responsive web design services, such as optimal display across all mobile devices and faster loading times, contributes to a better user experience. And, since Google has already stated that user experience, or UX, is now one of the main ranking factors. You can be confident that if you make an effort to improve UX by implementing a responsive mobile design, your SEO will reap the benefits.
No Plagiarized Content
It’s one thing to make your website more mobile-friendly. Another way to achieve that goal is to create a separate mobile website with the same content. Doing the latter is an easy way to be flagged by Google as having duplicate content, and you're probably aware of the consequences. If you don't choose an SEO-friendly web design, you won't have to use a separate URL or risk being flagged for duplicate content. The domain for all of your content will be the same.
Minimum Bounce Rate
It's only natural for people to visit a website, look around, and then move on to another. Because Google tracks how much time visitors spend on your site, the most important factor is the amount of time looking around.
Suppose visitors leave your site a few seconds after opening it because it doesn't display correctly. In that case, Google will notice and interpret it as a sign that the user didn't get anything useful. Your rankings can greatly suffer as a result of this. Implement a responsive design for your website to encourage people to stay longer and lower the bounce rate.
Mobile-First Index
With the Mobile-First Index, Google now indexes and ranks websites based on their mobile versions. That means that mobile-friendly websites get first dibs in the ranking and indexing process.
The implementation of Google's Mobile-First Index, on the other hand, should have prompted web admins all over the world to switch to responsive mobile design. After all, it's only been a few years since mobile surpassed desktop.
Although responsive design isn't yet the industry standard, with the seemingly unstoppable rise of mobile, it'll only be a matter of time before every web admin decides to follow the rest of the world and go responsive.
Mobile-friendly website design is the need of the hour in all types of industries. That is why several highly responsive themes are available for desirable results irrespective of whatever platform you use, including WordPress. Therefore, it is clear that you don't need to invest any extra amount in obtaining responsive website design at any point.
Availability of mobile-friendly website design is equally effective for the SEO of a website, just as any other factor. You may even miss out on several essential leads if you fail to understand the importance of responsive web design. That is where we can help you by developing a very effective WordPress design that would work perfectly irrespective of the device on which it is being used.
NTSPL is an appropriate partner for responsive web design in India. The experts at NTSPL assist you in attracting customers with stunning web designs as a competent Responsive Web Design Company in India.
NTSPL specializes in developing engaging and creative website designs. The experts use cutting-edge web design ideas and technologies to transform a website into an effective sales tool for your company. Connect with the specialists today for a long-lasting web experience.
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ntspl · 3 years
Challenges in IoT Application Development
We've all heard a lot of time about how the Internet of Things application development is a game-changing force for business operations, software development, and industries in general. Customers are pleased, and businesses, according to all estimates, are expanding at a quicker rate than your waistline.
All investments are fetching fair returns in general. Besides, there are lots of happy customers resulting in faster business growth nowadays. As per experts, holidays are now sunny days for business growth everywhere.
Out of all these, something remains unsaid! It is that an IoT solution or software development is nothing short of a treasure trove. The need of the hour in the market includes high-quality, user-friendly, secure and strong solutions. To account for everything, IoT development teams must re-evaluate their regular procedures.
Because of the high demand, competition among start-ups and every IoT development company in India is at an all-time high. This, combined with the shortage of widely accepted standards, keeps programmers on the lookout for new techniques and regulations. Only a particular way of approaching every aspect of IoT software development will yield effective development.
Here, we are going to discuss some of the primary challenges in IoT applications that project developers experience often:
Selecting the apt operating system
There are quite a few technical aspects that must be considered before beginning an IoT application development process. First and foremost, the team must assess the IoT devices with which they will collaborate. Unlike traditional desktop computers, IoT devices are pretty weak and don't have an unlimited memory capacity. As a result, the developers must select the appropriate operating system. Besides, it should be compatible with the device's capabilities and the need for its proper functionality.
Determining proper gateways
When it comes to IoT solution gateways, they're the glue that holds everything together. Different devices support various connectivity protocols, such as Zigbee, serial ports, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and different energy profiles. Because gateways connect previously linked clouds, IoT sensors, and devices, they are critical to the IoT ecosystem as a whole.
Some standard mandatory features found in modern and advanced gateways from Nexcom, Intel, and Dell technologies, along with several other top providers, make developers' lives easier. All you have to do now is choose one that is most suitable for your IoT application needs.
You'll need to think about the network specifications and interface, as well as the development environment, memory capacities, and power rating, and more. By default, devices must be able to communicate in a secure, private, and trustworthy manner.
Choosing the correct IoT platform
None of the programmers wants to start an IoT application development process from the ground up. What's the point of reinventing the wheel? That is when an IoT platform seems the most useful, as they provide a set of tools for connecting all physical objects to the internet. Make sure you choose wisely because a platform market is vast and confusing. A platform that you finally select should include the following features:
Ease of Integration
However, IoT developers must keep in mind that platforms ideal for modern factories may not be suitable for energy consumption or cars. Some businesses set up real-world testbeds using real information from the manufacturing process to determine the best platform.
The strength of the security level
Because IoT technology incorporates a large number of connected devices, hackers have a large number of promising targets to find out vulnerabilities. Moreover, not every device that makes up a network is always thoroughly tested for security vulnerabilities. And now you find yourself in a situation where the complete system is in jeopardy.
Experts predict that by 2020, IoT will account for 25% of total detected enterprise attacks, even though only 10% of IT security budgets will be dedicated to protecting systems from these attacks.
Security is one of the significant challenges in IoT applications as the number of cyberattacks continues to rise. You can determine the protection level by analysing how much an IoT Development Company in India is willing to invest in hiring security experts. Moreover, this should occur right at the beginning to minimise unauthorised access and unwanted attacks. For that, companies may also use:
TLS/SSL encryption techniques
Vetted frameworks for website design and development
Isolated VLA
Machine-to-machine and end-user authentication
Detached business VPN
Updated and modern anti-virus
Traditional protection and control methodologies in enterprise security architecture should have been updated by yesterday to meet the new challenges of IoT today. You've been given a fair warning.
Quality control
Quality assurance is yet another weak factor for IoT application development. Since insulin pumps and temperature control for warehouses both require IoT devices, the testing process must be at par always. Besides, even the smallest of problems, in this case, can pose to be fatal if the quality control is not done correctly.
It is always better to incorporate the factor of security testing during the process of software development right from the beginning. To optimize the whole process, you can start by finding modules that won't require thorough testing during every release. You can also find those protocols that have already passed the security testing stages and will remain intact until the upcoming few releases.
Apart from security testing, compatibility and usability must also be well-assured. Providing technical support post project delivery is always a wise decision too.
Fixing a user-friendly design
Every IoT application that is being developed for consumers must be design-driven and straightforward to the maximum level. For example, no one ever wants to read an entire manual to fix problems in their smartwatch. Moreover, a user-friendly device is also suitable for all industrial start-ups since there is a requirement for quick decision-making and data visualisation. Overall, there should always be proper coordination between IoT designers and developers.
Although there has been considerable growth of IoT application development processes over the years, there is still room for problem-solving. Therefore, it is finally time for every IoT development company in India to determine the problem areas and find solutions for them.
NTSPL, a leading IoT App Development Company in Bhubaneswar, India, helps businesses create next-generation IoT apps. These applications add value to your company by increasing productivity, accuracy, and cost savings of up to 50%.
It enables more direct interaction between the dynamic world and computer-based systems, resulting in enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. NTSPL offers outstanding Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and services, allowing organisations to reap the full benefits of IoT technology.
The experts at NTSPL evaluate and examine the software platform with vibrant solution architecture to create and improve IoT applications. IoT application development services assist in creating smart devices that are connected to the internet and share information.
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ntspl · 3 years
Challenges in IoT Application Development
We've all heard a lot of time about how the Internet of Things application development is a game-changing force for business operations, software development, and industries in general. Customers are pleased, and businesses, according to all estimates, are expanding at a quicker rate than your waistline.
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All investments are fetching fair returns in general. Besides, there are lots of happy customers resulting in faster business growth nowadays. As per experts, holidays are now sunny days for business growth everywhere.
Out of all these, something remains unsaid! It is that an IoT solution or software development is nothing short of a treasure trove. The need of the hour in the market includes high-quality, user-friendly, secure and strong solutions. To account for everything, IoT development teams must re-evaluate their regular procedures.
Because of the high demand, competition among start-ups and every IoT development company in India is at an all-time high. This, combined with the shortage of widely accepted standards, keeps programmers on the lookout for new techniques and regulations. Only a particular way of approaching every aspect of IoT software development will yield effective development.
Here, we are going to discuss some of the primary challenges in IoT applications that project developers experience often:
Selecting the apt operating system
There are quite a few technical aspects that must be considered before beginning an IoT application development process. First and foremost, the team must assess the IoT devices with which they will collaborate. Unlike traditional desktop computers, IoT devices are pretty weak and don't have an unlimited memory capacity. As a result, the developers must select the appropriate operating system. Besides, it should be compatible with the device's capabilities and the need for its proper functionality.
Determining proper gateways
When it comes to IoT solution gateways, they're the glue that holds everything together. Different devices support various connectivity protocols, such as Zigbee, serial ports, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and different energy profiles. Because gateways connect previously linked clouds, IoT sensors, and devices, they are critical to the IoT ecosystem as a whole.
Some standard mandatory features found in modern and advanced gateways from Nexcom, Intel, and Dell technologies, along with several other top providers, make developers' lives easier. All you have to do now is choose one that is most suitable for your IoT application needs.
You'll need to think about the network specifications and interface, as well as the development environment, memory capacities, and power rating, and more. By default, devices must be able to communicate in a secure, private, and trustworthy manner.
Choosing the correct IoT platform
None of the programmers wants to start an IoT application development process from the ground up. What's the point of reinventing the wheel? That is when an IoT platform seems the most useful, as they provide a set of tools for connecting all physical objects to the internet. Make sure you choose wisely because a platform market is vast and confusing. A platform that you finally select should include the following features:
Ease of Integration
However, IoT developers must keep in mind that platforms ideal for modern factories may not be suitable for energy consumption or cars. Some businesses set up real-world testbeds using real information from the manufacturing process to determine the best platform.
The strength of the security level
Because IoT technology incorporates a large number of connected devices, hackers have a large number of promising targets to find out vulnerabilities. Moreover, not every device that makes up a network is always thoroughly tested for security vulnerabilities. And now you find yourself in a situation where the complete system is in jeopardy.
Experts predict that by 2020, IoT will account for 25% of total detected enterprise attacks, even though only 10% of IT security budgets will be dedicated to protecting systems from these attacks.
Security is one of the significant challenges in IoT applications as the number of cyberattacks continues to rise. You can determine the protection level by analysing how much an IoT Development Company in India is willing to invest in hiring security experts. Moreover, this should occur right at the beginning to minimise unauthorised access and unwanted attacks. For that, companies may also use:
TLS/SSL encryption techniques
Vetted frameworks for website design and development
Isolated VLA
Machine-to-machine and end-user authentication
Detached business VPN
Updated and modern anti-virus
Traditional protection and control methodologies in enterprise security architecture should have been updated by yesterday to meet the new challenges of IoT today. You've been given a fair warning.
Quality Control
Quality assurance is yet another weak factor for IoT application development. Since insulin pumps and temperature control for warehouses both require IoT devices, the testing process must be at par always. Besides, even the smallest of problems, in this case, can pose to be fatal if the quality control is not done correctly.
It is always better to incorporate the factor of security testing during the process of software development right from the beginning. To optimize the whole process, you can start by finding modules that won't require thorough testing during every release. You can also find those protocols that have already passed the security testing stages and will remain intact until the upcoming few releases.
Apart from security testing, compatibility and usability must also be well-assured. Providing technical support post project delivery is always a wise decision too.
Fixing a user-friendly design
Every IoT application that is being developed for consumers must be design-driven and straightforward to the maximum level. For example, no one ever wants to read an entire manual to fix problems in their smartwatch. Moreover, a user-friendly device is also suitable for all industrial start-ups since there is a requirement for quick decision-making and data visualization. Overall, there should always be proper coordination between IoT designers and developers.
Although there has been considerable growth of IoT application development processes over the years, there is still room for problem-solving. Therefore, it is finally time for every IoT development company in India to determine the problem areas and find solutions for them.
NTSPL, a leading IoT App Development Company in India, helps businesses create next-generation IoT apps. These applications add value to your company by increasing productivity, accuracy, and cost savings of up to 50%.
It enables more direct interaction between the dynamic world and computer-based systems, resulting in enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. NTSPL offers outstanding Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and services, allowing organizations to reap the full benefits of IoT technology.
The experts at NTSPL evaluate and examine the software platform with vibrant solution architecture to create and improve IoT applications. IoT application development services assist in creating smart devices that are connected to the internet and share information.
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