nu-hospitals · 3 years
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Know About the Prostate and The Problems Associated with It
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The prostate is the most critical male reproductive organ which helps produce semen and is situated below the bladder. The only way for a doctor to feel the prostate during diagnosis is to perform a rectal examination. As men age, the size of their prostate considerably increases as part of a condition known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (or BHP) which leads to complications later in life. Prostate enlargement can also cause urinary problems, sometimes even leading to chances of contracting prostate cancer. However, those suffering from BPH may not require urgent treatment as only those exhibiting crucial symptoms may have to visit a doctor. Mild cases may be treated with medication, however, surgery might be required if the patient is suffering from an extreme condition/case.
Alongside BPH, there are other conditions as well related to cancer, which may affect men (both in their middle and later ages) significantly, sometimes even requiring them to undergo proper treatment for prostate cancer. Other conditions related to the prostate include Prostatitis: this is caused by prostate inflammation and would need a professional Urology Consultant in Bangalore. This condition can lead to formation of pus in the prostate. In this case, a doctor would be looking at draining the pus out of the prostate. However, in case of chronic prostatitis, the disease may linger for a considerable amount of time and can only be managed with prolonged medication.
Prostate Cancer
Although it may sound and appear to be concerning, prostate cancer varies in intensity, and hence, follows a very slow-paced growth. A doctor would usually first conduct a rectal examination to detect the cancer and its stage along with PSA, also known as Prostate Specific Antigen. PSA is almost like a blood test that measures the chemical released from the prostate. Although an increased PSA result doesn’t guarantee cancer, it is advisable to discuss the report with an experienced urologist or Urology Consultant in Bangalore.
Treatment for Prostate Cancer
If the cancer is still in its early stages, the doctor would choose to do nothing immediately and just continuously monitor the growth. Being a slow-spreading disease, this cancer takes years before its impact becomes more noticeable or permeable. However, if the cancer has spread considerably, and is in the final stages, there are a range of treatment options to choose from such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and using novel hormones that can effectively contain the spread.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Kidney Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
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The kidneys are two organs that bean-shaped. Each of them is the size of a fist. They’re located at the back on either side of your spine. The kidneys are often an ignored part of the body but with very essential jobs. Other than filtering out wastes from the blood and make urine it also releases certain hormones.
Kidney cancer is the type of cancer that begins in the kidneys. There are different types of cancer that can affect your kidneys.
Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults. It starts in the section of the kidney that cleans the blood and urine is collected. Among children, Wilms' tumour, is the type of cancer than develops in their kidneys.
Causes Of Kidney Cancer
It’s unclear what exactly causes kidney cancer. Experts and doctors know that the cancer begins when certain kidney cells start developing changes or mutate in their DNA. This change and mutated cells behind to change and grow rapidly and abnormally. When these abnormal cells begin to accumulate together they form a tumour in the kidney. Some cells may break off and spread to other parts of the kidney or organs. This spreading is called metastasising.
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer
There are no obvious signs for kidney cancer in its early stages. However, as the cancer gets more serious, the symptoms may include:
Back pain especially below your ribs
Blood in your urine
Pain in the abdomen
Bloated abdomen
Lump in the abdomen
Recurring fevers
Sudden weight loss
Diagnosis Of kidney cancer
To understand the severity and where the cancer is, the doctor needs your and your family’s medical history and perform a physical exam. NU Hospitals has some of the best urologists in Bangalore who also refer and treat types of kidney cancer. In a thorough check-up, the doctor will watch for swelling in the abdominal or a lump there.
Here are some of the tests the specialists at NU Hospitals may require to run for detecting kidney cancer:
Complete blood count
A hormone called erythropoietin, which is produced by the kidneys, stimulates the generation of red blood cells. A blood count report will either indicate polycythemia, which is when the blood cell count is high, or low, which would indicate anaemia.
Blood chemistry tests
This type of tests aids in revealing how well the kidneys are functioning. The levels of some types of chemicals in the blood may be influenced by kidney cancer.
This test shows if there’s any other sign of infection and if blood’s present in the urine.
Imaging tests of the abdomen and kidneys
An ultrasound, MRI, X-Ray, CT Scan can show the size and shape of your kidneys. These tests help the doctor understand the location, size and consistency of the tumour.
Kidney biopsy
In certain situations, the doctor may advise a procedure wherein a small sample of cells (biopsy) will be removed from a suspected part of the kidney. This sample is then examined in a lab to look for signs of cancer.
It is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle to minimize the risk of developing cancer. And seeking treatment in case of any back pain or abnormalities in urine, or other signs.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Kidney Health And Kidney Disease Basics
The kidneys are often the most ignored and forgotten organ of our body. This pair of fist-sized organs are positioned at the bottom of the rib cage of the back. There is one kidney on either side of the spine.
To maintain a healthy body, it is essential that the kidney function that their optimum levels. Since, they are essentially responsible for filtering out toxins like waste products, excess water, and other impurities out of the blood. These toxins come through the kidneys to the bladder which is then removed during the urine. They play a large role in the upkeep of the health by balancing pH, salt, and potassium levels in the body. They also secrete hormones that control the blood pressure and the creation of red blood cells. A form Vitamin D is stimulated by the kidneys to help the body absorb calcium.
So when the kidneys come under any duress or are damaged by lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking and lack of physical activity the kidneys will not be able to function well enough for the body’s upkeep. The damage may be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other long-term health issues. Kidney disease can contribute to worsening of other health problems, including weakened bones, neural damage, and malnutrition. That’s why it is essential to get kidney disease treatment if one already has kidney issues. Early detection can prevent the kidney from getting further damaged.
If these kidney diseases or health issues that damage the kidneys are not checked and treated in time, over time the kidney may be irreversibly damaged and may even stop working completely. This is also called chronic kidney disease. That’s why kidney specialists in Bangalore urge the patients to take better care of this often forgotten organ.
Types of kidney diseases:
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney functions. At the point when it has reached a serious stage, high levels of fluid, electrolytes and toxin and waste will build up the body.The severity of the disease will gradually advance to end-stage kidney failure, which is fatal without dialysis that is artificially filtering out the toxins in the blood or with a kidney transplant.
Kidney Stones
This common kidney disease is easily treatable but may require surgery if left untreated. Kidney stones occur when minerals and other substances in the blood crystallize in the kidneys to form solid masses akin to stones. These stones usually pass out of the body through urine. The passing urine tends to be painful but doesn’t usually cause any significant problems. However, in case the size of the stones are too large to pass through urine, surgery as per doctor’s recommendation may be required.
Glomerulonephritis occurs because of an inflammation of the glomeruli which are extremely small structures inside the kidneys that filter the blood. This type of disorder may be caused by infections, drugs, or problems are congenital. It often gets better on its own.
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) another common issue that easily treated by some of the best urology specialists in Bangalore. This is caused by bacterial infections in any part of the urinary system. Because UTI is easily treatable they seldom lead to any other health problems. However, if left untreated and ignored, the infections can spread to the kidneys and is known to have caused kidney failure.
Polycystic kidney disease
This is a genetic problem that leads to the formation of several cysts which are small sacs of fluid to grow in the kidneys. These cysts can block the proper functioning of the kidney and invariably cause kidney failure.
To avoid the threat of any of these kidney issues from happening one must keep a healthy lifestyle and maintain follow up appointments and not miss the medications as prescribed by the doctor.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
5 Steps for Preventing Kidney Stones
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Kidney stones are characterized by a condition wherein the urine instead of flowing out of the body crystallizes into small masses which then block the urinary tract causing pain and infections thus leading you to requiring Bladder & Renal Stone Treatment. Some of the most prominent symptoms of kidney stones are:
Pain areas: in the back or side part of the body
Pain types: can be severe, sharp, or sudden in the abdomen
Pain circumstances: can occur during urination
Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
Urinary: blood in urine or frequent urination
Also common: sweating
Since symptoms of kidney stones can sometimes be misleading, it’s advisable to get professional guidance at the earliest from a Top Urologist in Bangalore. Although there’s no particular cause for kidney stones, slight changes in lifestyle can help avoiding it to a certain degree.
Let’s discuss 5 effective ways of preventing kidney stones:
Stay sufficiently hydrated: Excess water helps dilute the elements that are potent of causing stones in the urine. Even some citrus beverages like orange juice and lime cordials help dilute stone formation.
Increase calcium intake: Reducing calcium intake in the diet can lead to increased levels of oxalate in the urine. In order to prevent oxalate formation, one can take an age-appropriate amount of calcium which your doctor will be able to tell you.
Regulate sodium intake: Kidney stones are triggered by increased sodium levels in the diet. A low sodium diet helps prevent the development of kidney stones.
Check on the amount of animal protein: Uric acid levels are easily hyped by an increased intake of animal proteins such as seafood, eggs, red meat, etc., In fact, a high-protein diet is seen to bring down citrate levels, the element crucial to preventing kidney stones. Hence, only adequate amounts of meat is recommended for those looking to lead a stone-free lifestyle.  
Foods can cause stones too: Foods such as spinach, beets, rhubarb, chocolate, tea, and nuts can lead to kidney stones as all these are rich in phosphate and oxalate leading to Bladder & Renal Stone Treatment.
NU Hospitals offers the best Kidney Stone Treatment for adults and children. Call/visit the website to book your appointment today.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
NU is one of the best kidney hospitals in Bangalore, Our team is also ace at managing renal transplantation, kidney stones surgery, chronic or acute kidney failure.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Back pain and kidney pain can be quite similar however there are certain surefire ways to differentiate between the two. Let's take a closer look.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
How to Differentiate Between Kidney Pain and Back Pain?
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Sometimes, it can become difficult for all of us to identify between kidney pain and back pain. Our kidneys are placed beneath the rib-cage towards the back, and hence, kidney pain may sometimes be easily mistaken for back pain. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms and types of pain so as to make it easier to identify in the initial stages whether you have back pain or kidney pain, which must always be followed up by professional medical guidance.
Kidney Pain
Usually it’s kidney stones or a kidney infection that causes kidney pain. So, look out for these features if you suspect kidney pain:
Location of the pain:
Kidney pain would usually occur in the flank area, which is the part on either side of your spine between the hips and the rib-cage’s bottom.
Pain analysis:
If it is a sharp pain, it may be kidney stones, while a dull pain would reflect a kidney infection.
Although it won’t increase with moving around, it would definitely require treatment at the earliest to prevent further damage.
Pain radiation:
The pain may sometimes move towards the lower abdomen or the inner thighs and this phenomenon is known as radiation of the pain.
Kidney Treatment:
Irrespective of the source or cause of pain, kidney pain will need expert-guided treatment. The doctor may, depending on the issue, prescribe certain procedures such as Kidney stones treatment and kidney infection diagnosis etc.,
Book An Online Video Consultation with our Doctors For Kidney Disease In Bangalore
Associated symptoms:  
Chills & Fever
Dark urine or cloudy in texture
Frequent urination
Urinary pain
Bladder infection
Urinary blood
Back Pain
In terms of findings, back pain is more common than kidney pain. Back pains are a result of minor muscle pulls, bone and nerve injuries pertaining to the back. If you are confused whether the pain you’re experiencing is back pain or kidney pain, look out for the features to know it’s the back.
Location of pain:
Back pain, although can occur in a wide surface area, is usually felt in the lower back or on one of the buttocks.
Pain Analysis:
A dull ache would mean a minor muscle pull, however, if it’s a sharp, burning sensation it may be revealing a damaged nerve. While muscle pains are known to affect both sides, nerve damage would cause pain in one side along with muscle spasms and weakness.
For the best Urologist Doctors In Bangalore you can visit NU Hospitals, Bangalore.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
The discovery and use of local/general anaesthesia has revolutionised the way in which surgeries are performed today, vastly helping to reduce pain and discomfort during invasive surgery.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
NU Hospitals is one of the Best Kidney Disease hospitals in Bangalore for treating Chronic Kidney Disease in today's women - a condition that is becoming alarmingly more common.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Chronic Kidney Diseases in Today's Women
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Kidney ailments in today’s day and age are not uncommon, and given our modern lifestyle, that’s not only fast paced but also unhealthy, it becomes imperative to not overlook the risks. In case of chronic kidney disease, the kidneys lose their ability to function efficiently over a period of time, and, unless treated in the earlier stages, increases the risks of complete kidney failure.
Women who are suffering from chronic kidney disease are also usually advised against the use of birth control pills as it may lead to an increase in BP and cause blood clots. Sometimes, it has also been observed that an untreated UTI can affect an already existing CKD, as an infection known as pyelonephritis. 
NU Hospitals is known for delivering world-class kidney care in Bangalore while also being the best Nephrology Centre in Bangalore.
Causes for Chronic Kidney Diseases in Women
One of the mostly commonly observed causes for kidney diseases in women is obesity. Obese people are more likely to be affected by CKDs than others. That being said, almost 40%-60% of the total kidney cases are caused by diabetes and hypertension. However, if one looks at the rural areas or those where people are more exposed to pesticides such as cadmium, arsenic, fluoride, and similar conditions, such as renal histology and / or chronic tubule-interstitial nephritis, CKD becomes more common. 
Symptoms for Chronic Kidney Diseases in Women
Chronic kidney diseases are considered to be threatening because they usually don’t produce symptoms as such but do progress gradually. Symptoms may occur in the late stages, however the moment any of the below symptoms appear, it is advisable to visit a doctor: 
·  Fatigue and / or weakness
·  Urinary pain
·  Frequent urination 
·  Swelling 
·  Pain in the lower back 
·  Loss of appetite 
·  Nausea and / or vomiting 
·  Rashes and itching sensation on the skin and all over the body 
 Diagnosis for chronic kidney diseases in women
 It is always advisable to not skip your regular health check-ups as CKDs don’t show symptoms during the initial stages, and hence, they are usually detected in these routine check-ups. Poor lifestyle is also commonly associated with faulty kidneys as bad diet and inconsistent routines will have negative effects on the kidneys. 
NU Hospitals boasts a renowned and expert team of doctors with a repertoire for delivering state-of-the-art kidney care hospital in Bangalore. A doctor may usually ask to conduct a range of tests to correctly diagnose the source and the suitable treatment regimen: 
·  Blood Tests: Several elements present in the blood make it easier to detect kidney ailments. 
·  Urine Tests
·  GFR Test
·  Imaging Diagnostics may be used
 Prevention of chronic kidney diseases in women
Although it’s not possible to control each aspect of an injury or ageing, it is possible to lead a life that reduces the risks for chronic kidney diseases in women. Minimizing stress on the kidneys as a regular practice can reduce your risk of developing CKD later in life.
One of the Best Kidney Disease Hospitals in Bangalore, NU Hospitals should be your number one choice for CKD treatment.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Kidney cancer, although a serious illness, can be effectively dealt with by hospitals specialising in kidney cancer treatment. Here's how.
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nu-hospitals · 4 years
Kidney cancer, although a serious illness, can be effectively dealt with by hospitals specialising in kidney cancer treatment. Here's how
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