#Kidney Transplant Surgery
pavithra313313 · 2 months
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Supreme Hospital is best for Kidney Transplant Surgery. Kidney Specialist Hospital for Renal transplantation, another name for kidney transplant surgery, is a medical technique used to replace a failing or damaged kidney with a healthy kidney from a donor. It is usually taken into consideration when a person's kidneys have become so dysfunctional that dialysis is no longer necessary to maintain life.
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alfakidneycare · 5 months
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Meaning, Treatment, & Cost Of Kidney Transplant Operation at Livlong
Kidney transplant operation is a surgical operation that replaces a sick or damaged kidney with a healthy kidney from a donor. Visit Livlong for more information.
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Meaning, Treatment, & Cost Of Kidney Transplant Operation at Livlong
Kidney transplant operation is a surgical operation that replaces a sick or damaged kidney with a healthy kidney from a donor. Visit Livlong for more information. https://livlong.com/blogs/surgery/kidney-transplant-surgery
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drforambhuta · 9 months
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The journey toward a successful kidney transplant in patients with intricate medical backgrounds begins with a thorough evaluation. This evaluation, reminiscent of a detective's investigation, goes beyond standard assessments. It requires a deep understanding of the individual's health history, delving beneath the surface. Key considerations during this complex phase encompass:
1. Coexisting Conditions and Comprehensive Assessment: Patients often bring a multitude of concurrent health issues to the kidney transplantation evaluation. These may include conditions like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or a history of prior cancers. The challenge here is not just identifying these conditions but understanding how they interact within the individual's intricate medical history. It's about recognizing that each condition plays a unique role, and listening to each one is crucial.
2. Medication Histories as Detailed Narratives: The medication history of these patients reads like a detailed narrative, with chapters of various drugs coursing through their bodies. Some of these medications may pose risks to the transplanted organ, while others may interact with post-transplant immunosuppressive regimens. Navigating this complex narrative requires a thorough exploration of the patient's medication history, as even the smallest detail can significantly impact the kidney transplant procedure outcome.
3. Surgical History: Navigating the Terrain: Previous surgeries often leave lasting marks, resulting in adhesions, anatomical changes, or altered blood vessels. These surgical imprints require not just a plan but a comprehensive mapping approach when planning the kidney transplant surgery. The surgical team must be well-prepared to navigate any potential complexities.
4. The Concealed Threat of Infections: Complex medical histories often carry a heightened risk of hidden infections, such as hepatitis B or C. Therefore, a rigorous screening process is essential to uncover these concealed threats. Additionally, implementing appropriate management strategies is crucial to prevent these infections from becoming active and causing issues after the transplant.
5. Psychosocial Aspects in the Patient's Story: Patients with complex medical histories bear not only physical ailments but also the emotional burden of their journeys. Their mental well-being, supported by strong social networks, is a fundamental aspect of successful transplantation. Thus, evaluating and addressing psychosocial factors is not just a clinical requirement but also an ethical obligation.
You can undergo a thorough evaluation under the guidance of some of the best doctors at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi, which is considered to some of the best healthcare facilities for a kidney transplantation, to check if you re a good candidate for a kidney transplant. The cost of kidney transplant in Delhi generally varies from INR 6,00,000 to INR 10,00,000.
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gleneagles23 · 11 months
Best Critical care hospital in Hyderabad
Aware Gleneagles Global hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad is recognized as one of the top facilities for critical care in Hyderabad, addressing the needs of patients grappling with severe, life-threatening health conditions where crucial organ systems are at risk. Our critical care team employs cutting-edge medical, monitoring, and diagnostic equipment to maintain organ functionality and boost patient health, thereby allowing the underlying illness or injury to be treated effectively. Our critical care services extend across adult intensive care units, pediatric intensive care units, and various post-operative and step-down units, all staffed by a specialist team of healthcare professionals.
 As such, our critical care units serve as a pivotal component of our acute care hospital infrastructure. In situations where patient volumes surge unexpectedly, causing potential overloads in critical care units, we have the capacity to manage effectively, minimizing the impact on surgeries and reducing waiting times in emergency departments. Furthermore, we stand proud as a 24-hour hospital in Hyderabad, located conveniently near you, equipped with every amenity necessary to offer patients the best possible treatment. Whether its critical care or ambulance services you require, rest assured knowing we are always available, fully equipped, and ready to provide top-tier healthcare services.
Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad proudly stands among the best hospitals for emergency services in Hyderabad. We are renowned for providing effective, affordable care. The key factors that establish us as a leading hospital for critical care in Hyderabad are:
Doctor Expertise: Our emergency department's reputation is primarily due to our elite team of doctors. We employ only the most skilled and experienced physicians, assuring patients of superior care quality. Our doctors are proficient at managing emergency cases, ensuring prompt and efficient care.
Medical Personnel: Our emergency department comprises a holistic team that includes doctors, nurses, coordinators, and other healthcare professionals who react swiftly in critical situations. We strive to provide exceptional trauma care.
Facilities and Infrastructure: One of the compelling reasons people choose us is our state-of-the-art infrastructure. From patient rooms and well-equipped ICUs to emergency medical kits, ambulance services, and advanced medical devices, our hospital is fully equipped to handle any situation.
Trustworthiness: We understand that admission into a critical care unit is only required in life-threatening situations. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in these sensitive cases, aiming to achieve positive outcomes
Comprehensive Care: We understand that patients in emergencies need swift and effective recovery. Therefore, we provide a complete range of care, from diagnosis and treatment to post-recovery follow-ups, ensuring the patient's journey to health is smooth and uninterrupted.
In summary, we are committed to delivering exceptional emergency and critical care medicine services, always putting the patient's health and wellbeing first.
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rawahealth · 1 year
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Rawa Health Services
Our medical tourism company in India offers a wide range of medical specialties to meet the diverse needs of our patients. From cardiology and neurology to oncology and orthopedics, we provide access to top-rated doctors and hospitals across all medical fields. Our network of medical professionals is trained in the latest techniques and technologies and has extensive experience treating a range of conditions. Whether you are seeking preventative care, diagnostic services, or specialized treatment, our team of medical experts can provide you with the care and attention you need. We are committed to ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality medical care, and we work tirelessly to ensure that you have the resources and support you need to achieve optimal health outcomes. Trust us to connect you with the best medical specialists in India, and to provide you with the personalized care and attention you deserve.
for more information visit our website http://rawahealth.com/
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medantahospital606 · 1 year
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Evolution of robotic surgery in kidney transplant | Medanta
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healthydietme · 1 year
Explore detailed information about Kidney transplants, surgery, purpose, procedure, success rate, recovery, and cost.
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alkunta · 8 months
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ateş kuşları From episode 22 to 27
This feisty character is Kara. He will make you laugh sometimes and sad sometimes because of his story. His brothers left him for organ dealers when he was young. They stole his kidney and tortured him until his other kidney failed. He returns to take revenge on his brothers because they abandoned him, but he lives his last days refusing to accept any kidney transplant, but in the end he collapses and wakes up to discover that his older brother has donated his kidney to him, but he is angry because it was done without his permission. But it was his wife who allowed it.
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c1nnabunsw1rl · 4 months
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I did it! One of the youngest people ever to get a kidney AUTO transplant! A very rare surgery for a very rare disease. I was the only young teenager in the entire transplant ward. Performing surgery on me was a dangerous task because I needed blood transfusions and am very small. But I still remember waking up from the procedure and thinking: "dang bro, what just happened?" seeing the scar and being shocked at how big the cut is Anyways I have a new DTIYS for you guys if you'd like to participate! No pressure but I will be making an art comp with the drawings of whoever decides to participate in the DTIYS ^_^ You can remake my drawing above in your style if you'd like! :) All entrants will be supporting the cause to spread awareness for rare conditions like mine.
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Jazmin Evans had been waiting for a new kidney for four years when her hospital revealed shocking news: She should have been put on the transplant list in 2015 instead of 2019 — and a racially biased organ test was to blame.
As upsetting as that notification was, it also was part of an unprecedented move to mitigate the racial inequity. Evans is among more than 14,000 Black kidney transplant candidates so far given credit for lost waiting time, moving them up the priority list for their transplant.
“I remember just reading that letter over and over again,” said Evans, 29, of Philadelphia, who shared the notice in a TikTok video to educate other patients. “How could this happen?”
At issue is a once widely used test that overestimated how well Black people’s kidneys were functioning, making them look healthier than they really were — all because of an automated formula that calculated results for Black and non-Black patients differently. That race-based equation could delay diagnosis of organ failure and evaluation for a transplant, exacerbating other disparities that already make Black patients more at risk of needing a new kidney but less likely to get one.
A few years ago, the National Kidney Foundation and American Society of Nephrology prodded laboratories to switch to race-free equations in calculating kidney function. Then the U.S. organ transplant network ordered hospitals to use only race-neutral test results in adding new patients to the kidney waiting list.
“The immediate question came up: What about the people on the list right now? You can’t just leave them behind,” said Dr. Martha Pavlakis of Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and former chair of the network’s kidney committee.
Pavlakis calls what happened next an attempt at restorative justice: The transplant network gave hospitals a year to uncover which Black kidney candidates could have qualified for a new kidney sooner if not for the race-based test — and adjust their waiting time to make up for it. That lookback continues for each newly listed Black patient to see if they, too, should have been referred sooner.
Between January 2023 and mid-March, more than 14,300 Black kidney transplant candidates have had their wait times modified, by an average of two years, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, which runs the transplant system. So far more than 2,800 of them, including Evans, have received a transplant.
But it’s just one example of a larger problem permeating health care. Numerous formulas or “algorithms” used in medical decisions — treatment guidelines, diagnostic tests, risk calculators — adjust the answers according to race or ethnicity in a way that puts people of color at disadvantage.
Given how embedded these equations are in medical software and electronic records, even doctors may not realize how widely they impact care decisions.
“Health equity scholars have been raising alarm bells about the way race has been misused in clinical algorithms for decades,” said Dr. Michelle Morse, New York City’s chief medical officer.
Change is beginning, slowly. No longer are obstetricians supposed to include race in determining the risk of a pregnant woman attempting vaginal birth after a prior C-section. The American Heart Association just removed race from a commonly used calculator of people’s heart disease risk. The American Thoracic Society has urged replacing race-based lung function evaluation.
The kidney saga is unique because of the effort to remedy a past wrong.
“Lots of time when we see health inequities, we just assume there’s nothing we can do about it,” Morse said. “We can make changes to restore faith in the health system and to actually address the unfair and avoidable outcomes that Black people and other people of color face.”
Black Americans are over three times more likely than white people to experience kidney failure. Of the roughly 89,000 people currently on the waiting list for a new kidney, about 30% are Black.
Race isn’t a biological factor like age, sex or weight — it’s a social construct. So how did it make its way into calculations of kidney function?
The eGFR, or estimated glomerular filtration rate, evaluates kidney health based on how quickly a waste compound called creatinine gets filtered from blood. In 1999, an equation used to calculate eGFR was modified to adjust Black people’s results compared to everyone else’s, based on some studies with small numbers of Black patients and a long-ago false theory about differences in creatinine levels. Until recently that meant many lab reports would list two results — one calculated for non-Black patients and another for Black patients that could overestimate kidney function by as much as 16%.
Not every Black kidney candidate was affected. Some may have had kidney failure diagnosed without that test. For others to have a chance at benefitting from UNOS’ mandated lookback, transplant center staff-turned-detectives often worked after hours and weekends, hunting years-old records for a test that, recalculated without the race adjustment, might make the difference.
“You’re reaching out to the nephrologist, their primary care doctors, the dialysis units to get those records,” said Dr. Pooja Singh of Jefferson Health’s transplant institute in Philadelphia, where Evans received her new kidney. “That first patient getting transplanted for us was such a great moment for our program that the work didn’t feel like work after that.”
A high school sports physical first spotted Evans’ kidney disease at age 17. While finishing her master’s degree and beginning to earn her Ph.D. at Temple University, she started dialysis — for nine hours a night while she slept — and was placed on the transplant list.
How long it takes to get a kidney transplant depends on patients’ blood type, medical urgency and a mix of other factors — including how long they’ve spent on the waiting list. Evans was first listed in April 2019. When the Jefferson transplant center unearthed her old lab tests, they found she should have qualified in September 2015.
“Just for context, when I was still an undergrad I should have been on the list,” she said, recalling the anger she felt as she read the letter. What she called “a mind-blowing” credit of 3½ more years waiting also provided “a glimmer of hope” that she’d be offered a matching kidney soon.
Evans got a new kidney on July 4 and is healthy again, and grateful the policy change came in time for her.
“You don’t know if people would be alive today” if it had been enacted earlier, she said. Still, that extra step of “making amends to fix the situation for those that we can — I feel like it’s very important and it’s very necessary if you’re truly wanting to bring more equity and equality into the medical field.”
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cjsees · 1 year
Um do you know why there’s anons asking about kidney transplants
like you said “ANOTHER ONE”
and like I want to know what you mean
OH MAN I WISH I COULD TELL YOU! I got an ask saying the same thing sometime yesterday and a quick search through some tags + amongst some of my friends revealed that a whole bunch of people have been getting them lately with no apparent rhyme or reason!! I've been keeping tabs on it by reblogging everything I see with #shell anon, and my original compilation/context is here at the original ask I got, but I have absolutely no idea who's sending them or why 🤷‍♂️
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drforambhuta · 9 months
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Influential factors affecting kidney transplant success in diabetic patients are:
1. Patient Selection: The key to achieving successful kidney transplantation in diabetic patients lies in meticulous recipient selection. This involves a thorough assessment of the individual's overall health, age, diabetes duration, presence of concurrent medical conditions, and psychological factors. Patients with well-managed diabetes and no severe cardiovascular issues generally have the best prospects for positive outcomes.
2. Source of Donor Organ: Exploring the origin of the donor kidney has a profound impact on success rates. Kidneys from living donors typically yield better results compared to organs from deceased donors, thanks to their inherent healthiness and shorter cold ischemia times.
3. Immunosuppression: The use of immunosuppressive medications post-transplantation is crucial to prevent organ rejection, but it requires a delicate balance. Achieving this equilibrium between adequately suppressing the immune system and avoiding complications like infections and cancer is particularly important for diabetic patients, who already face an elevated risk of these issues.
4. Surgical Techniques: Advancements in surgical methods, including minimally invasive procedures, play a crucial role in enhancing the overall success of a kidney transplant procedure. These techniques help reduce surgical complications and expedite recovery, which is especially vital for diabetic patients.
5. Diabetes Management: Diligent and effective diabetes management is of utmost importance for kidney transplant recipients. Vigilant control of blood sugar levels after the transplant is essential to prevent complications such as delayed wound healing and graft failure. Seamless coordination between transplant and endocrinology teams is pivotal in this aspect.
6. Psychosocial Factors: Beyond the medical aspects, psychosocial factors, encompassing the patient's mental and emotional well-being, family support, and access to education, can significantly impact transplant success. Thorough psychosocial assessments and support are integral components of the transplant process.
You can contact some of the best nephrologists at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, to increase your chances of a successful kidney transplant procedure. The cost of kidney transplant in Delhi will vary depending on the health of the patient, the type of kidney transplant surgery being performed, and the doctor and hospital chosen for treatment.
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anjaliverma123 · 6 months
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Finding the Best Treatment Across Specialized Fields
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Finding the right course of action in the complex world of healthcare demands careful investigation and well-informed decision-making. Whether you're looking for a top-notch kidney dialysis facility, a skillful shoulder surgeon, heart transplant surgery choices, or specialty facilities for autism treatment, our comprehensive guide will hopefully help you get the best possible care.
Locating Find Best Treatment: A Basis for Health
Seeking optimal health necessitates thoughtful deliberation and well-informed choices. Consulting with licensed healthcare providers is essential for determining each patient's unique medical needs and developing individualized treatment programs. Modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments, such as prescription drugs, surgical procedures, lifestyle changes, and complementary and alternative therapies. Navigating the wide range of treatment options requires open communication between patients and healthcare providers. The foundation of a customized and successful treatment plan is the collaboration of medical knowledge with well-informed decision-making.
Best Orthopedic Care: Seeking the Best Shoulder Surgeon
The knowledge and experience of a highly qualified shoulder surgeon in pune is invaluable when it comes to shoulder ailments and injuries. Examine the qualifications and experience of orthopedic specialists in your region to start your search. Seek out doctors that have experience with successful shoulder surgeries, are knowledgeable about the most recent developments in orthopedic care, and specialize in shoulder-related procedures. Referrals from other medical specialists and patient testimonials can offer important information about the surgeon's skill and patient happiness.
A Closer Look at Kidney Dialysis Hospitals: Ensuring Quality Care
This investigation explores the world of kidney dialysis hospitals and examines their procedures to guarantee the provision of top-notch care. By exploring the nuances of dialysis practices, hospital architecture, and medical procedures, this summary seeks to highlight the critical function these institutions perform in the treatment of kidney-related diseases. The discussion navigates the landscape of kidney dialysis to emphasize the significance of upholding strict standards in these specialized healthcare settings by focusing on the elements that contribute to quality care, such as qualified medical professionals, cutting-edge technology, and stringent safety measures.
Heart Transplant Surgery: Exploring the Pinnacle of Cardiovascular Care
For those with end-stage heart disease, heart transplant surgery offers a second shot at life and is the ultimate in cardiovascular therapy. The process of selecting the ideal facility entails a careful assessment of the hospital's transplant program. Take into account elements including the transplant team's success rates, the accessibility of donor organs, and the quality of the post-transplant care offered. Heart transplant surgery is ensured to be thorough when a multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, surgeons, and rehabilitation specialists collaborates. Examine the hospital's track record, achievements, and patient endorsements to help you make an educated choice when seeking the best possible cardiac care.
Autism Treatment Hospitals: Tailoring Care to Unique Needs
Care for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must be customized to meet their individual needs. When searching for the finest hospital for autism treatment, give special consideration to establishments that use a multidisciplinary approach. Seek out medical facilities that employ licensed behavioral analysts, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and neurodevelopmental specialists. Consider whether evidence-based therapy, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), are available, and find out about family support services. Interact with medical professionals that value the patient-centered approach, creating a cooperative and encouraging atmosphere for people with autism and their families.
In the field of medicine, finding the optimal course of action requires a combination of dedication, investigation, and teamwork. Making educated judgments is crucial, whether you're looking for a shoulder surgeon, researching kidney dialysis centers, thinking about heart transplant surgery, or figuring out your options for treating autism. You can take control of your healthcare experience and make it exceptional for you by using patient testimonies, learning about hospital reputations, and interacting with medical personnel. Recall that the road to perfect health is paved with decisions made with information and a dedication to all-encompassing, patient-centered care.
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alanwking · 8 months
From Diagnosis to New Beginnings: A Love Story of Kidney Transplant
This story came about after the Georgetown University MedStar Transplant Center in DC requested stories from living donors. My wife encouraged me to share our story. On this particular morning, I stand shirtless in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing my teeth,and getting ready for work. Since the procedure five years ago, my eyes always go to the stomachincisions. Four of them look like…
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