nubianamy · 20 hours
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nubianamy · 2 days
I took the 60-hour train ride from Chicago to LA this summer and I would do it every week if I could
“Nobody’s going to want to sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours to get from New York City to LA.”
Me. I will sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours. I’ll sit on it for days. I’ll write and read and nap and eat and then do it all over again. I’ll stare out the windows and see America from ground level and not have to drive. I’ll see the Rockies and the deserts and cornfields and the Mississippi River and your house and yours and yours too. I’ll make up stories in my head about the small towns I see as we go along. I’ll see the states I’ve yet to see because driving or flying there is a fucking slog and expensive to boot. I’ll enjoy the ride as much as the destination. And then I’ll do it all over again to come the fuck home.
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nubianamy · 7 days
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UBI needs to happen. via antiwork
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nubianamy · 17 days
I wrote a soulmate variant fic told from the pov of Danny’s trans bartender? She is basically his therapist 😆 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25851925/chapters/62810047
Okay seriously, I am dyyyying to read some mcdanno fics that focus on minor characters’ observations of them
like crime scene techs when these two guys show up and are all over each other
the governor when he/she realises his/her super seal is dating super seal’s first hire
other kids’ parents when stepdad!steve is dropping the kids off/picking them up/dealing with their business
their therapist when she realises these two are more than just colleagues
new hires as they come to realise their bosses are dating
if you have recs please god send them, I need this like air
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nubianamy · 17 days
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This is the freaking title card for Hawaii Five-0 on Netflix what the fUCK I CAN’T STOP LAUGHING. IT LOOKS LIKE THE COVER ART FOR A ROMANCE NOVEL.
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nubianamy · 21 days
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nubianamy · 28 days
Ideal way of engaging in a fandom is to have your small trusted cohort of mutuals and a huge backlog of fanart from blogs that haven’t been updated in 5+ years like you’re in the ruins of a once thriving and beautiful city.
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nubianamy · 1 month
have you ever shipped something so hard that you become irrationally happy and make a sound akin to steam escaping from a kettle everytime they so much as stand next to eachother
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nubianamy · 1 month
I need help.
Short story: stroke survivor on SSDI used their rent money to pay for furnace and AC repairs so my pets and I didn’t die in 100 degree temperatures. I can’t get ahead when my car needs essential repairs and my cat needs exploratory surgery to find his missing testicle.
Long story: read here. Anything you can give helps, and I’ll love you if you don’t give, too.
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nubianamy · 1 month
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Sitting on an L-shaped couch and getting sentimental
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nubianamy · 1 month
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nubianamy · 1 month
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ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES (1993) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
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nubianamy · 1 month
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nubianamy · 1 month
If you watch one thing today, please make it this from
@Lawrence. I implore you. Absolute fire.🔥🔥🔥
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nubianamy · 2 months
Guilty Pleasure (9-1-1 Buddie coffeeshop AU, PG-13, 9k)
“I always wanted to bring Christopher to this spot,” Eddie said, glancing at Buck. “But I could never find a way to do it that was safe enough.” 
Buck nodded, watching him. He moved close enough for their shoulders to touch, looking over the surf. “You’re a really good dad,” he said. 
Eddie kept his eyes cast down. “Not always. Ever since his mom died, I’ve had to say no a lot more than I used to. And he’s getting older. I don’t know how I’m going to handle finding a new school for him after fifth grade. It’s…” He sighed. “I didn’t bring you here to complain about parenting.” 
“No, it’s okay,” Buck said, nodding. “I know you don’t mean it like that, but it’s a lot, raising a kid on your own. I don’t know how you do it.” 
Eddie laughed, sounding a little broken. “I don’t know how I do, either.” 
He wasn’t sure what else to say. “You’re letting people help, right? I mean, you’re letting me help. That’s one person.” 
Eddie pressed in closer, until their shoulders and forearms were sandwiched together. They held that connection for what felt like a long time, Buck’s heart beating double time. 
“You’re not just any person,” Eddie said quietly. 
Read more on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57751849
Written for @kimannebb for the 911 Fanworks Festival. This was a really fun AU to write, and technically my very first Buck/Eddie fic!
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nubianamy · 2 months
This is kind of hilarious.
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nubianamy · 2 months
good news for trans women: kamala harris is not, in fact, a vicious transmisogynist. the actions of her office and of the california department of corrections were wrongly attributed to her and her alone by people who wanted someone else to win, and when harris did become involved in the cases, she rewrote the entire policy for dealing with trans inmates so that they would get the care they need.
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