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I sometimes headcanon that there’s people living in the nooks and crannies of Diamond City, like for such a big “city” it doesn’t have a lot of people in it.
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Decided to go ahead and make my Lone Wanderer Myra in 4 Had a hard time making her actually looking as young as she’s supposed to be, but that’s fine
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More like: What Fallout 4 was always meant to be.
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This is what Fallout 4 has become.
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See you around, killer. ;)
*An ominous song can be heard in the distance* He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'. He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'. He's haCKIN' AND WACKIN' AND SMACKIN'. HE JUST HACKS, WACKS, CHOPPIN' THAT MEAT!
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Of course, Pickman came to mind.
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Another OC. Detective Louisa Carnales of the Commonwealth Boston PD. 
She was born to raider parents but ran away at the age of 14 wanting more from life than to just take things from people. Louisa made her way to Diamond City where she survived by scavenging and salvaging scrap outside of the wall and selling it in the city. She used any extra caps she made to buy old pre-war crime novels and detective comic books and became fascinated by old world police and detectives. She eventually met Nick Valentine and became fascinated by him as well. She had never seen a Synth before but what really intrigued her was how much he reminded her of the detectives in all the pre-war books Louisa had read. It was like one of her heroes had come to life right out of the pages. 
She began working at Nicks Detective Agency as Ellie’s assistant helping with paperwork and keeping the agency clean until one day while clearing Nick’s papers off his desk, she noticed a crucial detail Nick had missed on one of his cases. She informed him of the detail and her personal opinion on the matter. It turned out to be a crucial detail that helped crack the case. Nick decided from then on that having Louisa around as a secretary’s assistant was a waste of her talents and decided to promote Louisa to be his new partner in solving crimes across The Commonwealth. She eagerly agreed and spent the next few years being trained by Nick and solving cases with him, viewing him as a father figure. 
After working with Nick for a few years, she’s now attempting to bring back something similar to the pre-war police to Diamond City and the rest of The Commonwealth, one settlement at a time. Nick admires her drive but feels she’s biting off more than she can chew trying to police the whole commonwealth. 
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“did you love her?” “no. not like that. but she didn’t deserve to die here.”
i was looking around for good places to pose smol and tall mercs and then everything got intense lol
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ive finally drawn an arcade im satisfied with. after all these years.
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now you’ve gone and done it
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Found a OC questionnaire and decided to use it to finally write my OC’s backstory. Meet Esmeralda Santiago. 
1. What is your character’s full name? 
Esmeralda Santiago
2. Where were they born?
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Moved to Boston, Massachusetts at the age of 14. 
3. What are their allegiances?
The Minutemen. 4. Do they have any brothers or sisters?
Nate Santiago (brother) and Nora Santiago (sister-in-law)   5. What kind of eyes do they have?
Purple. Rare family eye color. 
6. What kind of hair do they have?
Dark brown almost black hair with dark purple highlights. 7. What is their race/ethnicity?
Human, Latina.   8. How’s their temper/demeanor?
Usually sarcastic and flirty. A big show off. Doesn’t really take much seriously. When angry, offend or upset however she can be irrational and ruthless. Sometimes regrets her actions after she calms down.  9. What is listening to their voice like?
Often very flirty tone in her voice. Slight hints of a Puerto Rican accent.  10. Do they have a favorite quote?
“Hey, chin up I know the night just got darker, but it won’t last forever.” -Nick Valentine   11. What sort of music do they enjoy?
 Hip hop, Punk, Metal, Reggaeton, 8-Bit, 12. What are their favorite radio stations?
Diamond City Radio, Radio Freedom, Jet Fuel Radio (mod), 8-Bit Radio (mod) 13. Have they ever lost someone close to them?
Her brother Nate and her sister-in-law Nora are both killed. Her nephew has also been abducted by the Institute and his status is currently unknown to Esmeralda. 14. What is their favorite sound?
Dogmeat’s happy yipping and barking when he gets attention. 15. What is their opinion on euthanasia? 16. Are they judgmental of others?
She grew up being judged so she loathes judgmental people and goes out of her way to be pretty open minded. This often puts her at odds with the Brotherhood of Steel. 17. Have they ever been drunk?
More often than she should be. 18. What are they like when they stay up all night?
Usually up taking Jet watching old holotapes or listening to the radio. 19. Have they ever been arrested?
Yes. A bank robbery gone wrong is what lands them in the hands of the law and later Vault-Tec which leads to them being frozen. 20. What color evokes strong memories for them?
Purple. She has an odd obsession with the color.  21. What do they do on rainy days?
Stay inside and mess around with Cait or take Jet, or both.  22. What religion are they?
Not a very religious person. Meditates and believes in ghosts n’ spirits though. 23. What are their likes?
Caps, power, drugs, alcohol, sex, Nuka Cola, protecting her friends and family, The Minutemen, Goodneighbor, Cait, Dogmeat, Preston, Nick Valentine, Hancock, Codsworth, Maccready, Jet, Ghouls, old holotape movies, music, holotape games, Sunset Sarsaparilla, Sugar Bombs.    24. What do they wear to bed?
Either just a bra and panties or nothing. 25. Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
Lots of tattoos along her arms and chest as well as several face and neck tattoos.   26. What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?
Easy-going casual clothing. Shorts, tanktops, jeans, boots, ect. 27. What is their most disliked saying?
Ad Victoriam  28. Do they have any enemies?
The Brotherhood of Steel, Gunners, The Pack, The Disciples, Operators. 29. What does their writing look like?
Surprisingly articulate. She loves reading and writing. 30. What disgusts them?
Judgment, child abusers/killers, The Brotherhood Of Steel, slavers, Operators, The Pack, Deezer’s Lemonade, Raiders, Kellog, people who call baseball bats ‘swattas’. 
Esmeralda Santiago was born in San Juan Puerto Rico shortly after her brother Nate Santiago was born. They were born to a single mother who had taken money from loan sharks in order to pay the bills but couldn’t afford to pay them back. So at the age of 14, Esmeralda and her brother Nate moved with their mother to Boston, Massachusetts to run from their loan shark problem. Unfortunately, the loan sharks tracked Esmeralda’s mother down. Esmeralda and Nate came home from high school one afternoon to find their mother had been shot and killed. They were alone now and forced to support themselves, refusing to allow themselves to be taken in by an orphanage as they felt they were too old to have a chance at adoption and decided to take their chances on their own taking care of themselves. 
The siblings had very different approaches dealing with their mother’s death and supporting themselves as time went on. Nate engrossed himself in school and work trying to better himself in order to make a living. He eventually ended up joining the army after graduating high school and marrying his high school sweetheart Nora after he came home from war, starting a family with her and giving birth to Esmeralda’s nephew, Shaun. 
Esmeralda however, chose to support herself by delving into a life of crime. She used her charismatic personality and charm to gather her other down-on-their-luck friends and organize them into a purple-clad street gang to help her pull off crimes. She and her little crew began selling drugs, mugging people, burglarizing homes, and stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down. It wasn’t long before her little neighborhood crew of misfits ended up getting a hold of guns and weapons and became a legitimate street gang growing rapidly in number and an actual threat to Boston Police.
Nate tried his best to try and redirect his sister and set her on the right path but after the death of their mother, Esmeralda refused to listen to her brother and saw him as just another person trying to control her and her lifestyle. She still loved her brother and had a soft spot for her nephew, visiting whenever she was allowed since Nora didn’t approve of Esmeralda’s criminal ways and would often tell Nate that his sister was no good and beyond saving and that she felt Esmeralda would be a bad influence on Shaun. 
Esmeralda had become confident in her gang. A little too confident. She felt they were finally big and powerful enough to attempt a bank robbery. Unfortunately for her, there was a undercover cop in her gang that had caught wind of the plans for a heist. The police were ready for Esmeralda and her crew and took down a majority of her gang as well as Esmeralda herself once they arrived at the bank. Esmeralda was arrested and was due to be sent to prison before Vault-Tec of all people intervened.
Vault-Tec was running an experiment. They were testing out cryogenic stasis pods for a Vault called Vault-111 and were hoping they could make some money using the pods as a new form of imprisonment for criminals. Imagine not having to pay for a prisoners needs or worry about escape when the prisoner is frozen in stasis until their sentence has been served. Guaranteed incarceration for one and all.
Vault-Tec froze Esmeralda in a stasis pod, placing her in a cryo-chamber storage room in the back of Vault-111 for further testing. Ironically, the day they decided to freeze her and imprison her in Vault-111 was the day the bombs dropped. Nate, Nora, and Shaun all escape to Vault-111 just in time thanks to Nate’s family getting a place in the vault due to his military service. However they had no idea that Esmeralda was frozen just a room away from their stasis pods as they’re frozen and anxiously awaiting a new future.
Years later, the Institute sends Kellog to abduct Shaun for his pure unirradiated DNA. Kellog opens Nora’s stasis chamber and takes Shaun away from her, handing Shaun to the Institute Scientist accompanying him. Nora fights as hard as she can to hold onto Shaun but is quickly killed by Kellog. Nate’s stasis pod is then opened as Kellog was instructed to bring a backup, but Nate immediately attacks Kellog, enraged by witnessing his wife’s murder. He almost succeeds in wrenching the gun away from Kellog, taking him by surprise as he didn’t expect Nate to have combat training but unfortunately Nate is outmatched and killed by Kellog. The Institute Scientist naturally freaks out about how Kellog killed their only backup by Kellog informs the scientist that there’s another backup frozen in the back, referencing Esmeralda frozen in the next room. 
Esmeralda is unfrozen some time later, confused and angry as she wanders the vault, only to find Nate and Nora’s corpses. She breaks down and mourns, feeling rage as the last of her family is now gone. She notices Shaun’s coprse is not amongst them. She also noticed that Nate and Nora were clearly killed by a gunshot. Meaning someone must have taken Shaun after killing them. Esmeralda wipes away her tears and takes a 10mm and Pip-Pad (mod) from the vault’s security desk and takes a deep breath as she exits the vault, ascending to see the new world she’s been forced into.
(((Will write part 2 later, this is just the intro. Thanks if you actually read that whole thing! More or less, this character will be focused on finding her nephew Shaun and rebuilding the Minutemen as her new gang after finding Preston. While she’ll run The Minutemen more like a street gang than a government, she still believes in Preston’s goal of helping out the little guy and keeping them safe from raiders, slavers, and larger factions like the Brotherhood Of Steel whom she views as bullies hoarding all the tech for themselves. Despite her hate for injustice and bullying, she craves power and caps and drugs more than anything and is not above extorting people to get what she wants although she tends to reserve this treatment to those she feels deserve it such as the Brotherhood. Hope you like my character! Will be writing part 2 soon.)))       
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Same bruh
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i can relate to the sole survivor because i, too, ask my friends every 5 minutes if our relationship is still okay
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A green glowing friend
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Captain Zao of the Yangtze
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More of Fallout 4 stuff - Nick Valentine and Piper ^_^
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My side of an art trade with @volitta, her sosu with uhm…. a bit of a nose bleed. No biggy.
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That one time I tried to flirt.
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