Finally, A Worthy Opponent…
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To the creators of Polybius and Yuuko, I am so sorry.
The final round of @villain-oc-tournament starts tomorrow! Happy voting everyone!
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Talking Over Tea (Laphirate+Bellhop drawing)
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Laphirate (left) was made by me, Bellhop (right) was made by @tlvq!
I’m not really sure how to tag this drawing, since it’s just two omnipotent creators of the universe and some strawberry green tea. It’s not often Laphi gets a break like this, so I’m sure she enjoys it. Most of the time she’s hauled over managing fate and watching…Virgo…
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(They’ll be fine. Hopefully.)
Virgo and Yuuko are featured in @villain-oc-tournament, go check it out!
I have quite a bunch of plans for other villain-related-art-projects. The next one will probably take me,,,quite some time. But it will be worth it!
Have a great rest of your day!
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Bro is majestic
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(I don’t know how to make a repost of a repost but check out @batmanslegos reblog for more context)
Oh no! A trolley is headed towards a group of innocent people! And Kevin. Idk why he’s there. You can pull the lever to divert it to the other track, killing one innocent person. They’re all going to die whether you pull the lever or not. What will you do?
Idk why but these three rapscallion kinda remind me of that icee machines at your local AMC theater that only have those three flavors and one of them is always out. Jacquier is cherry, Virgo is blue raspberry, and Ratch is coca-cola. Or maybe I’m just going insane. Idk.
All of these villains are featured in @villain-oc-tournament! Go check it out if you haven’t! There’s a lot of cool people and cool villains
I think all of the villain tournament OCs should get together and create dastardly schemes to tie women to train tracks and stuff
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Virgroxaan+Tamayan doodles and lore
Tamayan has become nothing more than a soulless shell of the man he once was. A puppet tied to strings. A husk of a human. His eyes have become her eyes. His voice has become her voice. Perhaps not literally, no. If that was the case, her façade would be seen through quite easily. Tamayan wanted to grab himself by his own strings, but they were so far out of reach. Yet, he never gave up on hope. He kept reaching for those strings, despite the pain it brought him. He never gave up hope, despite his fractured mind.
That’s the only reason Virgroxaan holds any interest in him. He was the only vessel to put up a fight. It just made him that much more fun to break.
That’s it for lore for the time being. I have S O much more tho, but we’ll save all that for another time!
Anywho, here are the doodles!
(Credits to Sr. Pelo for the audio)
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What losers. I love them!
Oh and also you should totally vote for Virgo in @villain-oc-tournament
If she wins I’ll give Tamayan therapy
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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you should vote Virgo bc she’s very cool and very evil and because Virgo
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More villain doodles/hcs + a Virgo fun fact
Hello! I decided to make some random doodles of some of the ocs participating in @villain-oc-tournament! I’m a little busy so I wasn’t able to do as much as I wanted to, but I still wanted to make some stuff before the second round of the tournament began!
Before I get to the doodles, I noticed in the post for round two that the villains who are out of the tournament are getting coffee together. Maybe. So, I made a whole list of what I think those guys would order from Starbucks with my very limited knowledge of Starbucks drinks.
Nyx- quad espresso (Also eats espresso pucks)
Blue- that blue Frappuccino thingy that technically doesn’t exist yet but he got it anyway
Sascha- caramel cinnamon cold brew
Zack- black coffee like the emo he is
Halya- iced flat white
Bevelyne- Chai latte
Shay- Java chip Frappuccino
Entropy- something with pistachio
Mordiggan- PINK DRINK (he also broke through a wall)
Ratch- Pumpkin spice (it’s not even in season)
Sebastian- Matcha latte
Avarice- that one really expensive Starbucks drink from Japan
Pyramid- iced shaken espresso
Marigold and Zack’s snake were not allowed in due to no pets being allowed.
Now here are the doodles!
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The first one is just non-serious drawings I did for fun. The second one includes one of my ocs, Rezi, interacting with some of your ocs! Bc why not. She’s cool.
And now for the Virgo fun fact I,,,probably should have brought up sooner lmao-
Virgroxaan isn’t human at all. Nobody knows exactly what she is…with one exception. Her form is made of concentrated dark matter. She looks somewhat human, but something is just…off about her. Something that prevents her from being fully perceived as human. This form makes it easy for her to corrupt and curse others. However, that being said, dark matter isn’t very stable and isn’t easy to regenerate. So, Virgo occasionally possesses an immortal being! She has broken the spirits of several immortals and basically turned them into “corpses.” This is one of those immortals, and the body she possesses the most often.
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His name was Tamayan. He was a somewhat selfish, yet charismatic and fair person. Now he has lost any and all sentience and his sense of self. It’s unclear whether he can even be considered alive. He’s still girlypop tho.
It’s much easier to regenerate and appear human to others in this form, which is also why it is the form you will most likely see her in. However, it can be a little harder to curse/corrupt others. It also has another…interesting side effect. Although they aren’t overpowering, Virgroxaan is actually capable of feeling emotions in this form. Anger, sadness, fear, pride, disgust…they’re all possibilities now. She does not know how to feel about them. Is…confusion a possibility?
I had so much fun drawing/writing about these guys tho! I have a lot planned for the future as well. If you have any requests/suggestions, feel free to dm me and I’ll definitely respond!
Thanks for reading all of this! Here’s a cookie! 🍪
Have a great day and happy voting!
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Made an animatic thingy for Rainie bc why not
I planned on making a lot more villain tournament content, but my week got flooded and I wasn’t doing the best mentally so I wasn’t able to get to that, but I’ll definitely make much more from here, even after the tournament! I have a bunch of things planned, but if you have a request, feel free to dm me and I’ll make it (and give credit ofc)
All of the ocs featured are in @villain-oc-tournament, and Rainie specifically was made by @rainecloud020604
Without further ado, here it is!
Hope you enjoyed! Have a great rest of your day!
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Trolley Problem irl. That’s all.
I think all of the villain tournament OCs should get together and create dastardly schemes to tie women to train tracks and stuff
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Last minute Virgo propaganda
Voice claim is Eris (Sinbad) They are both hot evil women so it works.
Originally, she looked completely different. She had a more alien appearance, but was also a lot smaller and more blue.
If she had a boss theme, it would probably be this, but I have a lot of potential themes,,,
Ok so i'm just gonna speedrun all of the evil things she did don't mind me-
Created a tower full of demons promising that if any beings made it to the top they would receive any wish they desire. She wasn’t lying, but if you don’t make it to the top, you’ll receive a fate worse than death. Also you have to be,,,super powerful to even t h i n k of making it to the top. And your wish will most likely be corrupted, unless it has pure intentions.
Emotionally manipulated THREE ancient god weapons and somehow made their horrible lives even worse! Just for sillies tho.
Tortured this one guy by giving them everything they desired and then taking it all away and breaking them until they couldn’t feel pain anymore. Then, she gave them what they desired once more until they were mentally stable and,,,just took it all away again. Said person is now convinced their life is a lie and is extremely afraid of physical touch.
Later, she turned said person into a puppet by completely destroying their will and threatening them with horrible pain if they didn’t do what she said.
Mentally destroyed the embodiment of fate just for funsies.
Manipulated this one lady who has never had any human interaction into destroying planets/consuming souls for her. Unfortunately the lady viewed Virgo as a mother figure, and Virgo completely took advantage of that and very much altered the way “humans” were supposed to think. Occasionally Virgo left her alone while telling her that if she destroyed a certain number of planets she would return. One day Virgo just left, never to return and the girl was convinced that Virgo would not return until she destroyed enough planets. So yeah she killed so many people that an ancient hero that hadn’t been seen in ages showed up and forced her to sleep for like 100 years. Even the EMBODIMENT OF HUMAN EVIL (not Virgo, another guy) told her that she deserved better. And yes, she still thinks Virgo is a good/nice person.
Speaking of those ancient heroes, she cursed, corrupted, and broke all of them!
For Jehan, she corrupted his sister and he was forced to kill her, which caused him to be banned from the celestial realm. Then, she cursed him so that all of his regrets would haunt him as long as he was conscious.
For Merodach, a silly little jester fella who started the ancient hero group, she trapped them in an infinite labyrinth with no true escape, despite the ending always being in sight. Also what happened with Jehan. They were kinda dating.
For Indra, she cursed them so that they would be sealed until somebody summoned them with a request. Depending on the request, Indra could be consumed by corruption. (The rules are kinda complicated) He would get some free time, but it’s very likely that as soon as she’s done she’ll get sealed again. Oh and also she kidnapped his brother and Indra assumes that he is dead and it’s his fault. In reality, her brother is suffering in an eternal nightmare! Virgo forced him to fight an illusion version of Indra a bunch of times. Not fun!
Finally, for Asphodel, she slaughtered everyone she ever knew and loved in an attempt to access the astral realm. However, Asphodel didn’t even know how to do so, so Virgo just left her alive in hopes of her finding it out later. She did, becoming ruler of the astral realm, although she didn’t really want to. After cursing all of the other guys, Virgo showed up and tried to corrupt Aspho, but she fought against it and tried to fist-fight Virgo. (I should mention, Asphodel is 5’2, has weak limbs, and her hair weighs more than her body. Somehow this was actually the smartest thing she could have done in this situation) So yeah Virgo cursed her too. L.
She also cursed my only new york oc (yes, new york is canon in my oc-verse. Why? Because its funny.) so that he’s immortal, but is fated to die once every year. He doesn’t know how, he doesn't know what time in the day, he doesn’t know if anyone else will be involved, and he doesn’t know how many years have passed since this happened. Honestly she just did this for sillies too.
There’s also this steampunk Victorian detective guy that got cursed so that every time he dies, which is random, a little bit of his soul is taken away. He doesn’t know how much of it is gone, he doesn’t know how much is taken, but he is slowly losing more and more of himself. He got too close to figuring out the truth about Virgo, so she cursed him, sent him back to square one, and is now waiting to see if he can find the whole truth before his curse consumes him.
This is about it for direct things she’s done, but indirectly,,,,oh my god there’s so much more,,,
If you read all of this,,,wow, thanks. I know this is very long and probably very confusing, but I still hope you enjoyed reading about my evil little skrunkle. Here’s a drawing I kinda scrapped from an animatic that I didn’t like. But hey this turned out okay I think. (And I spent way too long on it lmao-)
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Thanks for reading!!! Have a great rest of your day!!!
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Welp, I drew every villain in the @villain-oc-tournament! Why? Because I’m an absolute madman, probably. I had so much fun drawing all of these guys and I would love to (and probably will) draw them again! I also have some headcannons for all of them so if you’re interested in hearing them I’d love to tell you them! All of these villains are just so unique and cool,,,I’m so happy to be apart of this,,,
(Also, should probably mention, this is my first time drawing anthropomorphic characters. If you have any tips/critiques feel free to dm me and I’ll definitely take note of them!)
Without further ado, here are the scoundrels!
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But wait, you may be asking. This is only 30 of the villains! Where are the other two?
Fret not, random person I made up as a transition! For Zack and Virgroxaan, I did something completely different. For some reason, my brain REALLY really wanted to sculpt with clay this weekend. Despite the fact I’ve never sculpted with clay before. So…
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These actually came out,,,a lot better than I expected. Even though my hand got covered in glue and it took me like 30 minutes to get it off.
Anywho, I hope you all like these doodles! And that you have a great rest of your day!
(Also quick shoutout to that one green pencil that broke in the middle of when I was working on this. You are my #1 enemy.)
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You want to vote for @numberonemagolorfan’s Virgoxaan so badly. She is so evil and I love her <2
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Virgroxaan propaganda
Ok so I won’t be going into detail about exactly what she did here, but if you wanna know, I made a separate blog https://www.tumblr.com/virgroxaan-traumatizes-ocs
It’s not complete yet, but I’ll be updating it as much as I can!
My favorite part about her is that she is unapologetically evil. Like,,,no tragic upbringing, no trauma, just pure evil for funsies. Love her for that.
Also she’s hot. Look at her.
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And yes, that is a chair made from the skeleton of a human. That’s so IKEA of her.
And yes, it is quite comfy.
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Sorry I haven’t been too active, I’ll try to post more from now on-
Anyways, here’s a Taranza doodle I did at 12 am last night bc I couldn’t sleep and I think Taranza himself possessed me into doing this but idk man.
Also he reminds me of a grandma for some reason, despite me headcannoning him to be a teenager. And a huge nerd.
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numberonemagolorfan · 2 years
this is the most magolor ever.
All I wanted...
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Inspired from a doodle by @itsquakey ! Love me to explore some denial in this lil shit.
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numberonemagolorfan · 2 years
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Which Magolor are you feeling today
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numberonemagolorfan · 2 years
live. laugh. explode
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