nurseryofmuses · 4 days
//I’ll be here tomorrow to do some things!
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nurseryofmuses · 18 days
As much as Carol needed help and was already in a regressed state but not fully, she didnt want anyone to get caught up in this. At the moment when she heard that someone was here she regretted sending for help. Perhaps it was pointless as someone would have come to find her after she didnt report in. "Nooo weave dem awone!" Carol lisped (No leave them alone) desperately hoping that she could reason with whatever this was that was trying to take hold of her.
Soon a feed was shown to her a beautiful woman struggling with tendrils that had caught her. The same tendrils were how Carol had been restrained the first time and had been regressed to a point before she was able to break free, but was heavily weakened to the point of a very small child.
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Nursery Asteroid
Carol was the one that was sent on the advance scouting missions for Sword, often times starting to build the bases and get them online before people started appearing to do more set up and start the work they were to do there. More than once she had found herself in some opposition of the wild life in the area, be then on the planet or in space. Often times they were minor to mid level threats that she could handle on her own which was why she was sent on her own most of the time. However this time something was different.
She had been out of contact for a few weeks now, with the only trace or word of her was an emergency beacon that outputting a garbled message, it sounded like her but not like her at the same time. Before she had gone out of contact she had met some of the wild life here and they were peculiar looking creatures and didnt seem to be any sort of threat. She had taken one to research it on her own to figure out what it was and what it did, however what she didnt realize was that while she slept it would glob on to her and alter her mind in ways she didnt think was possible. She had tried to fight at first and was successful to a point, only to send a distress signal but after, she had lost the battle to the creature and what it was doing to her.
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nurseryofmuses · 19 days
Aloy could see that whatever charm she was using seemed to have an effect on the other woman as she seemed to be interested in her, "Hazel, what a pretty name." Aloy said with a sweet grin on her face and watched her play with her heel off her foot again like she had just done a few moments ago.
"I came just to get out of my place, was getting a little stir crazy at home." Aloy said answering Hazel's question, "What about you?" she asked her curiously wondering what brought her out today especially if she was going to play with her heel the way she was right now.
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Aloy jumped lightly at Hazel’s reaction she wasnt expecting the other woman to react so big, after a quick moment Aloy bent down and picked up the other woman’s phone, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to scare you or anything.” Aloy apologized sheepishly as she handed the phone to its owner. “Yeah that wasnt the best idea was it.” Aloy said admitting that she didnt make the best choice on approaching the other girl, but it did do what she was looking for, she was conversing with the cute girl.
“OH I umm.” Aloy started not sure what to say, she wanted to talk to the girl and flirt, but she didnt want to say that, but she couldnt come up with anything to say. She sighed and decided to come clean to the other woman, “I saw you, and I wanted to talk with you. I think youre cute.” Aloy said with a shy sheepish smile. 
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nurseryofmuses · 20 days
Hearing where she was going to go, Kimberly almost breathed a sigh of relief as a bath sounded amazing for her poor sore and stinging bottom. "Yes mommy, thank you." Kimberly thanked her and just settled in so she could get some sort of relief. However when she was being stripped down in front of the woman, she struggled to keep from having a freak out moment as it meant that she would get some sort of relief.
As she sat in the warm water, her bottom started to feel a bit better. As she was cleaned by the woman she started to enjoy it, if she didnt think about the context of it very hard she could almost imagine being pampered at a spa at the moment. After a time she was taken out and rediapered and put in a very babyish dress that very much embarrassed her, still she kept calm as best she could because she needed to go along to make the giant lower her guard around her.
Before Kimberly knew it she was in a highchair being fed gross babyfood and having it essentially smooshed all over her face. Kimbrerly just stayed calm but it was so difficult as she wanted to cry and struggle against everything to try and get out. Kimberly wasnt sure if she could blush any more at the moment with the various cooes and humiliating thing the big woman was saying to her.
The Diaper Dimension
Kimberly Hart had been out in Miami Florida for about three weeks now and had settled in here, she missed her life in Angel Grove, her friends, and being a power ranger. She was walking into her apartment when she suddenly blacked out on her feet, that was the last thing she remembered. 
She woke up to bright light coming into the room she was in, she assumed she was in her bed and in her room and didn’t close the blinds. However strange sensations were being noticed by her, her bed felt crowded, not by bodies but by soft squishy pillows. Next something squishy that was tough and squishy between her lips, but she couldn’t spit it out, lastly she felt was the pillow between her legs and it was wet?! She opened her eyes, she was not in her own room!
She looked around, she was in a room that looked like it belonged to a baby girl, but it was weird, it seemed that everything was sized for what seemed like some one or something a bit larger than an adult. She struggled against her ridiculously large diapers that seemed were designed to keep her on her back and immobile, as immobile as an infant. She was starting to panic now, she went to try and spit the thing in her mouth out, but it wouldnt budge. She was struggling against it and pulled as hard as he could against the ring but it wouldnt move, she started to panic and tried to scream but it was extremely muffled to a very very soft mewling sound. She was sure she was such a sight with her ridiculously thick diapers, her long brown hair in babyish pigtails and wearing a very cute but very short pink babydoll dress. 
As she looked down at what she was wearing she noticed that her breasts were at least three sizes bigger than she remembered, how did her body change? She didnt ache or hurt so they weren’t implants, so that meant that her body morphed into this, she wonders what else changed in her body. As she pondered on all of these things her thoughts were halted when she heard the door to the nursery open and she saw a Giant woman enter.
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nurseryofmuses · 20 days
🪙 Baby Jar 🪙
No, not a jar of baby food.
A Baby Jar.
It's like a swear jar. Only instead of having to add a quarter every time you swear, you have to add a quarter every time you talk like an adult.
Did you just say you were leaving work instead of checking out of daycare? Put a quarter in the Baby Jar.
Did you just pour yourself a glass of water instead of a ba ba of wa wa? 50 cents in the Baby Jar!
You're not going out with friends, you're going on a playdate. And she's not your girlfriend anymore, she's your babysitter.
Did you say dinner instead of num nums? Toilet instead of potty chair? Did you go for a walk instead of a waddle?
Clink! Clink! Clink! The jar is filling up fast. Just remember: when all this money is spent buying you some fun pacifier gags, locking onesies, and restraining mittens...you're the one who earned them, sweetie. 😘
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nurseryofmuses · 24 days
//hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been around this week, just been either busy with things in real life and haven’t had time/energy to be on or have just been super anxious because of work. Have a big meeting tomorrow thst I’m a super and have been super nervous about so just been struggling with anxiety. I’m gonna try and be around tomorrow night and over the weekend
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nurseryofmuses · 26 days
//back in pamps for this big baby tonight 🤭 any anons wanna tease the big baby? 🤭
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nurseryofmuses · 27 days
//diapers, and baby time. On a Monday??? What is this madness??? lol 😊
Any humiliating anons are welcomed 😊 come humiliate the big baby lol 🤭
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nurseryofmuses · 27 days
//sorry I haven’t been around this weekend, just still trying to heal and feel better from work anxiety. Still trying to reclaim a space in my house, but just haven’t been able to bring myself to be in my office where I write because of work, but I’m working on it. Hope to be around tonight
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nurseryofmuses · 29 days
When Wanda walked into the room, Peggy smiled seeing the girl, it seemed in every reality she was more or less the same. The only thing that changed about her was her circumstances, however these circumstances seemed to be sadder for her. “I’m ready, I’m sure you are too.” Peggy said, she was sure the girl wasnt going to like what was going to happen, but she wanted her to be happy, to be taken care of. The way she appeared she was something of a mess, something that she didnt want to see her in. “I think we should start by getting you stripped down.” Peggy said, however she had plan that she would get her ready and dressed up then she would restrain her and take her to a near by home that she bought and fixed up, it would be a good place to put down roots and to have Wanda as her little one. Sure she would fight at first but she would learn to love what she was going to do for her. 
Hearing her words made Peggy wince internally, she couldnt imagine what she had to do just to get by, soon she wouldnt have to do those things. Her days will just be filled with joy and pleasure and love. She was a little shocked when the girl came over and kissed her on the lips, a big adjustment was coming for Wanda. 
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Peggy wasnt quite a fan of hopping around between realities, she wished she could just stay in one and just set down roots there. The things she wanted before the serum were things she still wanted, but she couldnt have those things if she was being bounced around between realities.
There was something that seemed to be consistent between the realities she had been to and that was there was a means to contact 'lovers' for the night, though the one thing she was surprised to see in this reality was that she was surprised to see that Wanda in this reality was a prostitute. The other thing that was consistent at least in the realities that she had been in so far, was that Wanda was a sweetheart.
Knowing this about the girl, Peggy wanted to care for her, to give her a better life than the one she had now. There was no way that the life she had now was any kind of enjoyable, so that is what brought Peggy here today. She had contracted Wanda's services so that she could spirit the woman away and give her a life of enjoyment that she deserved, though the only bad thing was that Peggy only knew one way of doing that.
Peggy waited nervously in the hotel room she had rented for the woman to come to her, for the plan she had to start.
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nurseryofmuses · 30 days
Carol didnt know what was going on around her, what was going on to her. She had never experienced anything like this before. It was like her body was doing things on her own but yet at the same time she was controlling herself, it was a strange juxtaposition. She felt as though she had forgotten how to walk, how to talk outside of at most two syllable words, her emotions werent under her control. She knew something was wrong and it scared her, so her only reaction was to sit back on her bottom and cry and wail, her crying almost sounded infantile.
"I no Baybee!" Carol wailed at the top of her lungs sounding so little and childish, though the way things were going it would only be a matter of time before she was turned into a giant infant. "Hewp me!" she wailed out wanting this all to end, she didnt want to be scared, she didnt want to feel this way anymore. Some needed to make it better.
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Nursery Asteroid
Carol was the one that was sent on the advance scouting missions for Sword, often times starting to build the bases and get them online before people started appearing to do more set up and start the work they were to do there. More than once she had found herself in some opposition of the wild life in the area, be then on the planet or in space. Often times they were minor to mid level threats that she could handle on her own which was why she was sent on her own most of the time. However this time something was different.
She had been out of contact for a few weeks now, with the only trace or word of her was an emergency beacon that outputting a garbled message, it sounded like her but not like her at the same time. Before she had gone out of contact she had met some of the wild life here and they were peculiar looking creatures and didnt seem to be any sort of threat. She had taken one to research it on her own to figure out what it was and what it did, however what she didnt realize was that while she slept it would glob on to her and alter her mind in ways she didnt think was possible. She had tried to fight at first and was successful to a point, only to send a distress signal but after, she had lost the battle to the creature and what it was doing to her.
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nurseryofmuses · 1 month
Emma had wished that she knew this love and support so much earlier in her life, when she really needed it the most. Still it was a blessing that she was getting now, especially after she had made her desires to be their little baby again. Hearing her father's words made her squeeze him even harder, he was definitely the perfect father, the father she wished she had her whole life. At his acceptance of training her, Emma giggled and jumped to her feet and was ready to go.
"Got it!" Emma said as she copied her father's stance and started to copy the movements he made with his sword, she did feel a little silly swinging a toy sword around, but still it was fun and it was more about getting the movements down.
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Back Home
Snow was awoken by the sunlight entering her room. She took a quick look and found out that she was not in her room and yet she was in her room. The room she found herself in was the one she shared with David back in their castle. Shock by this turn of events she woke her husband, “David, wake up I think we’re back.” Worried that her husband was not responding she tried shaking him up.
“Snow Am up why are you panicking?”  David sleepily asks his loving caring wife. Snow responded by throwing a pillow at him “Like I told you before we are back home,” Davia looked at his wife then he gave a good look at the room they were in the first thing that came out of his mouth, “The kids!  Snow wears Emma and Neal?” Before Snow could give him a respond he rushed out the room in nothing but his underwear looking for his babies.
Snow followed soon, after looking in every room of the palace she could think of walking the halls she stopped in front of the nursery, ‘Could she be in there?’   Snow thought it would make sense she and David woke up in their room, why wouldn’t Emma. But what would that mean for Neal? Oh God, she prayed that Neal was okay soon after Snow’s thoughts David came back carrying Neal, this was relieving for her. The family opened the door and walked in “Em are you in here?”  David asked looking around the nursery Snow walked closer to the crib hearing some type of noise “Sweetie its mommy and daddy,” Snow called her daughter hoping that she was okay.
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nurseryofmuses · 1 month
The timing of that message on her laptop was horrendous, but perhaps this could be a good thing. Thinking about it now, she couldnt stop picturing Kate in pigtails, a thick diaper, and a cute onesie on her with a large pacifier stuffed in her mouth, in this moment so many thoughts of the things she wanted to do to Kate was running through her mind. “Really? Hmmm.” Yelena said as she waited to see what Kate was going to say next, how she was going to play things now. She couldnt wait to see how the cocky girl was going to try an talk her way out of this one. 
Yelena wasnt someone who was embarrassed by much, so she was about to launch into an explanation of what the message meant but then Kate seemed to grasp the idea relatively quickly, “Well, yes. It’s a fetish that can involve so many things like bondage, humiliation, control, dominance, sex.” Yelena rattled off like it was perfectly natural conversation, but she could tell that Kate was still a bit confused by it all. Pretty soon Kate was about to find herself in the middle of it and know what it feels like and what all is involved in it. 
“Why dont I show you? I think it would suit you perfectly.” Yelena said after a moment as she gazed on Kate like she was a meal, she wanted to put a diaper on her, stuff a pacifier in her mouth, dress her like a big baby and then tie her up in a humiliating pose so she could feel helpless and embarrassed. Yelena loved seeing Kate blush, loved seeing her scramble and dangle sort to say. 
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Yelena had been into ageplay for quite some time now, though she only desired being in the caregiver role. Though in the time she had discovered it and thought about her role in it, she could only see herself in that caregiver role. Call it not wanting to be that vulnerable, or just her personality being more dominate, but she couldnt bear to be in that baby role.
Kate had been over to her new place in New York, it was a regular night like any other, however Yelena had been on her laptop browsing for potential targets, a girl had to make a living in this world. She got up to get a drink and she heard a message come in on her computer, when Yelena got back she noticed Kate was looking particularly guilty. It was so obvious that she saw whatever it was that came in on her computer.
Yelena rolled her eyes, "What?" she said wanting Kate to come clean, but knew that she wouldnt come clean so easily, "What did you see?" She asked pressing the brunette for answers, while at the same time looking at the last thing that had come in, it wa something related to ageplay. "Did you see this message? What do you think?" She asked wanting to know Kate's position on it, she knew that most people would reject the idea that their lover would be into this kink. Yelena wanted to brace herself for the worst but hoped for the best.
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nurseryofmuses · 1 month
Wanda had to love her magic at times, had to love that she could distort reality and shape it and people to whatever she wanted, changing the reality of this girl to be an adult baby was easier than she had thought. Not to mention she loved the humiliation of the girl, it was like the more humiliated she was feeling more aroused and more power she felt. Perhaps this girl would be a good source of entertainment and power for a time. 
“Ohhh what a good girl, mommy’s sweet baby.” Wanda cooed her as she kissed the top of her head and held her close to her, she had to make sure to not lose her baby! Though now she was thinking maybe it was time for the girl have something of an accident in front of everyone and have it on display, she gave a slight motion of her hand with her magic lightly powered on it and made Brooke’s bowls and bladder loose control so she could pack her pampers. “Oh no, I think someone just made mommy a little present in her diapers.” Wanda teased loud enough so the woman at the register could hear as well as others around them. 
Brooke was her big baby and Wanda was going to make sure she knew it and that others were going to know it for years to come, this girl was starting her new life as a blushy big baby. 
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That little frown that Wanda saw Brooke give from behind her pacifier made her smirk, she was fully in power over this girl, she was now nothing more than a babbling baby that needed her mommy to take care of her. While Wanda did like humiliating her and her new position, part of her also loved the maternal feelings she was feeling while caring for this adult child. “Awww yes, I know honey. You love your mommy and love your diapers too.” Wanda cooed at her sweetly, this was even though she knew more or less what the girl was saying behind her pacifier, Wanda didnt care she just wanted to further make the girl seem like she was more of a big baby than she actually was. 
Finally the girl seemed to accept her new station as being the little pamper packer that Wanda had turned her into, she seemed to stop fighting and just accept her new life. Wanda noticed and smiled down her in superiority, “There’s mommy’s good girl, mommy’s good girl is just her little baby girl.” Wanda said gently as she gently ran her hand over Booke’s hair the way a mother would their child.  
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nurseryofmuses · 1 month
//hey guys so I got some replies queued for tomorrow, I hope you guys like the replies :) its good to be back :)
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nurseryofmuses · 1 month
Nursery Asteroid
Carol was the one that was sent on the advance scouting missions for Sword, often times starting to build the bases and get them online before people started appearing to do more set up and start the work they were to do there. More than once she had found herself in some opposition of the wild life in the area, be then on the planet or in space. Often times they were minor to mid level threats that she could handle on her own which was why she was sent on her own most of the time. However this time something was different.
She had been out of contact for a few weeks now, with the only trace or word of her was an emergency beacon that outputting a garbled message, it sounded like her but not like her at the same time. Before she had gone out of contact she had met some of the wild life here and they were peculiar looking creatures and didnt seem to be any sort of threat. She had taken one to research it on her own to figure out what it was and what it did, however what she didnt realize was that while she slept it would glob on to her and alter her mind in ways she didnt think was possible. She had tried to fight at first and was successful to a point, only to send a distress signal but after, she had lost the battle to the creature and what it was doing to her.
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nurseryofmuses · 1 month
//hey guys sorry I hadnt done any replies in a few days been a busy weekend and hadnt had a chance to come on here. I'll be on here tomorrow to do some replies! hope you all are doing well!
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