nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
Adele's Breast Implants in Thailand
“Mine is a common plight: mid 30's, married and working full time in the office of our own business. Two children later and my breasts had bounced from a pre-kid nothing to a C cup, albeit of the sagging variety, due to a loss of volume and the inevitable advance of gravity taking over.  ”
Destination Beauty had a seminar in Brisbane around the time that I was considering having myself breasts implants. I decided to attend with a girlfriend.  It was there that I had the opportunity to actually talk to some of the team of Tria Destination Beauty. The prospect of going to Thailand for breast augmentation appealed to me, not only because of the savings in cost, but the holiday factor did come into it.  I have traveled quite a bit overseas, so the idea of being in a foreign country to have breast augmentation was no problem for me. I even had the opportunity to speak to a board certified doctor at the seminar in relation to what I wanted and he actually listened to me, instead of telling me what I should have done, as previous doctors had. This was a crucial pivotal point for me, and one of the deciding factors to have it done with Destination Beauty Thailand.
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I was lucky to have my husband’s full support for my decision to have breast augmentation in Thailand, as he knew it was a matter of my own sense of self-esteem and body confidence that was in question. Every woman wants to feel beautiful, and unfortunately we are not all blessed with the perfect body to begin with. Or, the body’s recovery from being pregnant and breast-feeding, quite often leaves a lot to be desired.  If I weren’t happy with the shape of my breasts now, how would I feel in another ten years or so? I so did not want to have my breasts hanging around my knees, as I got older.
Armed with all of my information, it was a relatively easy decision to make in relation to having my breast augmentation in Thailand, complete with the company of a girlfriend who was wanting similar surgery.  Instead of having a “girlie weekend” away, the vision of thirteen days in Thailand and returning home with new and improved breasts, totally appealed to me. It seemed to present the ultimate alternative to having the surgery at home at much more expense.
Everything went as promised by Destination Beauty.  We arrived in Bangkok on a Saturday night; Sunday was spent in a state of alternating excitement and a tad of apprehension, as we explored the city for the day.  Monday was appointment day and Tuesday we both underwent our surgery.  Normally it is an overnight hospital stay, but as my friend was experiencing some pain, an extra night in care was arranged to accommodate her.  Thursday, we were both discharged and we spent the next couple of days in a two bedroom apartment recovering. Recovery was in the form of munching food on the couch as we watched all the latest movies to be had. This was the time that I was glad that I had company.  Both of us were a bit emotional, with bouts of missing our families and general post surgery blues. But, by Saturday we were up and about, buzzing around exploring Bangkok via the sky train. We were both still a bit tender, but that did not deter us in any way. I don’t think there was one shopping center that we missed out on. And, we had the perfect excuse to go shopping, new clothes for our new boobs!
Since being back home in Australia sporting my new body image, I know I have more self-confidence. I can’t help but smile when I get envious glances from friends or acquaintances.  I no longer sport a body that I am unhappy with.  And, my husband totally approves of the new and improved me.  I was warned that the sensation in my breasts may take some time to come back, and this is the case, but the sensation is slowly reappearing.
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
UTI-Be-Gone – 100% Natural Urinary Tract Infection Cure
You Do NOT Have To Live With Recurring          Urinary Tract Infections, Because I Will Teach You What Your Doctor Never          Did…                     "Discover          In Just 5 Minutes How To Beat Urinary Tract Infections WITHOUT Resorting          To Antibiotics… I Cured Mine In Less Than 48 Hours And Now You Can Too!"
Did              You Know That Bacteria Will Develop Resistance To Antibiotics After              Repeated Use? Now There Is A 100% Natural Way You          Can Cure Your UTI Without Worrying About Harmful Side Effects! Let’s face it, urinary tract            infections can ruin your life and if you have one right now… you know            how really painful they can be.
Let me ask you something…                         Do you dread waking up to the tingling, burning sensation that precedes            an urinary tract infection?                          Do you often have to miss school, work, or another important commitment              because the pain is so bad that you can’t get off the toilet?                          Do              you spend a good chunk of your hard earned money on expensive doctor visits              and antibiotics for urinary tract infections?                           Are you worried that you might have to live with urinary tract infections              for the rest of your life?
If your answer is "yes"            for any of the above, then this may be the most important letter            you will ever read.
Here’s why: As you may already know, urinary tract infections are hereditary. Not            long ago, my entire family was struggling with one infection after another,            and it seemed to us like the pain would never end.
I’ve consulted many different doctors, including urologists, but every            one of them just wanted to hand me more antibiotics. And honestly, if            I only contracted a UTI once, taking antibiotics to cure it would be fine.                         But after two or three recurrences all within a few short months, antibiotics              that worked on me at first were quickly diminishing in power,            not to mention the headaches and stomachaches they caused. Those are just            some of the side effects of antibiotics often prescribed for UTI’s, and            luckily, I didn’t suffer the more serious ones, which include severe            nausea, vomiting, and yeast infections. Soon, I was experiencing symptoms            of UTI and side effects of antibiotics at the same time. UTI’s were            taking over my life!                        Yet somehow, I suffered silently with the lingering hope that someday,            my dilemma will mysteriously disappear.                        Of course, I was wrong, and the problem only… Read more…VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.22_1171]Related PostsHow To Quickly Cure Your UTI – A step by step guide"MD Doctor Developed, Simple Non Drug Formula Wipes Out Bacteria               in The Urinary Tract That is              Causing Your UTI and Relieves  Your  Pain and Swelling In 3 Days Flat     ...Shrink Your ProstateBear in mind we are not addressing anyone’s personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations ...Natural ONLY Yeast Infection Treatment – Treating CandidaNew Yeast Infection Site Includes Professional Videos, Ebooks, Quick Start Guide, Candida Recipes, $200 In Bonuses, Email Support, & More. Medical & Professional Endorsements. Guarenteed to work!...*How To REVERSE LUPUS NOW!* – Your Lupus CureA Scientifically Proven Program That Cures The SOURCE Of Lupus And Eliminates Harmful Prescription Drugs!...A cure for bad breath. Cleaner, fresher breath for a more kissable youBad Breath treatment. Cure halitosis quickly and permanently. Simple and inexpensive remedies....Angular Cheilitis Overnight CureThis home remedy treatment will show you how to cure angular cheilitis. It is the only natural treatment that will help you get rid of angular cheilitis....BV Straight Talk: Official Site – Get Rid Of Bacterial Vaginosis Forever With My All Natural Bacterial Vaginosis TreatmentFirst off, I need to say thank you, I've been dealing with BV for a long time, actually, it seems like forever, over the last 2-1/2 years, I've been to my Doctor 7 times and she gave me a prescription...
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
Understanding pain
resources for natural pain reduction, and NCBTMB approved classes.Muscle Management® continues to offer unique and effective resources for the manual therapist seeking continuing education and the self-help enthusiast looking for information and answers.
Chances                               are you came here searching for information, for alternatives and                               answers about pain…yours, your family member, your friends, or                               maybe even a clients. We are here to offer information about the                               muscular component ‘participating’ in that pain…and that is the                               focus of ‘Muscle Management’, relieving pain and restoring function                               by focusing precision therapy on the muscles. We                               offer unique insight’s into the human body’s natural built-in maintenance,                               recovery and health management abilities with respect to it’s                                largest and most often under-appreciated system…The Muscles.
Each and every day we ‘live and work’ within an                 incredibly wonderful example of engineering, strength, and efficient                 design… Our own body!! This incredible "machine" is                 greatly influenced by a very commonsense organization of ropes,                 pulleys, and levers… the muscles, tendons, and skeleton. Muscle                 Management® is about managing all of the above by means of respecting                 and responding to the vital role muscles play in our bodies overall                 well-being.
Our                 intention is to encourage, promote, and maintain healthy states                 of balance and ease through recognizing, respecting and responding                 to the important role the body’s muscles play in overall well being.                 Muscular health can often be a primary contributing factor in many                 muscular/skeletal situations.
Muscle movement constantly shapes the quality of our daily lives.                 Problems with this system can often be a primary contributing factor                 to situations where we are more tense, irritable, fatigued, less                 active… and in PAIN!!!. Negative influences can include everyday                 pressures and stresses, repetitive motions, mismanaged injuries                 (especially in athletes), whiplash trauma and conditions like fibromyalgia                 or arthritis which often produce muscular or "soft tissue"                 tension and pain.
Pain can often be so relentless and wide spread that it requires                 radical medical intervention. However In many cases, pain management                 clinicians have found that pain often responds to non-invasive corrective                 massage that targets specific problematic muscles. This ‘Muscle                 Management’ approach is often described as "ischemic compression,"                 "soft tissue release", "acupressure", and deep                 tissue massage among many other terms. These related disciplines                 usually produce muscular relaxation, making it possible to return                 to pain-free fitness and health. We refer to our approach as “corrective                 massage ” with the additional intention of correcting common                 distortions.
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
Underground Core Training
Core STRONG "13" is not just another product from                         an average or ‘famous’ fitness professional. Core STRONG "13" is the creation of Barry Lovelace,                         a sports performance specialist internationally known as ‘THE King of Core’ by fitness                         professionals, personal trainers, coaches and athletes of ALL levels world wide. Barry is                         also a member of Team Men’s Fitness, expert author, creator of several athlete training                         products, gym owner and has his information published in print all over the world including                         Men’s Health.
‘We are ALL athletes in one form or another and should most definitely include core                      training in our lives no matter what age,’ says Barry. The core is                                  fundamental to all body movement. You hardly make a movement without engaging your                                  core whether it be walking up the stairs or bending down to pick something up.
A strong core                                  provides balance and stability, a necessity in all movement.
The biggest                                  benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness – that is, fitness that                                  is essential to daily living and regular activities.
The Mayo Clinic lists ‘Core Training’ as 1 of 5                      key elements for a well rounded fitness routine:
"The muscles in your abdomen, lower back and                      pelvis – known as your core muscles – help protect your back and connect upper and lower                      body movements. Core strength is a key element of a well-rounded fitness training program. Core                      exercises help train your muscles to brace the spine and enable you to use your upper and lower                      body muscles more effectively."
Athletes and clients who use the same core training techniques you will find in Core STRONG                      "13" notice the same thing – RESULTS!
"Barry’s core workouts are awesome! The exercises involve strength, coordination                                  and balance and it really has helped me stabilize my core. Your abs will for sure                                  be sore the next day which feels great!"
Caroline Larsson                                   Professional Golfer                                   Appeared on The Big Break
"When it comes to core training, NOBODY does it better. If you                                  really want to improve your strength or sports performance than Barry’s training                                  program is for you. I highly suggest you follow Barry’s training program if you are                                  looking for results."
- Dave Soucy                                       Body Transformation Coach                                       Founder of Healthy Weight Inner Circle                                       Creator of the Body Transformation Course 2.0
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
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Ouch !
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
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nutellawhxre-blog · 6 years
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Baby bunny 🐇🌿
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