nutrifitmommy · 4 years
First Post...Here it goes!
First off, I’d like to say welcome to my blog! 
Wow! I can’t believe I’m saying that (haha). I’ve always loved writing and journaling and often I’ve found myself wondering if I should proceed with my passion, yet it always seemed like a far off daydream.  I always had my doubts about whether or not I could do it or if anyone would even read it, but HEY, why not give it a try and see where it leads! Although, I’ve struggled with my share of insecurities and doubts about starting a blog, there are numerous factors that led me here today and these are: my love of words, my love of being a mommy, my love of fitness and nutrition, my love of researching and sharing the knowledge and personal experience I’ve gained with others, and my hopes that I will be able to connect with other’s along the way!
From a young age, I LOVED to read and write. I was always that quiet girl with glasses off by herself reading or writing in a notebook. Although, I’ve grown from that quiet and timid young girl--my love of words and being able to escape into another world is an ever present part of me and I expect it always will be.
My first ever attempt at creative writing was meant to help my sister to learn to read and help to ignite some desire for literature--but we aren’t all destined for a love of words (even today she isn’t a big reader, although does occasionally grab a good book). I worked weekly to create a whole “newspaper” with numerous different articles and stories. I’d include pictures occasionally, although I am FAR from an artist! 
My point to expressing this little morsel of information about myself, was to demonstrate that my love of words tends to go hand in hand with my love of helping others. In this instance, my goal for this blog is to connect with other mama’s and women out there who also share a love of fitness, nutrition, and simply being a parent. I’d like to provide a safe space for women to come with fitness/nutrition/parenting questions or share their personal experiences as well. I know it can be challenging and seemingly impossible to have everything together but I hope to provide a safe environment to turn to, as well as, provide helpful tidbits along the way!
I look forward to posting again soon and hopefully begin establishing some connections with other mama’s out there!
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