nuuribby · 3 years
Trial Answers - For the Love of Gods: Chapter 3 [Fictif]
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For anyone who wants to avoid spending your precious hourglasses on repeating the chapter over and over, here are the answers.
The First Riddle:
Right Door > Fire
The Second Riddle:
Eerie’s Favorite Color is Gold.
The Third Riddle:
The Deities of Chaos and Mischief
These answers are for Chapter 3, Head in the Clouds.
Good Luck all you Gods and Goddesses of Love!! <3
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nuuribby · 7 years
ES Book 2 Connections/Theories
So after discovering Rourke’s Computer Password and the different constellations, I tried looking up the legends behind the different constellations to see if they connect anywhere.
This is what I’ve found... Your welcome to make your own theories based on this information. I have no idea what will happen in Book 2 but there are some similarities in the constellations and places where they connect.
Jake: Lupus (Wolf) and Raj: Centaurus (Centaur)
In ancient times, the constellation “Lupus” was a group of stars inside “Centaurus” and was considered to be an animal being killed or about to be killed for Centaurus.
If you didn’t rescue Raj in Book 1, is there a chance he’s out for vengeance and tries to kill Jake?
Michelle: Pavo (Peacock)
I thought this was interesting because its the story of someone who was unfaithful and cheated on their spouse. What’s also interesting is the Goddess related to the Peacock is known for her jealous and vengeful nature against Zeus’s other lovers.
Zeus lusted after a beautiful princess of Argos named “Lo”. Zeus turned “Lo” into a cow (How romantic!) so he could sneak her past his wife, Hera. (Hera is the Goddess of Women and Marriage and in Greek Mythology, The Queen of Heaven) Hera saw through Zeus’ trick and asked Zeus to give her the cow as a gift. It would be insulting not to so he did and then Hera banished Princess Lo and arranged for a creature with 100 eyes (Argus) to guard the pregnant Princess. Zeus asked Hermes to save Lo so Hermes killed Argus. Hera put his hundreds of eyes on the tail of a peacock (Her favorite bird).
Zahra: Corvus (Raven), Craig: Ursa Major (Bear) and Rourke: “Hydra”
Corvus is also a legend of unfaithfulness - Maybe it has something to do with why Craig & Zahra are no longer together? Also Corvus was cursed to be forever thirsty - Might that have anything to do with how much Zahra drinks? Or was that just a funny quirk?
Rourke is said to represent “Hydra” which a Hydra is also a sea monster but John H. Rogers said that Hydra signified Ningishzida, God of the Underworld. He said that Corvus and Crater (Along with Hydra) were symbols of death and marked the gate to the underworld. The name “ Ningishzida” translates to Lord of the Good Tree. He is depicted as a serpent with a human head ((Similar to Aleister!))
Also it’s worth noting that the legend of Ursa Major is ALSO about unfaithfulness. The wife of the one who cheated turned his lover into a bear so that she would no longer be attractive to her husband.
Quinn: Delphinus (Dolphin), Neptune’s Cove and Aleister: Serpens (Serpent)
A rich poet/court musician was traveling home with all his wealth but seeing all his wealth, the crew of the ship turned against him. Threatened with death, he asked to be granted one last wish which the crew allowed... He wanted to sing a dirge (Which is a song for the dead). After he did this he flung himself into the sea but before he drowned he was rescued by a dolphin that had been charmed by his music.
If this has any relation to Quinn... it would seem that the Poet accepted his death but before he died he was rescued.
In your suite you find a lover’s letter asking them to meet them at “Neptune’s Cove”
Neptune is the Roman name for Poseidon. Poseidon fell in love with a water nymph on an island and fell in love with her. She refused him but he was not discouraged. He asked his servant, a dolphin, to look for her. The dolphin found her, pleaded Poseidon’s case so persuasively that she changed her mind. As a reward for finding and returning the nymph, Poseidon immortalized the dolphin as the constellation, Dolphinus.
This doesn’t explain Neptune’s Cove but maybe Quinn will have something to do with it down the line.
Serpens was a snake held by the healer Asclepius. The healer once killed a snake but it resurrected after a second snake placed a revival herb on it before its death. Snakes shedding their skin every year represents rebirth in Greek Society - Legend says the healer would revive dead humans with the same technique he witnessed.
Could there be a relation between these two? Will Aleister find a way to heal Quinn?
MC: Andromeda (Chained Princess) & The Sea Monster
Andromeda’s parents said that she was more beautiful than the Nereids so Poseidon sends a sea monster to ravage their city as punishment. Andromeda’s parents are told that the only way to get the sea monster to leave them alone is to chain Andromeda to a rock and offer her as a sacrifice. Luckily she is rescued by Perseus who marries her after.
Maybe there’s some connection between MC and the Sea Monster?
Also it’s mentioned that this story is an example of the “Princess and the Dragon” Motif which is the popular, “Princess in trouble... Needs rescuing from a dragon or other scary monster... Prince saves her.” But the reference to the word dragon could have some tie to Draco/Estela especially since there are scenes you can unlock where Estela admits to having previous memories with MC but can’t remember anything but bits and pieces. 
That’s all I found. Poor Diego’s by himself... His constellation represents a hunting dog and the only thing Sean had in common was he was mentioned on the Wiki page of Zahra’s constellation but only briefly.
Were you able to come up with any theories based on these connections? If so please share them and tag me or comment!! I can hardly wait for Book 2 in July and love brainstorming new ideas!
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nuuribby · 7 years
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Baking with Quinn!
La Huerta’s Newest Cooking Show
#ChoicesCreates Round 7
Prompt: Kitchen
Description: Quinn cooking up those cupcakes @hollyashton was talking about in the... ((wait for it))... KITCHEN!
I think I went a little crazy with her hair. I was bored ^^ I just love all the swirlys in her hair.
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nuuribby · 7 years
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“People cry not because they are weak but because they've been strong for too long.”
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nuuribby · 7 years
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#Choicescreates Round 5
Prompt: ‘Mirror’
Artist’s Note: I don’t know what Endless Summer book 2 will hold. This story is based off my own theory of Lila and Iris’ relationship - It may or may not be true.
“Iris, recall logged video files containing keyword “Rourke” within the last 48 hours.” Silvery moonlight rippled across the pool on the lonely balcony where Lila stood. All would be silent if not for the quiet hum of the orb that held the AI she addressed.
“Database corrupt.” The monotone voice of the AI began to respond. “No video files found containing "Rourke” in specified time frame.”
Agitation clearly flitted across Lila’s delicate features before she spoke, struggling to keep her voice steady. “Iris, recall logged video files containing keyword “Rourke” in the last 48 hours.”
Again came the voice. “Database corrupt. No video files found containing “Rourke” in specified time frame.”
“OF COURSE NOT!” Lila snapped, twisting around to face the shimmering blue form of Iris. She was faded against the dark backdrop of the sky, stars blinking in and out of sight where the energy rippled around her. “You never were capable of handling any kind of responsibility.”
“I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused. Please try your request again later.” Iris responded systematically.
“Inconvenience?! This is all your FAULT!” The last word made the young guide choke up, ending the word in a shrill tone. Tears sprang to her eyes as she took a step furiously towards the AI who seemed unfazed by Lila’s outburst.
“I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused. Please try your request again later.” She repeated, staring at Lila with a calm smile plastered on her face.
“How could you let him do this? It should have been me! I would have never have let this happen.” She raised her hand before taking a swing at the floating projector. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!” 
The orb swerved easily out of reach before her fist could make contact, causing her to stumble. Lila crumpled to the ground clutching her knees close. Her small frame shook violently as sobs wracked her entire body. The orb hung in the air near her side as she allowed herself this one moment of weakness... one moment where her trademark smile could fall to reveal the broken woman underneath.
Eventually she sniffled weakly, unsure of how much time had passed. Her blurry eyes raised to the shimmering blue outline of a woman she barely remembered. “I-Iris... recall most recent logged video file containing keyword “Emily”.’ 
Iris’ blue hue darkened to reveal tanned skin. Her eyes shifted from bright blue to an almost emerald green. Around her the air surrounding the pool side buzzed with energy until forming a desk with a large window overlooking the island. The human woman before Lila wore a dark red dress cut with a square neckline.
She leaned in as if she were trying to get her entire image to fit within a screen but the hologram projected her in perfect clearness. Lila gazed up at what appeared to be her own reflection, a twin image of herself.
The woman in front of her wore a smile similar to her own. “Hi Lila!” She reached forward in the air as if shifting something in front of her. “I wish you were here to see this. Everett says this will be the last time I need to connect with the system and then she will be a hundred percent synchronized to my personality. Isn’t it exciting? I’m going to be immortal!”
The image shook, slightly clipping out of view before returning. “I know you’re angry with me but this could really help a lot of people. Think of all the good ‘Me 2.0′ will be able to do with the tireless energy of a machine! I have to go now but I hope we will get to talk soon. Don’t be angry at me too long, sis!” 
She beamed towards whatever unknown camera she was recording with. “I love you!” Her final words hung in the air as the image froze before blinking back into the floating orb that held Iris. 
Lila’s own voice seemed almost unrecognizable as she whispered.
‘I love you too...’
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nuuribby · 7 years
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The Right Moment
#Choicescreates Round 4
Prompt: “From You - Ryan K”
All those days have gone Never once were they the right moment All my friends they're probably sick of me Who's to say what's the right moment to say That you're beautiful in your own way That I hope you let me in one day
Artists’ Note:
When I heard the song I envisioned Chris’ relationship with MC. He likes MC at the start but he’s trying so hard not to get hurt again that he gets wrapped up in Becca. The more he’s with her, the more his friends are angry at him and he never feels like he has the chance to break away. He struggles to find the right moment to tell MC how he really feels and when he finally gets up the courage, it’s too late.
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nuuribby · 8 years
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‘Jared Leto’? I do not look like Jared Leto.
Joker and his Princess <3
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nuuribby · 9 years
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nuuribby · 9 years
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Part of the 100 Theme Challenge - Light [03]
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nuuribby · 10 years
An Ode to Moon Guard’s Goldshire... watch at your own risk.
HD Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPHi1AeRUp4
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nuuribby · 10 years
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nuuribby · 10 years
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Love [02] - Part of the 100 Theme Challenge
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nuuribby · 10 years
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Blink [01] - Part of the 100 Theme Challenge
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