nverl0st · 1 day
HELLO deco27's cinderella is actually so good wtf
deco is always in his element when writing complex love songs fr
the only problem is that it's too short :(
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nverl0st · 4 days
it baffles me when people put shidou’s songs so low on tierlists… like they are chill and relaxed, but never boring. I never checked out triage bc the view count is so… low…. but when I did that bridge slapped me across the face and then stomped on my heart. the emotion that his va portrays and small things in both songs make me really like them (like that accidental..? in throw down that goes up a half step ALWAYS throws me off).
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nverl0st · 11 days
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this also makes me so sad. haruka thought that if everyone saw the “real” him, and came to know everything he did, everyone would disapprove.
of course, everyone loves to say that, “no, we will love and accept the real you!” no matter what, but it’s seriously conditional. look at the trial two results. when the other side of him and more information was portrayed…. many people didn’t like him anymore.
this just makes me so sad.
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nverl0st · 15 days
what REALLY gets me about kazui is that IS THAT HE WAS RIGHT. if he had kept lying things WOULD HAVE been okay. he didn’t even think that maybe his wife would accept him or anything. HE KNEW that things would go badly- and yet..!
listen, I’m more of a kazui forgiven bc he’s so relatable 😬. when you are born “wrong”, why is it such a bad thing to lie just to be able to experience the expected normalcy in your life? maybe if you keep lying, it will become true.
but then it’s a- is it okay if everyone else is happy with your lies but YOU are suffering? if you’re okay with suffering.. is it ok?? you care about other people’s worries but not your own?? does your suffering not matter??
and the one time he wanted to give in a little, try to open up or relieve his suffering a bit- look what happened.
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nverl0st · 16 days
whenever milgram related content describes es as “beautiful” I go HDSISNSIWISHBA (ex: “I want to be a beautiful warden” or “a beautiful and fragile appearance”
yes, my pookie is gorgeous BUT the way they say BEAUTIFUL, not in a necessarily physical sense, but in the way they are a warden and the way they act in regard to milgram’s rules is so cool- I would not choose any other adjective.
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nverl0st · 17 days
tbh I never really liked weakness or akaa but- BUT! I’m listening to them again and I love it when haruka’s voice goes really really quiet, almost like a whisper in both of the songs. it’s what makes his songs distinct, the dynamic control and that certain quality
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nverl0st · 21 days
“I hate deco27”, I say while putting on another deco27 song
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nverl0st · 22 days
been listening to a lot of the milgram covers and their instrumentals recently- what I realized about the covers vs the originals is that the milgram cover instruments are often so much more… pop party music like. like.. mainstream american pop you hear on the radio. and that terrifies me
straight kicks and the choice of instruments definitely give it that pop feeling… esp mahiru, yuno, and mikoto (except for that one part in the middle which is just straight up orchestral) in t2. the covers lose the “heavy” vibe of the original- like reversible campaign and parasite both are very heavy, darker songs at least but then the milgram cover is so…
hey idk. deco can do what he likes to I guess
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nverl0st · 24 days
mashing my favorite characters with vocaloid songs pt. 2:
previously i brought diary of underage observation es. today, i bring literature girl insane es. hear me out... HEAR ME OUT.......
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nverl0st · 25 days
i am so happy there's like a small but extremely dedicated and reliable fanbase for es lmao everyday i get fed extremely good content
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nverl0st · 26 days
april song recs!
bro i am about to die from stress (aps, college, LIFE???) but that's ok because i found so much banging music this month. trying to not feel sad by being busy af. but being busy also makes me sad. talking to other people make me sad. smh. idk man. however es milgram has entered my life and i am very happy for that (i love you pookie).
after looking at this list will you believe me if i say i don't like deco27?
--- hibana (es cover) - deco27
i think i listened to this song more than any other song i've listened to for the past YEAR. i need hibana (specifically the es cover) injected into my soul RIGHT NOW. it's so goddamn good. i love the chord progression, how es sings every line, the bridge, how much emotion there is, everything about the song. when es's cv whispers the words with the sung version layered with it my soul transcends. like every other deco27 song, of course it's a complicated song about love. but!!! but!!! i also love the "knock knock", etc. that starts every verse. it's so good. i also love HOW THERE'S A VERSE IN ENGLISH THAT IS SO COOL I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE UNTIL I READ THE LYRICS ASDFISDNFASN. when es sings "ah-ha-ha" i go IUFAINDASIFNASIDASUD. when i hear the background harmonies i go AISUDFNASDFOASDNFASMFAOS. personal favorite lyrics: "I don’t want to harbor a love that will never end" / "it’s “incomplete”, I’ll say it time and time again" / "amidst a love that missed hitting 'NO'" / "come on, melt me more properly!" i love you es.
--- the good child and the fox spirit - kikuo
guess who finally listened to this song after it being on my "to listen" list for months because of a milgram animatic. listen, when you're starved for content you gotta do what you gotta do. anyways, that animatic is so fire i love it so much but this is not about the animatic. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. it's so catchy and creepy and the notes slide into each other so well i can't believe kikuo never had formal music theory education.
--- string theocracy - mili
this shit is CRAZY. at first i didn't notice that it was in english because of the distinctive sort of "j-pop" style, but as i listened closer, my brain exploded. it's so jazzy, so fun and the lyrics are really really profound and moving. this song supports my argument that songs in english are not inherently cringe- it's just that they've been molded into a specific style that sounds really cringe. personal favorite lyrics include: "if you're gonna control me, at least make it interesting theatrically" / "if you're gonna replace me, at least have the audacity to kill me throughly" / "and if you love me, can you love your everything too, for me?" i also love the reference to "do androids dream of electric sheep" awww yeah. it's just such a fun listen and it's so indie. makes me feel so... asdfnsf. did i mention it's SO JAZZY???
--- half (es cover) - deco27 (milgram)
--- liar dance - deco27
--- android girl (haruka cover) - deco27
--- diary of underage observation - kurage-p
honorable mentions: little party never killed nobody (i love the great gatsby okay), happy synthesizer (i need to listen to more classics- i did not expect this and kimagure mercy to sound so good but they absolutely SLAP), sobakasu (this song makes me :( when i listen man... reminds me of an old friend. i absolutely love the timbre of the singer's voice- it's so RAW. i've never heard a song with more emotion)
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nverl0st · 1 month
Why yes I do find myself becoming enthralled with multimedia stories primarily told through songs and sometimes manga and other ways with characters labeled numbers one to ten who are all so complicated and deep <3
Under the cut is spoilers/speculation for the Kagerou Project and trial one and trial two of the MILGRAM project! If you’re a fan of one of these I recommend checking the other two out! Also discussion of suicide topics and general dark content considering these tragic characters
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Ok those up above are just paired by number (prison number and order of joining the mekkakushi dan) but here is how I’d pair them based on power/themes + explanations, maybe even if there was a crossover or au sort of thing. The ones with the blue squares are what I think definitely fit while the others I had to go back and forth on
prepare for a ton of yapping. Lol. Lmao.
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Kido and Haruka: Abandonment and attention issues + the power to conceal yourself so you don’t get noticed is really interesting to me… Kido is more confident and blunt than Haruka, and yet, I do think they match up fairly well.
Seto and Mahiru: I was debating on giving Seto’s power to Yuno or even Es since it’s like. I don’t know people pleasing/the whole motif of trying to see inside of people’s minds but Mahiru having mind reading powers compels me, since she’s so empathetic. It would also make her indirect murder so much more messy since she would have likely tried to show her love more if she could viscerally sense her boyfriend struggling, but ough.
Kano and Kazui: now this. This fits like a glove. They’re all about lies and pain baybeee… Yobanashi Decieve is such a perfect Kazui song it’s not even funny. (Using the Will Stetson Eng Lyrics but like. Come on)
“Act normal and all of that, but my heart’s still rushing fast so easily”
“I bit the fruit (apple motif!!) and the snake burrowed inside of me”
“But that’s only right, cause I’m a monster in kind”
“Listen closely to this coward’s beating heart, a selfish face that’s seeped in pain, the only me that remains”
“Though I say I’m really lonely, nothing’s ever gonna change”
Mary and Amane : Okay this is a more of a hear me out but hear me out. Both sheltered from the outside/real world, albeit for different reasons, Amane by her religious organization, Mary by her mom since she has Medusa blood. Petrification as a power would be helpful for amane in that murder and/or not getting hurt again, and/or punishing sinners. Also I think Amane would judge Mary since she’s all about stopping the natural cycle of death with all those timeloops
Muu and Momo: Simply they are both popular and that power of drawing eyes is so perfect for that. Less good for Muu once everyone turns on her but it still works.
Ene and Fuuta: This is so just because digital media like video games and twitter are so important to Fuuta like yes go into the computer buddy and cyberbully on another level. They also have similar outward prickliness <3
Shintaro and ES: this is really just about main characters and retaining eyes probably going to Es…? Wasn’t too sure of this one myself tbh
Hibiya and Mikoto (and John): Ok Focusing eyes I couldn’t really think of anyone since it’s very niche but ehh..? Graphic artist??? I do think a kagerou daze situation with Mikoto and John of John trying to save Mikoto in a death loop would fit them before the twist that oh no, sacrificing yourself just continues a different cycle…
Konoha and Kotoko: they can PUNCH. mostly did this one because kotoko would love to have the power to punch people to death and also. Well. Most inter-party kills. In konoha’s case due to possession but Kotoko would prob use hers for cold hard Justice
Hiyori and Shidou: ok this was Clearing Eyes since timeline shenanigans makes it so that Hiyori isn’t part of the group most loops. Maybe I should’ve put Kenjirou instead… well… welp. Shidou would go that far for his wife, that’s all I’ll say, and also the snake of knowledge fits him
Ayano and Yuno: Wasn’t sure about this one, since tbh Novel ES (the girl one) probably fits Ayano better, but Yuno having such a emotional power, able to express her feelings to another, while having everything she has going on could be interesting. Maybe Yuno matches Hiyori better I don’t know LOL Ayano is my favorite of the kagepro bunch though
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nverl0st · 2 months
wow what if there was a japanese music series about 10 people with cool MVs that tell their backstories with an outside 11th observer watching them and their lives which then makes them question their identity and abilities.
listen, my brain is putting together the diary of underage observation album and milgram alright. specifically, i need to see es in diary of underage observation (the song) rn.
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nverl0st · 2 months
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this is insane btw. wtf… WTF…. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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nverl0st · 2 months
happy synthesizer for you!! I’ll!! Play this!! One time!!!! Melody!!!!!! I need to check out for vocaloid classics bc this song is so cute and catchy
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nverl0st · 2 months
march song recs!
this month passed way too quickly. i finally put confronted the thing that has been plaguing me for the past few months. it saddens me that it turned out the way it did, but to be honest i don't have enough energy to care anymore.... so! i also did some things that scared me a lot (which were easier than i realized), got some really good scores on a couple of tests (i'm very proud) and realized that i need to continue improving on myself in various aspects. i cannot always hold other people to my standards, since we are all so different.
--- fight or flight - conan gray
my friends were shocked to see me listening to a "normal" artist for once. smh. ngl i did find this song from a ship edit- a DAMN good one at that, it tore out my heart. i seriously love the lyrics of the chorus and how "i'd rather lie" and "i'd rather die" contrast each other. it's. so. good. my second favorite part is the part that goes "they've got eyes like mine...". the way he sings is also so amazing.
--- 一笑江湖, this december
i've featured these songs before haven't i??? i'm surprised to see them so high again lol.
--- If I Could Ride A Bike - Park Bird, Chevy
i first found this song in 2020 (of course i did), from a ship animatic (of COURSE i did) so it brings back lots of very nostalgic memories listening to this song. i don't always love romance songs, but this one is super cute and ends on a terribly sorrowful note. it's always a easy listen with its cafe ambience vibes and simple metaphors. "but, I will never be, able to do these things", and the whole slow section, always hurts.
--- William Shamsphere ~ Back Alley Bard - Yasumasa Kitagawa
listen. do not get weirded out by the guy's name. this theme absolutely slaps. the castanet sounding like percussion in the background are so satisfying to listen to. it's so flamboyant and dramatic... like the guy himself. i've been on a dgs rewatch lately, so maybe more of its music will show up.
--- Being low as dirt, taking what's important from me - TUYU
okay i have no idea what this song is about, i don't even know the lyrics, but i wanted to try listening to some tuyu because i have a friend who really likes them (and i LOVE song titles that are extremely long and specific), and this song really stood out to me. it's so catchy and raw, vocally. also a very easy listen. i will check out more tuyu in the future.
--- rabbit hole - deco27
i don't know why this song is so popular right now. it released a while back... is it because of the animation? i only listened to it because i decided to click a random deco27 song, not because i was recommended it, so i was surprised at its current popularity. all i'm gonna say is that deco27 needs to stop making soulless music that sounds good on the surface...
honorable mentions: harrow, magic (milgram project), ghosting (mother mother), it's not like i like you (static-p). every time i listen to inlily i lose a bit of my soul from cringe but it's regained by the end of the song because its honestly pretty sweet.
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nverl0st · 3 months
"fight or flight
i'd rather die than have to cry in front of you
fight or flight
i'd rather lie than tell you i'm in love with you"
wtf??? who allowed him to write these lyrics?? stop!!!! aasdnfasdjfnasdfja.
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