nwoko-solomon · 8 days
6778443451Rocky Rabbit Token
Rocky Rabbit is a free crypto mining token, it is legit and a great opportunity to make real money true Rocky Rabbit free mining token. It will be listed in the crypto market on the 21st of September 2024, which is this month and you have 3 weeks left to make a lot of dollars with this crypto token-free mining. Rocky Rabbit is one of the top 10 best free online crypto-mining that can change your…
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nwoko-solomon · 17 days
"The Sad Rat"
A fat cockroach ate the huge, big fishsaid it’s the rat,It hurts the rat badly but,He did not cry though. The cockroach is red,With black spots on the headJust like the rat, but black all around. The sad rat, punished for red-black cockroachCry in pain with a promise to exposeThe tall, thin house owner. On a thick dark nightThe cockroach on the huge, big fishagain,But this time caughtthe…
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nwoko-solomon · 5 months
The Role of Students in Building Their Moral Values.
Often, the misbehaviors and immoral acts of most students are blamed on poor parenting/upbringing; and the inability of educational institutions, especially teaching staff to teach and influence students with moral values. In as much as it is factual that most of the social vices emanating from most students are a result of failure in parental responsibility on the part of most parents, and the…
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nwoko-solomon · 9 months
The Psychology of Management/Administration
Table of Contents Meaning of Management/Administrationb. The Meaning of Psychologyc. Meaning of Psychology of Management/Administration Basic Principles and Functions of Management/Administration Boss Manager/Administrator and Leader Manager/Administratorb. Who is a Boss?c. What is Leadership?d. Who is a Leader? Nwoko S. I’s Theory of the Psychology of Time and Effects on Behavior…
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nwoko-solomon · 9 months
The Psychology of Management/Administration
Table of Contents Meaning of Management/Administrationb. The Meaning of Psychologyc. Meaning of Psychology of Management/Administration Basic Principles and Functions of Management/Administration Boss Manager/Administrator and Leader Manager/Administratorb. Who is a Boss?c. What is Leadership?d. Who is a Leader? Nwoko S. I’s Theory of the Psychology of Time and Effects on Behavior…
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nwoko-solomon · 10 months
The Psychology of Management/Administration, Boss Manager/Leader Manager.
Table of Contents Meaning of Management/Administrationb. The Meaning of Psychologyc. Meaning of Psychology of Management/Administration Basic Principles and Functions of Management/Administration Boss Manager/Administrator and Leader Manager/Administratorb. Who is a Boss?c. What is Leadership?d. Who is a Leader? Nwoko S. I’s Theory of the Psychology of Time and Effects on Behavior…
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nwoko-solomon · 11 months
Teenagers and Sunday School, the Secret of Teaching Teenagers
IntroductionSunday School is teaching and learning activities that take place in the church. Just like in saccular learning where every subject has a major textbook, so it is in Sunday school. The major textbook in Sunday school is the Bible, and the sub-textbook is the Sunday school manual. The learning activities in Sunday school deal with man and his relationship with God his Maker, his…
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nwoko-solomon · 11 months
Teaching as a Profession, Characteristics, Control of Misconducts, and Incentives as the Best Motivation for Good Teaching
IntroductionTeaching should be regarded as a profession. It is a form of public service that requires the teachers’ expert knowledge and specialized skills, acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing study. It also calls for a sense of personal and corporate responsibility for the education and welfare of the learners in their charge. A profession deals with a special field of…
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
How Often I Walk and Rum
How often do you walk or run? Walking and running are almost my hobby. I walk down to my work place from Monday to Friday daily, which is about 25 to 30 minutes walk. I play football (soccer) every Thursday, running around the pitch for over an hour. So with these, I can say I walk and run good enough.
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
My Personality Trait
What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you? While one thing I know that more than one individual has accused me of is being argumentative. They said I argue a lot. However, more people like me for this and often call for my opinion. One thing with me is that when I see someone trying to convince me otherwise of what I know very well, I would always stand my ground and defend…
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
My Grudge
Are you holding a grudge? About? Of course, I have a grudge against the political system of my country. People who are not ready to serve through rigging and thuggery force themselves into political leadership just to steal, and kill outspoken citizens, leaving the country and the masses in abject poverty, insecurity, and mess. So, tell me, why will I not hold a grudge against them?
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
My Ideal Home
What does your ideal home look like? I want my home to be intellectually, spiritually, morally, financially, maritally and parentally sound. I want my children to have the best education, and my wife and I with our kids to have good morals, in good relationships with God, fellow men, and ourselves. And I need a legal job or business or the selling of my books that can give me enough resources to…
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
What will bring Tear of Joy
What brings a tear of joy to your eye? If I can have financial support right now, tears of joy will definitely flow from my eyes.
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
Why I Blog
Why do you blog? When I look at the world and the activities that go on in it, I am often conceived of what to say, the advice to give, or suggestions to make. Since I don’t have the capacity to travel around the globe telling people what I think about any situation, I, therefore employ blogging as a medium through which I make my ideas, suggestions, and beliefs known, if not to the entire…
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
How I Feel Now
How are you feeling right now? To be honest, I am having mixed feelings. When I look at my family, my lovely kids and wife, and God’s grace upon us, I feel joyful and good. But when I consider the terrible situation of my country, the level of poverty, hunger, unemployment, insecurity, etc. caused by the very bad, selfish, and poor leadership system of our political leaders, I feel very sad,…
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
The Last Thing I Searched online Today
Tomorrow Thursday by 7 pm, I will be teaching a group of Teenagers “How to Avoid Being a Perpetrator or Victim of Rape and Incest.” Hence, I searched online for Bible verses that deal with rape and incest. What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?
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nwoko-solomon · 1 year
My TV shows as a Kid
What TV shows did you watch as a kid? There are a good number of TV shows I watched when was a kid, I can, however, remember the names of two among them all. One is Willy, Willy, and the other is Isaworu. Willy Willy was the best and the most popular Nigerian horror movie TV Show shown on our national TV. It was watched by almost every family in Nigeria as of the 90s. Those who don’t have a…
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