nyaivequnari · 11 months
5e Conversion Guide for Dragon Age
So! YEARS ago my friends and I decided we wanted to play the Dragon Age TTRPG, which uses the AGE system, a 3d6 base system instead of based around a d20. Its cool, but has, some faults. In the end we wanted to play in 5e, and some things don’t translate super obviously. So I decided to take some time and build a guide for my players on how we were gonna do this thing. We did it and it has worked pretty well so far so here it is:  https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/ByGmBB7pl
Some notes on my conversion: I made Abominations, Blood Magic, Templars, and Grey Wardens into feats rather than subclasses or backgrounds or what have you. The reason is that I wanted character, at any point, to be able to become things like, an abomination, a warden, a templar, etc. I wanted it to be possible to have rogue templars, monk wardens, literally just whatever you want. 
I also cut out some spells from my game. Obviously if you want to use this build  that’s up to you but some teleportation and conjuration spells and WISH and the like are kinda lore breaking IMO so in my game they’re out mostly (mostly).  This PDF also includes my Homebrew for the Reaver subclass of barbarians. It’s based heavily on how the Reavers function in DAI and is very fun to play! I hope at least one of you out there builds a reaver because goddamn they’re great.  Finally, if any of you try this out and like it, or find problems with it, please let me know! I’m just messing around here and I’ve made plenty of changes over the years. 
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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—i like the article.
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
Qunari fanfiction
Recently started reading a dai fanfiction focusing on the life of a tamassran. If I find more enjoyable literature I'll list it below.
Tamassran by Eric Rosé
"The first of two novels, this psychological drama set in the high-fantasy world of BioWare's "Dragon Age", examines the nature of and tensions between hope and despair, judgement and compassion, isolation and love, and the way in which hope can be used to wage a hidden war in the face of overwhelming social, military, and supernatural antagonists." (Eric Rosé)
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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A buff, qunari nutritionist organizing ingredients.
I really wonder what level of technology the qunari achieved outside military applications. It's apparently similar to the dwarves level, but they rely on lyrium and have a very different living environment.
How do they produce nutrition in an organized, efficient manner? Do they still manufacture it like in small gilds or have larger, highly specialized line production set-ups?
Process in the image link
#qunari #dragonage #arigena #craft
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
#saarebas #talvashoth #adaar #qun
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would be cool if bioware had let u be a Real tal-vashoth and not a born-outside-the-Qun vashoth... anyway i'm thinking about my boy Adaar
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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TALISSALA ADAAR - dragon age: inquisition
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
qunari gender system thoughts!!! i read some head canons about this long time ago and it got me thinking.
tw transphobic takes and gender dysphoria mentioned (all under the cut).
i really like the common idea that there could be at least 3 branches of gender identities (according to the system of triumvirate), or that each particular role/job could be perceived a separate gender just like there is a spectrum in our modern understanding.
consequently, would qunari even take something mostly irrelevant to their role performance into consideration? bioware’s writing yes, it would, but realistically speaking, would qunari even have a gender system as in modern understanding? i’m betting on that some sort of gender indentity would appear individually, but that wouldn’t be something they pay much attention to?
i absolutely adore the idea that qunari just decided that their word for warrior/warrior gender equals thedosian word for male gender. that they decided that, not knowing on which features the perception of gender on the continent is based. then it is natural from sten’s point of view to be surprised by women in warden’s party. in this head canon he may be simply linguistically confused (especially since he is presented as someone really curious about languages). “this person would be a ‘warrior’ in my culture, their word for it is a ‘man’, but for some reason this person does not go by a proper title.” it may be as confusing to him as to continue to call a person, who left the role of a baker and became a blacksmith, a baker. (and then we shall ignore whatever bioware writes about qunari’s gender.)
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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I did a couple vitaar + hairstyle concepts for Astrid a while ago and managed to forget about it. Found them and gave names coz why not =D 1. No Vitaar (Skyhold) 2. Par Vollen Hennin (offical attire) 3. Frost Step (combat) 4. Cranberry Wine (Winter Palace gown) 5. Road to Orzammar (combat) 6. Kaltenzahn (combat)
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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@laskulls vibrant illustration of qunari from dai race choices.
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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these Qunari are posing sensually tbh i m having a great time in da2 hoo boy !!
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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Qunari & Tal-Vashoth Names (Summary)
by @brood-mother
Qunari Names are based on their role/job: Ashaad (scout), Karasten (corporal), . . .
Tamassrans raising the youth, hold the birth names in secrecy
Tal-Vashoth reject Qunari society and take on a chosen word from the qunlat language: Aban (the sea), Maraas (nothing), Taam-kas (battle axe), . . .
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
butting heads
#qunari #hawke #da2
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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Aike (deviantart): a qunari warrior
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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Qunari culture steadily changes with the adoption of other cuisines. Dishes are to be efficiently produced, energy dense and highly nutritious.
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
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Happy Dragon Age Day everyone! How are you celebrating? Will probably start a new DA2 playthrough later today...
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nyaivequnari · 1 year
Qunari and the Kossith
I need to know SO MUCH MORE ABOUT THEM. I’m dying for more lore. We have so much history related to the elves and even got some really interesting earth-changing lore for the dwarves, but I NEED MORE about my dragon people.
Like the Kossith…Bull says he doesn’t think they look much like Qunari. So I wonder, are they more draconic, or less? There’s virtually nothing available on them for any sort of lore, and I’m absolutely dying to know.
How did dragon blood become introduced in the qunari people like Bull thinks? Were the Kossith so close to being dragons that mating was involved, and evolution led to the qunari?
Why did the qunari have to leave? Were the Kossith hostile to their less-draconic offspring? Rejected?
And how would Old Gods and the elven pantheon tie in to all of this given their ties to dragons and dragon forms?
Please if anyone has ANY scrap of lore or even just really great fan fiction about this PLEASE send it my way, I need answersssss
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