nyangafamily3xoxo · 9 months
Happy happy new year ♡
There were many places that didn't reach last year, but this year I will do my best to show everyone in a good way so that they can work harder and improve! You all worked hard and studied hard last year.Thank you for your hard work in 2023. Let's enjoy 2024 in the new year together with Tsuki and Uta of Nyangafamily.
I am very happy and grateful to be able to welcome 2024 together!!! I look forward to working with you again this year. Let's be healthy, happy and healthy together!! Let's have a year full of happiness and full of happiness♡
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Happy happy new year ♡
また新しい年の2024年はにゃんがぁふぁみりーのつきとうたといっしょに楽しみましょう(*´ー`*) 一緒に2024年を迎えられてとても幸せで感謝しています!!!
今年もよろしくお願いします。 一緒に元気で幸せに健やかに過ごしましょう!! 幸せいっぱいでハッピーが溢れちゃう1年にしましょうね(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 1 year
Nyangafamily's self-introduction video of Tsuki and Uta【Eng】【Jp】
This is a brief self-introduction video of Tatsuta with Nyanga Familly.
 Hello everyone who is new to me and who is supporting me🐯😸
 The new Vtuber of parents and children 🎵
 It is distributed by parents and children, but Uta is still young, so please understand that Tsuki will mainly distribute it.Please keep a warm eye on the turbulent end of your life (*´艸)) 
The two of us are doing our best, so please keep an eye on us ♡
 Please get along with me☆
 Thank you for your cooperation. ☆
We are looking for things we want you to do, things you want to hear, etc! *Please do not abuse too much♪ 
 ▼With Twitter @Rookie Vtuber: https://twitter.com/Nyanga_Tsuki 
 ▼Twitter song @Rookie Vtuber: https://twitter.com/Nyanga__Uta 
 ▼Please register for the channel! 
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 1 year
Nyangafamily 自己紹介動画  self introduction video
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
テスト配信始めました! Distribution started
つきが雑談配信しながらテスト配信を始めてみました。 試行錯誤しながら頑張っていきますのでよろしくお願いいたします♪ 何かありましたら、ご指摘よろしくお願いいたします。
Tsuki started the test distribution while chatting. I will do my best through trial and error, so please take good care of me♪ If there is anything, please let me know.
쓰키가 잡담 전달하���서 테스트 전달을 시작해 보았습니다. 시행착오를 겪으면서 노력할테니 잘 부탁드립니다♪ 도움이 필요하시면 지적 부탁드립니다.
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
≪謹 賀 新 年≫
≪謹 賀 新 年≫ 明けましておめでとうございます✨ 本年も宜しくお願い致します🎍 2023年が皆様にとって今年一年も充実した年になりますように🍀 いつも応援ありがとうございます。 昨年以上ににゃんがぁふぁみりー一同頑張っていきますので宜しくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m✨ 令和五年 元旦
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nyangafamily3xoxo · 2 years
≪謹 賀 新 年≫
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≪謹 賀 新 年≫ 明けましておめでとうございます✨ 本年も宜しくお願い致します🎍 2023年が皆様にとって今年一年も充実した年になりますように🍀 いつも応援ありがとうございます。 昨年以上ににゃんがぁふぁみりー一同頑張っていきますので宜しくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m✨ 令和五年 元旦
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